I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202, Lei Gong's fatal weakness

Chapter 202, Lei Gong's fatal weakness
Xu Wei is not Xiaobai who just came to this world. He thought that the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang were the most fierce. Now he knows that the most powerful general of the big man in this era is Huangfusong.

He has never been defeated since his debut, so he is a genius general!The combat effectiveness of the 10 army in his hands is completely different from that of the [-] army in Liu Bei's hands.

To give the simplest example, Liu Bei has fought battles all his life, but he has never won any battles in half his life, except that he has a little chance of winning against the Yellow Turban Army!
Failure is the mother of success, and it is perfectly reflected in Liu Bei, and it is these defeats that have tempered Liu Bei's military talent. After Liu Bei came to Jingzhou, he began to bloom late, and then transformed into a famous general who wins more and loses less , and finally defeated Cao Cao, the strongest enemy, in the Battle of Hanzhong. This is Liu Bei's most glorious apex.

Cao Cao also lost many battles when he first joined the army, but relying on his rich capital, he recruited all the troops and continued to accumulate combat experience. After that, he became stronger and stronger with more victories and fewer defeats. He became the number one prince in the late Han Dynasty, but pay attention to Cao Cao Still fought a lot of defeats, these two are the normal road to the rise of famous generals.

Although Huangfusong was not well-known in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he had never lost a battle, not even a single match. It can be said that he was a genius general who was delayed by Emperor Ling!

Xu Wei solemnly said: "If Huangfusong comes to Jizhou, then we will have a long-term plan!"

The old man Wang also said with a frightened expression: "What are you fighting for? We only have 4000 million shi of grain now, but we have to feed more than 1000 million people. The grain is only enough for less than 5 months. As long as there is a natural disaster in Bingzhou, We are all going to be hungry, what kind of war is we fighting at this time!"

Apparently, old man Wang still had a sense of fear towards Huangfusong. They lost so badly under the leadership of the great virtuous teacher!

"The one who fought was Huangfusong, the number one general of the big man. We are still unwilling to fight ordinary generals!" Relatively speaking, Wang Yong and the others have won countless battles in these years, and they are not so impressed with the original defeat. Huangfusong washed away this stain on his body.

The old man Niu also said: "You young people only know how to fight and kill, and don't care about anything else. This time we have occupied a territory of thousands of miles in the desert. Is it just empty there? We don't have a good arrangement for the troops now. If the crowd occupies, other Hu people will occupy these places, so it is meaningful and meaningful for us to fight this battle. According to the old man's opinion, it is better for us to fight the Xianbei people and completely occupy the desert.

It just so happens that the disaster victims can also migrate to the grasslands. There is not much difference between our pastures and farming, except that one is for food and the other is for pasture. Everyone just uses cattle and sheep as food. If you are not used to eating, you can take Cattle and sheep come to Bingzhou to exchange food. We also lack cattle and sheep here, and it’s not that they are really nomadic. The territory of Xianbei in the west is more than twice the size of the entire Bingzhou, and 200 million people are not many at all! "

"Moreover, these disaster victims were resettled on the grassland, and we helped them build Wubao. With such Wubao as strongholds to resist the Hu people, we can truly occupy the desert!
The most important thing is to stop the desert, we have enough raw materials for wool, and we no longer need to rely on those barbarians in the desert! "

For the old man Niu, the Xianbei people are much easier to fight than the big guys. In recent years, Mayi has not shown much strength, and the entire Xianbei people have been maimed by them. Soft persimmons are easy to pinch, but Xianbei people seem to be easy to pinch.

In fact, the old man Niu also found it strange. It has been rumored that the desert is poor, and even the most barren county town in the big man is richer than the richest grassland in the desert.

