Chapter 105, Summer Harvest

Under Zhen An's reminder, Xu Wei thought of the method of purchasing looms, so he issued an announcement in Mayi that anyone who brought a loom to Mayi could get a share of 5 woolen cloth.

This news caused a sensation among the merchants in Mayi, and everyone was thinking of bringing a loom to Mayi!
It is difficult to transport sensitive materials such as food to Mayi, but the loom is just a few pieces of wood, and it is too simple to get out of the customs.And five bolts of wool cloth are at least worth tens of thousands of dollars, this deal is too worthwhile.

In June of the third year of Zhongping (186).

In June, the winter wheat has matured, but this year's summer harvest in Mayi has begun.

The old man Niu has built a large number of hundred-refined sickles, which are both sharp and strong, and they fall down as soon as they cut the wheat.

Xu Wei also made a lot of scythes, the blades of which are sharper than a sickle, and Xu Wei made them into the style of a modern lawn mower, "brushing" an arc-shaped wheat and it was cut aside, only twisting Waist, no need to bend down at all, the efficiency of loozi acquisition is 2-3 times faster than that of sickle, Xu Wei caused everyone to exclaim when using it.

However, Xu Wei just thought of the Piaozi, and it is more complicated to manufacture than a sickle, so it is only equipped with a small amount.

Xu Wei and the others have harvested hundreds of acres of wheat, and the yield per mu has generally reached 2 shi. That is to say, the output of winter wheat over one million mu has reached 200 million shi.

"Mayi is really a treasure land. The newly reclaimed fields are usually difficult to get even a shi of grain, but in Mayi it has doubled. The 200 million shi of grain is enough for us to eat for more than half a year!"

No wonder Old Man Wang and the others are so happy. In Dahan Xiatian, the yield is generally about 1 stone per mu, while in middle field, there are only more than 2 stones, and in upper fields, the yield is only 3-4 stones. However, the land that has just been reclaimed generally does not even have a stone per mu. Now The yield per mu of the newly reclaimed land in Mayi has reached 2 shi, which is already a level only in Zhongtian, so it is no wonder that Old Man Wang and the others are overjoyed.

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen Xintian with such a yield. When we raise it for a year, it won't be Shangtian." The old man Niu also said cheerfully.

The senior officials in Mayi know that food is the most important thing in Mayi. After the wheat matures, everyone comes to help. Like Wang Lei, they have already entered the field to harvest wheat continuously.

"Our intensive cultivation will naturally produce such a yield, otherwise our hard work would not have been in vain."

Xu Wei didn't feel that there was no big harvest. He used soil and chemical fertilizers, raised high-yield seeds, and mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to build elevated canals. After doing so many things, the food supply was only doubled.Two stones per mu is equivalent to more than 2 catties per mu in modern times, which in Xu Wei's view is equivalent to a complete harvest.

And in this era, how can the yield per mu be less than 1 stone!Generally, the weeds in the field are dried with a fire first, and then the family of the ox and the plow plows the field again. Because with a straight plow, even those who have no money can only plow the field manually. Generally, the turned field will not exceed 10 centimeters, and then Sprinkle the seeds, water conservancy facilities only look at two buckets, and see a good harvest. In many places, the land is not even plowed, just set a fire, and then bury the seeds. Slash-and-burn farming is a common phenomenon in this era, and because there is no chemical fertilizer There is still fallow, so the yield is naturally not high.

That's why there are a lot of sayings in the books of this era that "one man takes five families and manages a hundred acres of land", because farming is so rough in this era, and farming 100 acres of land can only barely reach the level of the middle class of the Han Dynasty. .

If it is done according to intensive cultivation and without the assistance of large livestock, a family who wants to plant a hundred acres of land will be exhausted and unable to do so.

Originally, Xu Wei thought that after doing so many things, the yield per mu should be increased to 3 shi, but Xu Wei was obviously disappointed by the winter wheat. When he saw the sparse wheat in the field, his mind was full of images of the disaster-stricken fields. This is going to be crying online in modern times.

"It's nothing. After the soil is cultivated, it will be easy to produce 3 shi or 4 shi per mu in the future!" He knows that this is new land and the fertility is not high. After he has planted soybeans for the last season, he will get some soil and chemical fertilizers out. , water conservancy has also kept up, and it is easy for the yield per mu to reach the so-called Shangtian in this world.

In modern times, there is no such thing as going to the fields, middle fields, or going to the fields.Why do these terms disappear in modern times? It depends on modern chemical fertilizers, high-yield seeds and water conservancy facilities. This set can make all fields equally fertile.

There are hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep in Mayi, which can provide a large amount of soil fertilizer, especially cow dung, which seems to be the best raw material for soil fertilizer, and there are millions of such raw material producers around Mayi. Dung is used as fuel, but now the Hu people have Xu Wei’s briquette stove and briquette as fuel. The tribes near Mayi basically don’t use fuel with a strong smell like cow dung. Xu Wei thinks that if they use a penny Come to buy a lump, these barbarians should not refuse such a windfall!
Moreover, Youzhou has the sea, a large number of islands, and a large number of birds inhabiting it. I think there will be no shortage of struvite. If people mine a large amount, it should be possible to supply only one Mayi. Good natural fertilizer.

The high-yield seeds are also very simple. As long as the most plump seeds are selected and the best breeding is selected, the high-yield seeds will naturally become high-yield seeds after a few generations. Needless to say, water conservancy facilities are the most important to Xu Wei. Elevated highways can be seen everywhere in Mayi In the shadow of the canal, the fields are not lacking in irrigation.

All these planting techniques have been adopted, and not only are all the fields in Mayi upper field, but also there is no need to fallow.

With all kinds of five-star agricultural tools that have been refined, millions of acres of fields can be harvested very quickly, and the pedal thresher is dozens of times faster than the traditional method. Blowers, water conservancy mills, these agricultural artifacts of the feudal era, Let Mayi's summer harvest and summer planting be over in less than a month.

The entire Mayi harvested 210 million shi of grain, and 63 shi of the 14% of the grain handed in by the tribesmen, that is to say, 147 farmers in Mayi can get 10 million shi of grain, and each farmer in Mayi can receive 1 and a half shi on average These grains are purchased at the price of 100 qian per stone, and each farmer can get 1050 qian for summer harvest, which is equivalent to half a month's income of Mayi textile workers.

When Xu Wei got this data, he could only sigh: "No wonder it is said that the peasant uncle is the most miserable. It is the same everywhere!"

Even if there is income from autumn harvest and soybeans and vegetables, the annual income of Mayi farmers is only between 3000-4000 yuan, and the monthly income is about 300 yuan. Although this is much higher than their original income in Jizhou, after all, they can I see money, but it can basically be regarded as the lowest income in Mayi.

(End of this chapter)

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