I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 222, Propaganda Concept

Chapter 222, Propaganda Concept

The first year of Chuping, February!
The Tengjia Army built a so-called embassy in the General's Mansion in Luoyang City, and Dong Zhuo even made a big statement to let Yuan Feng and the entire powerful family in Luoyang City know that he had contacts with Lei Gong.

You want to force Lao Tzu out of Luoyang City, be careful that Lao Tzu will kill you, let Lei Gong into Luoyang City, and then let Lei Gong hang you!

The aristocrats in Luoyang City also know what Lei Gong did in Bingzhou, but Luoyang City is thousands of miles away from Lei Gong’s territory, and coupled with the important and dangerous passes along the way, the aristocrats in Luoyang City do not think that Luoyang City will affect them.

But now that Dong Zhuo gave up Shangdang County, Lei Gong's soldiers were less than 200 miles away from Luoyang City, and even the elites in Hanoi County were already in danger.

After Xu Wei in Taiyuan County learned about Dong Zhuo's approach, he felt that this was a good opportunity to promote the Tengjia Army, so he invited Xiangkai to lead Xu Da Tengjia Army's students to Luoyang City Taixue, and they brought Xu Wei just wrote the Datong book.

After all, Xiangkai is a celebrity in the world, and he also has a certain prestige in Luoyang City. When he came to Taixue, many people were curious to see what this big man's rebellion brought!
So these Tai students saw the Datong book written by Xu Wei!

The content inside is also very simple. It publicizes the political program of the Tengjia Army, realizes that those who till the land will have land, and those who do not till the land will have no land. It also develops industry and commerce to enrich the people, builds water conservancy to enrich the peasants, cracks down on powerful and powerful gentry, and restricts powerful gentry regardless of their background. , Only talents are used to promote the great benefits of the world and eliminate the great harm of the world!
The students of Taixue were in an uproar when they saw these contents. The Tengjia Army dared to come to Taixue to spread their ideas, and the content was so radical. Of course, there were some people who dismissed it. Jia's thoughts, especially the last sentence, are all the content of Mozi, a complete suture monster, without any new content, such a person has the face to write a book!
The descendants of the elite clan naturally yelled at the Tengjia army to fight against the elite clan and restrict the powerful gentry. This is not talking about them, and the Tengjia army is not attacking the elite clan, but massacring the elite clan.

However, there are also quite a few descendants of powerful families who are interested in the content of these books, especially the descendants of poor families, regardless of their background, they are very interested in talent-only practices, because in the Eastern Han Dynasty the class solidified, the power of the nobles and nobles became more and more powerful, and they occupied high-dimensional There are more and more people, let’s talk about the Yuan faction. Their family counts Yuan Kai as having 4 people occupying more than 2000 shi. If they occupy more, the children from the poor family will occupy less. As long as many children from the poor family decline, it will be very difficult. They have climbed up, not to mention climbing up, their original position is also constantly falling, this is the class they are most dissatisfied with big men!
A disciple from a poor family asked: "Master Xiangkai, most of the land in the world is in the hands of powerful clans. How will your Tengjia Army realize that those who till it will have their land, and those who do not till it will have no land?"

Wang Guojun, who was beside Xiangkai, said: "This can be realized very simply. You just need to kill all the nobles who occupy the land and distribute their land to the landless common people. Now on the territory of our Tengjia Army, every Farmers can share 10 mu of land. In the next step, we plan to continue confiscating the land of the powerful and powerful, so that the common people in the world can each get 30 mu of land. In this way, a family of five can get 150 mu of land, as Mencius said. With five people, we can manage a hundred acres of land and achieve a well-off life, so that there will be no more famine in the world!"

Yang Xiu said disdainfully: "Your Datong book is completely copied from Confucianism, Legalism, and Mohism, so it's a shame to get Taixue to publicize it!"

"Although the ideas here belonged to other sages, we were the first to start practicing them. It's like the cultivator has his land. After thousands of years, has anyone thought about promoting the world and how to realize the great harmony of the world? No one is aiming at the cultivator. You Qitian has done it. But our Fujiko Army started to implement it on our own territory.

