I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 149, Chaotic Taiyuan County

Chapter 149, Chaotic Taiyuan County

So Zhang Rang said softly: "Your Majesty, I don't know where the tens of billions of money mentioned by the general are, but the court really needs to spend the 100 billion to fight this battle! 100 billion? When Dong Zhuo and the others are really going to fight, the Sangong and Jiuqing ministers will probably ask His Majesty to use Wan Jintang's money to support the war!"

When Lingdi heard this, his small eyes widened, his face turned cold instantly, and he almost fell for the tricks of these courtiers.

For Emperor Ling, Wan Jintang is his Achilles' heel, especially after he supported the national treasury with 10 billion dollars last time, he has not returned it until now. Going to see the empty money bank and not to mention it, he still shamelessly asks Emperor Ling to support another 10 billion, and promises to return it when the treasury is rich, and it will be doubled!
Lingdi froze his sleeves and left on the spot, just kidding!He has been emperor for more than ten years, when did the treasury become rich!

After learning the lesson of being deceived this time, Emperor Ling never gave his money from Wanjintang to the treasury again.

So Emperor Ling immediately changed his attitude and said: "Now that the imperial court is empty and full of autumn, it is true that we should not continue to provoke the flames of war, but to rest with the people. This Lei Gong in Mayi seems to be respectful to the imperial court after all. Let's see if it is okay. Put him in peace and let him help the court resist the Xianbei in Mayi!"

Zongzheng Liu Yu on the side looked at Lingdi's complicated heart. If he had known that raising money could change Lingdi's mind, he would not have resigned to avoid suspicion.

At this time, Emperor Ling also looked at Liu Yu and asked: "Zongzheng, you have lived in Youzhou for a long time, and you must be familiar with the affairs of Mayi. Can the court appease Lei Gong?"

Liu Yu went out to salute and said: "Your Majesty, Lei Gong doesn't have much hatred for the court, but most of his subordinates are yellow scarf thieves, and when the court recruited Zhang Yan, many of Zhang Yan's commanders who hated the court also joined Lei Gong. These people have blood feuds with the imperial court, they all oppose appeasement, even Lei Gong must take their opinions into consideration!"

Emperor Ling shook his head and said, "What a pity!"

The Shangshu ordered Lu Zhi to go out and said: "Your Majesty, since we can't appease Lei Gong, Dong Zhuo's [-] troops still have to go to Taiyuan County. After losing Yanmen Pass, the entire Bingzhou is wide open, and there is not enough troops. The entire Bingzhou will always be under Leigong. under threat!"

At this time, He Jin said: "Your Majesty, since Dong Zhuo's [-] frontier troops are going to be sent to Taiyuan County, why not solve Lei Gong's rebellion once and for all!"

Liu Yu immediately stopped him and said: "Your Majesty! It is impossible to defeat Lei Gong without an army of more than 10. The general's words are not for once and for all, but to set fire to himself. If Lei Gong is really angry, he will raise 10 troops to attack Bingzhou. Where can we find 10 troops to resist Lei Gong?"

Zhang Rang stood up at the right time and looked at He Jin with a smile: "General, in order to deal with the 2 refugees in Xingyang County, you sent 1 northern troops, and you also need the help of 3 national soldiers from Henan County to put down the rebellion. Now when Leigong is the most, there are 15 rebels, and they still defeated the elite of the Xianbei people. The confidence from the general can defeat Leigong with this force! Or the general thinks that he is Huangfusong, Fu Bian, these fierce generals, you, general Have you ever been on a battlefield?"

Seeing that He Jin wanted to consume Dong Zhuo's strength, Zhang Rang decided to attack He Jin himself!Zhang Rang is almost pointing at He Jin and calling him trash now.

Emperor Ling was also happy to see Zhang Rang directly confronting He Jin.

The alliance between He Jin and the eunuch made him worry!
Back then, He Jin's younger sister was pushed to the empress throne by these eunuchs. Of course, Emperor Ling didn't trust people from aristocratic clans, so he abolished Empress Song, who was born in a powerful clan, and installed Empress He, who was born in a powerful family!
But he didn't expect that the empress who came from a powerful background would be even more domineering. He only favored Beauty Wang a few times back then, and at the same time, Beauty Wang also gave birth to the second prince Liu Xie. Empress He immediately dared to poison the beauty Wang who had just given birth.

