Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 6 Don't do that kind of thing!

Chapter 6 Don't do that kind of thing!

After the game ended, Li Lu didn't leave the team, and didn't even start the next game. Instead, he held his head to stabilize his blood pressure.

"As a primary school student, it is enough to study hard. This is not a pressure at all. Can you let me go?" He tried hard to persuade.

"I told you I'm not a primary school student!" The girl said with a high air, "I'm a genius girl who graduated with a master's degree!"

"Okay, okay... Then go according to your personality." Li Lu closed his eyes and sighed, "Since you are a genius girl, life must be smooth, so don't let me relieve pressure."

"How can it be so smooth..." The girl sighed, "Things at work are not as black and white as playing games. For my own survival, I have to use a lot of tricks and do a lot of ruthless things."

"Hehe." Li Lu smiled disdainfully, "Tell me what bad things you did? Did you copy your homework?"

"Don't talk about it, you won't be happy if you talk about it, don't let the three-dimensional thing pollute Two-dimensional, this is my principle."

"But you've been polluting me!"

"Ah? Is there any~~ let's not talk about it, let's fight first, I want to score!"

"You fight, I have to lie down for a while." Li Lu rubbed the middle of the person and said, "I may spend an afternoon to heal the encounter between the two duels just now."

"Huh? Aren't you an IT elite? You still bring fishes when you go to work?"

"Primary school students don't use vocabulary indiscriminately. Lunch break is my right."

"It's already past 1:5, and most companies arrive at one o'clock for their lunch break, right?"

"Where is it so strict?"

"Heh, if I meet a subordinate like you in our company, I will show you some color."

"Oh? Are you still a class leader, a disciplinary committee member?"

"I told you I'm not a primary school student!" After the girl scolded her, she also sighed, "But I really shouldn't play anymore, and I'm going to start doing troublesome things again."

"Collect homework?"

"Bah bah bah!"

"Take it easy, I'm going down, and take a nap while fishing."

"Don't, just chat for another 10 minutes, I'll survive on this, professor!!"

"Still saying that I am not your decompression tool?!"

"Oh my, then I'll think of something interesting to share with the professor..." the girl muttered, "Wait a minute, I'll get a cup of coffee first."

"Heh, let's go to the school drinking room to fetch water."

"Aha, I remembered!" The girl suddenly snickered, "Today I met a Two-dimensional with a particularly positive taste, it's almost as good as you, Professor!!"

"It's none of my business?"

"Yes, yes, that's how you feel!"

The girl seemed to be walking happily while saying:

"Coincidentally, he also plays the game and likes to use Snape.

He also imagined himself as a lone hero, resisting pressure and saving the world alone.

He also said that Snape was sacrificing himself to create space for his teammates.

Hahahahaha, it's obviously his teammates who are trying their best to milk Snape, please stop wasting and live on!

The old Two-dimensional who has no idea at all, hahahahaha!

Wait a minute, I'm almost in the lounge, my voice should be quieter, I can't let my colleagues hear me talking like this, otherwise I can't control them..."


Li Lu was silent, stiff, and stopped.

No way.

It wouldn't be so coincidental.

But at this moment, he clearly heard the footsteps of a flat leather shoe approaching step by step... Approaching...

Li Lu slowly sat up from the sofa, turning his head little by little.


Don't do that kind of thing...

Right at this moment.

The moment that woman's legs entered Li Lu's field of vision.

A voice came from the two worlds at the same time:
"By the way, that person is still a little Coke! Professor, you are also a little Coke, right, hahahaha!"

"I'm not Coke!!!" Li Lu angrily reflexively said.

"Eh? Why do I seem to hear your voice in reality..."



At this moment, the four eyes met.

Lin Li stayed with her mouth open, and froze at the entrance of the lounge as if under a freezing spell.

And Li Lu was sitting on the sofa and turned his head, his face full of expressions of "don't want that kind of thing".

Her eyes widened a little bit, and his jaw drooped a little bit.


Lin Li's phone fell to the ground.

She trembled immediately, leaned over and grabbed it.

"Hand...hand slipped..."

Li Lu could clearly see beads of sweat forming on her face.

Li Lu himself quickly rolled over and got up: "I'm do something..."


When the sight is about to pass by.

"...Half...Half-blood prince?" Lin Li stared in front of him, and asked helplessly.

Li Lu froze, and replied tremblingly: "...I got it wrong, what the hell is a half-blood prince..."

However, at this moment, his weak tone had already exposed everything.

"It''s over." Lin Li gritted his teeth sideways, and muttered to himself, "How could such a coincidence come you..."

"I've said it all...I'm wrong..." Li Lu swallowed, "Just pretend nothing happened...I'll delete the game right now."

"Okay..." Lin Li looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice, "Don't expose what I said, and I won't tell others that you are Little Coke."

"???" Li Lu's face tensed instantly, "I'm not a little Coke in the first place!"

Lin Li sighed softly: "Now that things have come to an end, you don't need to pretend any more, that's the deal."

"Deal with me!"

"Then change the conditions..." Lin Li rubbed her forehead nervously and said, "Well, I'll give you a week to seal up "Steam Girl"."

Li Lugang wanted to agree.

But suddenly he raised his eyebrows.

Eh hey!


In this relationship, I am the leader.

I have a little plan and I'm afraid of getting caught.

She is the witch who wants to maintain her brutal rule.

If others know that she is so bad at playing games, she is just pretending to be strong, she is essentially an elementary school student who wants to escape into Two-dimensional all day long, and she is the one who is screwed!

Li Lu burst into a Voldemort-like laugh on the spot.

"A week is not enough, I need a month." He said coldly.

"Don't push yourself..." Lin Li wiped off his sweat more and more painfully, "It's impossible to advance "Steam Girl". The current environment simply makes it impossible to release any games. If you have time, it's better to think of other ways out."

"You're mistaken, "Steam Girl" is the only precious thing."

"Are you an idiot..." Lin Li scratched her head anxiously, "Don't bring the two-dimensional persistence to the three-dimensional...the three-dimensional has the law of the three-dimensional, and you little Coke are so delirious?"

"It doesn't matter, no matter what you say about Little Coke, I won't be angry anymore." Li Lu snorted and said with a smile, "It's only a month, and if you pay me an extra month's salary, no one will die. Besides, it's not you who pays."

Lin Li shook her head vigorously and said, "You really don't understand anything, are you all focused on playing Snape? How did you survive in the third dimension..."

"I don't care, anyway, it's a deal?"

"Let's make a decision..." Lin Li glanced at the colleagues who came back from lunch from the corner of her eye, gritted her teeth and said, "Go to work first, and find a place with fewer people after get off work."

"Then remember to count it as overtime for me."

"Is there a face to ask for overtime pay for overtime lunch break?"

"Aren't you fishing and playing games in the office?"

"... Keep your voice down!"

"Ha, see you after get off work~~"


(End of this chapter)

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