The Bingzhou we occupied could only feed 100 million people before, and a large number of people starved to death every year.But after we confiscated the fields of the powerful and noble families, we can now feed tens of millions of people and treat millions of disaster victims in the entire Central Plains!Killing tens of thousands of nobles can save millions of people, this is a just thing no matter where it is said! "

All the Tai students were in an uproar, there was justice here!Do you, the Rattan Armor Army, have any misunderstanding of justice?
Their explanation is even unacceptable to the children of poor families. They also have hundreds of acres of land. According to the system of the Tengjia Army, their family's land will also be divided up!
Yang Xiu said in disbelief: "The lands of the nobles are also rewarded by the imperial court for their achievements, and some of them were purchased little by little. How can you use such violent means to confiscate them, and even brutally kill the gentlemen! You are tyrannical and immoral." , slander Zhongliang!"

Wang Guojun understood: "You mean that the lives of tens of thousands of nobles are more important than the lives of millions of ordinary people!"

Yang Xiu immediately jumped up and said: "I didn't say that. Saving the people is a good thing, but why use such a cruel method? Can't it be a reasonable and legal method? Right now, Mr. Liu of Youzhou is guarding the border. What he did was not to kill the gentry, but let the common people survive! You are just stirring up hatred between the common people and the gentry, and it is an act of cholera!"

Wang Guojun asked strangely: "Don't you know that less than half a year after Liu Yu left Youzhou, the land he cultivated was annexed by the nobles in Youzhou, otherwise Zhang Chunzhang and their rebellion would not have been out of control. It is because these 10 garrison soldiers also joined Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju’s rebellion. It seems that this is the consequence of not eliminating the powerful clans. They have become the biggest pests in the world. If they are not eliminated, the people in the world will not be happy. life!"

Unconvinced, Yang Xiu said: "This is just the black sheep among the gentry. Didn't Liu Shijun let them reform themselves later on!"

Wang Guojun: "Then what happened to the millions of refugees in Jizhou? What happened to the millions of refugees in the Central Plains? Their land was annexed by them little by little, so they can't become refugees! There are too many black sheep, could it be that they are all black sheep is a normal phenomenon!"

Yang Xiudao: "The refugees in the Central Plains were caused by natural disasters, how can they be beyond human power!"

Wang Guojun said: "Then why can we accept millions of refugees in Bingzhou? You must know that Bingzhou can feed 1000 million people, Jizhou can feed 2000 million people, and the entire Central Plains can feed 50000 million people. surname, these three places alone can feed 8000 million people, and it is easy for the entire Han Dynasty to feed hundreds of millions of people, but now the number of people in the Han Dynasty is less than 5000 million, why are there millions of refugees, why are there every year? Hundreds of thousands of people starved to death!"

Yang Xiu didn't know how to refute for a while!
Wang Guojun continued: "You clansmen are the biggest pests in the world. As long as you wipe them out, the common people in the world will survive and live a prosperous life. Sacrifice hundreds of thousands of you and save the billions of people in the entire Han Dynasty. Isn't that true? Not an act of justice!"

Yang Xiu said angrily: "You are lying, evil spirits and heretics can be punished by everyone!"

Then Yang Xiu greeted his classmates and said, "Everyone fight these rebels in Bingzhou!"

Then dozens of people behind Yang Xiu rushed out to fight Wang Guojun and the others.

But Wang Guojun and the others are the next generation of the Rattan Armor Army carefully cultivated by Xu Wei. After discovering that Yang Xiu and the others did not want to be reasonable, they quickly formed an army formation, and then knocked down hundreds of students headed by Yang Xiu with their fists, and then walked away !

After Wang Guojun and the others discovered that Tai students would not agree with their ideas, they distributed their crude Datong book on the prosperous streets of Luoyang City, hoping to make the people of Luoyang City agree with their ideas, but people who can read in this era, The lowest ones are poor families, and ordinary people have no financial resources to read books, and ordinary people can't understand the content at all. It's just because the paper is precious that they take these books like fools!
But the appearance of the Tengjia Army in Luoyang City, and the unscrupulous spread of the Datong Book in Luoyang City made the elites headed by Yuan Wei dumbfounded. Is Dong Zhuo crazy?

