I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 223, Dong Zhuo's Threat

Chapter 223, Dong Zhuo's Threat
Dong Zhuo said helplessly: "But I don't have many scholars who take refuge in me now!"

Xiang Kai said: "But as long as the prime minister has the righteousness of the court, they have to do things for the prime minister, but if they really kill King Hongli, I'm afraid they will really see the country as a thief. The prime minister will completely lose the hearts of the court officials. You must know that the current state relatives are only dealing with the clans of the Kanto, Sili clans, Kansai generals, and Xiliang clans. They are potential allies of the Prime Minister, and it depends on how the Prime Minister wins them over."

"And the most important thing is that if the Prime Minister kills King Hongli, Zhennan General Liu Bei, and Youzhou Mu Liu Yu, I am afraid that the Prime Minister will regard the Prime Minister as a traitor to the court. The Prime Minister will have an extra 10 troops at once. enemy!"

As soon as Xiangkai said it, Dong Zhuo also remembered that there are still hundreds of thousands of troops in the clan, which should not be underestimated. King Hongli really can't kill randomly!

This is really different from the original history. In the original history, the army of the big man is either in Dong Zhuo or in the alliance against Dong. The strength of other people is irrelevant. Although Dong Zhuo can kill Liu Bian to solve his own troubles.

But now Liu Bei has an army of 3 in the clan, and Liu Yu has an army of 8. This is a force to change the situation. Naturally, Dong Zhuo has to think twice. Liu Bei has not yet left Wuguan. If Liu Bei rebelled against the court because of this matter , the entire city of Chang'an will be unstable! "

So Dong Zhuo asked, "Do you guys have any good suggestions?"

Xiang Kai laughed and said, "Didn't Yuan Shao mean that he acted according to the will of King Hongli? King Hongli can remember clearly what he did at home, and he can see clearly who killed his relatives. As long as King Hongli goes to Yuan Shao's place and summons the loyal officials of the big man, I am afraid that the alliance will be destroyed. Break up unhappy!"

"But Empress Dowager He was killed by my old Dong, the hatred between me and King Hongli is not much worse than that of Yuan Shao!" Dong Zhuo looked at Xiangkai coldly, this must be beneficial to Lei Gong!If Yuan Shaozhen arranged for Liu Bian to ascend the throne in the Central Plains, the Great Han would have two emperors. Lei Gong really wanted to split the Great Han!

Xiang Kai looked at his heart with a ferocious look and said in relief: "If the Prime Minister disagrees, there are other ways. You can arrange for King Hongli to go to Hulao Pass. When Yuan Shao and the others pass through Hulao Pass, the Prime Minister will let Hongli go to Hulao Pass. King Li reprimanded Yuan Shao, so that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the allied army could clearly see what Yuan Shao and the others are doing!"

Dong Zhuo doubted: "Is this useful?"

Xiang Kai said with a smile: "Of course it is useful. The generals and schools around Yuan Shao are all from the powerful families of the Central Plains. They have been favored by the emperor for generations. How could they rebel with Yuan Shao? As soon as King Hongli appears, Yuan Shao's lies will go bankrupt. Morale is so bad that it is not easy for the Prime Minister to annihilate the coalition forces!"

"Our Shuai Qu has another suggestion. If the Prime Minister has the guts, he can take King Hongli to Chenliu to shut the door. Didn't they mean to obey King Hongli's will? The Prime Minister can ask King Hongli to tell them to open the door, maybe All parts of Yanzhou can be captured easily by relying on King Hongli!"

Dong Zhuo sneered: "You, Shuai Qu, have some schemes like this. Even a fool would not be able to open the city gate under such circumstances, and let the old man lead an army to slaughter them!"

Xiang Kai said: "Master, you have been living in the frontier of Xiliang. The rule in the frontier is that the strong soldier is the king, but now this is the Central Plains. Even if there is a small war, it has not experienced a major war for hundreds of years. The Central Plains The common people in the country have been under the rule of the Liu family for hundreds of years. Although there are ambitious guys like the Yuan brothers, there are definitely more people in the Liu family than the Yuan family in the center, so King Hongli is your trump card. It depends on how you play this trump card, Prime Minister!"

"Trump card!" Dong Zhuo understood these words. When he was in Taiyuan County, he also played cards from Mayi!
It's just that he doubts that King Hongli really has such a big effect?

This means that Xu Wei is not here, otherwise he must introduce Dong Zhuo to the record of "City Gate God of War"!

However, through Xu Wei's reminder, Dong Zhuo also found that killing King Hongli by himself was the next best thing to do. Although he would not give King Hongli to Yuan Shao, it would be better to take him with him to see if he had such great power. OK!

So he asked Li Ru to tell Li Ru what Xiangkai said today!After all, he and Lei Gong are enemies, and he is worried that Lei Gong has bad intentions!

