Chapter 245, another defeat

The next day, the entire Yellow Turban Army attacked!
Yu Du led an army to attack Xu Rong's army, and Zang Ba led an army to attack Liu Chong's army!And Bai Rao, Sui Gu led the army to prevent Yuan Shao from rushing out of Baima City!
Ju Yi laughed when he saw the Yellow Turban Army rushing towards him and said, "They are also rebels. The Tengjia Army is more rigorous than our officers and soldiers, their equipment is better than ours, and their combat effectiveness even surpasses ours. In the battle, I can't tell who is the real officer and soldier, but after seeing the Yellow Turban Army, I have the confidence that our Jizhou Army is the real officer and soldier!"

From Ju Yi's point of view, although Yu Du's Yellow Turban Army has many soldiers, they are out of touch when attacking, the formation is also scattered, and the equipment is terrible. There is not much leather armor at all. At a glance, they are all rattan armor. Knowing that he was fighting the Yellow Turban Army, he thought he was fighting the Rattan Armor Army, which was a bit stronger than the Yellow Turban Army that fought against Zhang Jiao back then. He could barely see a formation, with the Rattan Armor protecting his body!Such an army is better than a mob!
Seeing this huge mob, Xu Rong calmly said: "Order Ju Yi to break through the Yellow Turban Army's central army, and the other battalion generals and Daodun Battalion will completely divide the Yellow Turban Army's army!"

After receiving the order, Ju Yi laughed and said, "Brothers, it's time to make contributions, and the army will follow me to kill!"

Then he was the first to rush to the formation of the Yellow Turban Army!

Zhan Zhan of the Sword and Shield Camp behind Ju Yi also shouted: "Kill!"

The soldiers of the 5000-knife Shield Battalion shot at the Yellow Turban Army like 5000 long arrows!

After the two sides fought together, the tall soldiers of the Sword and Shield Battalion easily defeated the Yellow Turban soldiers in front of them like a hot knife shaving oil, and resolutely attacked the Yellow Turban Army's middle army!
Pan Feng took 1 infantry and then concealed the killing. The Jizhou Army continued to cut up the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, cut them up and outflanked them, and then quickly wiped them out!
Seeing that his Chinese army was defeated, Yu Du personally commanded the army to fight. The two sides fought fiercely, but the soldiers of Ju Yi's Sword and Shield Battalion were powerful, and although the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army also risked their lives to fight.However, when the equipment, training, and even physical fitness are not as good as those of the Jizhou army, even if they risk their lives, they fail to stop the Jizhou army's charge and are beaten back step by step by the shield knife battalion, especially Ju Yi, who is the sharpest shield knife shadow The blade of the long knife, the place pointed by the long knife, is invincible, and it is useless even if the poisonous guards come up!
Ju Yi's powerful combat power quickly repelled Yu Du's personal guard battalion.

The Jizhou Army outflanked the Yellow Turban Army from the left and right wings.The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army found that they were surrounded by enemies, and they could no longer resist, so they fled in defeat.

Seeing the defeated Yellow Turban Army, Xu Rong calmly ordered: "The whole army will continue to pursue and defeat any rebels who dare to fight back against us.

Following Xu Rong's order, the Jizhou Army launched an attack and chased for more than ten miles in one breath. Any Yellow Turban Army who dared to launch a counterattack would be defeated again under Xu Rong's command, and then continued to flee.

In this way, Yu Du and the others retreated to the vicinity of Baima City.

Bai Rao and others discovered the chaos of the Yellow Turban Army. After the front line was defeated, they quickly arranged for the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army to meet Yu Du's defeated soldiers. At the same time, Bai Rao led 5 soldiers to stop the pursuit of the Jizhou Army.

But Yuan Shao and others who had been on the White Horse City Wall also saw the collapse of the Yellow Turban Army!
Xu You said excitedly: "At the beginning, our reinforcements won, and the Yellow Turban Army was defeated. Now is the time to take advantage of the victory and pursue them. As long as Bai Rao and them are defeated again, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in the entire Central Plains will be defeated by us."

