Chapter 8 is over

Li Lu kept busy till dusk.

At six o'clock, when the alarm clock rang for Ah Zheng's get off work, there were not many people in the office.

At this moment, Lin Li, who had been talking for a whole day, just walked out of the office.

After scanning these people a little tiredly, she knocked on the window of the office and said:

"Get ready, there will be a meeting in the negotiating room in five minutes."

The only few people were taken aback.

The little girl at the front desk who was packing her handbag and preparing to run away asked, "Um... I'm going too?"

"Yes." Lin Li nodded with a smile, "Those who haven't left yet have stayed."

Several people let out a short exclamation at the same time.

Only Ah Zheng raised his glasses steadily, as if he had expected everything.

On the other side, Lin Li looked at several people in turn, and said word by word:
"Let me briefly describe the reality of the situation.

"Steam Girl" could not see any hope of being released, and the company had no value at all to sell.

This is the current industry situation. The boss wants to stop the loss as soon as possible and go directly to the bankruptcy process.

It took me a long time to convince him to give us another six months to gamble with the last bit of capital.

The rest of the budget can only support a full-time team of up to 6 people, including me.

So I have to fire 90% of the people, and it's hard to accept that someone wastes precious man hours to clean up the aftermath of "Steamgirls". "

At this point, Lin Li's eyes stopped on Li Lu, and after a slight nod, she walked towards the lounge with a coffee cup in her hand.

At this moment, Li Lu thought everything through:
First of all, although I don't know Lin Li's selection criteria, he and Ah Zheng are indeed one of the six people who stayed.

This has nothing to do with playing games at noon, it was determined as early as the morning conversation.

Secondly, she didn't want to waste too much time on "Steam Girl", purely for the consideration of her next work.

At last……

Li Lu couldn't help sweeping towards the only few colleagues.

He himself can barely be considered the chief planner, but the backbones of the main artist and the main program have all been dismissed.

Although Ah Zheng can model, he can do nothing but make beautiful girls...

It can be said that this is his only advantage and the meaning of existence.

From the perspective of the team, shouldn't there be an artist with more comprehensive skills?
As for the girl at the front desk...

What?Our company also has a front desk?

Wasn't there a Gundam there before?

Xiao Gao did a pretty good job, why do you replace it?
Come to think of it, the boss seemed to be distressed that Gundam was always being touched by others, so he moved it home, and then recruited a seems to be Cheng Xiaowan.

It was the first time that Li Lu seriously looked at this girl.

Let’s start with the conclusion——

Not as good as Gundam.

She was chubby and cute, but after facing Lin Li's decision, she only showed innocence and panic. She looked like a furry college intern, as if she had been bullied by a rough big sister.

Indeed, this gap is too much.

Although Li Lu does not reject this little sister, he always feels that the company recruited her purely to stimulate male colleagues to write more codes.

The budget is already so tight, wouldn't it be too wasteful to provide a mascot?

Even if you have to support it, wouldn't it be more exciting to move Gundam back than her?

The other two people also made Li Lu puzzled.

One is Zhao Wenqi, a female copywriter who is full of negative energy.

She has been here for a year, and her business ability and writing talent are very good. The work will always be completed ahead of schedule, like a black hole of work, which can suck in no matter how many tasks are given to her.

It's just that his personality is too gloomy, and he always assumes the worst about everything, and he feels like the kind of person who would dive with Osamu Dazai.

I haven't seen her wearing a skirt all year round. She wears loose sportswear in wind and rain. The collar is always turned up, so that it is convenient to retract her neck...

Then it shrinks to one day.

Catch up with the days of wearing green sportswear, it's like a ghost girl glued to the work station.

The last one is a handsome guy with glasses named Shen Lang, who is also a hardcore technical geek.

This person was born with a classically handsome face, and he was well-mannered when speaking and doing things. It was really hard to be hated.

But I just love fishing, and it is the kind of fishing that is particularly planned and principled.

Since joining the company for a year, I have never been late or left early once, and I go to and from get off work on time every day, and I am extremely serious about completing everything in the company other than work.

Including but not limited to serializing science fiction novels, chasing anime, reading niche forums, translating subtitles for the Sinicization group, self-developing various meaningless gizmos, explaining the pros and cons of various brands of cat food to colleagues...

In addition, although he loves his two-dimensional wife very much, he has some deep-seated three-dimensional misophobia. He usually gets along with male colleagues. , stay away from me" expression.

Don't say that such a person stays, it's a miracle that he hasn't been fired for so long.

But there is no way, as a colleague, it is really hard to dislike Shen Lang.

Not to mention personal preferences, but when it comes to work, he can always answer some unpopular technical problems. If you are really unsure, you can ask his "group friends" for help.

It can only be said that God bestowed Shen Lang with beauty and wisdom, but at the same time deprived him of diligence and ambition.

Damn... It always feels like he won.

At this point, the remaining team has become clear.

Director: Lin Li (the devil who eats people without spitting out bones).

Planning: Li Lu (responsible for anti-stress), Zhao Wenqi (black hole under pressure).

Art: Huang Zheng (can only pinch Coke for beautiful girls).

Technology: Shen Lang (Two-dimensional manual Geng who firmly fishes).

Mascot: Cheng Xiaowan (mascot).

What can so many people do together?
Making a sitcom? "I Love My Dimension"? "Big Bang"?
Don't talk about doing business, you can't even win the LOL bronze game, right?
In a daze, Li Lu looked at the only remnant.

The first thing I saw was Zhao Wenqi, the black hole of negative energy. Her head had already been tucked into her collar, and she was lowering her head and muttering to herself: "I always feel that... I have to do something that is on the edge of the law. ..."

This person's expectations for the witch are even worse than mine.

Li Lu hurriedly turned to Shuai Shen Lang again.

This person was leaning on the back of the chair and operating the mobile phone, muttering to himself: "Huh, the self-made remote cat feeder finally came in handy, Mimi, don't worry, Dad will give it to you... So, Is it possible to develop a remote cat teaser by the way... bridge bean sack! Combining them together... wouldn't it be possible to commercialize cloud cat breeding? Make it a live broadcast platform, allowing users to manipulate the robotic arm to feed and tease cats …So that’s the real use case for the IoT.”

After figuring this out, Shen Lang immediately grabbed the keyboard and began to discuss with technical geek friends from all walks of life.

Well, congratulations on opening up a new fishing universe.

In the end, Li Lu had no choice but to turn his attention to the front desk.

Sister Xiaowan is a girl from a small place. Although her education is limited, her attitude should be more correct than these people.

At this time, Cheng Xiaowan was lowering her head and grabbing the corners of her skirt, nervously cheering herself up: "This leader is even scarier than the last one... If you are bullied, call the police immediately, save the recording evidence, yes, start recording now..."

? ? ?It turns out that this is the big boss!

After going around in a circle, Li Lu's eyes were forced to return to Ah Zheng.

Ah Zheng seemed to be waiting for this moment too.

He took off his black-rimmed glasses with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Li Lu.

Zheng... Brother Zheng, what are you going to do?
Fortunately, Ah Zheng just held Li Lu's hand, nodded heavily and said, "See, the road is still stretching under your feet, don't stop, Mr. Lu."

As the saying goes, if you can't compare to good, then you can compare to bad.

At this moment, Ah Zheng became the most expected and most reassuring one.

But Li Lu still lowered his head.

No, it's over.

You can play the ending song directly.

(End of this chapter)

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