I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 150, greedy for the world

Chapter 150, greedy for the world
But the nobles in Bingzhou were disappointed. Dong Zhuo also drank wine and took money, but when he talked about attacking Mayi to avenge them, Dong Zhuo still said the same thing. The court asked him to garrison Taiyuan County, and he could not leave Taiyuan The county went to destroy Lei Gong!

After a few times, Dong Zhuo's tricks were seen clearly by the nobles in Bingzhou, and they all left disappointed after knowing that they could not rely on Dong Zhuo!
And Dong Zhuo himself brought 100 cavalry all the way to Yuanping County after receiving these nobles. He wanted to investigate the situation on the front line. Although he also served as an official in Bingzhou for several years, it was a long time ago after all. If you want not to be deceived by Bingzhou officials, you have to observe the situation on the front line yourself.

In Yuanping County, Lu Bu's 4000 Bingzhou Army is stationed here!They all escaped from Yanmen Pass, and at the beginning, no one dared to come because of Xu Wei's powerful troops, so the governor of Bingzhou simply let Lu Bu and his defeated soldiers be placed here to resist Xu Wei's army. County gates are closed!

Dong Zhuo observed the battle preparations around Yuanping County, and found that the small town was well-prepared. There were a lot of antlers and repelling horses on the periphery, which were already more than ten paces away, and a very large trench was dug to surround it. The trench was deep and wide. , and all the excavated soil was piled up under the city wall, which made him feel strange, wouldn't it be more convenient to attack one side, and the soldiers on the city wall were also very vigilant, watching them come and prepare their crossbows one by one!
Dong Zhuo was surprised and said: "I thought I would see a group of frightened birds, but I didn't expect to see a group of elite men!"

At this time, one of Dong Zhuo's soldiers shouted: "The former general came to inspect the front line, and you still haven't come out to greet him!"

The gate of Yuanping County was opened wide, and a nine-foot-tall general came out with thousands of soldiers!Especially what surprised Dong Zhuo, these thousands of soldiers were marching on the same line, as if they were one person, and after fighting for 30 years, he immediately realized that this was an elite force.However, Lei Gong can break through a fortress like Yanmen Pass among such elites. It is conceivable how elite Lei Gong's subordinates are, and they are a powerful enemy!

After seeing Dong Zhuo, the fierce general saluted and said, "I am the county captain of Yuanping County Lu Bu, and I pay my respects to the former general!"

Dong Zhuo said: "It is said that the entire Bingzhou is for you to fight with Lei Gong, tell me about the battle!"

Lu Bu got up and told Dong Zhuo about the process of the battle with Xu Wei!Many things were beyond Dong Zhuo's imagination. The number of Lei Gong's subordinates who first attacked Yanmen Pass was only more than [-], which was less than he expected. Not so rich, Dong Zhuo was very kind to his subordinates, all the money he got over the years was spent in the army, but he could barely make the officers of the army Sima level wear iron armor.

The third is that Lei Gong knows how to use thunder methods, and Yanmen Pass was actually breached by Lei Gong's thunder methods!This surprised Dong Zhuo even more than Lei Gong’s subordinates were all armored. The iron armor could also explain it. After all, Lei Gong robbed the entire Wei County. It may not be impossible to arm tens of thousands of iron-armored troops with the wealth of Jizhou’s powerful clan, but what the hell is Lei Fa!He also fought against Zhang Jiao, but he never found out that Zhang Jiao knew any spells. It's just that the yellow scarf wrestlers are more elite and can defeat him thousands of Xiliang iron cavalry!
So Dong Zhuo looked at Lu Bu sternly and said: "You lost to Lei Gong, I won't ask too many questions. After all, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. I still know this, but if I dare to deceive the old man and give the defeat to some magic, I will It will definitely make your life worse than death!"

However, Lu Bu was not frightened, but said without changing his face: "Thousands of Yanmen Pass officers and soldiers witnessed this incident with their own eyes. The general can also send scouts to Yanmen Pass to find out if there was a thunderous sound that day!"

That is to say, there is a high probability that this matter is true!
Dong Zhuo thought for a while and said, "I don't believe the theory of magic. I fought against Zhang Jiao back then, and I didn't see Zhang Jiao use magic to turn defeat into victory! This can only be a weapon like thunder. You guys Didn't you check it out for a while to create this thunder weapon?"

