Chapter 274, Raid on Xu Rong

Wang Yong left 1 people to clean up the battlefield and stationed in Yuyang City. The rest of the troops left Yuyang City immediately after a short rest.

And Li Gang, who was one step ahead, has been chasing Xu Rong and the others at full speed!

Xu Rong discarded all the supplies and equipment that could be discarded, took only 10 days of rations and weapons and armor, and kept fleeing towards the south.It's a pity that no matter how fast two legs can run, it can't run as fast as a four-legged war horse!
Li Gang chased until the evening of the next day, and finally caught up with Xu Rong's army 100 miles away from Yuyang City!

They ran 100 miles in two days. It must be said that Xu Rong and the others ran fast, but to Li Gang, the 100 miles was only half a day's journey for a horse. If Li Gang's men hadn't fought for a day, chasing Xu Rong would not even be necessary. two days.

After catching up with Xu Rong's army, Li Gang found that Xu Rong and the others had not received the news that Yuyang City had been breached, and they were not prepared for their pursuit.

Li Gang thought for a while and planned to use cavalry to raid Xu Rong's army. Although Xu Rong's army had 5 men, the 5 Han army was already frightened with low morale. In the case of unintentional mental calculations, 1 cavalry can completely defeat the 5 unsuspecting Han army!

Especially since they still don't know the news about Yuyang City, Li Gang estimated that Xu Rong and others thought that Yuyang City hadn't been breached yet and they were still safe. Wan Dajun, who marched hundreds of miles in two days, must be exhausted, and this is a good time for a sneak attack.

They decided not to think that the Tengjia Army would break through Yuyang City in one day, let alone that they would be overtaken within two days of leaving Yuyang City.

For Li Gang, now is the best time to raid Xu Rong. If they really have to wait a few days, they must think that Yuyang City has been breached and start to strengthen their guard!It will be even more difficult to raid them a few days later!
Thinking of this, Li Gang decided to raid Xu Rong's army in the middle of the night, so he led his cavalry to hide in a hidden place to rest, and waited until midnight before carefully approaching Xu Rong's army with his cavalry!
At this time, no one in Xu Rong's camp would have thought that there would be 1 cavalry behind them, and the soldiers guarding the camp were already exhausted after two days of marching hundreds of miles. Holding the spear and resting with eyes closed, I didn't realize that tens of thousands of cavalry were already sharpening their swords not far away!
Li Gang divided the army into three parts: left, middle and right. Wan Lang commanded 3000 cavalry on the left, Song Yi commanded 3000 cavalry on the right, and Li Gang himself commanded 4000 cavalry in the center.

After approaching Xu Rong's camp, the three armies pointed at Xu Rong's camp like three iron cones!
Then Li Gang raised his spear and stood at the front of the army, saying, "Brothers, kill me!"

The soldiers of the three armies all shouted: "Kill!"

Then the three armies all charged towards Xu Rong's camp!
Li Gang understood that Xu Rong's army was 5 times larger than his own, and now he was going to take advantage of the darkness. The Han army did not know how many soldiers he had to attack them, and he wanted to crush them completely, making it difficult for them to rally against his cavalry. Only in this way can Xu Rong's army be defeated at a relatively low cost.

If Xu Rong's army cannot be defeated, but they are assembled instead, even if he can win, his 1 soldiers will suffer heavy casualties.

So Li Gang told Wan Lang and others not to give Xu Rong and the others a chance to breathe. As long as they saw that they wanted to gather, they would immediately defeat these Han troops who wanted to gather.

The three of them have to support each other and continue to attack, giving the Han army a strong sense of oppression, making them unable to tell how many people are attacking them, thus completely disintegrating the morale of the Han army, and striving to completely defeat them in the shortest possible time. Han army!
And Xu Rong, who was in the big camp of the Chinese Army, had just fallen asleep when suddenly there were earth-shattering roars, horseshoes, and soldiers shouting and killing in his ears, and then he felt the ground under his feet trembling violently. Xu Rong had stayed in Xiliang for several days. After a few years, he naturally knew that it was the sound of horseshoes, and Xu Rong woke up immediately when someone wanted to surprise them again.

He didn't take off his armor, but he didn't need to put it on, but immediately picked up the saber beside him, rushed out of the big tent, looked at the soldiers guarding the camp and asked, "What's going on?"

