I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 136, Dong Zhuo's scapegoat

Chapter 136, Dong Zhuo's scapegoat
After the autumn harvest, the whole Mayi continued to move. First, a large number of people were diverted to other counties, and these married people were the first to divert.

Although Xu Wei subsidizes them a lot, getting married still puts them in debt, which requires them to work harder. In order to mobilize them to go to other remote counties, Xu Wei not only subsidizes them with 300 yuan a month, but also They can also retain half of the income from the land they reclaimed in Mayi for a period of three years. Such superior treatment made them feel excited.

What's more, their wives generally only know how to graze, and even have a dowry of ten sheep. In Mayi, there is no pasture for grazing. Only when they go to Pingcheng and Dingxiang County do they graze. pasture.

Many young couples who know how to run a business even bought dozens of sheep, planning to do half-farming and half-grazing. These days, grazing is too profitable. The popularity of Mayi hot pot has caused the price of mutton to soar. A sheep generally rises to 200 yuan, and The price of wool is also rising, reaching 4 yuan per catty. A sheep is worth 30 yuan in spring and autumn. The money earned by raising 100 sheep is almost equivalent to the income of more than 30 mu of land.

So once the accounts are calculated, none of the tribes who married Xianbei people would waste their daughter-in-law's herding talent!Generally, dozens of lambs are bought in Mayi. If there are father-in-law and mother-in-law at home, the flock will skyrocket to hundreds.

And Xu Wei also agrees with the development of animal husbandry. Now there are more and more textile machines in Mayi, and the bottleneck of wool cloth production has been opened up. In the future, Mayi will need more and more wool, and the development of animal husbandry in advance is also necessary Avoid shortage of raw materials.

In order to support their grazing business, Xu Wei also gave them the technology of green storage fodder, hoping that their grazing business will be smooth sailing!
And it doesn't matter if you don't support it. Mayi itself has a lot of livestock, and the grassland is already very tight. Xu Wei is forced to get out the silage fodder, which barely feeds a million cattle and sheep.But now there are 10 more horses, 20 cows, and 200 million sheep. It would be impossible to feed the horses into a desert, so it is the best choice to divert them to other counties.

When Xu Wei, this Mayi, was working hard to farm, the outside world was already turned upside down.

Zhang Yan's actions in Jizhou have also spread to Mayi. Everyone marvels at Zhang Yan's luck. Under such circumstances, he can turn the tables and occupy half of Jizhou. At the same time, everyone sighs that Fu Bian is a good official. He was assassinated by the powerful and powerful clan in Jizhou.

At the same time, the news that 10 Xiliang troops surrounded Chencang also spread to Mayi, and it was almost time to attack Chang'an, the Xijing of the big man. Everyone suddenly felt that the big man was exhausted.

Wang Ge and the others excitedly said to Xu Wei: "Shuai Qu is a god-given opportunity. Now the big man is facing enemies on both sides, and there are as many as 10 rebels. It will be impossible to calm down in a while. Now is the best time for us to conquer Yanmen Pass! We can take advantage of the victory to attack Taiyuan County and take the entire Bingzhou."

This ambition is getting bigger and bigger!

Even Xu Wei was secretly surprised, no matter how you look at it, the big man is in a precarious state and his life is exhausted. Could it be that the butterfly effect I brought made the big man unable to survive Dong Zhuo's entry into Luoyang.

Xu Wei carefully thought about what he did when he came to this world, and found that the scope of his influence was really small. Only the crowbar could make the dock of the wealthy and powerful clans like a blank sheet of paper, which could be broken with a single poke.

The whole of Jizhou and this time has been swept up by the Yellow Turban Army three times. Is this reason affecting the finances of the Dahan, which made the Dahan not strong enough for the Xiliang rebels, and then accelerated the financial collapse of the Dahan.

Xu Wei has read a lot of novels in the late Ming Dynasty. Chongzhen, an idiot, knew how to raise taxes desperately, forcing more and more Li Zicheng's rebel army. Many times Li Zicheng's subordinates were wiped out, but because of tax collection, he was forced to turn back. There are millions of people, and Li Zicheng has a million troops when he comes out of the mountains.

In the end, all the common people in the north were forced to rebel, and Li Zicheng came to ask for salary, and was forced to hang on the crooked neck tree in the Forbidden City (Li Zicheng can be regarded as a model for our generation of workers, armed to ask for salary and finally forced the boss to commit suicide, what a hero!) .As long as he has the brains to kill a few corrupt officials, the salt merchant will not hang on the crooked neck tree!

Relatively speaking, Emperor Ling is much smarter. Although Zhang Niujiao's chaos was also caused by his arbitrary tax increases, he quickly corrected it. In the past two years, the taxation of the big man has remained very stable. Outside of Jizhou and Liangzhou, there is no reason for rebellion, because ordinary people are not forced to live.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Wei didn't know whether it was the butterfly effect brought about by himself, or an existing historical event. Most of Xu Wei's understanding of the history of the Three Kingdoms was through "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

But "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" only talked about the Zhangjiao Uprising in Chapter 1, and Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang in Chapter 2. There was an interval of 4-5 years and there was no talk at all. When he first came to this world, Xu Wei thought that these 4-5 years The big man is safe and sound.