In Mayi, as long as you raise dozens of cattle and sheep, you can live well. If you raise hundreds of cattle and sheep, you can immediately become the wealthiest group of people in Mayi. There are poor people here. , there are hundreds of cattle and sheep in the desert, how could it be so poor?
But when he asked Duan Peng and the others, the barbarians also said that the richest place in the desert is not as good as the poorest place in the big man, and it can't even be compared with Mayi!This is separated from his feelings, he doesn't even know that is the real desert!
After thinking about it for a long time, he realized that it was the wool cloth that increased the value of cattle and sheep. The grasslands might not be profitable for the big man. If the Xianbei people had not invaded the big man, the big man would not even be willing to occupy these barren lands. The big man's territory has shrunk over the years. Not to mention the poverty of the frontier fortress, a lot of manpower and material resources have to be spent to defend against the Xianbei people!
But the Tengjia Army has never encountered such a situation. For prefects such as Wang Lei, the desert is a land of wealth, and the grass on the desert is a land of wealth.

Especially after Xu Wei released the restrictions on the textile industry, businessmen like Zhen An flocked in to join the textile industry. Wang Lei, Zhao Rong, and Niu Gui set up textile factories in the three counties of Shuofang, and the textile industry of the entire Tengjia Army began to explode. , This year's wool cloth production alone has doubled.

The explosion of the textile industry has led to a shortage of wool for the first time in Mayi. Now all the sheep farmers are happy, and the price of wool has risen to 6 yuan a catty, which is double the original price. It has doubled, and now everyone who raises sheep just harvests the wool in spring and autumn, which is enough for the original price of a sheep. Of course, when the price of wool doubles, the price of Mayi sheep has also doubled now.

The profit of raising sheep is so great that Wang Lei and his eunuchs keep pushing their territory deep into the desert. Most of their territory is in the desert, and the Xianbei people in the west also lost most of their territory under their continuous erosion.

Although the old man Niu couldn't know like Xu Wei that the desert had become their commodity market and raw material production place, he could feel that attacking the desert was good for the Rattan Armor Army, and occupying the desert was very important to the Rattan Armor Army's textile industry. .

When Xu Wei heard this, he was also thinking about the feasibility of relocating the Han people in the desert?
What the old man Niu said is very reasonable. If they only catch Xianbei people and don't occupy these places, new Hu people will soon occupy these places, maybe Qiang people, Karasuma people, or even The Turkic people will appear hundreds of years earlier!
It’s just that he is worried about whether the Han people can graze, and whether the Han people can adapt to the grassland environment. You must know that the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty was the Little Ice Age, and the weather would continue to be cold. This is why the Hu people went south, because they couldn’t survive in the north. .

But now instead of finding a way to immigrate south, he immigrated north instead. Xu Wei always felt that it was not good to be against God like this!
Zhang Baiqi also agreed with what the old man Niu said. He is now in charge of the internal affairs of the entire rattan armor army, so he naturally knows that the textile industry has become the rattan armor army's first source of income, and it is also the industry that resettled the most refugees in the rattan armor army.

According to his calculations, besides using land to resettle refugees, the textile industry is the industry that resettled the largest number of refugees. Almost 50 victims entered the textile industry!

Taking down the desert is equivalent to their rattan army, controlling all the raw materials in the woolen cloth industry, and no longer have to worry about who can threaten the longevity of Mayi's textile industry!

So he said to Xu Wei: "Shuai Qu, the desert is too important to our Tengjia army. I think our strategy for the past few years should be to defend from the south and attack from the north, and completely wipe out the Xianbei people to occupy the desert. Being attacked from both sides can also strengthen our position in the Mayi textile industry!"

Huang Long said: "We want to defend from the south and attack from the north, but the big men will watch us wipe out the Xianbei people. It is impossible! As long as they find out that the Xianbei people may be annexed by us like the Huns, Huangfusong will definitely He will lead an army to attack Bingzhou."

"I think the Xianbei people are just scabies. As long as we build Hollywood Fort on the border, it is impossible for them to cause us much damage with their strength. We can even use sled warfare to continuously bleed the Xianbei people! "

"Now the big Han is our most dangerous enemy. There are more than 20 Han troops stationed around Bingzhou. If we don't take the initiative to attack now, we will face the big Han in the future."