Li Ru broke out in a cold sweat and said, "If it wasn't for Lei Gong's reminder, my subordinates would have ruined the prime minister's affairs. It is true that King Hongli could not die in the prime minister's hands, otherwise the officials in the prime minister's hands would collapse! Compared with Yuan Kui and others, the biggest disadvantage is that there is only government affairs, and the prime minister of the state has no old disciples and old officials who control the government. Yuan Kui easily uses his old disciples and old officials to control the entire Central Plains, but the country depends on the majesty of the court. We can keep the rule of Sili, but if we kill King Hongli and cause dissatisfaction among Sili officials, our power will collapse!"

Dong Zhuo thought for a while and said: "Since King Hongli can't be killed, I will take this old man to the battlefield to see if King Hongli has the power that Lei Gong said. At the same time, I will also find a way to solve this disaster. I can't kill King Hongli Just let Yuan Shao and the others kill them!"

Li Ru thought for a while and said: "Minister of the State, this matter needs to be discussed in a long-term way. We have no influence among scholars, and Yuan Kui and the others are good at framing the blame. Let the subordinates figure out a way for this matter! Now the Prime Minister should take the initiative Go out and wipe out a few rebels, let the people of the world see the martial arts of the Prime Minister, and the government will be stable!"

Dong Zhuo thought for a while and said, "Wen You, do you think that Truth should kill Yuan Kai's family so that the Yuan brothers can see how powerful Truth is!"

Li Ru sneered and said: "Originally, my subordinates also had this idea, but Lei Gong opened up the mind of my subordinates. The next generation head of the Yuan clan is originally Yuan Ji, but Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are not reconciled. They are recruiting forces everywhere. Just to seize the position of the next Patriarch of the Yuan family, the prime minister can use Yuan Ji to deal with the Yuan brothers, bring Yuan Ji up to deal with Yuan Shu, and see if Yuan Shu dares to kill his elder brother! We also want to borrow a knife to kill people."

Dong Zhuo laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "It's a good trick to kill with a borrowed knife, just to let this old fellow Yuan Kai have a taste of what it is like to kill with a borrowed knife!"

The next day, Dong Zhuo summoned the three lords and nine ministers in the court to discuss the matter of sending troops to fight against the rebels, and Dong Zhuo specially asked Yuan Kai and Yuan Ji to be brought to the court meeting!
State Prime Minister Shi Tianyi explained the current military situation to the civil and military officials and said: "Although the rebel army is powerful, their army has not gathered together. Hanoi County is mainly composed of Yuan Shao and Wang Kuang's army.

This army has 4 people, and the food and grass are provided by Jizhou Muhan Fu, but Yuan Shao has no intention of moving forward in Hanoi County. It seems that he is waiting for other rebels to gather!
In the direction of Yanzhou, the main force of the rebel army, Yanzhou Governor Liu Dai, Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao, Qiao Mao, and Yuan Yi's army has already entered Suanzao, and Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin is also rushing to Suanzao. Tens of thousands of soldiers were recruited and marched to Suanzao again!There are about 7 to 8 troops in this route, but most of the newly recruited soldiers are not strong in combat effectiveness! "

Dong Zhuo looked at the map, and then smiled at Yuan Kai: "It seems that the two groups of people should follow Yuan Shao's lead, your Yuan family is worthy of being the most powerful family in the world, you can easily recruit hundreds of thousands of troops, the imperial court does not have this ability! "

The civil and military officials of the imperial court all looked at Yuan Kai. The Yuan family really spent their money this time. The foundation of the Yuan family for hundreds of years was brought out. It is impossible for an emperor to endure such a large family, especially if there is a precedent for rebellion.There is a high probability that their family will be wiped out.

It is not that there is no family in the imperial court that is as large as the Yuan family, but they dare not continue to take a step forward, because this step is to become a royal family, but the family that wants to take this step is more likely to be wiped out by the nine clans. Everyone is not optimistic about the Yuan family, wouldn't it be good to be the leader of the family?Why step into this step!
In the eyes of other aristocratic families, stability and family inheritance are the most important things at the current level of the family.

Yuan Kai should find a way to suppress Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, the two activists, to make Yuan Ji the head of the Yuan family in advance, and it would be a disaster for a powerful family like them. Brothers have led into a dangerous road of narrow escape.

Now even Yuan Ji, the qualified head of the family, will be dragged to death by the Yuan brothers. Everyone knows that the reason why Dong Zhuo has not killed Yuan Kui and them is because he has confidence in defeating the Yuan brothers, but if Dong Zhuo and the Yuan brothers defeat , when Yuan Kai and Yuan Ji died!
Yuan Kui looked at Dong Zhuo the same way, but now he was a little confused about Dong Zhuo. He thought Dong Zhuo would kill King Hongli and the Yuan family, but the reality was that King Hongli was still alive and he was not caught by Dong Zhuo. Come on, does Dong Zhuo still want to reconcile with him?
Or is there someone behind Dong Zhuo giving him advice?It's just that Yuan Kai knew that the matter had come to this point, and the Yuan family really had no way of turning back.