Emperor Ling didn't even think that such a thing would happen. He drew his sword on the spot and wanted to kill Empress He, but was stopped by the eunuchs around him, and then wanted to abolish Empress He, but he didn't think of the old officials in the inner palace. They are all in the same group as Empress He. After Lingdi had this idea and they found out, Zhang Rang and others came to dissuade Lingdi.

However, their dissuasion also frightened Emperor Ling. He thought that Empress He, who was born in a powerful family, did not have much power, but he did not expect that Empress He could win over all the eunuchs in the palace. If he wanted to continue, would he not Die violently!

Emperor Ling didn't know this, but he knew that several emperors in this dynasty had died inexplicably, and he might not be one of them.

So Emperor Ling gave up the idea of ​​abolishing Empress He, and instead handed over his newly born second prince to his mother, Empress Dowager Dong, to raise him. At the same time, he also stopped looking for Empress He. Such a poisonous woman who would poison people to death if she disagreed with him, he I was also worried that I would be poisoned to death!
And after this incident, He Jin even let his cousin marry Zhang Rang's adoptive son, and the relationship between the two became closer, but such close attention ended when He Jin became a general.

After He Jin became a general, he first personally invited Zhao Qi, a famous party member of the year, as the general's mansion as a long history in his capacity as a general.Even after being rejected seven or eight times, I never changed my mind.

Zhao Qi felt his sincerity, so he reluctantly agreed to become He Jin's long history. After Zhao Qi arrived at the general's mansion, He Jin, who was originally only notorious as a butcher among scholars, suddenly had a huge crowd, and celebrities from all over the world came to vote.There are seven famous scholars in his general's mansion alone, all of whom are famous Confucian scholars with great reputation in the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Rang and the others were even more shocked. They just watched He Jin switch to the side of the powerful and powerful. To the point of tit-for-tat, and this is something Lingdi is happy to see, supporting He Jin to change to the side of the powerful and noble clan.Zhang Rang and the others were obviously more obedient, and they never dared to do anything to anger Ling Emperor again!
He Jin didn't seem to be able to hear what Zhang Rang said, but his face remained unchanged and he said: "Xingyang County is the confidant of the Central Plains. If this rebellion becomes bigger, it will not affect the emperor's comfort. That's why this general has a thunderbolt." Suppress this rebellion!"

"But Lei Gong in Mayi is different. Although he has elite subordinates, it does not affect the safety of Luoyang City, and it is not impossible for Lei Gong's elite subordinates to defeat them."

Lingdi asked strangely: "What high opinion does the general have?"

Don't look at He Jin as a general, but in fact he has never led an army in battle, so there are basically few people who think highly of He Jin among the famous generals of the Han Dynasty. They all think that he only became a general because of his sister!

He Jin continued to say indifferently: "Lei Gong's subordinates are well-equipped, brave in battle, and there are many of them. What's more, they are different from other bandits in that Lei Gong knows how to manage a dilapidated border town in Mayi, but he managed it into a big city. Such bandits If you don’t get rid of it now, it will definitely become a disaster in the future!”

Emperor Ling said impatiently: "General, this is a high opinion, but what does it have to do with war? What tricks does the General have to defeat Lei Gong? If there is no such thing, then there is no need to talk about the General!"

He Jindao: "For food, even if Mayi is well managed by Lei Gong, Mayi is a poor frontier after all. Compared with the Central Plains, the fields are too far away. After Lei Gong came to Mayi, he must open up wasteland every year, but every year Lei Gong encounters When it comes to war, each battle must be tens of thousands of people. The general is sure that Mayi will not have a lot of food and grass, and the young and strong of Mayi are only less than 20. Only we encircle Mayi on all sides and do not take the initiative to attack. Lei Gong's subordinates occupy a dangerous place and fight a war of attrition with Lei Gong, and Lei Gong will surely perish from lack of food!"

Emperor Ling wondered: "Didn't the general just say that Lei Gong has tens of millions of stones of grain and millions of cattle and sheep to consume with Lei Gong, I'm afraid the court can't afford to consume it first!"