Huanglong's hatred for Huangfusong was as deep as sea, his whole family was killed by Huangfusong, now facing Huangfusong again, he wished that the Tengjia Army would fight Huangfusong immediately.

Wang Ge thought for a while and said, "Shuai Qu and Huangfu Song have all arrived in Jizhou. Obviously, the big man has already regarded our Tengjia Army as the biggest enemy. It is impossible for us to keep a low profile now. Even if there is not much food and grass, it is difficult to Go to war with the big Han, but I still suggest that we recruit the Yellow Turban Army on the Taihang Mountains, and occupy the various passes between Jizhou and Bingzhou at the same time, so as to prepare for our future wars!"

Occupying the various passes in the Taihang Mountains will occupy an active position in future wars. They can advance, attack, retreat and defend. In the past, Zhang Yan occupied the Taihang Mountains, and they did not occupy Bingzhou, so they did not say this.

But now there are only tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans left on Taihang Mountain, which is no longer enough to maintain one side's power. They don't occupy Taihang Mountain, and the big Han occupies the favorable terrain of Taihang Mountain, which is too bad for the Tengjia Army in Bingzhou.

Xu Wei nodded. This is a pertinent opinion. In the past, only hundreds of thousands of troops were not enough to attract the attention of the big man, but now the number of people in the Rattan Armor Army exceeds tens of millions. This is like the Celestial Dynasty. The economy is about to catch up with Hope Country. With such a big body, if you talk about keeping a low profile, you are deceiving yourself and others. Such a huge body can no longer be hidden.

It's just a little embarrassing for Xu Wei. Now that Wang Dang and the others think that they have murdered Zhang Yan, it is impossible for him to arrest Dong Zhuo and go to the Taihang Mountains to explain to Wang Dang and them, right?
Zhang Baiqi also thought of this and said: "Shuai Qu, I am very close to Wang Dang and Yang Feng, let me go to Taihang Mountain and explain to Wang Dang and them!"

Xu Qiang said: "Then I'll leave it to Brother Zimeng!"

After the meeting, Xu Wei was still thinking about the situation that the Tengjia Army would face. Of course, the death of Emperor Ling was good news for him. The big man lost his backbone. In a short period of time, there must be no one who can unify the whole big man power against him.

For Xu Wei, it is best for the big man to follow the original historical trend, so that he can fish in troubled waters. The worst is of course that under his own threat, the entire big Han clan, eunuchs, and Kansai generals all unite to deal with him.

He didn't attack the big man because he was worried about the worst result. As for whether the trend of history will go to the original track, Xu Wei is also very good at judging, look at Dong Zhuo!

As long as Dong Zhuo hasn't entered Luoyang City this year, it means that the situation in Luoyang City has stabilized. If Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army doesn't want to fight with him, he can only hide in Xiliang. If he enters Luoyang City, it will be a big deal Good news, this means that history has returned to its original track!
At this time, a pleasant voice said: "Why are you so obsessed!"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "I'm thinking about the situation behind the big man. This year may be the most critical year for the Tengjia Army. If we grasp it well, our Tengjia Army will ascend to heaven, and there will never be any forces to stop us in the future." My Rattan Armor Army has risen!"

Zhang Ning worried: "Are you worried that Huangfusong will attack Bingzhou?"

Although I don't want to admit it, Huangfusong is the nightmare of most Yellow Turban generals!
Xu Wei nodded, but later felt that this was a bit too weak, so he said: "I'm not worried that I won't be able to beat Huangfusong, but I just don't want to fight him this year. Emperor Ling died. No one can suppress the contradictions, and the three parties may fight each other, and it would be very beneficial to our Fujika Army if such a thing really happened."

"And if we were to fight Huangfusong now, under the pressure of our rattan armor army, the nobles, eunuchs, and military in Luoyang City might unite together! So I don't want to fight the Han army this year!"

