I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 148, the big man cooking oil in the fire, the unstoppable rebel army

Chapter 148, the big man cooking oil in the fire, the unstoppable rebel army
The fourth year of Zhongping (187 A.D.) was not a good year.

In February, the people of Xingyang County revolted.The rebel army attacked Zhongmou and beheaded Zhongmou Ling Luohao and the master Pan Ye, and their momentum gradually became stronger.

Xingyang County is in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and it is only 200 miles away from Luoyang City. Although this uprising was very small, it shocked Emperor Ling. The entire Luoyang court was unprecedentedly efficient. In March, 2 northern troops were ready. Henan Yin Hemiao led troops to suppress, and the rebel army failed in less than a month.

But this war also foreshadows that even if the big man wins the two wars in Xiliang and Jizhou, the conflict between the people and land of the big man has not been resolved, the refugees have not disappeared, and those who cannot survive will continue to rebel after all!

Sure enough, when the spring blossomed in April, the Yellow Turban army Bai Rao and Yu Po led his troops down the mountain to attack the prefectures and counties in Hanoi. The striker only refers to Huaicheng, the prefecture of Hanoi, and Zhang Yan from Heishan once again attacked Jizhou, the north bank of the Yellow River, and the war resumed.

The Yellow Turban Army went down the mountain again and shocked the entire Luoyang court, especially this time the Yellow Turban Army attacked the Sanhe area, and the flames of war had already spread to the 100-mile area of ​​Luoyang City. The shock caused by this can be imagined, and the imperial court immediately dispatched the Northern Army to suppress it. Bai Rao, Yu Du, ordered Liu Bei to resist Zhang Yan at the same time, for fear that the Yellow Turban Army would sweep the entire Jizhou again.

The effect of Liu Bei guarding Jizhou was beyond the imagination of Lingdi and the others. Zhang Yan did not capture any cities this time, but occupied the vast countryside of Jizhou. He continued to fight guerrilla warfare with Liu Bei. In less than a month, the two sides fought hundreds of times. , but the number of people who died in the battle was not even a thousand. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of people who died in the past, the scale of the war can almost be regarded as a brawl.

The court of Luoyang City breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the battle report. Everyone was frightened by the Yellow Turban Army. In these years, the Yellow Turban Army will definitely rise up every winter. Every time it is huge, there are hundreds of thousands People attacked the city, but this time not a single city was lost. Liu Bei looked at him from all over the court. Compared with Wang Fen before, Liu Bei's ability was much stronger.

So Lingdi swiped his pen and named Liu Bei Bei Zhonglang, who will continue to encircle and suppress Zhang Yan and his party on Taihang Mountain!

The battles of the Han Dynasty were rekindled, and Emperor Ling had no choice but to call General He Jun, Taiwei Zhang Wen, Situ Cui Lie, Sikong Xuxiang and Chaozhong Jiuqing, all of you to discuss the matter in the hall!
Emperor Ling impatiently said: "Everyone think of a way, this ant thief is about to attack Luoyang City, if this continues, do you really have to pick up the sword and fight the ant thief with your own hands? The reason why the imperial court gives you so much salary every year You do things!"

General He Jin said calmly: "Your Majesty, this year's banditry is only a sporadic 2 to 3 people, and it can be pacified by the county soldiers alone. I don't have to worry about the comfort of Luoyang City!"

Zhang Wen then said: "Your Majesty, I'm really worried about the Yellow Turban Army. You can let Dong Zhuo lead the army to suppress the Hanoi rebels."

Emperor Ling asked, "Where did Dong Zhuo go?"

Zhang Wen said: "We have arrived in Hedong County! It only takes three days for Dong Zhuo's subordinates to reach Hanoi County by going down the river!"

But Emperor Ling was a little worried. Firstly, Luoyang City’s troops were insufficient, and Dong Zhuo’s 3 frontier troops marched through Luoyang City. In the mutiny when Emperor Ling was underage, the eunuch Wang Pu mobilized Zhang Huan's frontier army with the false edict Fang Sheng, and completely suppressed the mutiny of the general Dou Wu.Emperor Ling still remembered the incident vividly. From that time on, he never let the frontier army approach Luoyang City again.

Later, he also wanted Dong Zhuo to help him completely pacify Lei Gong in Mayi, so that the rebellion of the big stocks in the Han territory would be completely annihilated.

So Emperor Ling said: "It is enough for the rebels in Hanoi to be handed over to the Northern Army. The Xiliang Army will continue to march towards Taiyuan County. I am still waiting for General Dong Zhuo to bring good news!"