"Cough cough cough!" He Jin really broke his defenses this time. He said that Mayi has tens of millions of stones, grain and grass, but he just wanted to arouse the greed of Emperor Ling, so he said this on purpose. He didn't expect to be contradicting himself now. .

At this time, Liu Yu broke the siege and said: "The general may have heard it from hearsay. The officials have been in Youzhou for many years, and they often check the situation in Mayi. Although Lei Gong has been buying grain and grass, the big man has gone through wars these years, and there is not much food. Lei Gong The purchase of grain and grass has been unsatisfactory, Mayi has about 300 million grain and grass, although there is a lot of grain, it is not enough for Lei Gong's troops to eat for the second half of the year, if the imperial army can really surround Lei Gong for half a year, it is really possible to wipe out Lei Gong!"

He Jin continued: "Your Majesty, as long as General Dong Zhuo's 3 subordinates join forces with the Bingzhou Army's 2 county soldiers to defend Yuanping County to the death, let Youzhou's 5 Tuntian soldiers defend the Feihu Fortress, and then recruit 13 Huns to attack the military. Zhou, with such three groups of troops and [-] troops surrounding Mayi, unless Lei Gong escapes to the desert, he will definitely be trapped and die in Mayi!"

Lu Zhi disagreed and said: "The general's idea is good, but it is difficult to realize. The encirclement is too big. On the front thousands of miles away, if Lei Gong concentrates his troops to defeat each other, the 13 soldiers and horses will not be able to interact with each other at all." Support! If you can’t defeat Lei Gong’s subordinates in a field battle, it’s impossible to surround Lei Gong. Moreover, the imperial court doesn’t have enough financial resources to support the 13 army’s consumption for half a year. The general’s strategy is nothing but a castle in the air!”

"I thought Lei Gong had no ambitions, and the Mayi he occupied was not a confidant and dangerous place for the court, so I let Lei Gong occupy it first, and waited for the court to quell the rebellion in the Central Plains, and after recuperating, gather the national strength of the whole big man to deal with a small man. The small Mayi is a piece of cake, now we just need Dong Zhuo to lead an army of [-] to guard Taiyuan County and prevent Lei Gong from wreaking havoc in Bingzhou!"

"But the general's words are also reasonable. Lei Gong can't let him continue to grow. The court wants to block the passes around Mayi to prevent food from entering Mayi. In this way, it is impossible for Lei Gong's department to grow and grow when there is only food!"

Emperor Ling thought about it for a long time. The [-] army fought a war of annihilation for more than half a year. It is really not something the current court can support. It's clear!

After thinking for a while, Emperor Ling said: "If the general really wants to fight this battle, he should find a way to get 100 billion yuan, or let Dong Zhuo lead the army to station in Taiyuan County, forget it, Lei Gong will find a way to solve it later!"

As long as He Jin wasn't stupid, he wouldn't agree. Anyway, he just didn't want Dong Zhuo to be around Luoyang City. Dong Zhuo's arrangement in Taiyuan County wouldn't affect him, so he didn't say anything.

So Emperor Ling said: "Then do it according to the method of Shang Shuling, and the decree strictly prohibits grain from entering Mayi, and those who violate it will be severely punished!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Sangong Jiuqing said.

Zhongping four years (AD 187), May.

Dong Zhuo's 3 troops finally wandered into Jinyang City, and Zhang Yi, governor of Bingzhou, brought all the civil and military officials of Bingzhou to welcome Dong Zhuo at the gate of the city!

Seeing Dong Zhuo, Zhang Yi excitedly said, "General Dong, you are finally here!"

Dong Zhuo got off his horse and said, "Inspector Zhang is too polite. This old man is a rough man. When he came to Bingzhou, he naturally obeyed Inspector Zhang's orders!"

At the same time, Dong Zhuo was very vigilant, he was so polite, and he didn't know Zhang Yi well, there must be a conspiracy!

But Zhang Yi was not polite, but said: "It's good that the general is here, and I will leave the matter of exterminating Lei Gong to the general!"

But Dong Zhuo said: "The imperial court only ordered me to garrison Taiyuan County, but it didn't let me destroy Lei Gong. I'm sorry that I can't do anything about this order from Inspector Zhang!"

"This is the business of Taiyuan County!" An old man in his sixties came up to the shop and said.

Dong Zhuo asked strangely: "Inspector Zhang, who is this old man?"

