I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116, You hit yours, I hit mine.

Chapter 116, You hit yours, I hit mine.

In late August, under the leadership of He Lianri, a 10 Xianbei army crossed the border Great Wall and began to attack Pingcheng County.

After seeing the boundless Xianbei army, Zhao Rong, the captain of Pingcheng Wubao, immediately lit a beacon to warn Mayi that the Xianbei army had already moved south.

Soon the beacons were lit one by one, and blue smoke rose into the blue sky.

Looking at the ignited wolf smoke one by one, and then at the front, the Xianbei cavalry could not be seen.

Zhao Rong said solemnly: "Can we win this war?"

What we have to deal with this time is not the scattered horse bandits, nor the county soldiers with low combat effectiveness, but the hundreds of thousands of Xianbei iron cavalry, elites who can compete with the Han frontier army.

You must know that in Jizhou, the 15 elite Yellow Turban Army was defeated by the [-] Youzhou Frontier Army.However, such elites were defeated by the Xianbei people, and they could only rely on the Great Wall for defense these years.

In other words, the 10 Xianbei iron cavalry were stronger than the 10 Northern Army of the Han Dynasty, but the million Yellow Turban rebel army led by the great virtuous teacher lost to the 5 Northern Army led by Huangfusong.But now Mayi has to rely on hundreds of thousands of militiamen to deal with Xianbei's 10 cavalry, so it's no wonder Zhao Rong is worried.

The supervisor Qian Yu said firmly: "Of course we will win, and we must win. Behind is Mayi, which is our home. Even if we fight all here, we cannot let the Xianbei continue to go south."

Mayi has become the hot land of the yellow sky in the hearts of all the Tengjia troops. All the soldiers of the Tengjia army are not allowed to be destroyed by anyone, not even 10 Xianbei cavalry.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Rong laughed heartily and said, "That's right, we must win."

Then he patted the city wall and said, "I hope this Xinwubao is as strong as Qu Shuai said, able to withstand 10 troops!"

At the beginning, the Tengjia Army wanted to build a Wubao to defend against the Xianbei people, but Xu Wei designed a set of hexagram-shaped Wubao. Facing such a strangely shaped Wubao, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This kind of Wubao had never been seen before.

But Xu Wei vowed: "As long as this kind of fort has sufficient ordnance, 3000 defenders can withstand 10 troops. Haven't everyone discovered that if the city wall is designed in this oblique shape, no matter which side the enemy attacks, they will suffer from both sides. Or attack from three sides, plus a solid cement fortress, I can't imagine any way to break through such a dock."

Mayi's high-level executives have also fought several battles. After being told by Xu Wei, they immediately discovered the benefits of building a dock in this way.

Although everyone didn't think it was an exaggeration to be able to defend against an army of 10, it was indeed stronger than the Wubao in Dahan, so they agreed to this design.

And now is the time to test the defense of these Wubao. Zhao Rong only hopes that this Wubao can kill and wound [-] to [-] Xianbei people.

Xu Wei of Mayi soon saw the beacon fire in the distance and knew that the Xianbei people had begun to attack, which made Xu Wei relieved. After waiting for almost two months, the Tengjia Army has been tense here, and Helian finally came Alright, now it's up to each other.

Xu Wei yelled at the 13 army: "The whole army is set out to defend the homeland and destroy the Xianbei people!"

Wang Lei and other generals also shouted: "Defend the homeland and destroy the Xianbei people."

The soldiers also shouted: "Defend the homeland and destroy the Xianbei people!"

An army of 13, with cavalry in front and infantry behind, marched mightily towards Pingcheng.

Not long after the march, Wang Lei led [-] cavalry to separate from the main force. They wanted to detour the grassland from the direction of Qiangyin and attack the Xianbei's rear.

This is the tactic that Xu Wei and the others have discussed during this time.

Originally, Wang Ge and the others planned to block the Xianbei people in Pingcheng County by relying on the terrain layer by layer. This would take advantage of the infantry and ordnance advantages of the Tengjia Army and reduce the advantage of the Xianbei cavalry. As long as they defend until winter, the Xianbei people will have to retreat.

But Xu Wei didn't like such a conservative plan. How could he just get beaten and not fight back?
In fact, Xu Wei is very humble in conducting, because he knows that there are many famous generals in the Three Kingdoms era, and his command ability may not be ranked in the top 100, so he is very self-aware.

But when it comes to strategic choices on paper, he knows 3000 years before and 2000 years later. He thinks that no one in the world can compare with himself. Could it be that his decades of government affairs have been given for nothing? Hundreds of war novels It's for nothing, even if Zhuge Liang in the future comes to argue with Xu Wei, he is not in vain.

The soil turtle next door also made a leap forward, stabbing Sima Yi behind the tortoise, almost cutting off his retreat.