As soon as Lingdi's words fell, Cui Lie said fiercely: "Now the country is in troubled times, with continuous wars and an empty treasury. We simply don't have the financial resources to support another 10-person war. Lei Gong in Mayi, although talented, But he is a person with no big ambitions. As long as the court does not move him, he will stay in Mayi safely. Why should we change this situation? The most urgent task now is to put down the rebels in Henan County and Hanoi County to ensure that the Gyeonggi No worries. However, the anti-insurgency military funds in these two places alone may consume more than half of the national treasury. Your Majesty must accumulate tens of billions of money if he wants to prepare to deal with Lei Gong in Mayi!

"Tens of billions of money!" Lingdi's eyes widened. He didn't expect to spend so much money to put down a mere Lei Gong and occupy a county's rebellion. He didn't want Dong Zhuo to go to Taiyuan County on the spot!
Cui Lie couldn't see the fire enough and continued: "Your Majesty, you only need to look at Xiliang's battle report to figure it out. Xiliang's suppression of the rebellion has lasted for two years. The food and salaries of the army for two years have already exceeded 10 billion yuan, and if the attack on Mayi consumes more, Chang'an can provide food and grass in the war in Xiliang.

And what is there in Bingzhou?The richest Taiyuan County only has 20 people, and there is no county in Bingzhou that can support an army of 10. Even Bingzhou allocates food and grass from Jizhou every year, and now Jizhou is at war with Zhang Yan, and Hanoi is at war with Yudu In the war, only the two counties of Hedong and Hexi are left that can really provide food and grass, and even Henan County is added to provide food and grass. How much money will it cost for the thousands of miles of transshipment? I can guarantee that as long as Mayi cannot be conquered within a year , The military expenditure of the imperial court will exceed tens of billions of dollars! "

What did we end up with?It's just a remote town bordering the Xianbei people. Does Your Majesty think a Lei Gong is worth tens of billions? "

If you want to say who is the dove among the big men with abundant martial arts virtues, it must be Cui Lie. He really doesn't want to hear the news of the war at all, and he doesn't want to start a war. In the past few years, Jizhou has been almost wiped out. Now, Jizhou's elite clan suffered heavy casualties, less than [-]% of them, and other places are just turmoil, but Jizhou has entered a situation that is even more terrifying than the troubled times.

The Yellow Turban Army took the Wubao of their aristocrats as a copy, and brushed it if they had nothing to do. Now there are no aristocrats in Jizhou who dare to stay in Wubao. Most of them either fled to Luoyang City or fled to the Central Plains. The wealth and private soldiers of the gentry have been wiped out in battles with the Yellow Turban Army.

At this time, Liu Bei, who was in charge of the army, also came once in three years in Hedong and three years in Hexi. Three years ago, they pushed out Liu Bei. Now Liu Bei holds a large army, and he doesn't care about the elites in Jizhou. Now in Jizhou, only the people and the tyrants are in conflict. Therefore, Liu Bei must favor the people and safeguard the interests of the people.

It can be said that in less than half a year since Liu Bei came to Jizhou, Liu Qingtian has already become famous in the world, but he has lost his military power and wealth. Now the elites in Jizhou are just dogs in the water, and they can only whine. It's not like they haven't thought about it Assassinate Liu Bei with the means of dealing with Fu Bian.

But Liu Bei has three brothers who are enemies of thousands of people.Moreover, Liu Bei himself is not bad at martial arts. There have been constant turmoil in Jizhou these years, and Liu Bei can defend against bandits outside, but he is willing to do good things inside. Even ordinary people who are not scholars can sit at the same table with him and eat with him. There will be choices.

Liu Bei is very popular in Jizhou, and this time the elites sent assassins to assassinate him.Liu Bei didn't know about it, and treated the assassin very politely. The assassin was deeply moved, and couldn't bear to kill Liu Bei, so he confessed the truth and left.After the news spread, the people of Jizhou, who had only been stable for half a year, were all excited. They personally found the home of the powerful family who planned to assassinate Liu Bei. Thousands of people rushed in and killed the entire family of the powerful family. This incident caused a sensation throughout Jizhou.

The nobles in Jizhou found that even the city was not safe, so they fled Jizhou one after another, but now the wealthy in Jizhou have no money, no food, no private soldiers, and no fortress. It can be said that the nobles in Jizhou are as a Powerful political forces have evaporated.

Cui Lie doesn't have much selfishness now. He just wants to take care of his hometown now. If Lei Gong really attacked Mayi, it must be Jizhou who provided food and grass, but Jizhou, which is frequently warped, can't afford much food now!
Cui Lie continued: "Nowadays, the common people of the big Han are rebelling repeatedly. It's not that they like to be rebels, but that they can't survive anymore. Instead of spending tens of billions to fight a rebellion on the border, the imperial court should rest and recuperate, reduce taxes for the people, and let officials from all over the country Appease and relieve the refugees scattered everywhere, as long as there are no refugees, the Yellow Turban Army will not be a problem!"

