I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 246, the army is defeated like a mountain

Chapter 246, the army is defeated like a mountain

In the Battle of White Horse, the Han army defeated 50 Yellow Turbans, beheaded 20, captured 10, and the remaining Yellow Turbans were scattered and defeated. This battle can be described as a complete victory for the Han Army. Such a record shocked the entire Han .

Qu Shuai, the yellow turban army from all over the Central Plains, found that the Han army was still so powerful, and he no longer dared to attack cities and territories like before. Instead, he kept a low profile and brought his army to the remote mountainous areas, for fear that he would be killed by the Han army. The army was killed as a target!
As for the white horse battlefield, after they simply celebrated, Yuan Shao ordered Jiao Touch, Gao Gan, and Chun Yuqiong to clean up the white horse battlefield.

Liu Chong found Yuan Shao and asked for the 10 Yellow Turban soldiers captured by him. He knew that if he didn't want to come, Yuan Shao and the others would definitely slaughter these Yellow Turban prisoners!

Yuan Shao didn't regard the big men as his own family property, and drove out all the Yellow Turban soldiers who could threaten the nobles.

But Liu Chong can regard the big man as his Liu family business, so it is naturally impossible to watch him slaughter the people of the big man!Not to mention that in Liu Chong's view, most of the Yellow Turban soldiers here were forced to rebel by Yuan Shao and the others!
Only Xu You asked strangely: "Brother Ziyao, what do you want so many Yellow Turban prisoners for?"

Liu Chong said in a deep voice: "The killing of so many people will hurt Tianhe, I will bring them to Chen Country for reclamation!"

Yuan Shao thought for a while, and agreed to hand over these Yellow Turban captives to Liu Chong. This time they defeated the Yellow Turban Army thanks to Liu Chong's support, and Yuan Shao could not refute Liu Chong's face.

The second is that the Yellow Turban Army fought very fiercely this time. Many Yellow Turban Army soldiers knew that there was no way out. Facing a desperate situation, they did not surrender, but died together with Yuan Shao's army. The reduction is too much, but after several battles, his army has almost changed. This kind of war is too fierce.

Obviously this is because he massacred the Yellow Turban soldiers last time, making the Yellow Turban soldiers feel that even if they surrendered, they would die, so they resisted so fiercely.Although the massacre can deter part of the Yellow Turban Army, it will make the Yellow Turban soldiers more fearless and make the battle more difficult!The consequences of massacring prisoners of war were too serious, and the price was too much for Yuan Shao to bear.

And now that Liu Chong wants to leave these Yellow Turban soldiers, it can be regarded as a step for Yuan Shao to step down.

So Yuan Shao handed over the 10 Yellow Turban captives to Liu Chong, and Liu Chong took these captives to Chen Guo!
Divide the words!

After the defeat of Baima, Zang Ba resolutely led the Taishan army to escape from the Baima battlefield. Because his army maintained its integrity, more than 10 people retreated in the direction of Taishan County in a mighty manner. No one dared to stop this way.

But Yu Du was not as lucky as Zang Ba. His troops were beaten by Xu Rong and Yuan Shao, so he could only lead the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army to retreat towards Qingzhou.

It can be said that this road was defeated like a mountain. They did not bring out the food, grass and supplies, and lost most of their weapons and armor. Even the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers who escaped were scattered throughout Yanzhou. There was no commander to lead them. They were more or less They can only find ways to escape.

But Yu Du's escape route was not easy.When they were powerful, they occupied Qingzhou. Many counties and counties in Yanzhou, only a few big cities were not conquered by them.

So as soon as he brought the troops over, he immediately contributed money and food, just asking the Yellow Turban Army not to attack their Wubao. It can be said that the patriarch of every powerful clan is just like a frightened little white rabbit due to poison!
But after the news of the White Horse's defeat spread throughout the Central Plains, the patriarchs of these noble families showed their vicious fangs.

These aristocrats led their private soldiers to dispatch one after another, killing the Yellow Turban soldiers that Yu Du left behind in the county, or rebelling against the Yellow Turban soldiers that Yu Du left behind.