Zhang Yi said: "This old man is the head of the Guo family. There are three prefects in their family who only cost 2000 shi, and two who died for the country alone. It can be called the loyalty of the country!"

Dong Zhuo said respectfully: "So it's Zhongliang's family, I don't know what orders the old man has?"

Guo Fen said angrily: "Lei Gong's subordinates broke through my Wubao and took away my private soldiers, tenants and money. My two sons died for the country, and now there is no one to help me. General Dong wants Make the decision for the old man!"

Behind Guo Fen, many old people began to cry and said: "General Dong wants to make the decision for us, this Lei Gong is bullying us and the people of the state too much!"

Dong Zhuo said with a look of surprise: "Everyone has been attacked by Lei Gong? But I have never heard that Lei Gong is attacking Taiyuan County, and the current situation in Taiyuan does not look like it has experienced war!"

Zhang Yi could only explain to Dong Zhuo in embarrassment at this time.

It turned out that after the spring blossoms, the officials of Taiyuan County were finally relieved to find that Lei Gong had no intention of going south. Then Zhang Yi ordered Lu Bu to take the soldiers who had escaped from Yanmen Pass and stationed in Yuanping County to monitor every move of Lei Gong's department.

But Xu Wei didn't care about Bingzhou's thoughts.

Spring is here, and he has to plow millions of acres first, and then shear millions of sheep. He is very busy, and a large number of factories in Mayi have stopped operating because of spring plowing.

But something different happened this year. Although Lei Gong was like a devil in the eyes of the elites in Bingzhou, he had a very good reputation among the common people. When Xu Wei led 20 troops across the entire Bingzhou, the people in Mayi Knowing that Lei Gong not only speaks kindly, but also buys and sells fairly, he usually pays three times the price to buy their goods.

Lei Gong's actions at the beginning made hundreds of thousands of people in Bingzhou have a good year, and even now the people of Bingzhou miss Leigong!
So when Lei Gong broke through Yanmen Pass, it was equivalent to Mayi opening up the connection with other counties and counties in Bingzhou. In the past, only big businessmen could go there without selling goods.

But now the people around Yanmen Pass are carefully carrying their own eggs and grains, and they come to Yanmen Pass occupied by Lei Gong to sell them!
The defenders at the Yanmen Pass had long wanted to improve their food, not to mention that each of them had a generous monthly salary, so these people were surprised to find that their worthless grain eggs could be sold for several times the price.

Everyone's eyes filled with tears, and sure enough, this is the legendary Lei Gongjun (who was taken advantage of)!

Soon a small market was formed under Yanmen Pass. The defenders of Yanmen Pass often came here to buy various items. The two sides got in touch with each other and quickly became acquainted.

When the two sides chatted with each other, the common people found that the monthly salary of working in Mayi was extremely high, not to mention food and housing, even the lowest monthly salary was 300 yuan!
The people in Bingzhou didn't believe it at all and said: "How is this possible? We work with the master's family here, not to mention the monthly salary, and we have to provide food ourselves!"

The soldiers were furious: "Isn't this work for nothing! Idiots don't do such things!"

The people shook their heads helplessly: "If you don't do it, you won't be able to rent the land of the master's family, and the whole family will starve to death!"

The soldier said angrily: "Then you don't want to rent the bandit's land. Follow me to Mayi. Now there is a shortage of manpower everywhere in Mayi. A man with hands and feet like you can earn 300 yuan a month with food and housing. If your wife knows how to weave a thousand dollars a month, it’s easy to do. If you don’t want to work, you can also farm. We are opening up wasteland every day in Mayi. This year, Qu Shuai plans to open up 200 million acres of land. After you pass, you can not only divide 30 acres of land You can also share a cow!"

The people on the side couldn't believe it and said, "How could such a good thing happen in the world!"

When the soldiers saw that the people were not convinced, they immediately said: "As long as our Tengjia Army came to Bingzhou, when did we say nothing, no! You are worthless, why should I lie to you! And you just need to go to Ma Just take a look at Yi and you will know, Ma Yi is only a hundred miles away from here, how can I deceive you!"

The people around the soldiers were right when they thought about it. Lei Gong has always bought and sold fairly (taken advantage of it), since he can give three times the price, why can't he give three times the monthly salary? It's not uncommon for Lei Gong to do such a thing with his mind.