To let such dangerous thoughts spread throughout Luoyang City, doesn't he know the danger of these things!What would the common people do if they listened to Lei Gong's bewitchment?
And they also thought of the most dangerous situation, if Dong Zhuo gave up Luoyang City and let Lei Gong occupy Luoyang City, their fate would be ruined, and even their foundation would be wiped out by Lei Gong!
The fate of the nobles in Bingzhou made the nobles in Luoyang City shudder. Thinking about it this way, they felt that even Dong Zhuo was a little handsome.

So they all began to express their goodwill to Dong Zhuo. Some patriarchs even said that as long as Lei Gong was not allowed to enter Sili, other matters could be discussed. Many families even expressed to Dong Zhuo that they would definitely persuade Yuan Wei. Give up the fight with the prime minister, let's work together civil and military to revive the great man!
Dong Zhuo was overjoyed at the change of the nobles of the Sili family. He thought he wanted to use Thunder God to scare these nobles of the Sili clan, but he did not expect that the power of Lei Gong would be so great. If he had known it would be like this, he would Lei Gong was already released.

And Dong Zhuo immediately patted his chest and said, I am not a stingy person, as long as Yuan Shao and the others disband the army and come back to admit their mistakes, this matter will be over.

My old Mr. Dong has a lot of let it go, children are just ignorant, and I can still care about them as an adult!

So Dong Zhuo withdrew the soldiers who were monitoring Yuan Wei, and asked these people to persuade Yuan Wei, and a large number of patriarchs of powerful families came to Yuan's mansion!
They persuaded one by one: "Brother Ciyang, you can't continue fighting with Dong Zhuo. If you continue to fight, Lei Gong will enter Luoyang City. This is not sending away the evil tiger and then meeting the evil dragon!"

The patriarchs of Luoyang City felt that they were doomed for eight lifetimes. The warlords who came to Luoyang City rebelled and threatened one by one. Dong Zhuo slaughtered more than a dozen of them, and when Lei Gong came, he wanted to slaughter them all. The harder you work, the more dangerous the situation will be for them. They didn't kill the whole family when they fought against the eunuchs.

After playing around, they found that the eunuch is the best enemy to deal with!At least they won't overturn the table!

Yuan Kai said with a cold face, "with Huangfu Song here, Lei Gong dare not enter Luoyang City! Dong Zhuo also dare not let Lei Gong enter Luoyang City, what are you afraid of!"

Zhang Wen persuasively said: "Huangfu Yi is really in Jizhou, he can't stop Lei Gong, as long as Dong Zhuo continues to abandon the pass, Lei Gong's army will drive straight into Luoyang City, we can't afford to bet! Lei Gong is a hundred times more rebellious than Dong Zhuo. Under Dong Zhuo, we can still survive, but Lei Gong wants to hang us all!"

Yuan Kai said: "At the beginning, they also had an army of more than [-]. As long as they led the army into Hanoi County at the beginning, it would be enough to resist Lei Gong. When Huangfu Song and Liu Yu attacked Lei Gong's Bingzhou together, it would be enough to trap Lei Gong in Bingzhou!"

Zhang Wen said: "Teacher, have you forgotten about Dong Zhuo? If he joins forces with Lei Gong, the whole big man will really change color. We might as well take a step back and join Dong Zhuo to clean up Lei Gong. Dong Zhuo is almost sixty, plus Fighting all the year round, it is impossible to live a long life, we can tolerate him for a few years, Dong Zhuo is not the most domineering official of my big man, and the most powerful minister is the one I am most afraid of! But Lei Gong wants to hang us all, what he wants is The country of the entire Han Dynasty!"

Yang Biao also said: "Teacher, let's take a step back, we don't have the strength to defeat Dong Zhuo and Lei Gong at the same time, we can only deal with them one by one!"

Yuan Kui smiled wryly and said, "It's too late. Now the whole Central Plains should be spreading the edict of King Hongli. We have no way out!"

Sure enough, within a few days, the latest news came from the Central Plains. Yuan Shao, the prefect of Bohai County, announced to the world the "edict" of Hongnong King and Shaodi Liu Bian.