Lu Bu said helplessly: "The lower officials have also sent spies there, but this kind of Lei Falei is hidden very deeply. The spies sent by the lower officials basically never returned, and no useful news came!"

Dong Zhuo continued to ask: "Since Lord Lei has such a powerful weapon, he can even break through such a powerful pass as Yanmen Pass. Why didn't he take advantage of the victory to attack Taiyuan County? Or even the entire Bingzhou?"

Lu Bu thought for a while and said, "Mr. Lei is not a warlike person. Since he came to Mayi, he has not provoked a single battle on his own initiative. I feel that Mr. Lei wants to stay in Mayi. As long as he is not allowed to attack him, he will He will not take the initiative to attack. This time he attacked Yanmen Pass because when he was fighting the Xianbei people, Xiaguan’s adoptive father wanted to take the opportunity to attack Mayi, which aroused Lei Gong’s anger. After defeating the Xianbei people, he immediately led troops Attack Yanmen Pass!"

"Not fighting!" Dong Zhuo seemed to have found a way to live in peace with Lei Gong!
Dong Zhuo looked in the direction of Yanmen Pass and asked, "Do you have the guts to go to Yanmen Pass with me to investigate the military situation?"

Lu Bu said proudly: "Your official is willing to risk his life to accompany you!"

Dong Zhuo looked at the proud Lv Bu and said with a smile: "Okay, you are worthy of being my brave warrior, you follow up with 100 cavalry, and tell me about the situation around you!"

Dong Zhuo and his party were walking on the main road, and then saw a scene that surprised him. There were actually many people walking in the direction of Yanmen Pass. Don't they know that Yanmen Pass has become the territory of bandits?

, and these people were not afraid when they saw Dong Zhuo and his cavalry.
Dong Zhuo wondered: "Could it be that the people of Bingzhou are so strong that they don't avoid the imperial army! Besides, they seem to be heading towards Yanmen Pass. Now that Yanmen Pass is occupied by Lei Gong, they don't worry about their own safety?"

Dong Zhuo had served as a county magistrate in Bingzhou, as well as a prefect and governor, so he naturally knew that the people in Bingzhou were no different from those in other parts of the Han Dynasty. Now they are too abnormal!

But Lu Bu said with embarrassment: "Lei Gong's subordinates have done nothing to the people, and even bought goods from the people at high prices, so the people are not afraid of Lei Gong, and the reason why they are not worried about the imperial army is because they know that the imperial army dare not touch them? "

Dong Zhuo asked curiously, "Why don't you dare to touch them?"

Lu Budao: "Because the army that dared to move the people was wiped out by Lei Gong. At the beginning, the people of Ningwu County and Dai County wanted to go to Mayi to work. The officials of the two counties killed many people who dared to go to Mayi, but Lei Gong immediately dispatched The Iron Armored Army killed the county magistrates and soldiers in these two places, rescued the people, and let go of their words, if they dare to touch the people in Mayi again, if the court officials kill one person, he will kill one official."

"There are a lot of nobles and nobles in the back relying on their own Wubao. They didn't pay attention to Lei Gong's words at all, and killed many people. Lei Gong led the Iron Armored Army to break through these Wubao, and killed all the owners of Wubao to those people. Revenge, after these few incidents, the nobles and officials of Bingzhou no longer dare to kill the people indiscriminately, for fear of provoking Lei Gong's revenge! And the people know that Lei Gong is their backer, and they are no longer afraid of the big man's officials and army!"

"As long as officials dare to bully them, these people will definitely shout, 'You dare to provoke me, I will let Lei Gong send soldiers to attack you!'

And as long as these words are spoken, the officials and soldiers will definitely not dare to touch the people again, so now the people near Yanmen Pass have developed a character that is not afraid of anything! "

When Dong Zhuo heard Lu Bu's explanation, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past his heart. He has been in the army for thirty years and he has seen a lot. This is the first time he has heard of such a strange thing!But this also made him aware of Xu Wei's ambition.

