I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 137, the top unique skill - blasting technique

Chapter 137, the top unique skill - blasting technique
next day
The fierce drums woke up the Yanmen and closed the Han army!
Guo Yunding originally felt that on the city wall, he saw the soldiers of the Tengjia Army marching towards Yanmen Pass little by little!

The smoke and dust in the distance covered the sky and the sun. When the Tengjia Army approached, they found that the smoke and dust did not seem to be made by an army of 10. Guo Yun wondered: "The Lei Gong Department seems to have less than [-] people? Where did his other troops go?" ?”

Ding Yuan was also surprised, but he said cautiously: "Could it be Lei Gong's trick to lure the enemy, to show his weakness and let us go out of the city to fight him, so he sent this little army over!"

But as the rattan armored army got closer and closer, Guo Yun gasped and said coldly: "The rattan armored army who came here are all wearing iron armor. This is a sign of weakness. I think Lei Gong wants to demonstrate!"

These days, even the Han army can only equip the army with leather armor. Even the northern and southern armies can hardly do it with full iron armor. There is no way. Devoured, naturally there are no resources to arm soldiers.

During the Han Wu period, millions of troops could be armed, and 60 troops could be stationed on the grassland for several years. However, the Eastern Han government would bankrupt the court if it maintained 10 troops. The gap in national strength was more than ten times.So ironware has been prosperous for hundreds of years, but their finances cannot support them to equip such gold-swallowing beasts!
Ding Yuan was shocked when he saw that the tens of thousands of soldiers Xu Wei had come out were all wearing iron armor, and said in shock: "No wonder the Xianbei people are no match for the Tengjia Army, such elites are really invincible!"

This equipment is even worse than one level. They will be fine if they slash up the enemy, but they will fall when the enemy is slashed down. There is no way to fight such a battle. Now Ding Yuan is glad that he is the defender of the city. If he fights on the plains, I am afraid He couldn't bear it for half a day!
Ding Yuan looked to the sky and prayed: "I just hope that the snow will fall sooner this year!"

Xu Wei at Yanmen Pass led the army to see the Han army on the pass disappointed and said: "The Han army still has a sense of honor, and they didn't escape under such circumstances!" If this is the case, the Ming army would have fled.

Xu Wei wanted to scare the Han army away, but was obviously disappointed.

We had no choice but to attack hard, Xu Wei ordered: "The engineering battalion started digging the tunnel!"

Captain Zhu Gui came out and said, "No!"

"The cavalry battalion guards both sides of the army!"

Wang Lei came out and said: "If the closed Han army dares to come out, I will definitely let them come and go!"

"Bow and Crossbow Battalion, Modao Battalion protect the Engineering Battalion, this time we can quickly conquer Yanmen Pass depends on the Engineering Battalion!"

Chief of Staff Wang Ge came out and said, "No!"

After Xu Wei gave the order, the entire Rattan Armored Army fluttered its banners and drums, and the soldiers roared like thunder, and the sound of killing shook the sky, and they were ready to attack Yanmen Pass.

Guo Yun and the others are all ready to fight to the death!

But they didn't expect Xu Wei's army to stay 300 steps away, and then they saw thousands of soldiers holding shovels, shoveling the soil one by one!

Looking at Guo Yun, they are all baffled!
"What is Lei Gong trying to do? Could it be that they want to dig a tunnel to break through the Yanmen Pass?" Guo Yun hesitated.

Because Yanmen Pass is a pass built on the mountain, and its base is rock, it is impossible for someone to dig through it. For thousands of years, Yanmen Pass has encountered countless enemies, but no enemy has ever wanted to dig a tunnel to break through Yanmen Pass!
Lu Bu on the side saw the action of the Tengjia Army and said mockingly: "I'm afraid this Lei Gong is not a fool!"

Dan Dingyuan scolded: "Feng Xianxiu is talking nonsense. This Lei Gong has fought for thousands of miles. Whether it is the army of the imperial court or the cavalry of the Xianbei people, he has suffered at the hands of him. How can such a hero be a fool? How can you be so contemptuous? He must suffer!"

Lu was annoyed at being scolded, but he didn't say anything!
Ding Yuan thought for a while and said, "Is there some kind of conspiracy by Lei Gonghui? Now he is just confusing us!"

Guo Yun also thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of any tricks that would allow him to break through the Yanmen Pass.Then he could only shake his head and said: "As long as we don't go out of the customs, even if Lei Gong has tricks, we don't have to be afraid. I want to see what this Lei Gong wants to do!"

With the relay of thousands of people, Xu Wei’s tunnel was excavated very quickly. It took only half a day for the tunnel to be excavated to the base of the Yanmen Pass city wall. On the ground, the base is glued with rocks and glutinous rice. It can be said that the base is not much stronger than rocks.

If black powder is used to explode like in the novel, even a carriage of black powder will not be able to blow up the city wall. There is no way that black powder is not as magical as everyone said, otherwise the ancestors would not be easy to use as fireworks. You know Generals in the Song Dynasty had already used black gunpowder on the battlefield, but the power was very poor, like chicken ribs, which could not determine the outcome of a war at all.

Therefore, it has not become the mainstream of war, and although Xu Wei's black powder has the most accurate proportion, it is also granulated with egg white, so that these black powder can exert the strongest power, but this also increases the power by 2-3 times. Black powder has been upgraded to become a dangerous drop gun level!
If this kind of black powder is used to attack the city, ordinary small cities can also make up for it by placing a large amount of black powder on the base, but it is obviously impossible to use this method for a fortress like Yanmen Pass.

Fortunately, Xu Wei is a well-informed Internet writer. The majority of netizens on the Internet have no brains. The power of black powder is not enough, so let's blast at a fixed point, make a hole in the city wall, put the black powder in, and seal it well. , this power has been increased hundreds of times, as long as the dose is enough, mountains can be blasted through!

And Xu Wei intends to use this method. Other traversers only know how to make black powder, but they don’t know how to make black powder exert its greatest power. It is also a top-level technology. There is no novel about it. I feel that my brain hole has exceeded 800 million writers, which is considered a top talent!

When the tunnel was excavated on the base of Yanmen Pass, the soldiers of the engineering battalion used steel cones and hammers to drill holes, and then filled the holes with prepared black powder, keeping a long lead wire, and after lighting the lead wire , The fighters fled quickly!

"Boom!" A dull voice sounded after a while, and the entire Yanmen Pass was shaken, and many soldiers fell down!

"What's going on here?" Ding Yuan didn't understand what happened at all, and the soldiers were terrified, especially the unknown events made them even more terrified. They knelt on the ground and prayed to the gods to bless them!

(End of this chapter)

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