Otherwise, everyone should go and see it!
So a few excited people, with curiosity and the temptation of a high salary of 300 yuan, passed Yanmen Pass and came to Mayi, wanting to find a suitable job for them!

At this time, Xu Wei in Mayi was worrying about arranging staff. There was a shortage of manpower everywhere, and everyone asked him for it. Moreover, every subordinate of the county magistrate here also had ambitions to build factories. , It is necessary to reclaim millions of acres of land, to build elevated canals, and to build tracks!
And these grand plans require a lot of manpower, but there is a shortage of manpower in Mayi, so Xu Wei can only return 600% of the plans here, only a few plans for land reclamation and canal construction have been passed, and their scale has been reduced. , but even so this year, the fields within the scope of the Fujiko Army will exceed 300 million mu, of which the high-yield fields with elevated canals will reach [-] million mu!

Faced with such a shortage of labor force, Xu Wei thought of the migrant workers in his original world, so he turned his attention to the grasslands outside Yanmen Pass, Bingzhou and Heping City. These two places have millions of people. 100 million, the situation of lack of population in Mayi will not be solved.

Then Xu Wei discovered that during the construction of the Yanmenguan-Mayi track construction site, there were actually hundreds more people in Yanmenguan, which made Xu Weiwei overjoyed.A recruitment plan began to form in his mind.

He found these people, personally thanked them for their contributions to Mayi, and gave them each a wheelbarrow, a stone of grain and 10 catties of mutton, and then sent them back to their original village with drums and gongs all the way!
Xu Wei's new idea caused a sensation in the entire Yanmen Pass in Ningwu and Dai County. Everyone knows that working in Yanmen Pass is expensive, and one month's income can be equal to half a year. Therefore, only one commoner who comes to Mayi can bring Hundreds of people from a village came to Mayi to work!

In less than 10 days, there were tens of thousands of workers in Mayi, and after these workers inquired about the treatment in Mayi, they all expressed their unwillingness to go back. You can divide the land, although you have to open up wasteland yourself, but it can provide such a good place as farm tools, why do you want to go back.

And Xu Wei's actions instantly opened up the heads of these county magistrates who wanted to make contributions. Everyone sent their confidantes to recruit workers in Ningwu County, Yuanping County, Yu County, and Pingcheng. Then recruit workers from Xianbei people, as long as those who come to Mayi to work include food and housing, 300 yuan (2 sheep!)
Moreover, some people got through the second channel of Ren and Du, and actually thought of the modern recruitment method, looking for some foremen, and every time they recruited a person to Mayi, they could get 5 yuan. This method made people crazy, and many people simply went around Introducing the benefits of Mayi directly turned Mayi into a heaven on earth, so in less than a month since the beginning of spring, Mayi had an extra 10 motivated workers. Although this also brought chaos to Mayi, it also brought chaos to Mayi Yap brings vitality.

It's just that Xu Wei's behavior has brought huge losses to the nobles and barbarians around Mayi.A Taiyuan County has a population of only 20, which is now reduced by one-third by Xu Wei.

Spring has come, but the tenants have run away, not to mention their serfs. There is no one to plow their fields, and they send slaves to plow.

These nobles even made iron chains to lock the serfs, so that they could not escape, but it was of no use. Mayi immediately made a pressure clamp. You can exchange this iron chain for a sum of money.

Naturally, these aristocrats did not eat dry food. They immediately dispatched their own private soldiers to arrest many peasant family members working in Mayi, coerce them to come back, and even killed many officials who helped Xu Wei find workers.

How could Xu Wei bear this? He directly dispatched the most elite 5 Modao team, directly broke through [-] Wubao, and then publicly tried the owners of these Wubao. Instead, they directly took everyone in Wubao to Mayi, and sent a person directly to Loukong.

When Mayi used force, the nobles were frightened, and finally understood the thoughts of the nobles in Jizhou. They abandoned their Wubao and hid in Jinyang City to wait for the imperial army to help them avenge their revenge. So when Dong Zhuo came, they That's why I'm so excited, it's time to take revenge on these mud legs!
 Today is more than [-], and I am asking for a monthly ticket openly.

(End of this chapter)

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