But the experience of the past two years has made Xu Wei understand that Luo Guanzhong is a historical idiot. During the past 4-5 years, wars have occurred every year, but the scope and impact of these wars are not as large as the Yellow Turban Uprising, so there is no record.

At least he knew that Zhang Niujiao's rebellion had nothing to do with him, but this time Zhang Yan's rebellion spread to the entire Jizhou, and the rebellion that spread to the entire Xiliang had nothing to do with him, that is to say, it would have appeared in history.

Such a big rebellion that spread to a state was not mentioned in Romance of the Three Kingdoms at all.
As far as the big Han situation is concerned, Luoyang will be in chaos whether Dong Zhuo enters or not. Xu Wei now feels that Dong Zhuo is taking the blame for the entire aristocratic family in the late Han Dynasty. It seems that the world is in chaos because of Dong Zhuo!

But the nobles and nobles were all loyal, and they raised troops to fight against Dong Zhuo, a rebel, but they were powerless and failed to fight against Dong Chenggong.Everyone is a loyal minister, and only Dong Zhuo is the one who has brought disaster to the country and the people!
Just like the great uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen had nothing to lose because of his personal virtue, and he was indeed trying to restore the situation in the Ming Dynasty. Compared with the dozen or so emperors before the Ming Dynasty, he can be regarded as doing it with trepidation, making alchemy and cultivating immortals, and playing with crickets , Those who ignore state affairs for thirty years, even if they are carpenters, will not perish the country, but those who work hard to be emperors and demand themselves according to the standards of Mingjun will perish instead. Is there any reason for this?
So Chongzhen died, but everyone was full of sympathy for him. In this way, the blame for the demise of the Ming Dynasty could not be blamed on Chongzhen, and there was no warlord like Dong Zhuo in the late Ming Dynasty.

Well!This immediately revealed the Donglin Party.

It is because of tax evasion by your Donglin Party that the Ming Dynasty went bankrupt.It's your Donglin Party, which brought down the Ming Dynasty by fighting against aliens, and all the scapegoats are placed on the Donglin Party.

In the old days, Daqing had a bad sense of the Donglin Party. He believed that the Ming Dynasty was destroyed because of them. He severely cracked down on the big businessmen in the south, launched several literary indictments, and directly interrupted the so-called business sprouts.

In the Internet age, the reputation of the Donglin Party has become even more notorious. Those who write novels in the late Ming Dynasty basically have to step on the Donglin Party, and even think that they are sinners through the ages, making China lag behind the entire industrial age by hundreds of years .

However, the reputation of the nobles in the late Han Dynasty was much better. The counselors and generals who wrote the novels of the Three Kingdoms were basically from the nobles, but everyone didn’t care. Although the reputation of the nobles has deteriorated a bit in the past two years.But it's not as popular as the Donglin Party.

But in fact, both sides are the same. Judging from Xu Wei's experience in the past two years, although the big Han has more martial arts than the Ming Dynasty, and can quickly suppress each judgment, but does not solve the fundamental problem of the land, such a rebellion is not at all It will disappear, and it will only suppress more and more, and finally consume the strength of the big man like the end of Ming Dynasty, and completely collapse.

Thinking of this, Xu Wei suddenly remembered that Luo Guanzhong was also a literati. Maybe he really wanted to whitewash the peace. You see, before Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang City, although there was a Yellow Turban uprising, it was quickly pacified, and then the world was peaceful under the rule of literati.

As soon as Dong Zhuo, a rebellious minister and traitor, occupied Luoyang City, the whole world was in chaos and became divided among the heroes. All of this was Dong Zhuo's fault, and it was the fault of the lawless warriors!
In this way, the internal logic of the explanation makes sense. If we really include the Zhang Niujiao Rebellion and the Xiliang Rebellion, doesn’t this mean that the world was already in chaos before Dong Zhuo!

"He's handsome! He's handsome!" Wang Ge cried out seeing Xu Wei in a daze for a long time.

Only then did Xu Wei realize that he was still discussing with the army.

However, being interrupted by Wang Ge made Xu Wei figure it out. No matter what the butterfly effect is, the life and death of the big man has nothing to do with him. What he has to do now is to conquer Yanmen Pass and build a barrier for Mayi!
So he said: "Prepare weapons, food and grass, and make a battle plan. We have to break through Yanmen Pass before it snows. We don't have much time left!"

Wang Ge and the others happily said, "No!"

Although they did not capture Bingzhou with all their troops as they had hoped, it was still the first step.

In the past two years, they have been with Xu Wei day and night, and found that they, Qu Shuai, like to stay in one place to farm, work and build a place.Instead of marching and fighting to attack the city.

The other warlords have an army of 10, and they have already occupied a state by attacking the city, and their Tengjia Army has only occupied one Dingxiang County and half of Yanmen County, and it is still the most remote frontier.Now Xu Wei has taken the first step, which is enough to make Wang Lei and the others happy.

