I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 115, National Scholars Waiting

Chapter 115, National Scholars Waiting

"Clang clang clang!"

The bell for the gathering in the mining area rang.

The prisoners all around were surprised to put down the tools in their hands. Why did they ring the bell before it was time to eat?

However, the mining area implements militarized management, and the captives who do not obey the management will end badly. Obeying orders and obeying commands has become their conditioned reflex, so they quickly gather and line up one by one, waiting for the mining area officer to issue an order.

Wan Lang stood on the high platform, holding a tin horn and said loudly: "The Xianbei people are going to attack Mayi, and your chance to make meritorious service has come. As long as you join the army and fight against the Xianbei people, you will not only be exempted from punishment for the next two years, but also get peace with Mayi." The same treatment as a soldier, 600 yuan a month, doubled during wartime, even if you die in battle, you will get a pension, disabled Mayi will help you arrange work and help you provide for the elderly. In short, you will not be left without food. Those who want to join the army can register in line .”

Everyone had known for a long time that the Xianbei people were going to attack Mayi, but they didn't expect Lei Gong to recruit them as soldiers.

Because there are soldiers stationed in a village, the Mayi soldiers also understand how they treat them. The clothes are beautiful and there is no patch. It is said that there are several sets that can be replaced. The food is basically meat once every three days. They are so greedy that they drool. Every month There is also a monthly salary of 600 yuan, which is higher than that of the Han army. If they can become soldiers in Mayi, they will be regarded as accumulating virtue in this life.

Normally, they would not even think about signing up to join the army immediately, but now that the Xianbei people are about to attack hundreds of thousands of cavalry, they are in a state of anxiety for a while.

At this time, Huoshaoyun was the first to step forward and said loudly: "We have nothing to lose if we die. Commander Lei Gongqu's army is not only strong and well-equipped, but Commander Lei Gongqu also knows how to use Lei Fa, and even the stinky fish under his command are dead!" Shrimp, how could it be Lei Gong Qu Shuai's opponent, the treatment of Mayi soldiers is twice as good as that of the Han army, why don't you participate in such a good thing, I am Huoshaoyun the first to join the army."

After speaking, Huoshaoyun was the first to register his name.

Wan Lang said loudly: "Song Yi, from Youbeiping County, Youzhou, you will be a soldier in Mayi from now on, because there is going to be a war soon, the monthly salary will be doubled, and the 1200 yuan is the monthly salary."

The prisoner, who was originally restless, became a sensation when he saw the money in Huoshaoyun's hand.

It doesn't matter if you really take out the money and work for Lei Gong, the horse bandit sucks blood, as long as the money is enough, the deal is worth it.

Not to mention that what Huo Shaoyun said made sense, Shuai Lei Gong Qu knew how to use thunder, this was what they saw with their own eyes on the battlefield, and it wasn't just to fool people.

Helian and the others also knew that although he was the profuse khan of the Xianbei people, he was a greedy, lustful, mean and shameless villain with no skills at all. If his father was not for Tan Shihuai, he would never have become the profuse khan of the Xianbei people.

Thinking about it this way, how could an incompetent Xianbei profusely be an opponent of such a hero who is both civil and military and knows spells.

Everyone thought this way, and then looked at Huoshaoyun with admiration. He is indeed the famous Huoshaoyun in northern Xinjiang. It turned out that he had already seen that Helian could not be the opponent of Lei Gongqushuai, so he actively joined the Tengjia Army.

Where is this going to die?

Jane is on a ladder to the sky!

"I want to join the army too!" Lone Wolf also raised his hand and came to the front to write his name on it.

"Liu Hu, the people of Hexi County, take your monthly salary!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Lang threw a bunch of big ones and two bunches of small coins to him.

Seeing that the two leaders, Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf, had joined the Tengjia Army, the prisoners below couldn't stand it anymore.

"I want to join the army too!"

"I also want to fight the Xianbei people. I have a blood feud with the Xianbei people."

One by one they flocked to the registration desk.

Wan Lang shouted loudly: "Line up to register one by one, line up to register, don't mess up!"

Hearing Wan Lang's words, the prisoners instinctively started to line up.

Dozens of long dragons immediately appeared in the mine, and most of Wan Lang's subordinates knew thousands of characters, and general registration could be done, so he arranged for his subordinates to register the information of these captives one by one.

The registration was not completed until evening, and the [-] prisoners saw the money, and Lei Gong was indeed much stronger than He Lian.Everyone is willing to risk their lives, only a few hundred people are worried about the strength of the Xianbei people and continue to stay in the mining area.

But this has already made Wan Lang happy. Thirty thousand more people have joined the army, which is a great contribution.

Then he went to Wang Ge with the registration book. Seeing that most of the horse thieves were willing to join the army, Wang Ge was overjoyed and said, "You did a good job. I will propose to Qu Shuai that you be promoted to be the commander of the army. In the future, you must continue to perform well and fight for the army. Become a captain soon."

