Chapter 5
During the lunch break, colleagues who usually prefer takeaway, uncharacteristically chose to go out to eat together.

Things have come to this, and it is indeed time to have a breakup meal so that we can get together and leave.

Li Lu went to the rest area alone, and lay down on the sofa after eating a couple of snacks.

It's not that he doesn't fit in, it's just that he can't stand discussing with his colleagues such topics as "paying you for a few months' wages" and "have you found a new home?"

Work is nothing more than working for an organization.

It's not a big deal when you start and leave, and the survival of the company is none of your business. There's nothing to be sad about, and there's nothing to discuss.

The only thing lost right now, the truly precious thing, is "Steam Girl".

In the following life, I will inevitably move around in various jobs.

It's just that there is no chance to build a pure stand-alone machine without asking tomorrow.

If you must become the walking dead of the capital world, do those nasty projects.

It's better not to leave "Fantasy Township" back then, and keep cheating kryptonites to make a lot of money.

Damn, it's so annoying.

Whenever such unsolvable troubles arise, Li Lu will subconsciously open the game.

Evasion is shameful, but useful.

The Witch was right about one thing.

Playing games for a while when you are upset can indeed release stress, and you will be happier and more courageous to face the next thing.

So Li Lu skillfully plugged in the earphones, lay on the sofa, held the mobile phone and clicked on the "Harry Potter" that he was playing recently.

After the screen reading interface flashed, a black-haired, melancholy and handsome character named "Half-Blood Prince L" appeared on the screen.

The moment Li Lu saw his game character, lines flashed in Li Lu's mind.

"Gryffindor's spicy chicken Muggle, don't learn to play games at noon? I'll kill you!"

In an instant, he put on a black robe, picked up his wand and rushed into the dueling club.

Just as he was about to click Single Duel to vent his anger, a dazzling invitation popped up——

["Begging my teammate first" invites you to a double duel]

Li Lu's head grew dizzy instantly.

This is the "difficult teammate" in his mouth, not only food, but also chatter, and even the ID is full of malice.

Li Lu and this person met in the game, and there was an event where he wanted to form a team with "people nearby", so he just added a nearby friend and fought a duel together.

However, after winning the game, the girlish voice of "Professor is so handsome! Take me to Oita together!" suddenly appeared in the voice.

Because her voice was too immature, and because she played really well, only dealing 26% of the team's damage, Li Lu defined her as a female primary school student at the time.

Naturally, he didn't reply and ran away quickly.

But that person insisted on sending a message, inviting him to form a team.

Li Lu thought that the winter vacation was coming, and it would be a good fortune for the children to experience the cruelty of high scores, give up the game and study hard, so he reluctantly agreed.

There is no doubt that this is a decision that the Half-Blood Prince regrets for the rest of his life.

From then on, the elementary school student began to wait for him to go online like a tree waiting for a rabbit, and kept inviting duels.

In one month, he successfully lowered the Half-Blood Prince's division by two levels.

She called "Hit my teammate first and beg", which was already disgusting.

But I don't know if the opponent has no brains or what, so I really listen to her!

Under the implication of this ID, those opponents who had no tacit understanding at all started to fight in style.

This caused Li Lu to suffer double the onslaught in every game, and the speed of light in the blood bar bottomed out.

Often Li Lu was dead, but she was still walking down the street.

All in all, playing games with her is simply supercharged. The setbacks in life are not enough, and the game also forces you to move forward with heavy burdens.

If it wasn't for her nice voice and fondness for chatting, Li Lu would have blocked her long ago.

As for now.

Li Lu came to release the pressure, so naturally he refused the invitation to form a team without thinking about it.

But the moment he refused, a new invitation message popped up again.

Just reject it and pop it up, just reject it and pop it up...

This person is obviously crazy about teaming up.

are you crazy!

Li Lu clicked on the chat box angrily, only to find that she had already sent a message:
[Hit my teammate first and beg: Professor, I am so annoying, quickly take me to bully the Gryffindor kids together]

Li Lu tapped frantically and replied:

[Half-Blood Prince L: Primary school students study hard for me during the day, don't bother me playing singles. 】

[Hit my teammate first and beg: Woohoo, there is nothing worth nostalgic about in the third dimension... I left the professor, I went to Two-dimensional...]

[Half-Blood Prince L: Damn, don't use this trick all the time! 】

[Begging my teammate first: Remember me, must smile when you think of me...]

【Half-Blood Prince L: Oh, thank God, you can go now. 】

[Begging my teammate first: a new set of clothes is very nice, I just bought a set by hand, give it to the professor. 】

[Half-Blood Prince L: How many times have I said that elementary school students don't want krypton gold! 】

[Begging my teammate first: I already gave it to you hehe. 】

[Half-Blood Prince L: Got it, got it...Tuuuuuu, hurry up. 】

[Hit my teammate first and beg: hey~~]

That's the way money-making ability is, and it's always so immediate.

A few seconds later, a girl with big eyes and dull skin wearing a student uniform appeared beside the half-blood prince, and raised her magic wand solemnly.

The girlish voice then burst out from the earphones:
"Turn on the speech professor! Turn on the speech score! Bully the Gryffindor kids at noon! Restore the glory of Slytherin!"

"Alas..." Li Lu sighed, and turned on the voice, "Can you hear me?"


"That begins."


I have to say that although the game experience is very poor, it is barely a loss to be able to hear this vitality sound.

Soon, the tense battle began.

In the arena, the Half-Blood Prince set up his formation as before, and stepped forward to resist the pressure.

The elementary school students shrank to the corner as before, and changed their tone, entering the atmosphere of drinking and chatting: "Oh, the three-dimensional thing is so troublesome, professor..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hit me seriously!" Li Lu scolded.

"Professor, you are so good at playing games, you must be very smart, and you must be a very successful person in the third dimension."

"Hiding skills! Quickly dodging skills! The Flying Curse is going to suck you! Oh fuck..."

"However, it's actually not easy now. It's because there are too many connections in reality that you will face more troubles and anxiety...Right, professor?"

"Stay away from me! If you stand together, you will be killed by A!"

"Oh, why did you hang up the professor who had a good chat with you?"

"...I'm going to solo queue, goodbye."

"Don't, don't, I'll play hard in the next game!"

After the speed of light failed, the next duel began.

The next opening, can not be said to be deja vu, can only be said to be exactly the same.

The primary school student shrank to the corner and sighed: "Why does the third dimension always force me to do things I hate? To put on a hypocritical face and hurt poor people like me with a tone that I don't like..."

"Don't talk about three dimensions, you have already hurt me at Hogwarts!"

"Then I'll hit it hard! Look at my exploding fireworks! Oops, I missed~~~"

"It's not a matter of hitting or not...Damn it, you obviously hit me!!"

"Hey~~ Misunderstood, the role of the professor seems to be a villain~"

"I can't do it anymore, I'm going to solo queue after this game... my blood pressure can't stand it anymore."

"Professor Wuwuwusi doesn't want me anymore... I can only go to Two-dimensional."

"Go, hurry up, na na na!!"

"Professor, the pronunciation of 'na' is so correct~"


"Ah, why are all the opponents down? Did you win?"

"...You have no idea what I have endured."

"It's a good score, okay, continue to get a big score!"

(End of this chapter)

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