Yuan Shao naturally understood this too. He organized his army, broke out from the white horse city, charged at the Bairao army, and fought a decisive battle with the Yellow Turban army as soon as he came up. The elite armored army was even more brave and unstoppable.

The morale of the Yellow Turban Army had plummeted because of its failure. Now that the Jizhou Army has an additional [-] new troops from Yuan Shao, the [-] Yellow Turban Army that besieged Baima could not resist Yuan Shao's attack at all.

The bitter chief can only desperately command the Yellow Turban Army to resist Yuan Shao's attack.

But now the bitter chieftain has only 10 Yellow Turban soldiers, and the number of soldiers is only twice that of Yuan Shao, so they can't resist Yuan Shao's attack at all!
Under the attack of Yuan Shao and Xu Rong's 10 troops, the Yellow Turban Army retreated steadily in both directions, unable to resist at all. After fighting like this for half a day, the Yellow Turban Army army in the hands of Yu Du and Bai Rao was defeated again, and the rout continued. Flee in the direction of Qingzhou!

On the other side of the battlefield, Zang Ba fought against Cao Cao and Liu Chong [-].

What the Taishan army greeted was overwhelming crossbow arrows. The soldiers of the Taishan army continued to die under the crossbow arrows, and soon suffered heavy losses.

Facing Liu Chong's powerful crossbow arrows, Zang Baba kept mobilizing his army, quickly approached Liu Chong's army, and fought cruel hand-to-hand combat with Liu Chong's army!
But Liu Chong's army was not only good at shooting crossbows and arrows, but also good at fighting in close combat. The two sides fought very fiercely, and soon blood flowed into rivers.

Liu Chong's soldiers are powerful, well-equipped, and well-coordinated. Often a small group can suppress a group of soldiers from the Taishan Army.

But Zang Ba's Taishan Army has a large number of people, and they are not afraid of death. Even if three or four of the Taishan Army fight to the death of a Liu Chong soldier, Zang Ba will still earn.

The strength of the two sides is equal, and the two sides have reached a stalemate on the battlefield. After half a day of fighting, Liu Chong's army lost and injured more than 5000 people, and the morale of the army was close to collapse.

Zang Ba is not having a good time either. There are nearly 2 people bloody on the battlefield, but Zang Ba's army can bear greater casualties, because the soldiers of the Taishan Army know that even if they surrender, they will be slaughtered by the Han army. It is better to be on the battlefield Fighting desperately with the Han army, so each of them is not afraid of death.

But just when Zang Ba was about to defeat Liu Chong and his [-] army, the news of Yu Du's defeat reached here.

Liu Chong and Cao Cao's morale was greatly boosted, and the soldiers who were about to be defeated also persevered.

On the contrary, the Taishan army didn't want to continue fighting anymore!

Sun Guan found Zang Ba and said: "Brother, we can't continue fighting. Yu Du and they were defeated. The Han army will surround us at any time. Now there are 13 Han troops around the whole Baima. We have already defeated Yu Du. If we don’t have the upper hand, if we don’t escape now, we won’t be able to escape!”

Zang Ba and Yu Du were originally in a cooperative relationship, and the two sides were not very close. Now that they heard that the Yellow Turban Army was defeated, they naturally flew away separately in the face of disaster!
Zang Ba immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Hurry up and withdraw the troops, let's go back to Mount Tai!"

Zang Ba knew their defeat, there was no army in the Central Plains that could withstand the encirclement and suppression of the 13 army of the Han, and now they wanted to flee to the mountains to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the Han after the war!

"Dang, dang, dang!" With the sound of Ming Jin withdrawing from the battlefield, the Taishan Army soldiers retreated to their camps one after another!Then Zang Ba didn't even clean up the camp, and left Dongjun with his own army.
And Liu Chong and others on the battlefield reveled after seeing the Taishan army fleeing, and they finally won!
And Liu Chong was even more tired and sat next to Cao Cao and said in a bad mood: "Cao Aman, you owe me your life this time, and I will lose my life to help you!"

Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Brother Ziyao, I am working hard for your Liu family's country. Speaking of it, you should owe me a day of my life!"

Liu Chong snorted coldly and said, "You and the Yuan brothers are ambitious, and you have to take most of the responsibility for the chaos that the big men have become like now. You clearly know that the Central Plains is overwhelmed, but you still want to collect 20 Kwantung coalition forces. If you don't How could such a disaster happen to the Central Plains because of this army's excessive expropriation, I can't wait to kill the Yuan brothers!"

During the period of Emperor Ling, the Han court was already unable to make ends meet. In order to raise 10 troops to quell Xiliang, Emperor Ling pretended to be crazy and acted stupidly, buying and selling officials to maintain this army.

However, they don't even have a decent imperial court, but they can recruit 20 troops in just a few months. You must know that in order to fight against Lei Gong, the entire Han army is basically deployed in Sili, Jizhou, and Youzhou. Brother, there are not many troops in the Central Plains, and the imperial court can't afford to support many troops!

But if you want to create an army of 20 people, and the elites and nobles only want to gain fame and don't want to pay money, then you can only suffer from the common people.

And Yuan Shao and the others are the second generation of officials. Although they are in high positions, they have no experience as grassroots officials, and they have not considered the ability of the people to bear it. Therefore, under their control, there are not many disasters in the Central Plains, and there are not many refugees. Next, Yuan Shao and the others once again made millions of refugees.

Yuan Shao and the others were all wondering how these refugees appeared. Obviously, all the refugees from the Central Plains were sent to Bingzhou.

But Liu Chong, who had been watching coldly, could see clearly that this was all the fault of Yuan Shao and the others, but his strength was limited, so he could only protect himself, taking in 10 refugees from the Central Plains was already his limit.

When Cao Cao heard this, he could only smile wryly. The chaos in the Central Plains was not what he wanted to see. He helped Yuan Shao at the beginning because he believed that the stability of the world could only depend on Yuan Kai and the gentry, and it was impossible for Dong Zhuo, a warrior, to manage well. It's just that he didn't expect that Lei Gong would intervene and make them fail. They were defeated by Dong Zhuo, and the whole Central Plains was almost occupied by the Yellow Turban Army!
After the two exchanged, Liu Chong turned and left. Cao Cao got up and pulled him and said, "Brother Ziyao, where are you going? We just defeated the Yellow Turban coalition forces. Why don't you go to the white horse to celebrate!"

Liu Chong said coldly: "I don't want to see Yuan Shao's face. Now that I have defeated the Yellow Turbans, I'm going back to Chen!"

Cao Cao immediately said: "The Yellow Turban Army was only defeated, and it has not been completely wiped out. The world has become chaotic. Doesn't Brother Ziyao want to contribute to the Liu family's world!"

Liu Chong sneered and said, "I'm not Liu Biao. The reputation of being a handsome man made him sell his country!"

To say that Liu Chong is most dissatisfied with Liu Biao and Liu Dai in this alliance of seeking Dong Dong. They are both clan relatives of the Han Dynasty.Don't they know that regardless of the victory or defeat of the Dongdong Alliance, the prestige of the court will be ruined, and the emperor can only become a puppet in name only!
But Cao Cao said: "But now our biggest enemy is the Yellow Turban Army and the Tengjia Army. At the beginning, when we defeated Dong Zhuo, we would be a powerful minister at most. Don't I think I am afraid of a powerful minister? But if the Yellow Turban Army and the Tengjia Army If we seize the world of the big man, we will all die without a place to die."

"Lei Gong hanged a lot of nobles and nobles in Bingzhou. Brother Ziyao, you are a member of the Han family and the king of Chen Guo. Don't you think you can escape from this troubled world! If we are defeated, the Yellow Turban Army and the Rattan Armor Army I will let you, the king!"