The soldier pointed to the horse not far away and shouted in horror: "The cavalry of the Tengjia Army are coming!"

"General, the Tengjia Army and the others are coming. There are many cavalrymen. We will not be their opponents. Let's run away! There is still time to escape!" his guard shouted loudly.

Xu Rong followed the direction pointed by the guards, and sure enough, he saw cavalry figures attacking their camp continuously. Because of the darkness, they couldn't see how many people were attacking them!

Xu Rong was surprised: "How could the Tengjia Army catch up so quickly!"

This is the second day after they left Yuyang City, and now the Tengjia Army is chasing after them. This doesn't mean that Liu Yu and the others didn't even defend for a day, how could this be possible!

"General! Let's run! If we don't run, it will be too late!" The guard shouted again!
But Xu Rong drew out his saber and said, "It's too late, we can't outrun the cavalry with two legs, now we will be overtaken by the cavalry of the Tengjia Army and killed!"

"Now we can only do our best. There must not be many cavalry in the Rattan Armored Army. Only by killing them can we retreat safely! You follow the general to assemble the army and resist the Rattan Armored Army's surprise attack together!"

"You follow the general and shout, and gather towards the commander's camp!"

The soldiers around Xu Rong immediately shouted: "Assemble towards the commander's tent!"

"Assemble towards the commander's tent!"

The soldiers of the Han army were already sleeping soundly, and they were awakened by the sudden shout of the big man, but when they came out of the camp, they found countless cavalry charging towards them, rushing the wolves they killed, crying for their father. Mother, run around.

The soldiers of the Han army wanted to fight back, but they had no armor, no knives, bows and arrows, and even their own captain and village chief. The dark sky made them unable to see clearly. They could neither see the enemy nor the enemy. Without knowing their comrades-in-arms, they could only run around in panic, the sound of shouting and killing made them terrified.

The three iron cavalry of the Tengjia Army were like three floods, sweeping away any enemies along the way with overwhelming momentum, leaving only a pile of corpses and blood that pooled into a stream.

The 1-strong army of the Tengjia Army completely destroyed the rear camp of the Han army with a thunderous force, especially Li Gang and Wan Lang. They aimed at the soldiers of the Han army who wanted to gather together according to the prior agreement. Anyone with such intentions The Han army will become Li Gang's primary target!
And after being massacred by the Tengjia army in half the camp, Xu Rong finally gathered thousands of soldiers, and he shouted deeply: "Today everyone will die, everyone will follow this general to kill!"

The Han soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill, kill, kill!"

They want to use this method to drive away fear and improve their morale!
Li Gang was in full swing today. He thought he would completely defeat the Han army in this way, but he heard the sound of the Han army shouting to kill, and then he discovered Xu Rong's team of thousands of people!
Naturally, it is impossible for him to watch the Han army gather, otherwise they will fall into a bitter battle with tens of thousands of Han troops!

Li Gang shouted loudly: "Kill the Han army on the opposite side! Kill!"

After finishing speaking, Li Gang drove his horse towards Xu Rong's direction and killed him!

And the cavalry who followed behind Li Gang, after seeing Li Gang's movements, also rushed behind him!

Xu Rong and the others got the camp wood, camp tents and other items that they could find to hinder the cavalry's charge, and they piled them up in front.

But it didn't work much. Under the leadership of these Li Gang, 4000 cavalrymen turned their horses' heads obliquely, turned around these obstacles, and then charged towards the flank of Xu Rong's army.Originally, cavalry had an advantage against infantry, but the battlefield was still on plain terrain where it was easiest to display the power of cavalry. Even cavalry like Li Gang were armored warriors. In terms of numbers, the Han army does not have an advantage at all.

Xu Rong and the others only resisted Li Gang's charge a little, and were soon defeated by Li Gang's cavalry!

"Xu Rong!" When approaching, Li Gang discovered that there was actually a big fish here. Now that Liu Yu is dead, it would be a great achievement to catch Xu Rong, the coach of the Yuyang garrison. Go to Liu Yu, but he is Huangfusong's right and left hand, and he is also the number two figure in the Jizhou army. Grabbing him is equivalent to breaking Huangfusong's arm.

So Li Gang shouted excitedly: "Where is Xu Rong running!"