He said leisurely: "This Lei Gong seems to have no ambitions, but he loves the people even more than our imperial court, and even regards the people of Bingzhou as his subordinates, how can this person be without ambitions, I'm afraid he has big plans! "

Lu Bu also came to his senses, and he asked in surprise, "What does the general mean, all that Lei Gong did was just a fake, to make the court let down its vigilance?"

Dong Zhuo said: "Ma Yi is so rich, it is said that it has become a city that never sleeps outside the Great Wall. You have heard of Lei Gong's extravagant behavior in Kecheng, Yanmen County!"

Lu Bu shook his head and said: "No, it is said that Lei Gong is not greedy for money and not lustful. He eats and lives with soldiers on weekdays, and there is no such thing as extravagant. Three meals, and there must be meat every day, it can be described as extravagant!"

Dong Zhuo affirmed: "That's right, Lord Lei loves the people, treats the soldiers well, makes money, but spends the money on the soldiers, eats and lives with the soldiers himself, you don't think that Lord Lei is a saint, do you?"

Lu Bu shook his head: "I have never seen a saint without desires!"

Dong Zhuo said: "Don't be greedy for money, not lustful, love the people, treat the soldiers well, even if you become a rebel, you can't have a good reputation, so what do you think Lei Gong is greedy for?"

Lu Bu was shocked and said: "Lei Gong is in the world of greedy big men!"

Dong Zhuo looked in the direction of Yanmen Pass and said: "This Lei Gong is much stronger than Zhang Jiao, Zhang Yan and others, he is not an ordinary rebel!"

Lu Bu anxiously said: "Since Lei Gong is so ambitious, shouldn't the imperial court send troops to destroy Lei Gong as soon as possible!"

Dong Zhuo smiled softly: "You have fought against Lord Lei, and you are the closest to him and know him the most. I will ask you, how many soldiers and horses will the imperial court need to wipe out Lord Lei?"

Lu Bu thought carefully for a long time and said: "It must be 20 elites. Judging from the investigation situation in Mayi during this period, Lei Gong's military system is similar to that of the imperial court. It is a combination of standing army and militia. There are 10 standing troops in Mayi. The elite equipped with steel swords and armor, it is impossible to wipe out these soldiers without 20 elites, and Mayi still has 30 to 20 young and strong, who can be recruited into soldiers in times of crisis, so Mayi can call 20 soldiers, although they The fighting power of the army is weak, but relying on the defense of the city wall, it is impossible for the imperial court to defeat Lei Gong without [-] people!"

Dong Zhuo said: "Do you think the imperial court can afford 20 troops now?"

Lu Bu was stunned. Even though he was in Bingzhou, he could clearly feel that the imperial treasury was empty these years, and their salaries were often lacking. Thinking about it, it was impossible to spend 20 soldiers and horses to fight against Lei Gong!

Dong Zhuo continued: "So maintaining the status quo is the best choice for a big man!"

Lu Bu was speechless now!

A group of people continued to move forward, and soon came to the vicinity of Yanmen Pass!

As a result, Dong Zhuo found that the entire gate of Yanmen Gate was open, and there was a bustling market not far away, and the crowds were even more busy, almost as good as what he saw in Luoyang City!
Dong Zhuo was surprised: "So there are so many caravans going to Mayi?"

Lu Bu said: "There is woolen cloth in Mayi. I don't know how Lei Gong got it. No matter how many merchants go to him to buy woolen cloth, they can get enough goods, and the price is very low. As long as they sell them, they can make more than double the profit. , and the caravan sells goods in Leigong, they can also replenish the goods in Mayi and sell them to the desert, and finally return from the desert. It is said that a well-connected businessman can make dozens of times the profit by going to Mayi, so high Of course these businessmen are going crazy!"

One thing Lu Bu didn't say yet, he also asked his men to sell Mayi's woolen cloth, so he knew it so clearly.

Dong Zhuo looked at the caravan carrying a large amount of food and other goods and shook his head: "These merchants are indeed without father and mother. The price of food in the Han Dynasty is high, and they sell the food to Lei Gong, a traitor!"

