I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 106, Liu Bei's Summer Harvest

Chapter 106, Liu Bei's Summer Harvest
Of course, it is also very simple to increase the income of farmers. By reducing the number of people farming by 7%, the income can be tripled to reach the upper-middle income level in Mayi.

Or triple the area of ​​arable land, so that the arable land in Mayi will reach 1000 million mu, so that the per capita yield will reach [-] mu, and the income of farmers can be comparable to that of workers in Mayi.

But this cannot be achieved overnight, especially in Mayi, where there is no 1000 million mu of land for reclamation.Unless Xu Wei expands his territory and develops other counties, the entire Datong Basin will be turned into fields, which may meet this goal.

With this sharp contrast, more than 4 people quit the farm cooperatives that month and declared to Xu Wei that they wanted to become workers, and Xu Wei approved all of them.It's not that Xu Wei doesn't pay attention to agricultural development, but that the agricultural population in Mayi has far exceeded the need for development, and reducing farmers can actually increase farmers' income.

As for the remaining 10 farmers, even if they find that the income from farming in Mayi is not high, they are still reluctant to give up the land they just got when they arrived, and it is very great for them to earn thousands of dollars at a time. Satisfied, unwilling to change the current life.

After the summer harvest is over, summer planting begins. Most of the fields are planted with soybeans, and a small amount of various vegetables are planted, which are used to make various pickles.

Last year, the kimchi in Mayi became popular in the whole grassland. The kimchi can not only relieve the greasy, but also contain salt, and you can also get a small wooden barrel. It can be said that one dish is multi-purpose. One of the commodities.

When Mayi has finished harvesting, Liu Bei who is not far from Mayi is also leading people to harvest. Liu Bei and his men have fewer people and more land. They have not yet equipped with five-star gods like Xu Wei with a hundred refining sickles, pedal threshers, and bellows. The harvesting efficiency of agricultural tools such as water conservancy mills that can improve efficiency is naturally not as good as that of Xu Wei and the others.

Liu Bei had no choice but to lead others to harvest wheat by himself.

It's just that such hard work made Zhang Fei feel a lot of resentment. It doesn't matter if he fights for a whole day, but he has never done it before bending down to harvest wheat, and he is not familiar with it!
Their family is a local tyrant in Youzhou, and they no longer need to work in the fields themselves, not to mention that Zhang Fei's father has high hopes for him. He has been taught by a famous teacher since he was a child. He wants Zhang Fei to be famous, and he will not let him do farm work. up.

So he soon became impatient, and he went to Liu Bei and said, "Little brother, I always hold a spear and a big knife, but I really can't handle this sickle!"

Liu Bei tied up the wheat and said with a smile: "Third brother, you are born with supernatural powers. It is indeed overkill to cut wheat. Why don't you pull the millstone!"

Faced with such a bumper harvest, Liu Bei was in a very good mood even though harvesting wheat was very tiring.

Zhang Fei said unhappily: "That's what cattle do, and my younger brother is not willing to do it."

Jian Yong, who was beside Liu Bei, also put away the wheat and said with a smile: "It's really overkill to grind the mill. If you don't have to beat the wheat, with Yide's strength, you can do this job top ten!"

Liu Bei doesn’t have Xu Wei’s pedal thresher here. If you want to thresh wheat, you can only use wooden threshing tools with horizontal bars on it, and then shoot the wheat down to thresh. This method is labor-intensive and very inefficient. At that time, Guan Yu led his men to thresh the wheat continuously.

Zhang Fei was even more reluctant when he thought of Guan Yu who was sweating all over his face.

He said: "It's useless to work hard like this. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. He has started to plant in the summer in Mayi's Lei Gong, but we haven't even harvested it here. Why don't you buy some? Lei Gong's farm tools!"

Liu Bei said helplessly: "I can't afford it. A pedal thresher costs 3000 yuan, a bellows costs 1000 yuan, and a water conservancy mill costs 1 yuan. Who can afford such expensive agricultural tools? Even the cheapest sickle costs 200 yuan. .”

Zhang Feidao: "Lei Gong is a hundred-refined sickle. It is made of better materials than our swords. This kind of sickle is worth the money. Unlike our sickle, which needs to be sharpened after a period of cutting, it is blunt and soft!"

The reclamation in Youzhou began to harvest, and Liu Yu also helped Liu Bei get tens of thousands of catties of iron for Liu Bei to make into sickles, etc., and Liu Bei also bought some sickles himself, so he managed to get tens of thousands of sickles. Xu Wei bought a sickle from there, but the sickle in Youzhou cost only 30 yuan, while Xu Wei's sickle cost 200 yuan. The price difference made Liu Bei have to choose local products.

Although Zhang Fei persuaded him like this, Liu Bei only said one sentence: "It's too expensive, it's not worth it!"

Zhang Fei said: "Brother, you are prejudiced against Lei Gong. If you have good things, you don't need them. I will use my own monthly salary to sell them!"

After talking, Zhang Fei asked his men to go to Mayi to buy new farm tools. The two places are not far away, and Zhang Fei's new farm tools arrived in his hands a day later!

Zhang Fei wore the new-style straw hat that Ma Yi gave him and said with a smile: "This Lei Gong is really a bit of a whimsical idea. He bought a farm tool and even gave a straw hat. Brother, you have been weaving straw sandals for many years, why didn't you think that you can make a straw hat out of straw! "

Liu Bei's eyes lit up when he saw the straw hat on Zhang Fei's head and said, "A hat made of wheat straw is really suitable for ordinary people."

He picked up the straw hat on Zhang Fei's head, looked at it for a while, then got some wheat straw, and quickly wove a straw hat.

Then he continued to weave several straw hats and sent them to Guan Yu and Jian Yong.

Seeing Liu Bei's craftsmanship, Zhang Fei smiled and said, "Brother, your straw weaving skills have become more and more exquisite."

Liu Bei saw the equipment on his body and said strangely: "Didn't you say that you want to buy Mayi's sickle yourself, why is this on your body like a hoe!"

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "This is Ma Yi's new wheat harvesting tool, called Piaozi. It is said that this tool harvests wheat several times faster than a sickle. There are not many in Mayi! If Ma Xia's harvest had not ended, I would not be able to buy it. ! You don’t need to bend your waist, it’s just right for my younger brother!”

This is really not Zhang Fei's hypocrisy. For a two-meter-tall man, asking him to bend down to cut wheat is really fatal!

With the new farm tools in hand, he started to use them with great interest. He saw Zhang Fei sweeping across the wheat field with the rake, and all the wheat within the range of the raft was cut off. How much effort it takes.

Zhang Fei immediately shouted to a field soldier, "Tie them up quickly!"

The Tuntian soldiers immediately tied up the bunch of wheat.

Then along the way, Zhang Fei's Piaozi cleared the way, cutting off the wheat within a ten-foot range with a sweep, and two or three people followed him, and the trapped wheat was too busy, and they were surprised to see Liu Bei.

Jian Yong at the side said in surprise: "Xuande, these farm tools in Mayi are really not to be underestimated, we should buy some!"

Zhang Fei bought not only a plunder, but also a pedal thresher, and a bellows. After Liu Bei used it, he had to admit that there is a reason why Mayi farm tools are expensive, and the efficiency improvement is too high, so He spent all the money of Tuntian Xiaowei's mansion and bought a large number of Mayi farm tools.

(End of this chapter)

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