If other traversers find out about his conservative strategy, he will surely die of laughter.

So he flipped through the notes he had written down, and recalled them in his mind at the same time.Among the strategies and tactics of each era, is there any one that is suitable for his current situation?

He really found one. It was an anti-war novel he read more than ten years ago. At that time, the protagonist was invincible against the powerful Japanese army.So I used a tactic that seems to be called flanging.

Let the political commissar lead the masses to hide in the mountains, while the main force of my generation went to the core area occupied by the Japanese army and overwhelmed the river, and almost captured the county at one point, forcing the Japanese army to retreat and give up the plan of encirclement and suppression.

Of course, the situation here is different. It is impossible for him to move to the mountains in the industrial area of ​​Mayi, but his strength is stronger, and it will not solve the problem to separate out a division to harass the Xianbei people's rear.

This tactic is called by the rabbit, you fight yours, and I fight mine, which can be called the superior tactic of defeating the strong with the weak.

Don't think that the Xianbei people have no logistics, they are just cattle and sheep following the army. Back then, Huo Qubing discovered this weakness of the Huns and led the army to attack the Huns' rear. Change tactics, place your own logistics and even the army in Mobei to avoid the attack of the Han army.

At the same time, this also allowed Xu Wei to discover a treasure. There is no one worse than the rabbit at the beginning of the five thousand years, and he has always been in a state of attacking the strong with the weak.

Although his own strength is getting stronger as he fights, the enemy's strength has multiplied, so that even in modern times, the rabbit still suffers from the fear of insufficient firepower.

Facing such powerful enemies one by one, Rabbit came up with strategies and tactics to defeat the strong with the weak, such as back-slope tactics, mine warfare, tunnel warfare, and sparrow warfare. Recalling the strategy and tactics of the rabbit, we should be able to find a way.

This means that there is no chat system in the heavens. Otherwise, Xu Wei must spread this discovery to other traversers. As long as they are traversers in the war plane, they don’t need to bring anything else, just a copy of the history of the Rabbit’s Anti-Japanese War. .

When Xu Wei talked about this tactic, Mayi's senior management also felt that it was feasible, so they decided to implement this tactic. Whoever made Helian's hometown not far away could steal Helian's hometown without even leaping thousands of miles.

Compared with the soil turtle next door, who has leaped forward for thousands of miles, Xu Wei is much happier.

Since ancient times, when the Hu people broke Yanmen Pass and entered the Central Plains, they had to pass through Pingcheng County (that is, Datong in later generations).

It is also a place with a famous history. In 201 BC (the sixth year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty), Han Wangxin rebelled in the Datong area and colluded with the Xiongnu in an attempt to attack Taiyuan.Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, personally led an army of 32 to fight against the Xiongnu. He first won the victory in Tongroll (now Qin County, Shanxi), and later pursued the victory until Loufan (now Ningwu, Shanxi).It was a cold winter and it was snowing heavily.

Regardless of the persuasion and obstruction of Liu Jing, the outpost scout, Liu Bang rushed forward underestimated the enemy, and chased him to Pingcheng in Datong, but fell into the trick of the Huns to lure soldiers.Liu Bang and his leading troops were besieged in Baideng Mountain, Pingcheng, for 7 days and 7 nights, and they were completely cut off from the main force.Later, Liu Bang adopted Chen Ping's plan to escape.

Not far from Pingcheng County is Baideng Mountain, where Liu Bang was besieged back then.

Pingcheng was the first line of defense guarding the northern fortress. After Xu Wei came to Mayi, the Han court basically abandoned more than a dozen counties outside Yanmen Pass, and withdrew officials and defenders.

And Xu Wei himself was farming in Mayi County, and he didn't care about the surrounding counties. He basically didn't manage Pingcheng County. In modern terms, Pingcheng County is in a state of anarchy.But Pingcheng faced the front of the Xianbei people, and when the imperial court withdrew, the people of the whole county panicked.

There must be a backer!Otherwise, thousands of them should not be caught by the Xianbei people and taken to the desert as slaves.

Everyone searched and found that the thickest thigh around was Lei Gong. It happened that Xu Wei wiped out 4 horse thieves at that time, and he was full of arrogance for a while. In addition, everyone knew that Lei Gong, a handsome man, did not disturb the people, so The people in the surrounding counties and counties approached Xu Wei on their own initiative, asking Xu Wei to lead troops to station in their county towns, and the people in Pingcheng County followed suit.

It happened that Xu Wei also realized the importance of the counties around Mayi, but he didn't like the defense of these counties. After all, it was only a small county with thousands of people, and the height of the city walls did not exceed 3 feet. Among them, the city wall is still built, so how strong is the defense.So Xu Wei found dangerous places outside these counties, and built several mausoleums with earthen cement according to the style of western castles. Each mausoleum can be stationed with 3000 defenders.

