Chapter 23, Arms Base

In March of the 2nd year of Zhongping, Wei County!

With the Yellow Turban Army's million-strong army fighting against the Han Army, Xu Wei, a small bandit, became inconspicuous, especially after the Wei County he occupied was still within the Yellow Turban Army's sphere of influence, and the war would not affect Wei County.

Yanzhou, who had crossed the Yellow River, was lucky to see that Xu Wei hadn't come, and didn't dare to provoke Xu Wei at all, so Wei Jun felt a bit of a paradise for a while.After confirming the safety of Wei County, Xu Wei took all the refugees from the entire Hukou Mountain down the mountain.

At this time, the gentry and powerful gentry in the entire Wei County either killed Xu Wei and the others, or escaped by themselves. It can be said that the entire Wei County has become Xu Wei's own independent kingdom, and more than 10 refugees followed him.

This put Xu Wei under a lot of pressure. It is not an easy task to feed so many people.

Xu Wei established state-owned enterprises one by one according to the modern system, and then they expanded various blacksmith workshops and carpentry workshops according to the previous establishment. Xu Wei their customers.

Now every day in Wei County, there are a large number of rattan armor, spears, swords and arrows sold to Zhang Niujiao and the others, and Zhang Niujiao has swept away dozens of powerful families in Jizhou, and there is no shortage of money, so the whole Wei County has become a state for a while. The Yellow Turban Army's logistics base, Zhang Niujiao, the Yellow Turban commander, attaches great importance to Xu Wei, the younger brother.

But what Xu Wei attaches most importance to is the fields of the entire Wei County. Haoqiang and the others fled, and a large amount of land was abandoned, with millions of acres. Xu Wei immediately sent people to take over and set up farms one by one. As for the labor force, Xu Wei resettled all the refugees who followed him to farm on these lands, and only kept a staff of 1 people.

And even this Ten Thousand Tengjia Army has half a day of training and half a day of hard work!Even the leader Xu Wei is no exception.

Unconvinced, Wang Lei asked Xu Wei, "Captain, now that the other rebels are fighting against the Han army, why do we farm? If the imperial army comes over, it will all be over. We are not helping those corrupt officials of the imperial court to farm!"

Xu Wei sighed and said, "It's March now, and the surrounding area is already in a mess. This year's food in Jizhou is about to be finished. If we don't get food now, hundreds of thousands of people will be killed in winter." Starved to death, we are not helping corrupt officials to farm but helping ordinary people to farm. You have never seen a hero who starved to death! But ordinary people starved to death in groups. Now we have saved the grain of a county, which is equivalent to Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved!"

Hearing Xu Wei's words, Wang Lei was also silent. He is a native of Jizhou, and naturally he doesn't want his hometown to starve to death.

This can be regarded as bad luck for the people of Jizhou. For two years in a row, there was a war in the spring. Last year's war went straight to winter. If you want to farm, you can't grow it. This year's war will start when you plant in spring. Know when to wait.

You must know that Jizhou is the largest granary of the Han Dynasty. This granary has encountered wars repeatedly, and no one has grown food.How could there be fewer people starving to death? Xu Wei estimated that the three northern states would be short of food.It is in anticipation of this situation that we spare no effort in farming.

And Xu Wei's behavior of disbanding the army to open up wasteland, and the fact that the Tengjia Army Qiu did nothing wrong, finally the local people settled down one by one, and began to cultivate their own land.

From what Xu Wei saw, there was basically no wasteland in Wei County.As long as the weather is good, Wei County's food can be kept.

When Xu Wei was opening up wasteland, old man Wang brought a man over.

Xu Wei saw that it was Zhen An!

Seeing Xu Wei, Zhen An immediately knelt down and said, "Lei Gong Qu Shuai please save my Zhen family!"

Xu Wei immediately helped him up and asked, "What's going on? What difficulties does your Zhen family have?"

Zhen An wept: "The Yellow Turban Army is attacking the city in Zhongshan County, and now they have surrounded me, Zhen An, and I ask Shuai Qu to save the Zhen family for the sake of our cooperation in the past!"

Because of Xu Wei's crowbar, Wubao's defensive power was greatly weakened, and the advantage of the Yellow Turban soldiers in large numbers was greatly enhanced.

It can be said that there are very few Wubaos that can withstand the Yellow Turbans for three days, and Wubao's financial equipment and food are all needed by the Yellow Turbans. Now the front is deadlocked.

Yellow Turban Rebels.Turn around and start to deal with Wubao in your own territory, using Wubao's wealth to strengthen their strength.

Now the tyrants in Jizhou can be said to be in danger, and everyone is trying to avoid this military disaster.

Xu Wei also went to the Zhen family to think for a while and said: "I will talk to the commander with Zhang Niu and ask them to let your Zhen family go, but I dare not guarantee whether it will succeed or not."

Zhen An saluted and said: "Thank you Qu Shuai, as long as my Zhen family survives this catastrophe, there will be rewards!"

Xu Wei said to Old Man Wang: "This time the transport team is leaving, I will go with you!"

In order to improve productivity, Xu Wei mobilized more than hundreds of thousands of people in Wei County. In this era, people are very capable of doing things, and they know a little bit of carpentry and masonry.

Xu Wei asked the logging team to cut down rattan on the mountain and distribute it to the entire Wei County. As long as they produced a set of rattan armor and rattan shields, they would be paid a stone of grain.

The enthusiasm of the people in the entire Wei County has greatly increased, and every household is making rattan armor.

Now Xu Wei and the others can produce [-] sets of rattan armor every day.

The wooden shafts and arrow shafts of other long spears were also outsourced. Xu Wei and the others were only responsible for manufacturing the gun heads and arrows, and the efficiency of manufacturing skyrocketed.

Now Wei County can produce 2000 long spears and [-] arrows every day.

It is precisely because of Xu Hao's arms that the Yellow Turban Army is armed that they can win consecutive battles on the battlefield.So now the prestige of Xu Wei, the Yellow Turban Army, is not low.The Zhen family knew this and asked Xu Wei.

Now every day, Wei County will send a transport team to deliver these weapons and equipment to the Yellow Turban Rebels, so Xu Wei and the others are on the road soon.

On the way, Xu Wei asked Old Man Wang, "Old Man, do you know Marshal Zhang Niujiao?"

Old man Wang said with a smile: "How many times have I met!"

Xu Wei said: "Can you tell me about the Marshal?"

Xu Wei wanted to know what Zhang Niujiao was like.

The old man Wang said with a smile: "Dashuai Zhang was originally from Boling, Li County, Jizhou. His real name is Zhang Yan, and his character is Pu. He also has a small family fortune in the local area. He is outstanding in martial arts, he is good at fighting injustice, and he is generous and loyal. Very prestigious.

It's a pity that there are too many powerful families in Jizhou, and a family background like Zhang Dashuai can't stand out at all.

Later, the commander-in-chief led people to sell smuggled salt, because when he smuggled salt, he always carried a ox horn horn, and he used it to notify his partners whenever there was a situation, so everyone called him Zhang ox horn, but forgot his real name .

When the great virtuous master was preaching in Jizhou, Zhang Dashuai admired the great virtuous master's ability, so he worshiped the great virtuous master as his teacher and became the great disciple of the great virtuous master. "

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(End of this chapter)

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