I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 22, Spirit Emperor's Heart

Chapter 22, Spirit Emperor's Heart
Zhang Niujiao and the others were overjoyed to get such a siege weapon. Less than a month after using it, they broke through dozens of fortresses in Jizhou and seized a large amount of food, grass, and heavy weapons, which greatly increased the strength of the Yellow Turban Army.

This time, Zhang Niujiao's name caused a sensation to the entire senior management of the Han Dynasty, especially his aggressive and murderous attitude towards the nobles, which made the senior management of the Han Dynasty even more angry. This is a rebel who is more ruthless than Zhang Jiao.

The top brass of the big man yelled at him to kill him, and tried their best to kill Zhang Niujiao's influence.

However, Zhang Niujiao led the Yellow Turban Army to plunder food and looting everywhere. Seeing that the Han Army had no ability to resist, he immediately changed the direction of attack, abandoned the mighty Wubao, and began to attack the main cities of various counties. In less than half a month, the Yellow Turban Army successively captured Changshan County was ruled by Zhending, Zhongshan County was ruled by Nulu, and Zhao State Handan was governed. The three counties were basically occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

Jizhou Mu Guodian thought that the strength of the Yellow Turban Army was still the same as last year, and led the 3 Han army to defeat the main force of the Yellow Turban Army, but he did not expect Zhang Niujiao to gather the main force of the Yellow Turban Army of 30 to fight against him, and the 3 Yellow Turban Army The main force, with the contribution of Haoqiang, has more than [-] elites wearing cowhide armor, plus Haoqiang's food, so that they have sufficient supplies, and they no longer go to the battlefield hungry, and their combat effectiveness has soared.

In this battle, Guo Dian was defeated and returned. The loss of the army exceeded tens of thousands, and he completely lost the ability to attack. He could only bring a large army to defend Gaoyi and Yingtao. The border of Zhao State.Guo Dian's troops were unable to counterattack, so they could only defend Gaoyi and Yingtao City. At the same time, they rushed to the imperial court for reinforcements.

After the news of Guo Dian's defeat spread to Luoyang City, the entire Luoyang City was shaken. Last year, the Qiang rebelled, and the encircled and suppressed army was close to 10. But even now there is no chance of winning, and the entire Liangzhou has completely lost contact.

Now the Yellow Turban bandits in Jizhou have risen again, and not only can the court no longer find mobile troops, but even the treasury is so empty that it is difficult to maintain the hundreds of thousands of troops now.

Faced with such a crisis, Emperor Ling couldn't hide in the Wanjin Hall anymore, but summoned all the officials for the first time and asked: "Now that the bandits are powerful, what can all the lovers do?"

Taiwei Zhang Yandao: "Your Majesty, revive Huangfu Yizhen. It's not that Jizhou has no troops, but the generals are not good enough. As long as Huangfu Yizhen becomes Jizhou Shepherd, I think it will soon put down the Yellow Scarves in Jizhou!"

After the Yellow Turban Bandits were wiped out last year, Huangfusong became the number one general of the Han Dynasty, but this aroused Emperor Ling's fear, and he stayed at home all the time.

Emperor Ling was apprehensive when he heard Huangfusong's name. He disliked Huangfusong's high prestige, so he let him stay at home. If he was allowed to become Jizhou Mu, and if he wiped out the Yellow Turban Bandits again, this prestige would be returned.

Last time, someone persuaded Huangfu Songnan to call himself lonely, so this time he directly raised his troops to rebel. For the Lingdi who has experienced the mutiny, and the Lingdi who lacks a sense of security, anyone who has the possibility of rebellion is killed by mistake. Don’t let it go. The last Liu Li was killed by a rebellious rumor. If Huangfusong's reputation was not too high, and he had always abided by his duties as a minister, he would not be at home now.

Da Sinonong Wang Han immediately followed up and said: "Your Majesty, the treasury of the 10 troops to maintain Chang'an is already empty. If the war in Jizhou cannot be settled immediately, please use the Shaofu to replenish the treasury!"

When Emperor Ling heard this, he immediately jumped up and said, "Where did I get the money! I don't have any money!"

Then he looked at the three princes and nine ministers in the court and said angrily: "I let you govern the country, and you just give me a big man with frequent wars and an empty treasury. Are you worthy of the salary I give you? You know how to ask me for money. Why? You don’t hand over money to the treasury!”

Da Sinonong Wang Han: "The great man is His Majesty's foundation! Your Majesty should regard the country as his home!"

Wang Han didn't believe a single word of Lingdi's words!He is in charge of the treasury of the big man, but he still doesn't know why the treasury is so empty!

Last year, Emperor Ling spent a huge sum of money to build a Wanjin Hall in the West Garden. After the completion, he ordered Zhang Wen, the chief minister at that time, to move all the money, property, and silk stored in the palace and treasury to the Wanjin Hall.

After a while, he worried that the money would be stolen by people around him or embezzled by the ministers, so he converted all the money into tens of millions of dollars, and transferred it to the homes of Xiaohuangmen and Zhongchang attendants.But he was still worried about this, so he ordered Zhong Changshi and Xiao Huangmen to help him go to Jizhou Hejian County, Yanzhou Dong County, Hongnong County and other counties to buy a large amount of land and build luxury houses in order to preserve the value of money.

Although Lingdi's actions filled up his small treasury, the treasury was empty enough to run mice.Zhang Wen has now become a chariot general to fight the Qiang people, but he just handed over such a mess to himself.

"Take the country as your home!" Emperor Ling snorted coldly when he heard this.

The big man is his family business, Lingdi admits this, but his family business is taken over by his own family's villainous servants, he looked at the civil and military officials of the dynasty, that one is not rich, and his family wealth is even greater than that of the emperor. More, it is not an exaggeration to say that the big man is the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and the powerful and noble families.

Emperor Ling had this clear understanding very early on. It's not that he didn't want to change this situation. Back then, he also planned to build up his prestige by exterminating the Xianbei people.But the first step was in vain. The 5 Han army attacked Xianbei, and was wiped out by a whole army, and he himself was questioned by the courtiers, so that his little prestige as an emperor fell to the bottom even more, making him Not out of Luoyang City.

And Emperor Ling is not a resolute person. After one failure, he gave up and became a salted fish emperor with peace of mind. Emperor Ling didn't care or control what they were going to do.

Even during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Emperor Ling was a little terrified besides being terrified;

That's why the Great Sinon Wang Han asked Lingdi to use his own small treasury to supplement the powerful and powerful men, Lingdi would sneer!

"If you manage the world well, there won't be so many rebellions! There is no money in the treasury, so you can figure out your own way. I don't care. I only want to see if you can put down the rebellion! If you can't do it, step down!"

Sangong Jiuqing looked at Lingdi helplessly when he heard this.

If Emperor Ling himself hadn't released Zhao Zhong to mess around, dismissed capable officials and replaced them with corrupt ones, how could there have been millions of yellow scarf thieves in Jizhou in less than half a year, and they even admired the skills of these corrupt officials, this Jizhou Last year, they killed 100 million thieves, and now they have killed millions of thieves, this ability is absolutely amazing.

 The average order the day before yesterday rose to 745 points, continue to ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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