I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 203, Huangfusong's Strategy

Chapter 203, Huangfusong's Strategy

But Huangfusong said: "I don't care about this. If you can't do it, I will report it to the court and let other people who can do it become Jizhou shepherds!"

At this time, Jizhou Chief Shepherd Shi Tianfeng said: "There are still five counties in Jizhou. If each county allocates 5 households, it should still be able to meet the general's requirements!"

Tian Feng transferred Yang Biao's pressure to the prefects and prime ministers of Jizhou. Many people secretly scolded Tian Feng for being troublesome!
You are not trying to kill us. In the past, Jizhou could easily produce hundreds of thousands of refugees, but now it is difficult to find even a beggar. Where do they go to find refugees?

Huangfusong also thought it was reasonable and nodded: "Yangzhou Mu, you are responsible for supervising the recruiting of refugees by the prefects and ministers of the country. If you can't recruit 1 households within a month, you will reprimand them. If you can't complete the goal in two months, you will directly report to the court for dismissal and investigation! If you can’t complete all the preparations for reclamation before the autumn harvest and complete the task of planting winter wheat, I will report to the imperial court for a copy!”

The prefects and prime ministers present were all dumbfounded. Do you want to act like this? They are 2000 shi prefects and they are not petty officials. Isn't it His Majesty, do you have such great rights!

"General Cheqi, he has 10 households to cultivate, and he wants to prepare money and food for 50 people. Now Jizhou still has an army of 10, and there is really no money and food to maintain the 50 people!"

Yang Biao was also surprised by Huangfusong's toughness. You must know that although Huangfusong is a military general, he has always regarded people as Confucian generals and has a good relationship with their scholars. Such simple and rude things are not something only a martial artist like Dong Zhuo would do!
In particular, the Yang family is in Huayin County, Hongnong County. Even if they are generals from Kansai, they can also be regarded as Huangfusong's gang. This is not how to kill chickens to make an example of monkeys!

But Huangfusong said: "There is a lot of wasteland in Wei County, and they are sold for money and food!"

Yang Biao said in surprise: "Although these lands are barren, they have owners. How can the imperial court sell them without authorization!"

Huangfusong said: "If you don't want to sell the land, you have to find a way to raise money and food. Lei Gong in Bingzhou is now ready to attack us and may attack our Jizhou at any time. What are you still thinking about the land? You all know what Lei Gong did in Wei County before. Forgot, if you think of any way to resist Lei Gong, when Lei Gong really comes, not only will your property be divided by Lei Gong, but you will also be hanged by Lei Gong!"

Tian Feng said: "The general is the number one general in the Han Dynasty. With you here, how dare Lei Gong come to Jizhou!"

Huangfusong said: "It's not certain. Looking at Lei Gong's achievements in these years, I may not be his opponent. At least I have never commanded an army of 10, but Lei Gong has experienced several battles with 10 troops. Time! Not to mention that Taihang Mountain overlooks the entire Jizhou, and he rushes down, how many places can my 10 troops defend the thousands of miles of defense in Jizhou?"

"So the military settlements in the four counties of Zhao State are imperative. Whoever dares to stop the military settlements is the enemy of the entire Jizhou. You must make this clear to the entire gentry. We are now fighting a life-and-death war with Lei Gong. If Lei Gong is killed, we will be the ones who die, and all the money and food will be Lei Gong's!"

They are very familiar with these words. This is not the slogan they used to kill Zhang Yanyu's party, but they didn't expect to use it on them this time!

After the meeting, the prefects from all over Jizhou left here dejectedly. Looking at today's situation, they also knew that the new chariot general was even more unkind than Liu Bei.

After everyone left, only Huangfusong and Yang Biao were left behind, and Huangfusong slowed down and apologized: "Wen Xian, brother, in order to let everyone in Jizhou understand the crisis of the current situation, I have to ask you to make an example to others!"

Only then did Yang Biao suddenly realize why Huangfusong's tone was so tough today, it was all to frighten Jizhou!
"The imperial court sent me here just to assist Brother Yizhen. It's nothing!" But Yang Biao said strangely: "Mr. Lei is really so powerful. Brother Yizhen now has 10 troops in his hands. Can't he calm down Mr. Lei? Back then Zhang Jiao had hundreds of troops. Thousands of yellow scarves, but they were defeated by the 5 Northern Army commanded by Brother Yizhen!"

Huangfusong said with a wry smile: "Yellow turban thieves can't compare with Lei Gong at all. Just look at Dong Zhuo's defeat after being beaten by Lei Gong after he entered Bingzhou. The Xianbei people are also our bitter enemies, but under Lei Gong's attack, they are almost extinct. Yes, from these examples we can see how powerful Lei Gong is.