He said coldly: "If the Prime Minister hadn't done too many outrageous things, there wouldn't be so many uprising troops!"

Dong Zhuo laughed loudly and said, "Teacher, you are so unhappy. When the general died, the power of the entire Luoyang City was in the hands of the Taifu. You are the former emperor's minister and the number one clan of the Han Dynasty. Patriarch, no one can compare to you in terms of prestige or qualifications.

However, the Taifu was indecisive and dared not take responsibility for the Luoyang Mutiny, and even less dared to face the hatred of King Hongli and Queen Mother He, so he gave up this right by himself.Push my old Dong out, otherwise, I, a warrior from Xiliang, would not be able to easily grasp the power of Luoyang City. Could it be that my old Dong's prestige is higher than that of the Tai Tuo! "

"Isn't everything that I did in Luoyang City all accountable to you, the Grand Tutor, and half of the responsibility is taken up by angry people who blame the Tai Tuo today! Yuan Shao and the others rebelled. This is not because a son beats an adult. For such rebellious and unfilial descendants, the old man should help the Grand Tutor." Fu killed them!"

"Look at the eunuch Yuan Ji, a good-looking talent. He is a rare young talent in my big man. He has already become one of the nine ministers at a young age. The Taifu has lost his head. You don't want such a good heir, but you want to praise Yuan Shao. The two brothers Yuan Shu!"

Yuan Ji was expressionless, he knew that Dong Zhuo was trying to sow discord.

But Dong Zhuo's words reached his heart, obviously he is the next generation of the Yuan family, but now he is dragged down to death by Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

They rebelled in the Central Plains, have you ever wondered what will happen to those who stay in the original family in Luoyang City?This is to kill them!Yuan Ji is not yet 30 years old, and he doesn't want to die yet.

Yuan Kui snorted coldly: "It's good that the Prime Minister has this ability!"

All civil and military officials in the imperial court were sweating coldly when they heard the conversation between Dong Zhuo and Yuan Kai. They wouldn't be killed to silence them, right?

This Dong Zhuo really deserves to be a poor man in Xiliang. Everyone sees through this thing and does not say it. Even if he wants to fight for the interests of his own family, it must be said to be for the sake of the people of the world. You say it in front of everyone today. Desk, how can everyone fool people in the future, and this is the imperial court, if these words are recorded in the annals of history today, everyone's reputation will be rotten.

Dong Zhuo sneered and said, "Don't worry, Taifu, your Yuan family is very powerful, with disciples and old officials all over the world, I really don't have the confidence to defeat you, but I do have the confidence to bring you and the rest of your party closer to hell.

The Taifu best blesses me to defeat the Yuan brothers. As long as the old man feels that he will fail, the old man will hand over the entire Luoyang City to Lei Gong, and the old man will watch how Lei Gong crushes you in Chang'an City!Even if you want to die, you will die in "

Through the establishment of an embassy by the Tengjia Army in Luoyang City, Dong Zhuo found out that Yuan Wei and the others were more afraid of Lei Gong and the others than him.

It's too embarrassing for me, I should have threatened Yuan Shao and the others with Lei Gong when they first raised their troops!There are not so many things in the Central Plains.

Sure enough, Dong Zhuo's words terrified all the civil and military officials of the imperial court. They couldn't believe that Dong Zhuo would actually lure wolves into the house!

"National Prime Minister, no, Mr. Lei is the root cause of cholera. His occupation of Luoyang City will only increase his strength. The National Prime Minister cannot be safe in Chang'an!"

"Brother Yuan Shao's strength is not as good as that of the imperial court, so there is no need for the Prime Minister to contact Lei Gong!"

Mud horse!The foundation of the Yuan family is still in Runan, so there is no need to worry about Lei Gong, but most of the families of the civil and military officials present are in Sili, Lei Gong invaded Sili, this is a disaster they simply cannot bear!You, Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Kui fight, what does it matter to us, the clan of the Sili clan!This is simply a disaster for the fish in the pond!

Dong Zhuo looked at the ugliness of all civil and military officials with a sneer. Sure enough, what Lei Gong said was right. Without family background, they are just a group of selfish old men, so don't pay attention at all!
Dong Zhuo said one word at a time: "So you guys give me a little peace of mind. If Yuan Shao's army breaks through the pass of Luoyang City, I will lead Lei Gong's army to Luoyang City!"

(End of this chapter)

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