Many counties and counties have not yet retreated to Yu Du, and the news of the defeat has already spread. The city has once again become the banner of the big man. The territory established by Yu Du and the others is like a castle in the desert. When the waves hit, everything disappears.

Even the nobles everywhere are still ambushing their defeated army. Even the small tyrants with only a few hundred people dare to lead troops to ambush the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers. Many soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were massacred by the nobles on the way to escape. , and even Yu Du himself was ambushed several times.

It can be said that along the way, Yu Du felt that they were enemies everywhere, and it was not safe there!For a moment, Yu Du felt that even God was going to destroy him!
Seeing that the soldiers around him were getting fewer and fewer and getting more and more tired, he remembered that there were 50 people in their coalition army, but now there are not even 5000 soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army by his side.Frustrated into what he is now, Yu Du feels that he is ashamed of the 50 soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who trusted him, ashamed of the successive commanders of the Yellow Turban Army, and even more ashamed of the great virtuous teachers.

The more he thought about it, the more regretful Yu Du took out his sword to commit suicide.

But fortunately, Bai Rao's eyes were quick, he grabbed Yu Du's sword, and said sharply: "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. It's not like we haven't experienced such defeats before, but as long as we are alive, we have a chance to start over from the beginning. If you It’s fine to die on the battlefield, but if you kill yourself now, you are worthy of the Yellow Turban soldiers who died protecting you. If you die, what will you do with the millions of people who are still in Guishan? Watch them being slaughtered by Yuan Shao! "

Only then did Yu Du get out of the self-blaming mood and said: "Zihuan is right, I can't just die like this, there are still millions of people in Qingzhou who need my protection, we have to return to Guishan before Yuan Shao goes to Qingzhou !"

Yu Du could have imagined that after Yuan Shao and the others discovered the women and children of the Yellow Turban Army who had lost the protection of the soldiers, what greeted them would be an extremely tragic massacre.

Seeing Yu Du recovering, the bitter chieftain said, "Now we are running out of food and grass, and we are constantly being chased and killed by the nobles in Yanzhou. If we continue to escape like this, we may all die in the nobles of Yanzhou before we reach Mount Gui." in hand."

Yu Du thought for a while and said: "That's right, we must find a way to conquer a county town or Wubao, so that we can get enough food and grass, and walk thousands of miles back to Qingzhou! How many crowbars are there? Let's find a small one." Wubao breaks it!"

"We still need to find a way to gather the scattered tribes. There are many people and great strength. Only when we gather together can the nobles in Yanzhou dare not surprise our Yellow Turban soldiers. And only when there are more people can we attack the fortifications." promote!"

Bai Rao gathered the weapons in the hands of the soldiers and found that there were dozens of crowbars, but they were running out of weapons. Only thousands of people were armed with knives and guns, and the rest of the troops were basically unarmed.

With only such a small amount of weapons, Yu Du didn't dare to attack Wubao head-on. Instead, he used a trick. He let hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers pass by a Wubao pretending to be a group of deserters.

The owner of Wubao chased after him with 500 private soldiers, and finally the poisoned ambush army was wiped out.

Yu Duzai changed into their clothes again, and let some Yellow Turban soldiers pretend to be captured, and then they pretended to be victorious with the Yellow Turban soldiers.The people who came to Wubao opened the gate of Wubao without any doubt. Yu Du and the others rushed into Wubao in an instant and killed all the people in Wubao.

Bai Rao counted the materials in Wubao and said excitedly: "There is a warehouse in Wubao, there are 300 pieces of weapons, armor, and 3 shi of grain. These grains are enough for us to go to Qingzhou!"

Yu Du said with a serious face: "Our group of people is not strong enough, and the other tribes are still in dire straits. We have to show our own banner and let other tribes know where we are so that they can join us. .At the same time, let the noble families in Yanzhou know that our Yellow Turban Army has been defeated, but we still have the ability to destroy their families! If they dare to kill our Yellow Turban soldiers, I will destroy their families.”

The bitter chief said worriedly: "If we blatantly unfurl the banner like us, I'm afraid Yuan Shao's army will soon come after us!"