Lu Bu said: "Lei Gong is very cunning. Mayi has many unique goods such as woolen clothes, woolen cloth, and high-quality weapons. To get these goods, merchants need to exchange grain. The grain merchants in Jizhou and Bingzhou The grain merchants in the city and Sili's grain merchants are all gathered in Mayi, so Lei Gong has repeatedly used troops in these years, but there is no shortage of grain!"

It was fine for the caravan to go to Mayi, but Dong Zhuo found that many people were going to Mayi, and more than a thousand people passed by in the time he watched.

Dong Zhuo asked strangely, "What are these people doing in Mayi?"

Lu Bu said helplessly: "They all went to work in Mayi. Lei Gong will collect money. Mayi is extremely rich. At the same time, Lei Gong also spends money like water. As long as he has money in his hand, he will build city walls, build roads, build canals, and reclaim wasteland. So even though there are 50 people in Mayi now, there is still a shortage of manpower everywhere in Leigong’s territory. Therefore, the wages for working in Mayi are very high, and there is still 300 yuan for food and housing. 500 money.

And Mayi also lacks female weaving workers. It is said that the monthly salary for weaving in Mayi is more than a thousand dollars, so the people around Yanmenguan often go to Mayi as a couple to work together, and they can earn fourteen to five hundred dollars a month. This is already higher than their original annual income. With such a high salary, people in Bingzhou have gone to Mayi to work one after another. It is said that it is not just us in Bingzhou. The Huns on the front have been occupied by Lei Gong for no reason in six counties. Now the Qiang Canal can hardly sit still, and the Xianbei people in the north have been fleeing to Mayi since winter. It is said that Helian’s territory has been completely Occupied by Lei Gong. "

Dong Zhuo heard these and said solemnly: "Sure enough, he is a hero! This Lei Gong will definitely become the enemy of the imperial court in the future!"

At this time, hundreds of cavalry appeared in Yanmen Pass, and these cavalry quickly came to Dong Zhuo's distance of hundreds of steps!The leader is Xu Wei who came to Yanmen Pass for inspection.

He saw Lu Bu smiled and said, "General Lu Bu wants to join our Tengjia Army?"

When Lu Bu heard this, he immediately said coldly, "I am a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, how could I take refuge in a traitor like you!"

"Loyal minister!" It's a bit weird to hear these words from Lu Bu, a servant with three surnames!
At this time, Xu Wei found the fat man next to Lu Bu, and seeing his age, he asked, "Could you be the former general Dong Zhuo who is new to Taiyuan County?"

Dong Zhuo smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Lei Gongqu has a handsome eye, this old man is Dong Zhuo!"

It really is Dong Zhuo!
Xu Wei smiled and said, "Dong Zhuo, you brought this group of troops to Yanmen Pass, and you didn't run away when I found out. Didn't Lu Bu tell you about the combat effectiveness of my rattan armor army?"

Dong Zhuo said without changing his face: "Needless to say, just seeing that Shuai Qu's personal guards are all wearing iron armor, I know that this must be a warrior of a hundred battles! But the old man brought also an elite of a hundred battles, I think I will not lose to Shuai Qu my personal guard!"

Well, even if Xu Wei wins the fight, Xu Wei will not fight. He really beat Dong Zhuo to death. Who will harm the big man?It is impossible for Xu Wei to really kill Dong Zhuo with these Xu Wei alone.Dong Zhuo is the number one hero of these rebels!

Xu Wei looked at Dong Zhuo and asked, "What's the matter with General Dong Zhuo coming to Yanmen Pass?"

Dong Zhuo smiled and said, "Naturally, I'm new to Taiyuan County to visit Qu Shuai, your neighbor! But I didn't expect to see such a scene at Yanmen Pass. Lei Gong Qu Shuai is well-governed, but it's a pity that he turned himself into a thief!"

Xu Wei went on to say: "Whoever says it's not, just rely on my ability. If I take refuge in the imperial court, I can still manage it easily. It's a pity that I offended Zhao Zhong, so I can only rebel!"

When Dong Zhuo said this, Xu Wei suddenly said: "General Dong Zhuo and I still have a little feud!"

Dong Zhuo also knew about Xu Wei and Zhao Zhong's feud, but he knew clearly that he didn't seem to have offended Xu Wei, so he asked, "I don't think I've seen Qu Shuai!"