Zhang Ning thought for a while and said, "Master Xiangkai and Huangfusong know each other. Do you want Master to go to Huangfusong, pass on the news, and agree that the two sides will cease fighting for half a year!"

Xu Wei thought for a while but shook his head and said: "Huangfusong is a famous general of the Han Dynasty. If he finds out that we dare not fight, he might take the initiative to attack instead. Forget it. Huangfusong has just arrived in Jizhou. He can't do it in half a year. To straighten out the internal situation of the Jizhou Army, we still don't add anything to the liking!"

Huangfusong and Liu Bei are the generals of the Han Dynasty, unlike Dong Zhuo, who has become a semi-military army.After they received the order from Emperor Ling, Liu Bei took only 5000 Karasuma cavalry and his trusted generals to Xiliang, while Huangfu Song led only a few hundred guards to Jizhou, and the two sides exchanged troops like this .

As soon as Huangfusong came to Jizhou, he took his personal guards and went north from Weijun to observe the situation on the front line of Taihang Mountain.

After arriving in Weijun, Huangfusong's complexion did not feel better. He marched for more than ten miles and could not see a village. You must know that this is Weijun, the wealthiest place in the big man. It had a population of more than 200 million at its peak. Very remote feeling!
He even felt as if he had returned to Xiliang. Every few miles he walked, he might see corpses. There was still a bit of peace and prosperity here and there, especially the Jingguan, which made Huangfusong think it was Bianjun , but here is indeed Wei Jun, the core of the big man, and the wealthiest!
But Huangfusong couldn't kill the powerful and nobles in Wei County like Liu Bei, so he could only say: "The Yellow Turban bandits are too troublesome!"

A general behind Huangfusong curled his lips, now who doesn't know that Zhang Yan didn't kill the people in Wei County at all, it was the elite clan in Jizhou who killed them!
This is Ju Yi, he is from Liangzhou, he was born in a famous family. After being a general, he has been proficient in the martial arts of the Qiang people since he was a child, and he has repeatedly made great achievements in the Xiliang battlefield.It's just that he was arrogant, offended too many people, and his official career was not going well. Later, he met Huangfusong, and then he met Bole. He became a school lieutenant all the way, and became the number one general in Huangfusong's hands. This time, Huangfusong knew that he had to deal with Lei Gong , specifically brought him to Jizhou.

And another general beside Huangfusong said worriedly: "Wei County is so remote, it's not good for us to guard against Lei Gong!"

This general is called Xu Rong, who is from Xuantu. Xu Rong is both civil and military. Become a general of Zhonglang.

Needless to say, Xu Rong's command ability has been given the answer in history. In the war of the princes against Dong, he defeated the pursuit army of Bao Xin, Cao Cao, Wei Zi and others, and defeated Sun Jian's troops in the battle of Liangdong. , the founding father of the Three Kingdoms, he defeated two of them alone. Such a record is unprecedented.

This is why it is said in history that the Du Han died because of its strength. Even when it was about to perish, the famous generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty still carried their strength.This is unique in China's 5000-year history!

Huangfusong naturally understood Xu Rong's meaning. Just looking at the remoteness of Wei County as it is now, he knew that the powerful clans in Wei County, Zhao State, Zhongshan State, and Changshan County had lost the hearts of the people, and the people were all on the side of the Yellow Turban Army. .This is very unfavorable for their army to fight.

Huangfusong looked at the majestic and towering Taihang Mountains. He didn't know how many Yellow Turban thieves were hidden in it. If they were not wiped out, it would be impossible to stabilize the rear of Jizhou, and it would be even more impossible to deal with Lei Gong in Bingzhou!

Huangfusong thought for a while and said, "Yuntian, I want you to train an army suitable for fighting in the mountains within a month, and the yellow scarf bandits in Taihang Mountain can no longer be left behind!"