The fighting power of Leigong soldiers is still higher than ours, and now Leigong alone has a standing army of 20 people. In a critical moment, Leigong can even arm an army of one million. The 10 in our hands are more than enough for defense and not enough for offense. This is why I arrived The reason why Jizhou will continue to cultivate is to increase its military strength, otherwise let alone attack, even if it is defense, we can't defend against Lei Gong! "

Yang Biao couldn't believe it and said, "How is it possible? It's only been a few years since the rise of Lei Gong, how could it be so powerful?"

Huangfusong smiled wryly and said: "But this is the truth. I established settlements in the four counties of Zhao State to defend against Lei Gong. If we really want to defeat Lei Gong head-on, we must have an army of 50!"

"50?" Yang Biao said in surprise, "The whole country of Dahan doesn't have such a huge army, and can't afford to support such a huge army! Brother Yizhen, did he miscalculate! Lei Gong only occupies a small Bingzhou. How could Tudun, the poorest of the great men, have such a strong strength!"

Huangfusong said helplessly: "Lei Gong's rebellion cannot be applied to my other rebellious experience. It can even be said that Lei Gong is an unprecedented rebellion in history. His territory is not only here with my big man. Everyone has forgotten that he has defeated the entire western Xianbei. Man, half of the grassland is occupied by Lei Gong! If you really count the territory, Lei Gong's territory in the grassland is not much smaller than that of the big man."

Huangfusong continued: "Lei Gong annexed the entire Southern Huns at the very beginning, there are probably more than 50 Hu people, and he annexed the entire western Xianbei people, plus the Hu people he annexed over the years, there are many people living in Lei Gong's territory. There are nearly 150 million Hu people, and these Hu people alone can make Lei Gong willing to recruit 20 cavalry.

Among the millions of disaster victims, he can easily recruit 40 to 50 soldiers. In addition to his original 20 troops, it can be said that as long as Lei Gong can support him, recruiting a million troops is not a problem. I said that 50 troops can To eliminate Lei Gong, this is to count down the combat effectiveness of the soldiers recruited by the refugees. "

"When I talk about a country for my brother, Wen Xian probably understands how powerful Lei Gong is. The current Lei Gong is like the Chu State in the Warring States period. Although there are many internal problems, it has a vast area and strong national power. It is difficult to defeat in a single battle, and even solve its own problems. You can still defeat Qin! So we big men have to learn how Qin defeated Chu back then, relying on our strong national power to bring down Lei Gong little by little!"

Yang Biao was left speechless by Huangfusong's words.

He has forgotten that most of Lei Gong's territory is actually on the grasslands. If they hadn't forced millions of refugees over this time, the Tengjia Army would have become a rebel group with more Hu people than Han people. The rebellion of the Xianbei people and the rebellion of the Huns, it is impossible to say that Lei Gong is an unprecedented rebel!No matter where you go to rebel, you are simply a born rebel!

At the same time, he was also shocked by Lei Gong's strength. He thought that Lei Gong was the strongest traitor in the Han Dynasty, and it would be difficult to destroy him without an army of more than 20. But after hearing Huangfu Song's words today, he suddenly realized that he was naive. 20 Wan Dajun is not enough for Lei Gong in front of Lei Gong!
A rebel like Lei Gong who straddles the big man and the grassland can't rely on common sense to speculate at all!No wonder Huangfusong acted so vigorously as soon as he came to Jizhou, and even used him as a state herdsman to scare the chickens and monkeys. It turned out that the enemy the army had to face was so powerful that Huangfusong also went all out to deal with it!

Yang Biao asked respectfully, "What does brother Yizhen want little brother to do?"

Huangfu Song said: "Targeting is the most important thing. It just so happens that the entire four counties of Zhao State are barren and can accommodate a large number of military settlements. Wen Xian, you have been trying to find a way to resettle the refugees in these four counties in the past few years. 10 soldiers in the field It’s still too little, I hope there will be 3 field soldiers in three years!”

"20!" Yang Biao was surprised. This was the original 10 in Huangfusong's hands. This didn't mean that Huangfusong had 30 troops in his hands, which was almost 30% of the strength of the big man.But thinking about Huangfusong just saying that Lei Gong can recruit millions of troops, these [-] people don't seem to be a lot.

"Then rely on these garrison soldiers to build forts and fortifications on the main roads of the Taihang Mountains. The first step is to guard against Lei Gong's attack on Jizhou! The second step is to clear the Yellow Turbans on the Taihang Mountains, solve the aftermath of Jizhou's attack on Lei Gong, and occupy the Taihang Mountains at the same time. A favorable terrain, ready for the next step to attack Lei Gong."