To become a school lieutenant is to be a high-level member of the Tengjia Army, the kind that can hold high-level meetings. Obviously Wang Ge has high hopes for Wan Lang.

Wan Lang was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "This subordinate will definitely not disappoint the Chief of Staff and Shuai Qu."

In the evening, Wan Lang asked people to buy food and wine for Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf.

He poured a bowl of wine for Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf and said, "Thank you two this time. The superior thinks that I have made meritorious contributions and plans to promote me to be the commander of the army. I am not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges. After my appointment, I'll just ask you two to come over, I can't guarantee anything else, a team rate can still let you do it."

Someone was supporting Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf, so he was naturally happy, but Huoshaoyun asked, "Has Wan Sima been assigned to the cavalry?"

Wan Lang shook his head regretfully and said: "I haven't learned riding skills before, that is, I only learned a little horse riding here in Mayi, but I am not very proficient, so I should lead infantry."

Huo Shaoyun regretted: "Wan Sima and our two brothers are proficient in riding and fighting. Even if we follow you, we can't bring much help to Wan Sima. If Wan Sima really wants to help our brothers, we must find a way to let us go Among the most elite cavalry, our brothers have also led hundreds of cavalry, so we are more familiar with cavalry tactics."

Wan Lang said regretfully: "I have a brother who died in the cavalry battalion. I will let him choose you as his subordinates and take care of you!"

Huoshaoyun and the others are more familiar with cavalry tactics, and it is obvious that they will have a brighter future if they go to the cavalry battalion, and it is not easy for him to stop their future.

Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf said gratefully: "Thank you, Wan Sima, if we are needed in the future, we brothers will definitely report."

Wan Lang regretfully said: "Today's meal is for you to practice!"

There are more people like Huo Shaoyun and Lone Wolf Commander than him. If he can become his subordinate, it will be of great help to him, but it is a pity that he is not good at riding, so he can only give up these two.

A few days later, when the recruits were allocated, Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf were indeed allocated among the cavalry.

Moreover, there was a cavalry commander named Song Zhi who took great care of them, because the two of them were good at riding, had strong tactical comprehension skills, and had a little commanding ability. In the cavalry battalion that lacked junior officers, they were quickly promoted to Very long.

With the addition of [-] horse thieves, the entire rattan armor army has [-] cavalry, which is a very powerful force.

Xu Wei and the top leaders of the Tengjia Army have deduced several times on the sand table. Without these 3 cavalry, the battle situation will be very passive. The Xianbei people come and go freely. And if they are not careful, the whole army may be wiped out.

And with these [-] more cavalry, they can defend and counterattack, turning passive into active.If the battle goes well, more than half of the Xianbei people can be left behind, and if such a record can be achieved, the barbarians on the grassland will no longer dare to peep at Mayi's wealth.

Throwing one punch to avoid a hundred punches is what Xu Wei needs, and Chang Tianliu is afraid of such endless harassment.

Of course, Huoshaoyun and the others are still new recruits, and they still need to undergo formation training, and they need a lot of training to cooperate with the cavalry's tactics.

Time is tight and the task is urgent. The recruits like Huoshaoyun and Lone Wolf are trained the most, and they are trained to death every day.

But few people felt that it was not worth it. On the first day they came to the barracks, they distributed several sets of clothes. There were seasonal clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as training clothes and expensive sweaters.

When receiving these clothes, many people cried with excitement, because this is the first time many people wear new clothes in their lives, and there are so many new clothes, these clothes are enough for everyone to work hard.

And they basically have meat every day when they train, and only the children of the powerful and noble families can enjoy this kind of food in the big man.

Lei Gong's treatment made the recruits talk a lot. The legendary four sons of the Warring States Period were nothing more than keeping disciples in captivity. This was to train them as disciples.

It was the first time that someone valued them so much. The recruits felt grateful to Xu Wei. In this era, the morale of soldiers is still very strong. Every meal is rewarded with a thousand dollars, not to mention that Xu Wei treats them as a national soldier.

So it's nothing for them to train harder. None of the recruits complained, but they trained harder to repay Xu Wei.

Of course, Xu Wei didn't know about these things, because his standards for treating soldiers were completely copied from his treatment in the army. Of course, there were some things that he couldn't do, and he could only lower them a little at most.

He didn't know that the treatment he gave to the Tengjia Army had far surpassed any soldier in this era.

But these benefits are all worthwhile. The level of the recruits' military formation has improved rapidly, and their tactical cooperation with the veterans has become more and more tacit.

After observing the training of these recruits, Xu Wei said he was lucky. Because the mining area has been militarized and managed, these recruits adapted very quickly, almost seamlessly.

But he didn't know that the exaggerated welfare benefits of the Tengjia Army were the root cause of all this.These recruits have been living at the bottom of the world. Xu Wei gave them a little bit of good treatment, which made them very grateful, and they all wished to risk their lives to repay them.

Judging from what Xu Wei observed, the morale of these recruits is very high. In my imagination, there should be no such thing as retreating without a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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