Pingcheng County is the first line of defense against the Xianbei people's attack, and it is the place that Xu Wei focuses on, so the mausoleum in Pingcheng County is the strongest and the tallest.

After Helian came to Pingcheng County, he found that it was an empty city. Xu Wei had already asked Guo Daxian to lead the people to retreat back to Mayi. Now Pingcheng County has not left even a single wool for Helian.

"The Han people fled very quickly, which is very convenient for Ben Khan to drive straight in!" He Lian sneered.

Tuobaye pointed to Wupu not far away and said: "Khan, Lei Gong occupied this land not long after he came to Mayi. For the safety of Mayi, he re-established a Wubao to guard against our Xianbei country! No There is no way for us to advance if we capture this dock."

He Lian looked at Wubao not far away and said, "This Wubao is so strange, why does it look slanted?"

Tuobaye was also puzzled and said: "My subordinates don't know either, but they only know that Lei Gong has built such oblique docks in important places around Mayi, and each dock has 2000-3000 defenders!"

He Lian mocked: "2000-3000 people want to stop Ben Khan's 10 cavalry. It's like a mantis' arm is like a car, and he is beyond his control!"

Tuobaye replied: "Mayi's soldiers and civilians are integrated. I heard that when Lei Gong fought against the horse thief alliance, he rallied 10 troops in a few days, and then wiped out 4 horse thieves in one battle. These forts are used to delay the time of the army. Yes, as long as there is a delay of 3-4 days, Lei Gong can summon an army of 10!"

Tuobaye continued: "Looking at these beacon fires, Lei Gong should already know that Da Khan is coming, and then we will face an army of 10!"

He Lian said disdainfully: "It's only 10 farmers. I've heard that before Lei Gong came to Mayi, he was a member of the Yellow Turban Thieves. Leading tens of thousands of Han troops to defeat them, Lei Gong and the leaders of the Yellow Turbans fled to the Taihang Mountains, and they dared not continue to rebel until Huangfu Song left.

This time they also had 30 people, but they were defeated by tens of thousands of Youzhou frontier troops and fled to Taihang Mountain again. Lei Gong took the opportunity to escape from the Yellow Turban Bandit and fled to Mayi! "

The news Helian said was similar to what Tuobaye heard, but he still reminded: "Khan, I heard that Lei Gong still defeated the Han army, and he also defeated 4 horse thieves. Obviously, his subordinates' combat effectiveness is comparable to that of other soldiers. Yellow Turbans are different."

But He Lian mocked: "If Lei Gong can win the battle, the Han army will flee to Mayi. I heard that he crossed the Taihang Mountains and fled thousands of miles all the way. The Han army did not catch up, so he escaped." When you come to Mayi, you can win if you escape quickly? And 10 horse thieves are just a mob, they can compare with my Xianbei iron cavalry! It is better for Lei Gong to dare to lead an army. Ben Khan only needs [-] cavalry to defeat Lei Gong [-] farmers!"

Obviously, He Lian is confident in defeating Xu Wei.

He pointed in the direction of the mausoleum and said, "Where is the legendary Baideng Mountain?"

Tuobaye nodded and said, "That's what the Han people say!"

He Lian suddenly said with adoring eyes: "This is the place where Mao Dun Shanyu surrounded the emperor of the Han Dynasty hundreds of years ago. If Mao Dun Shanyu had annihilated the emperor of the Han Dynasty here, the entire Central Plains would be ours."

"It's such a pity. After this Great Khan takes over the Xianbei Kingdom, this Khan will definitely lead the Xianbei Iron Cavalry to completely conquer the Great Han and complete the unfinished mission of his father and Maodun Shanyu."

Mao Dun Shanyu's position in the hearts of Hu people is the same as that of Qin Shihuang in the hearts of Han people. Qin Shi Huang unified the whole of China and established the foundation of the Han Dynasty, while Mao Dun Shanyu unified the entire grassland and established a huge Prairie Empire.

The historical status of the two people is the same, and even Mao Dunhu people have a higher status than Qin Shihuang in the hearts of Han people. After all, Han people also condemn Qin Shihuang as cruel and inhumane. It is an advantage for people, and Mao Dun Shanyu is a perfect leader for Hu people.

 In the future, please use PC as much as possible for your rewards, and try not to use Apple when using mobile phones.

  It was hard last month. I live to see your jokes. Readers generously rewarded me with 200 yuan, but it didn’t arrive today. I asked the editor and found out that it would take three months at the Apple factory. It’s not worth it Apple software, but still be pressured by it, I don't even know if there are other fees, I have always known that Apple is domineering, today I have seen it.

(End of this chapter)

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