It is said that they raised troops this time to act on the order of the young emperor and to rescue the young emperor Liu Bian.Their actions were for the side of the Qing emperor, and to kill Dong Zhuo, a treacherous official, was to protect the country.On the one hand, Yuan Shao publicized the so-called Young Emperor's edict, and at the same time asked the prefects of all prefectures and counties, Zhou Mu, to clean up the emperor's side and punish treacherous officials.

Dong Zhuo was furious when he knew this matter, the Yuan family alone could not mobilize too much force to attack him, but if Yuan Shao relied on the will of the young emperor, he would not be able to guarantee it. After all, the young emperor was a legitimate emperor, and There is no guilt, he and Yuan Kuiyong forcibly abolished it!
"Old man Yuan Kui played with me on the plank road in the open and kept Chen Cang in the dark. This is shameless, but he still has the nerve to say the will of King Hongli. He is not afraid of being ridiculed to death by the people of the world!"

Li Ru said with a cold face: "Minister of the country, but it is undeniable that King Hongli's will is useful. Neither we nor Yuan Kai have enough prestige to abolish the emperor. When the young emperor was abolished, many civil and military officials in the court disagreed.

Even Shangshu ordered Lu Zhi to escape from Luoyang City. If Yuan Shao used King Hongli as an excuse, Liu Bei, Huangfusong and Liu Yu might ignore Yuan Shao!The best way now is to kill King Hongli, so that Yuan Shao and the others have no excuses! "

Dong Zhuo asked worriedly: "Is it really necessary to kill King Hongli? There is no other way?"

After all, Dong Zhuo was a general in the feudal era. All his life, he studied the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. Of course, it is another matter in practice, but he is still a little panicked if he is really asked to kill a former emperor!

Li Ru shook his head and said, "Besides this, there is no other way!"

"King Hongnong's immortality affects His Majesty's legitimacy. The prime minister can fight with Yuan Kui and the others because His Majesty is in your hands. You can coerce the emperor to order the princes, and serve the emperor to attack non-officials. If your majesty is not The emperor, what are you using to fight Yuan Kui and the others, the power of Xiliang in the court is not as big as that of Yuan Kai's family, not to mention that the ministers of Xiliang may not be loyal to the prime minister!"

And in Taiyuan County!Xu Wei also knew about Yuan Shao's edict!
He shook his head after watching it and said, "Yuan Shao and the others are really shameless. No wonder Dong Zhuo can persist in the battle of the coalition of princes for so long. Yuan Shao and the others are completely treating other people as fools!"

When he came to this world, Xu Wei knew that Yuan Kui and the others were behind the abolition of the emperor, and now he still has the face to use Liu Bian's reputation to attack Dong Zhuo, which is shameless to the extreme.

If you really want to play the game of coercing the emperor to order the princes, you have to rescue the emperor first, don't say that you can't rescue Liu Bian in Luoyang City with the power of your Yuan family.You obviously want to force Dong Zhuo to kill Liu Bian by playing like this. This is to kill Liu Bian, a child!

Xu Wei remembered that Dong Zhuo had poisoned Liu Bian, causing Yuan Shao's coalition forces to lose their legitimacy. Yuan Shao even thought of using Liu Yu as the emperor as a card to fight against Dong Zhuo!
Of course, this is a lose-lose move for Dong Zhuo, because his move not only strengthened the determination of the Kanto clan to deal with it, but even the generals in Kansai and the ministers from Xiliang began to disapprove of Dong Zhuo's foreshadowing of his subsequent assassination. After all, it is possible to kill an emperor by poison, even if it is an abdicated emperor, this is beyond the scope of a courtier, this is no longer a powerful minister, but a disorderly minister.

Therefore, Dong Zhuo's regime later on did not have the participation of civil servants, and became a regime of warriors, but those warriors were not Huangfusong who was both civil and military, but Li Jue!Under their random rule, millions of people in Sili were slaughtered. Even when Xu Wei played the Three Kingdoms game, these places were blank.

Xu Wei is now thinking whether to help Dong Zhuo, so that Dong Zhuo can fight Yuan Shao and the others more intensely!
Are there any brain holes in the previous life novels that can help Dong Zhuo now?