Yu Du resolutely said: "The more people we have, the more powerful we are. The more soldiers we gather, the more Yuan Shao and the others will take care of them. They dare not use a small army to chase me down. They only dare to gather a large group of people. In this way, their actions must be slow. After we gathered our troops, we ran up the mountain, there is no way Yuan Shao's army can catch up to us!"

Over the years, in order to avoid being chased and killed by the Han army, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army hid all over the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains. They spent more time on the mountains than on the plains, so the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army are familiar with the environment of the mountains and forests, and they are confident in poison It is impossible for Yuan Shao to catch up with them as long as he walks along the mountain forest.

Sure enough, not long after Yu Du and the others unfurled the banner of the Yellow Turban Army again, the surrounding Yellow Turban Army soldiers gathered towards him as if seeing a lighthouse. Soon, there were as many as [-] to [-] Yellow Turban Army soldiers under his command.

However, when the nobles in Yanzhou saw Yu Du slaughtering another family, they retreated like frightened birds. They only dared to send envoys to Yuan Shao, asking him to bring troops to encircle and suppress Yu Du.

After Yuan Shao knew Yu Du's whereabouts, he immediately led his [-] troops to encircle and suppress Yu Du.

But after Yu Du knew the whereabouts of Yuan Shao's army, he immediately fled in the direction of Mount Tai with the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.Yuan Shao led his army to chase into the forest for several days, but he didn't even see Yu Du's figure, so he had no choice but to withdraw from the forest and march towards Qingzhou.

Yuzhou, Yuan Shu camp!
"Yuan Shao is really a waste, I still have to carry the banner of the Yuan family!" Yuan Shu smiled when he knew that Yuan Shao was surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army on the white horse and was rescued by Xu Rong and Liu Chong. Feel free!
Yuan Shu has been at odds with Yuan Shao since he was a child. He felt that he was too hypocritical and contrived, so he often confronted Yuan Shao. When Yuan Shao made friends with the famous people in the world, he made friends with the world's rangers. General, in short, Yuan Shu will overwhelm Yuan Shao in everything!
Including the extermination of the Yellow Turban Army this time, Yuan Shu also wants to compete with Yuan Shao. He always pays attention to Yuan Shao's every move, but he knows that when Yuan Shao is surrounded by the white horse, he is so happy that he can't sleep.

Even now that Yuan Shao and the others have entered the Central Plains Yellow Turban Alliance, Yuan Shu does not recognize Yuan Shao's record. This was clearly achieved by Xu Rong and Liu Chong, and Yuan Shao just took credit for it.

And Yuan Shu is more confident in his record. Although he only has 4 troops, not as many as Yuan Shao's, he has already defeated hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans, and captured more than 10 Yellow Turbans. Defeat, much stronger than Yuan Shao

The Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou is not as powerful as the Central Plains. Not to mention, the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou has not yet had a leader with high prestige who can unify the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou.Originally, their strength was not strong, and they were still scattered, so the Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army was naturally no match for Yuan Shu.

Especially their opponent was Sun Jian. After losing to Liu Bei, Sun Jian was already full of anger, and then all of them blamed the Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Leading [-] elite soldiers to attack everywhere, fighting and charging, no matter whether it is the Yellow Turban Army with a level of [-], or the Yellow Turban Army with a level of tens of thousands, Sun Jian is no match for Sun Jian.

At the beginning, Gong was not convinced by Sun Jian, so he ordered his own army to fight against Sun Jian, and surrounded Sun Jian with 5 elite yellow scarf troops. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army in Gong Du's hands could not resist Sun Jian's charge at all, and they collapsed. Sun Jian defeated him with one charge, and even himself was hacked to death by Sun Jian. The army surrounded the Yellow Turban Army on both sides of the battlefield. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army saw that Gong Du was killed, and they themselves were surrounded and surrendered to Yuan Shu!
The victory of this battle surprised Yuan Shu very much. Gong Du was one of the four commanders of the Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army, and he was defeated by Sun Jian in a single face-to-face. Although he knew that Sun Jian was fierce, he did not expect such a fierceness!