Three days later, Wang Ge and the others prepared an army of 1.5, and then Xu Wei led the army to march towards Yanmen Pass!
After Xu Wei defeated the Xianbei people, Ding Yuan, the captain of Yanmenguan, paid close attention to the movements of Mayi and placed spies in Mayi. Therefore, when Xu Wei's army moved, he immediately noticed it, and immediately asked the prefect of Yanmen County for help, and asked the court for help. Help!

Mayi is not far from Yanmen Pass, and Xu Wei had already led his army to station outside Yanmen Pass after one day of marching.

After arriving here, Xu Wei immediately began to build his own camp, the stronger the better, and in order to deter the Yanmen Gate defenders, Xu Wei made the camp very large, as if there were 10 troops. If the defenders do not fight and abandon the pass, Then Xu Wei made a lot of money.

The camp stretched for more than a dozen miles and was so impressive that it directly deceived Ding Yuan. In his letter to Guo Yun and the imperial court of Yanmen County, he directly stated that Lei Gong had gathered at least one hundred thousand troops outside Yanmen Pass, and they were about to attack the pass. He begged Guo Yun and the imperial court to call in reinforcements to support Yanmen Pass immediately, otherwise the entire Bingzhou might be captured by Lei Gong!
After receiving Ding Yuan's request for help, Guo Yun, the prefect of Yanmen, knew that the situation was critical, and immediately brought 2000 soldiers to support Yanmen County!
Seeing this, Ding Yuan smiled wryly when he saw the reinforcements: "Mr. Guo, I have written hundreds of letters asking for help this month, and in the end I just waited for these 2000 reinforcements. Lei Gong has 10 elites who defeated the Xianbei people. Can the 5000 people who closed Yanmen be able to hold it?"

After Xu Wei repelled 10 Xianbei iron cavalry, Ding Yuan found that Xu Wei's strength had swelled too much. The soldiers in his hands were far from opponents. It is necessary for the imperial court to increase troops at Yanmen Pass and guard the gate of Bingzhou.

Guo Yun also smiled bitterly and said: "I have written several blood letters, but the answer from the court is that there is no reinforcements. The fighting in Yongzhou and Chencang is becoming more and more fierce, and the counties and counties occupied by Zhang Yan in Jizhou are becoming more and more serious." There are too many, now the imperial court can't find any reinforcements to support us!"

Ding Yuan said helplessly: "The imperial court is trying to force us to death, how can 5000 soldiers be the opponent of Lei Gong's 10 army!"

Guo Yun said: "It's not that we have no chance of winning. Lei Gong is so proud that he came to attack us after the autumn harvest. It is already the middle of September, and this year's snowfall will come in at most one month. At that time, Lei Gong will have to retreat! "

Ding Yuan smiled wryly and said: "I'm afraid we won't be able to defend even this month, Fu Jun, don't forget that Lei Gong is a good siege player, and the yellow scarf thieves would have difficulty conquering the Wubao of the powerful and noble families.

But Lei Gong made a crowbar, and the walls of the world became paper. In recent years, the yellow scarf thieves will surely break through a large number of Wubao as long as they make trouble. Be confident for a month! "

"My lord, why do you want others to destroy your prestige! My child is willing to go to the city to fight, show off the majesty of Lei Gong, and let Lei Gong know that we and the state army are not easy to mess with!" A nine-foot strong man said confidently.

Ding Yuan said angrily: "Mr. Lei has a 10 army, so you can destroy it as soon as you say it. Now going down to the city is just to die, why don't you retreat!"

Guo Yun looked at this man's figure and thought to himself: "What a strong man!"

With such a figure, everyone is a fierce general who is invincible to thousands of people. The war is about to start, and it is naturally something to be happy to have a strong general on one's side.

So he asked Ding Yuan, "Brother Jianyang, who is this general?"

Ding Yuan said: "This is Fengxian, the little boy. He was originally from Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County. He had to flee to Taiyuan County because of the Xianbei people's rebellion. I saw that he was tall, brave and invincible, so I adopted him as a foster son. In the past few years, he has repeatedly made military exploits, and the Xianbei who beat them dare not approach Yanmen Pass, because the child is good at riding and shooting, and his physical strength is extraordinary, he is called a flying general by his colleagues!"

Guo Yun looked at him with interest and said: "Now is the time for you to make contributions. This time, in the battle to repel Lei Gong, if you can make contributions in Fengxian, I will recommend you to the imperial court as a school lieutenant!"

Ding Yuan took a look at Lu Bu and said, "Hurry up and thank the Lord!"

Lu Bu saluted and said, "Thank you, Mr. Guo Fu, my subordinates will definitely kill Lei Gong! Get rid of this evil for the court!"

After finishing speaking, I left here on my own!
Ding Yuan said helplessly: "Your child is arrogant!"

Guo Yun said indifferently: "Those who are capable are naturally arrogant, and this time guarding the gate may depend on you, the adopted son!"

(End of this chapter)

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