Xu Wei recalled: "Back then, I was still a small person. In order to survive, I went to the black market to sell a treasure, bought some food and weapons to defend myself, but I didn't expect to meet General Dong and your subordinates. You robbed all the goods on the black market. He said that he also killed all the people on the black market, and almost killed me at that time, but luckily I escaped!"

When Xu Wei said this, Dong Zhuo also recalled the black market in Jizhou. His jade bottle was snatched from the black market back then. It was just for a treasure car, and he also thought that his subordinates had reported to him that a treasure car that walked on its own had escaped. It seemed that the person who escaped should be Lei Gong!
This Liang Zijie was really big, and he was regarded as the enemy of life and death. Dong Zhuo suddenly became nervous, and the soldiers on both sides seemed to have sensed the tense atmosphere and clenched their sabers tightly!

Xu Wei continued: "At the beginning, I robbed General Dong of a lot of horses and goods, and now we are reunited by fate, should General Dong compensate me for the loss!

Dong Zhuo said calmly: "What a big deal, it's just a few war horses. My Xiliang war horse is the best in the world, so I'll pay him 10 Xiliang war horses!
Xu Wei smiled and said: "General Dong, you are so proud, I am waiting for General Dong's Xiliang war horse! But this Yanmen Pass is already the territory of our Tengjia Army after all, it is not right for General Dong to live here for a long time. I don’t care if I found out that we were colluding secretly, but I’m afraid it will affect General Dong’s future. You must know that not long ago, Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, was influenced by this rumor and almost lost his position.”

Dong Zhuo replied: "Thank you Qu Shuai for your reminder, let's go first!"

After speaking, Dong Zhuo walked back slowly with his subordinates!

And Xu Wei also brought his men back to Yanmen Pass!

Dong Zhuo ran for more than 10 miles, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he found that Xu Wei hadn't followed.

"I'm careless, I didn't expect the old man to have such a feud with Lei Gong!" Dong Zhuo was really scared by this accident and broke into a cold sweat!He originally thought that Lei Gong would not do anything to him in the long run, but he did not expect that he and Lei Gong still had hatred.

The war-torn environment in Xiliang developed Dong Zhuo's unique character. He was generous to his friends, but extremely cruel to his enemies. It was difficult to survive in Xiliang without friends, and he couldn't control people without being cruel, and he still couldn't survive.So when Dong Zhuo treats his friends, he can give him all his family property, but he is still ruthless when dealing with his enemies, and he will retaliate.

He judged others by himself, and felt that Lei Gong would not let him go, but he didn't think that Lei Gong really didn't care about the hatred a few years ago because of a few war horses.

On the contrary, Lu Bu is much calmer. Lei Gong has been in Bingzhou for more than two years, and he gives the impression that he is as good as he promises, and he keeps his word. At least he has not heard of Lei Gong's repentance. He knew they were when he heard Lei Gong let them leave safe.

However, the calm Lu Bu made Dong Zhuogao look at him and said, "Would Fengxian be willing to work under the old man's hands? It's still possible to be a school captain with Fengxian's skills!"

Dong Zhuo found out that Lv Bu's subordinates were very elite, and Lv Bu himself remained calm. Judging by his figure, he knew that he was a rare and fierce general. With a heart of love for talents, he wanted to take Lv Bu under his command!
Lu Bu saluted in surprise when he heard Dong Zhuo's words, "Thank you, General, for your promotion!"

After Lv Bu lost Ding Yuan's background, he was squeezed out from all over Bingzhou. If it wasn't for him to resist Xu Wei, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to keep his official position as a county lieutenant. Naturally agreed to become Dong Zhuo's younger brother!

Then Dong Zhuo said to the head of the guard: "Hua Xiong, let someone bring 10 war horses to Lei Gong, but don't let Lei Gong think that the old man is a dishonest person. The old man will go back to Taiyuan County first, and Feng Xian will lead My subordinates continue to strengthen the defense of Yuanping County. Although Lei Gong has not attacked Bingzhou now, it does not mean that he will not attack Bingzhou in the future. As long as he has such thoughts, Yuanping County will be the front line of the battle, and your position is very important!"

Lu Bu and Hua Xiong both saluted and said yes!

(End of this chapter)

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