He patted Sun Jian on the shoulder and said, "Brother, what I said is not wrong. It would be a waste of your martial arts not to be used in the Central Plains. When we brothers pacify the entire Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army, the whole big man will spread the name of our brother. This is no better than being a ground turtle dealing with savages in Changsha County!"

But Sun Jian said with a heavy face: "But it is Liu Bei who I want to fight!"

It is not that Sun Jian has never lost a battle since he joined the army, but the most unforgettable battle for him was the battle with Liu Bei back then, even now he has not forgotten it!

But Yuan Shu said nervously: "Wentai, Brother Wei knows that you want to take revenge, but now is really not the time. Not to mention that we can't beat Liu Bei, but we must rely on Liu Bei's support for our current logistics! We can't offend Liu Bei either!"

A few years ago, Yuan Shu and the others levied violently in Yuzhou, and only then did they recruit a 10 army and the food and supplies needed by the army, but because of this, they also created the Yellow Turban Army.

When he fought Liu Bei, he even discarded all the food, grass and equipment when he was defeated. He wanted to fight the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou, and he didn't even have food, grass and weapons!
Just when Yuan Shu was about to conquer Yuzhou again, Liu Bei sent his elder brother Yuan Ji as an envoy to make a deal with him. He was willing to exchange 10 shi of grain or equivalent weapons and armor for a soldier of the Yellow Turban Army, even to show his sincerity , Liu Bei also gave Yuan Shu 10 shi of grain and tens of thousands of weapons and armor in advance.

Although these weapons, armor and food were Yuan Shu's own, he could fight the Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army with these supplies, and Yuan Shu agreed without even thinking about it!
Therefore, Yuan Shu is different from his elder brother. The prisoners of the Yellow Turban Army he captured will not be killed. Instead, he will send soldiers to escort the prisoners to Nanyang County and hand them over to Liu Bei.

Just like in today's battle, he captured about 10 Yellow Turbans. As long as these people are brought to Nanyang County, Liu Bei will give Yuan Shu 100 million shi of grain. With this grain and grass, Yuan Shu will have the confidence to continue fighting!

After Liu Bei wanted these Huang Junjun soldiers, he planned to escort them to Nanjun to farm.

The development of Jingzhou is extremely unbalanced. It also belongs to Jingzhou. There are more than 200 million people in Nanyang County north of the Yangtze River. This does not include hidden households. According to Liu Bei's own estimation, the entire Nanyang County has more than 300 million people. With such a dense population, even if it is a first-class county in the Central Plains, only Henan Yin has a larger population than Nanyang County.

But the 8 counties in Jingzhou south of the Yangtze River have a combined population of more than 300 million, which is equivalent to a Nanyang county!As long as you cross the Yangtze River, even in Xiangyang, which is famous in later generations, you can see swamps 10 miles away from the city. The land developed in the entire South County does not even have a tenth of it. There are large swamps in the wild. land.

In history, Cao Cao was defeated or almost fell into the swamp of Nanjun. This is the result of Liu Biao's decades of development!From here, we can see how low the development level of Jingzhou south of the Yangtze River is.

And after Liu Bei became the shepherd of Jingzhou, after defeating Yuan Shu, he came to Nanjun and found that there was a large amount of wasteland in the south of Jingzhou that could be cultivated.

He already had experience in reclamation. Seeing the great chaos in the Central Plains, and the refugees all over the world joining the Yellow Turban Army to rebel against the great Han, he wanted to transfer the experience of Youzhou to Nanjun, reclaim the wasteland and swamps in Nanjun, and take Jingzhou's vastness to the south. With a mild climate, it is not a problem to feed millions of refugees, and the contradiction of more people and less land in the Central Plains can also be resolved!

So he sent Yuan Ji as an envoy to conclude the deal with Yuan Shu!
With the temptation of food and grass, Yuan Shu was full of motivation. Every month, nearly 10 Yellow Turban soldiers were captured to Nanyang County, and then Liu Bei transported these captives to the surrounding areas of southern Xinjiang, letting them cultivate and open up wasteland!
Of course, this kind of reclamation will consume a lot of money, food and materials, and Liu Bei's solution is also very simple. He first caught the powerful and powerful families who rebelled against the court with Yuan Shu, and asked them to hand over their money and food for atonement, and got a start-up fund. Lead the army to quell the thieves all over Jingzhou!