Ju Yi proudly said: "It doesn't take a month, since we are dealing with the Yellow Turban bandits, the best way to select them is by fighting to support them. Those who are alive are the elite, and those who are dead are trash.

After we wiped out the yellow turban bandits, an elite group came out, just to use them to meet Lei Gong from Bingzhou. Lei Gong has won many battles over the years, but I want to see if Lei Gong is as powerful as the rumors say! "

Huangfusong thought about it, this is not bad, anyway, Jizhou has an army of 10, so don't worry about the consumption of soldiers!
Xu Rong thought for a while and said: "To deal with Lei Gong, we must prepare now. The four counties of Taihang Mountain can no longer be so deserted. The subordinates suggest that the general open military bases in these four counties, and arrange 2 troops for each county. People, this can not only increase our military strength, but also solve our logistical problems!"

"Lei Gong is not an ordinary rebel. Regardless of his identity, he can already be regarded as a powerful prince. The war between us and him has been regarded as a war between two countries. National wars are not a short-term decision. Well prepared for several years.

In this way, food and grass become the most critical factor in determining victory or defeat. We rely on Jizhou granary, while Lei Gong occupies the barren Bingzhou. We have an advantage over food and grass. The best strategy for us to deal with Lei Gong is to defend the generation Attack, relying on Bingzhou's favorable terrain from all sides, block him in Bingzhou, and then continue to consume Leigong's food and grass. In this way, for up to three years, Leigong will definitely collapse without fighting! "

Of course, there is one thing that Xu Rong didn't say, it's too wasteful for a fertile land like Jizhou to be so desolate here.

After the killing of the nobles and Liu Bei, now there are not many people left in these four counties, no matter whether they are the common people or the nobles, there is no obstacle at all!

Huangfusong nodded and said: "Ziyu's words are very much in line with my opinion! Lei Gong now has more than ten million people in his ministry, and he is our first-class enemy, no matter how important he is!"

Huangfu Song was also prepared to fight a war of attrition. He knew more details. He knew that Lei Gong had at least 700 million refugees in the past two years. In addition to the Hu people he recruited from the grassland, the entire Bingzhou had a population of tens of millions. , he knows that food is Lei Gong's most important weakness, as a famous general, he naturally wants to seize Lei Gong's weakness and fight!
Of course, the only drawback of this kind of victory is that it hurts the peace of the sky, and [-]% of the tens of millions of people in Bingzhou may be starved to death, but for the stability of the big man, Huangfusong doesn't care about this at all!
Then when Huangfusong came to Yecheng, the newly appointed Jizhou Mu led all the civil and military officials of Jizhou to welcome Huangfusong.

After exchanging pleasantries with them, Huangfusong said: "I came to Jizhou to deal with Lei Gong. From now on, your only task is to find a way to support the army to destroy Lei Gong in Bingzhou. Anyone who dares to drag me back, my official No matter what background you have, you will be dealt with by military law!"

There was an uproar in Jizhou, they had worked under Huangfusong before, they could barely be regarded as Huangfusong's protégés, but their old superiors were not so tough back then!

Fortunately, Liu Bei has already taken away half of the officials in the officialdom in Jizhou, and the rest of the officials have also become frightened birds, and they don't care to refute Huangfusong's words at all!

After seeing them calm down, Huangfusong continued: "This year, your task is to find 10 refugees for me. I will set up military settlements in Wei County, Zhao State, Changshan County, and Zhongshan State. Yangzhou Mu is in charge!"

Yang Biao smiled wryly and said: "There are not many refugees in Jizhou now, and there is no way for the lower officials to help the general get 10 households of refugees!"

The refugees either went to Bingzhou or were killed.When Yang Biao came to Jizhou, he couldn't believe it. Jizhou, which originally had a population of tens of millions, now has less than one million households and a population of 400 million.The densely populated Jizhou has once again become sparsely populated. Now the tenants are very valuable. Where did the refugees come from?
(End of this chapter)

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