Cao Cao's words made Liu Chong fall into deep thought!
Lei Gong is indeed the biggest enemy of the big man. This time the Yellow Turban Army of the Central Plains will cause disaster to become what it is now. Lei Gong is the biggest reason. If he hadn’t given a lot of crowbars to the Yellow Turban Army and sent soldiers to teach the Yellow Turban Army how to fight, The strength of the Yellow Turban Army will not skyrocket to what it is now. The elite clans in the entire Central Plains can no longer find a safe place, so they surrendered to Dong Zhuo, wanting Dong Zhuo to help them pacify the Yellow Turban Army in the Central Plains!

Cao Cao continued his efforts and said: "I admire Liu Xuande of Jingzhou the most. Although we are enemies, he has been working hard to save the big man. Even when facing three times as many enemies, he still has the courage to fight. If it weren't for him this time, We will not lose so badly, although the big man under the rule of Dong Zhuo is not what I want to see! But I have to admit that it is because of the existence of Liu Xuande that the big man will be unified in one court! Now he is in Jingzhou He is the role model for you to learn from to quell banditry, recruit refugees, and protect one side's safety!"

If it is said that Liu Biao disappointed Liu Chong the most, then Liu Bei surprised Liu Chong a little bit. You must know that when the League of Discussing Dong was established, Liu Chong estimated that the Han Dynasty would split for the first time. The prefect will no longer obey the orders of the court.

But I didn't expect Liu Bei to be so fierce. With an army of 3, he defeated Yuan Shu's 10 army in two battles, reducing the Dong League by half. In the end, Yuan Shao lost half of his reinforcements before being defeated by Dong Zhuo's 4 Xiliang army. Seeing that the imperial court is still illustrious in martial arts, the eunuchs expressed their surrender to the imperial court and paid taxes. It was because of Liu Bei that the imperial court maintained its prestige and did not split the big man!
Liu Chong thought for a while, if his army was as elite as Liu Bei's and could defeat 10 enemies, then the rebellious officials of the big man would have to take into account the army in his and Liu Bei's hands if they wanted to split the big man, and as long as he and Liu Bei's army The big man is still there, and the powerful officials in the court must have scruples, and they dare not be unscrupulous and lawless!

After thinking for a while, Liu Chong said, "Okay, I'll follow you to Baima!"

In Baima City, after defeating 50 Yellow Turbans, Yuan Shao prepared a grand banquet in the government office to entertain the generals who came to rescue him this time!
Yuan Shao went to find Xu Rong personally and said with a smile: "Thanks to the general for coming to the rescue, Yuan Shao is very grateful! Such a big victory, Shao will definitely report to the imperial court, and the general will definitely be rewarded by the imperial court!"

After going through this battle, he almost found the gap between him and experienced veterans. Xu Rong led 5 Jizhou soldiers and could easily defeat 20 Yellow Turbans, but he could only be besieged by Yellow Turbans. The gap can be imagined And I know, he has been defeated repeatedly since he sent troops, Yuan Shao thought, what he needs is the help of these experienced veterans.

Although Xu Rong is not very old, he has been fighting in Xiliang for 10 years, and even Huangfusong has to rely on him as his right-hand man, so now Yuan Shao also wants to win over Xu Rong!
Xu Rong smiled indifferently: "Although the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was defeated by us, there are still many remnants of the Yellow Turban Army in the states of Han Dynasty. Our task has not been completed, and it is not time to talk about rewards. Let us assign tasks, Mr. Lei We still need to be intimidated, so we can’t stay in the Central Plains for too long, the Yellow Turban Army in Yanzhou will be handed over to us to encircle and suppress, the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou will be encircled and suppressed by Yuan Taishou, and the Yellow Turban Army in Xuzhou will be encircled and suppressed, Your Majesty!”

Yuan Shao found that Xu Rong didn't want to see him, so he could only say in embarrassment: "It's easy to say!"

Liu Chong said: "I will lead the troops to Xuzhou immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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