The traitors of the Dahan clan are considered a special product of the Yangtze River. Now the land development of the Dahan is only in the north of the Yangtze River. The area south of the Yangtze River is so barren that it can already be called a barren land. The people here can only rely on With the clan living in groups, they armed the clan as a unit.Based on the farm economy, they established a dock with economic and military functions, and they were completely self-sufficient economically.

When the imperial court was in its prime, they were local tyrants, but when the imperial court declined, they immediately turned into local bandits, looting houses and causing cholera everywhere!
And Sun Jian rushed all the way to Jingnan and fought in Yuzhou, even the governor of Jingzhou was killed by him, and the Yuan brothers were still fighting Dong Zhuo at that time.

Therefore, most of the big and small powers in the south of Jingzhou thought that the troubled times had come, and it was time for everyone to fight for the world according to their own abilities, so they all rebelled against the big man, attacked counties and counties, plundered the Quartet, and became the leader of the local bandits. flow.

And how could Liu Bei endure such a thing? He ordered Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others to divide their troops to encircle and suppress these sect thieves. Seeing that Liu Bei is so powerful, Zong Zhai threw down his saber and long sword, and immediately turned to the people, becoming an honest and sincere citizen of a big man again!
And Liu Bei was able to maintain the current scale of reclamation and even support Yuan Shu only by relying on the capture of the sect thieves!After all, they are all hundreds of years old, and that family does not have hundreds of thousands of shi of grain!

With enough money and food, Liu Bei didn't care about the chaos in the Central Plains. Instead, he led the refugees to open up wasteland in Nanjun, dig ditches, build windmills to drain the water in the swamps of Nanjun, and reclaim fertile fields!
Turn your attention to Yuzhou!

The Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou was beaten by Sun Jian and Yuan Shu and fled everywhere, especially after Gong Du died in Sun Jian's hands, Liu Pi, Huang Shao, He Man and others found out that if they did not join forces, they would only die!
So the entire Yuzhou Yellow Turban Army united, and they decided to deal with Yuan Shu and Sun Jian together!

Although the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou suffered heavy losses during this period, there are still 15 troops from several forces combined!
And Yuan Shu and Sun Jian were overjoyed when they found out that the Yellow Turban Army in Yuzhou was all united. After this period of war, they also found that the Yellow Turban Army's combat effectiveness was not strong. Even if they united, they would not be Yuan Shu and Sun Jian's opponents!So they led the army to Yang'an County where the Yellow Turban coalition forces were stationed.

Liu Pi, Huang Shao, He Man and others led the entire Yellow Turban Army soldiers to face the Sun Jian and Yuan Shu coalition forces!

After a day of rest, the two sides started a big battle!
Sun Jian is still an old tactic. He brought his personal guards to attack the front line of the battlefield. When he met the commander of the Yellow Turban Army, he rushed over and hacked to death the commander of the Yellow Turban Army. If the commander died in battle, all the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army would collapse. !
In this way, Sun Jian stormed for 5 days, broke through 10 Yellow Turban army formations, hacked to death more than a dozen Yellow Turban Army Commanders Qu, and scared the Yellow Turban Army Qu Shuai.
Under such circumstances, even if the Yellow Turban Army had a 3-fold advantage, they could not resist Sun Jian and Yuan Shu's attack at all. They could only retreat to the mountainous area and rely on the geographical advantage of the mountainous area to block Sun Jian's attack!
But both Sun Jian and Yuan Shu wanted to completely eliminate the Yellow Turban Army. Even if the Yellow Turban Army retreated to the mountains, they still pursued them!

Seeing that the Yellow Turban Army is about to collapse completely!

At this time, Zhu Min discovered that Sun Jian fought at the forefront every time, and he also liked to chase and kill the commander of the Yellow Turban Army, so he made a strategy based on Sun Jian's habit!
(End of this chapter)

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