"And if the fight continues, the imperial court will have to collect more taxes. The common people can only rebel if they can't afford it, and then we will have to spend more money to suppress the rebellion. Isn't the big man always like this these years!"

In fact, after hearing what Cui Lie said earlier, Emperor Ling didn't dare to be interested in Xu Wei. With tens of billions, wouldn't it be good for me to build a garden?Why throw it to Mayi and not even hear a sound.

So Emperor Ling immediately said: "Yes, yes, yes! It is important to recuperate! Lei Gong will be placed in Mayi first, and then deal with it when the court has money and food!"

But General He Jun didn't want Dong Zhuo to stay in Hanoi County. He didn't forget how General Dou Wu died. The eunuch Dong Zhuo appeared around Luoyang City. This foreign army threatened him too much as a great general.

So he came out and said: "The words Cui Situ said are true in Xiliang, Youzhou, and even other counties in Bingzhou, but they are wrong only in Mayi!"

"We all know that Lei Gong defeated Helian's 10 army, but everyone doesn't know that one of Lei Gong's subordinates robbed the entire Handan Mountain, which is the royal court of the Xianbei people. All the millions of livestock were taken by Lei Gong's subordinates. Meet Mayi. It is said that there are now more than one million cattle and sheep in Mayi. Because there is no food to feed, Lei Gong ordered the people to eat cattle and sheep every day to save food.

But even if the hundreds of thousands of people in the Leigong Ministry can eat it, he still can't eat it all. He simply divides each tribe with one more horse, two cows, and 10 sheep. Sheep, and Lei Gong has cultivated more than 10 million mu of land in the past two years. It is said that Mayi's granary stores more than ten million stones!
Lei Gong is also proficient in all kinds of crafts, and can use the wool of the Hu people to make woolen cloth. The woolen cloth that appears in Luoyang City is made by Lei Gong. People who have been to Mayi say that Mayi is a city that never sleeps. The Han people also call it the Pearl of the Great Wall, and the Hu people even call it the number one city in the world!Such a city possesses wealth of no less than tens of billions, how can it be comparable to ordinary remote towns! "

Emperor Ling was surprised: "Is the wool cloth made by Mayi?"

This winter woolen cloth and woolen sweaters have become popular in Luoyang City. A woolen sweater can be sold for 2000 renminbi, and a woolen cloth is worth 5000 renminbi. The price is the same as that of the finest Shu brocade. Emperor Ling ordered some of them Clothes made of woolen cloth, and found that woolen clothes are really better than fur and silk, and he lived much more comfortably this winter.

If it is true what He Jin said, then Mayi is really a place of treasures!In an instant, Emperor Ling was tempted. If you spend 100 billion, you can earn tens of billions, several times the profit. This business can be done!

Zhang Rang saw He Jin's plan to kill people with a knife, how much their eunuch forces had spent to train Dong Zhuo into the current former general, and he couldn't just be consumed by He Jin, a butcher.

Although Zhang Rang couldn't see how strong Mayi's Lei Gong was?I don't know if Dong Zhuo can defeat Lei Gong.

But he knows Gong Dou best, and he will definitely oppose what the enemy approves of. Although he and He Jin have not reached the level of enemies, after He Jin became a general these years, he has indeed alienated them a little bit, and instead has a relationship with scholars. It was very close, and there were 7 celebrities who became He Jin's subordinates in just one general's mansion. This made He Jin, a great general, famous in a short period of time, and his prestige increased rapidly, becoming a veritable great general. General.

It's just that Zhang made them dumbfounded. Although He Jin was the queen's elder brother, he was just an inconspicuous Henan Yin. They pushed He Jin to the throne of the general, but they could have imagined that He Jin would be like this Unloading the mill and killing the donkey, he walked to the side of the scholars like this.

At this time, Zhang Rang and the others realized that they were shooting themselves in the foot. When there were no generals in Luoyang City, the military power was dispersed. Military power and the trust of the emperor have repeatedly become the final victors.

But now the military power of the Northern Army in Luoyang City is almost entirely in the hands of the butcher He Jin. If He Jin joins forces with the soldiers to deal with them, just like Dou Wu did back then, then these eunuchs will undoubtedly die. Gong Dou’s sensitivity made them find Dong Zhuo This martial artist became their external force, and helped Dong Zhuo to be promoted from a 2000 stone Zhonglang general to a former general within a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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