Xu Wei remembers that there must be a protagonist who is Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and he likes to play some kind of abdication if it is funny, but in the end he can't give up the throne!Let Dong Zhuo really throw Liu Bian to Yuan Shao!
Xu Wei reckoned that Yuan Shao really saw that Liu Bian was about to sit on the wax. Liu Bian was the mortal enemy of his Yuan family.

But it was impossible for Dong Zhuo to do such a thing, and he was also worried that Yuan Shaozhen would re-enthronize Liu Bian in the Central Plains and proclaim himself emperor, and the value of Liu Xie in his hands would be depreciated!

Liu Xie is now the only card in Dong Zhuo's hands that can deal with the powerful and powerful. It should be impossible for Dong Zhuo to make Liu Xie a threat, especially Liu Bian, who has done this before the emperor!
Can we engage in a propaganda war?

Xu Wei remembered that there was another "City Gate War God" in later generations, or "City Gate War God" Zhu Qizhen. He captured more than a dozen cities with his mouth and guns, and let the Oirats directly hit the gate of Beijing.Can Dong Zhuo use this trick?
Let Liu Bian climb the city wall of Hulao Pass and tell the [-] princes about Yuan Shao's black material. Maybe the [-] princes will be defeated by Liu Bian's all-in-one talk!
Imagine that Yuan Shao used Liu Bian's will to rebel, but the real Liu Bian appeared in his heart, saying that Yuan Shao is the traitor, which seems a bit tricky!

And Dong Zhuo can also take Liu Bian to call the city gate, and he can take the initiative to attack. If Dong Zhuo really used this method to take down a few cities, it would be fun!
Anyway, this is just a brain hole, so don't use it for nothing!
So Xu Wei sorted out some of his thoughts, recorded them in Feige, and then sent them to Luoyang City!

Luoyang City, the Tengjia Army embassy, ​​Wan Shi received Xu Wei's order, and immediately called Xiang Kai and said, "Master, Qu Shuai wants you to persuade Dong Zhuo to keep King Hongli alive!"

Xiang Kai said strangely: "You Shuai Qu has also become a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, and you still want to guarantee the life of King Hongli?"

Wan Shi said: "We will never be the loyal ministers of the great man, but we Shuai think that keeping Liu Bian's life is more beneficial to Dong Zhuo and the others!"

Xiang Kai said strangely: "You, Commander Qu, care so much about Dong Zhuo. It is rumored that the two of them are good friends. Your Tengjia Army can easily occupy Bingzhou and rely on Dong Zhuo to release water. It seems to be true?"

Wan Shi said: "I don't understand these things. It may be that Qu Shuai thinks that Dong Zhuo's strength is beneficial to our Tengjia Army!"

Xiangkai read the letter from Xu Wei!

After reading it, Xiang Kai approached Dong Zhuo and said, "My lord, are you worried about King Hongli now?"

Dong Zhuo didn't expect that even the Tengjia Army and the others would know about this, so he said helplessly, "I don't want to kill King Hongli either, but I don't want Yuan Shao and the others to grasp the righteousness, so I have to kill King Hongli now!"

Xiang Kai said: "The Prime Minister really killed King Hongli, this is the real advantage for Yuan Shao and the others. With the strength of the Yuan family, can't they take King Hongli without anyone noticing?"

Dong Zhuo said: "It should be possible!"

Xiang Kai laughed and said: "But they only produced an inexplicable edict, but did not bring King Hongli with them. This is Yuan Kai's intention to borrow a knife to kill someone! What the country's prime minister wants you to do, you should do the opposite Of!"

Dong Zhuo smiled wryly and said, "How could the truth be unclear, but even if Yuan Kai wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, the truth would have to be killed! Yuan Wei is the enemy of King Hongli, and the truth is not much different. People drove him down from the throne!"

Xiang Kai thought for a while and said: "Actually, our Qu Shuai wants the Prime Minister not to kill King Hongli. He said that after killing the Prime Minister of the Hongli Kingdom, there will be no civil servants who will take refuge in you. The Prime Minister can conquer the world immediately, but it is impossible. Govern the world on horseback, and governing the country without civil servants will surely fail!"

(End of this chapter)

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