Create a virtual anchor with the witch boss

Chapter 7 "The Witch's Quotations"

Chapter 7 "The Witch's Quotations"

Li Lu returned to his work station refreshed, leaving only Lin Li to drink his coffee in great pain.

The situation suddenly became optimistic.

I, the Half-Blood Prince, did not travel in vain.

Recalling Lin Li's violent comments in the game in the past, Li Lu wished he could compile them into quotations on the spot.

No, don't wait for it.

Right now, start organizing right now, not missing a single word.

Before getting off work, he photographed this shameful evidence in front of Lin Li.

How dare she be disobedient?
At worst, everyone will die!
Li Lu stared, and created a new document while it was hot.

key come!

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! !

Under his sharp fingering, Lin Li's shameful quotes were born——

[Three-dimensional is rubbish, Two-dimensional is justice! 】

[Compared with the natural world that snatches energy and lingers, the spiritual paradise that carries all our dreams is the place we really want to go. 】

【Reality gave me a real body, but I used that body to pursue the illusory light! 】

【Professor, we should be the light, the light of the spirit, it is just imprisoned by a black box called the body. 】

[JK, my love, Baisi, my love, Baisi JK, my Bible! 】

【My soul will always be a high school girl! 】

[The stars and seas exist, but what does that have to do with me? 】

[Dreams, friendship, and victory are my eternity! 】

["Three-Body" has already told us that the end of the universe is Two-dimensional, and Teacher Cixin insists on Two-dimensional. 】

[I want to wear white silk to work, but I dare not, I am so humble and weak. 】

【Asshole, professor, why did you come in so late? Only by fighting with a two-dimensional partner like the professor can I ignite my fighting spirit! 】


These words, just typing these words, Li Lu already had goosebumps, and he didn't dare to recall her voice at that time.

How painful this person is in the third dimension is that he needs to vent like this.

But looking back and thinking about it...

Lin Li should be the best kind of person in the three-dimensional world.

Graduated from a prestigious school with a master's degree in management, and became an executive at a young age.

Although I am ashamed to admit it, she is indeed very beautiful, not the kind who makes up her head and poses with makeup, she is really a natural beauty, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

All aspects of the witch's qualities are here, and she is obviously a top-notch cashier who everyone loves to see flowers bloom. How can there be so many unsatisfactory emotions?
Could it be... I really want to wear white silk to work but I can't, and I'm sick?

do not care.

Write down all the evidence first.

I'm sorry Miss Lin Li.

The Internet is not a lawless place!
While Li Lurui was typing, a barbell-like laughter suddenly came from behind him.

"What are you doing, Teacher Lu~~~"

Li Lu was startled, and instantly closed the document, not even daring to click save.

"Oh~~" Ah Zheng patted Li Lu on the shoulder and smiled, "Are you watching a short movie on your work computer?"

"I'm not...I..." Li Lu hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to lower his head, "Yes, I'm watching a short movie."

"Your reaction doesn't seem to be as simple as a small movie..." Ah Zheng rubbed his chin and said, "Aren't you secretly watching Lele dance?"

"It's even more impossible!" Li Lu scolded, "I'm just watching small movies, and I like to watch small movies at my workstation, it's exciting."

As the so-called three evils choose the lesser.

Compared with "writing a Two-dimensional Bible" and "admitting that I am a little Coke", it is more peaceful to be a pervert watching a small movie.

at the same time.

There was a knock on the door in the director's office.

"Ahh." Ah Zheng said in a daze, "It's too arrogant, I'm afraid Mr. Lin may have heard it."

"It doesn't matter." Li Lu casually breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was before, he might have opened the window and jumped off the building.

But now for some reason, Li Lu, who has been baptized by Two-dimensional, Little Coke, doesn't care at all.

This is probably the state after the shame has been broken down.

As for Ah Zheng, he had already thrown away those unnecessary things, and he didn't take it seriously at all. He just sipped his milk tea and sat down and said, "It really doesn't matter. Anyway, people here will part ways soon, and we won't see each other again."

Li Lu took advantage of the situation and glanced at the work area.

Indeed, as Ah Zheng said, many desks have been vacated.

"Oh, we're about to break up too." Li Lu couldn't help sighing softly.

"It's really hard to say about this." Ah Zheng suddenly nodded seriously, "Mr. Lu, I may be one of the few left."

"??? You fucking are like that, can you stay?"

As soon as Li Lu's words came out, he froze.

Wait... I made a mistake in judging the witch.

She is not a vulgar villain who hates Two-dimensional.

It is the existence of a Two-dimensional pope who will be crowned in the dream...

In other words.

People like Ah Zheng...

Chacha will become her most admired, trusted, and loyal...

Two-dimensional Archbishop? !
"Hehe, it looks like you've discovered it too." Ah Zheng raised his glasses in an air. "I got the news at lunch just now. When everyone talked to Big Sister, they clearly negotiated the compensation."

Li Lu was startled and said, "But when she was talking to you, she didn't mention a word about this?"

"That's necessary. I just let me go after I said 'pinch'." Ah Zheng sneered, "So I have reason to guess that the person who didn't mention the compensation is the winner who survived this cold winter." .”

After finishing speaking, Ah Zheng looked at Li Lu regretfully: "You have been talking for almost half an hour, and you are all discussing compensation... Sigh... See you again by fate."

Before Li Lu could answer, a colleague who had just walked out of Lin Li's office came over.

"Li Lu, Mr. Lin said that before resigning, he will summarize the project information for you."

Li Lu hurriedly got up to greet him: "Yes, yes, you have worked hard."

"You are the one who worked hard." The colleague breathed a sigh of relief, a little sad, but nodded with some hope, "Come on, if "Steam Girl" is really online one day in the future, you must notify me to buy a copy."

"Definitely." Li Luzhen nodded and said, "I will emphasize in the document that everyone's name must be written on the future production list."


Next, after everyone who entered the studio to talk came out, they would come to Li Lu to hand over the work.

It seems that the witch deliberately mentioned this matter during the conversation.

When the colleagues handed over the information to Li Lu, they also left words of encouragement.

Being able to hand over the waste case at hand to someone you trust can be regarded as an open curtain call of "Steam Girl" with thoughts.

So throughout the afternoon, Li Lu didn't sort out the "Lin Li Quotations", but simply organized the materials, marked the engineering documents and art materials one by one, stored them in categories, and indicated the details of each process on the project schedule. Data directory.

All of this is just for those who will take over the project in the future to be able to see at a glance and restart quickly.

Of course, the most important thing is to preserve the spirit and temperature of "Steam Girl" as much as possible.

If the team is changed in the future, it is inevitable that "Steam Girl" will change its taste, but this does not affect Li Lu's best means to seal it.

(End of this chapter)

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