"In the end, we need to stockpile grain and grass. We need to build a large number of granaries in Weijun, Zhao, Changshan, Zhongshan and other places. We need to stockpile 3000 million shi, which is enough to feed the army for 3 years.

I don't know why Lei Gong can resettle millions of refugees, but Bingzhou is a poor place after all, let alone the grasslands, they can't even support their own people, they can only rely on robbing us big men, the food must be Lei Gong's We have blocked Lei Gong in Bingzhou, mobilized a large army to confront Lei Gong, and attracted the Tengjia army to attack our fortress, so that the Tengjia army could not farm with peace of mind. As long as the Tengjia army did not have enough food, the fastest half a year, and finally Three years later, Bingzhou will collapse due to food shortage! "

Yang Biao was stunned and said: "How could Jizhou get 3000 million shi of grain? Even the entire treasury of the Han Dynasty couldn't afford so much grain!"

In fact, Yang Biao was wrong. The treasury of the big man has never been rich since the Yellow Turban Uprising. It is true that a county in Jizhou has a lot of money and food in the treasury, and the treasury naturally cannot get it out.But Jizhou is not necessarily. Under Liu Bei's oppression a year ago, Jizhou really provided 1000 million shi of grain, otherwise Huangfusong would not have set such a goal.

So Huangfusong said with a cold face: "Even Liu Xuande can make the elites in Jizhou produce 1000 million shi of grain. Is it true that I, Huangfu Yizhen, am not as good as Liu Xuande!"

Yang Biao said anxiously: "This is different. At that time, when Zhang Yan became big, the elites in Jizhou had to rely on Liu Bei to suppress Zhang Yan!"

Huangfusong interrupted: "Now Lei Gong is more than 10 times stronger than Zhang Yan. I haven't asked them to give out 1 million shi of grain. This is already a face for them! You can directly tell the prefects in each place how much each county gave Liu Bei. , give me as much as Huangfusong, and I will trouble them for a stone less!"

Yang Biao was speechless. Is there a problem with the geomantic omen in Jizhou? Why are the officials here not like the officials of the Han Dynasty?

Yang Biao had no choice. Although he was born in the top clan of the Han Dynasty, his prestige was not as high as that of Huangfu Song. Huang Fu Song.

Yang Biao could only repeat what Huangfusong said to the other eunuchs, and focused on Huangfusong's attitude at that time. If he really failed to do so, his official position might not be guaranteed. Huangfusong's opponents will definitely be taken down by the court!

When the prefects in Jizhou saw the tax quota set by Huangfusong, they all cursed at Liu Bei. How could it be possible for Liu Bei to be the same as usual when he was in war? Even many aristocratic families wanted them to reduce this year's tax because they donated food.

It's all right now, Huangfusong not only won't let the reduction or exemption, but also wants everyone to continue to pay according to the taxes paid to Liu Bei. This doesn't mean that all the powerful and noble families under their rule will rebel!

At the same time, Yang Biao also reported the situation in Jizhou to the Luoyang court. After all, Huangfusong wanted to increase his army by 20.

It's a pity that although Yang Biao worked diligently and tremblingly in Jizhou, the Luoyang court didn't have time to take care of those small things in Jizhou!
Emperor Ling's death caused complete chaos in the Han court!
After Han Lingdi passed away in Nangong Jiade Palace, Jian Shuo took advantage of Lingdi's illness and wanted to first attack He Jin, a powerful general, and then make Liu Xie emperor. Of course, he failed, and He Jin escaped.

Now that He Jin has taken power in the court, he resents Jian Shuo for wanting to murder him, and secretly plans to kill him.It's just that after Jian Shuo's assassination failed, he knew that he had become the one who would be killed by He Jin, so he didn't dare to leave the palace at all. It would be really difficult for He Jin to kill Jian Shuo soon.

And Yuan Shao beside him fanned the ghostly wind and lit the will-o'-the-wisp, wanting to expand He Jin's revenge from Jian Shuo to the entire eunuch party, persuading He Jin to wipe out all the eunuchs.

But He Jin is not a fool, and Jian Shuo wanted to kill him because he was in charge of the Xiyuan Army, which affected his status.

But Zhang Rang and the others only relied on the emperor to be powerful. Now that the emperor is dead, they can rely on her sister, Queen Mother He. Isn't this equivalent to relying on themselves? Light up the power of one's own side.

After He Jin found out that Yuan Shao had planned the show with evil intentions, he didn't listen to his opinion anymore!

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(End of this chapter)

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