But Xu Rong didn't want to run away at all. Yuyang's 5 army was completely defeated by the Tengjia Army. He didn't bring this army back to Jizhou. Protect their rear and the elite of the Tengjia Army fought to kill the Han soldiers who died in battle for several days.

He also discovered Li Gang and knew that Li Gang was one of the important leaders of the Tengjia Army. He was the number two figure in the Tengjia Army attacking Yuyang City this time. Xu Rong had already decided to fight to the end. It's not bad to be an important general of the Tengjia Army!

So instead of running away with the soldiers, he picked up a spear on the ground, and then continued to accelerate towards Li Gang himself.
Li Gang naturally aimed his spear at Xu Rong!
"Whew!" Li Gang pierced Xu Rong's chest with a spear, and Xu Rong also stabbed Li Gang with the spear, but it was a pity that Li Gang's hardened armor was strong, and Li Gang was stabbed off his horse by the spear , but did not pierce Li Gang's armor!
Li Gang got up immediately after falling off his horse. Seeing the traces of his spear sunken in his armor, he felt lingering fear. This was probably the closest he was to death. Resist Xu Rong's desperate blow!
And Xu Rong looked at Li Gang, found that he was not injured at all, smiled wryly: "It's a pity!" Then he died!

Li Gang immediately ran to Xu Rong's side, found him breathless, clapped his hands and said, "Another big fish wasted!"

But he immediately remembered that although Xu Rong was Huangfusong's right-hand man, he didn't have much prestige in the whole big man. As long as he was caught, Huangfusong's arm would be broken, whether it was life or death, it seemed to be the same!
Thinking of this, Li Gang found that Xu Rong's head would not be chopped off with his saber, and he raised it high and shouted, "Xu Rong is dead, surrender to avoid death!"

After finishing speaking, Li Gang mounted his war horse and repeated what he just said!

And the cavalry who followed Li Gang also shouted loudly: "Xu Rong will die, surrender and avoid death!"

"Xu Rong died, surrendered to avoid death!"

The soldiers of the Han army heard the voice and looked over and found that what Li Gang was holding was the head of their commander. They were deeply saddened, but they quickly lost their sabers and surrendered to the cavalry of the Tengjia Army!

Then the surrender was like being infected, as long as Li Gang and the others passed by, the soldiers there would quickly drop their swords and surrender to the Tengjia army! "Dang, dang, dang!" The voice of throwing away the sword seemed to have a rhythm!
The soldiers of the Han army were already depressed because of their retreat, and now a cruel and bloodthirsty army suddenly broke out in the middle of the night. These soldiers broke their courage.

But now that even their commander is dead, the soldiers couldn't think of any reason for them to continue to resist, so they surrendered one by one to the Tengjia Army. Now they just want to end the battle earlier and save their lives!
As the sun rose high, the camp of the Han army was filled with blood and corpses were strewn all over the field. It was horrible. The camp could no longer be seen here. The soldiers of the Tengjia Army began to store the weapons of the Han soldiers and directed them to clean up the battlefield. , to contain the corpses of soldiers from both sides.

Of course, these are mainly the corpses of soldiers of the Han army. In the sneak attack last night, 5000 soldiers of the Han army died, tens of thousands were lightly or severely injured, and 3 soldiers of the Han army became prisoners of the Tengjia army. They fled in the dark without a trace, and the casualties of the soldiers of the Rattan Armor Army were less than 5000, which can be described as a complete victory!

One day later, after Wang Yong led an army of 4 to support him, he found that the battle was over. Xu Rong, the commander of the Yuyang Army, died in battle. The 5 soldiers of the Han Army were basically wiped out, but Wang Yong did not deserve this feat!

Wang Yong said jealously: "When did you become so good at fighting? Ten thousand cavalry actually defeated 5 Han troops! You didn't even leave any Han troops for me to fight!"

This kind of war where the less wins the more is very rare in the Rattan Armor Army. After all, their coach Lei Gong admired the more to win the less, and the strong to bully the weak. In their Qu Shuai's words, flat push is king. This method of warfare is evil and heretical to the Tengjia Army!

Li Gang laughed and said: "You are still worried that there will be no battle. Although I wiped out Xu Rong's 5 troops, don't forget that there are more than 100 Huangfusong troops in Changping, and we are not even [-] miles away from Changping. , we continue to raid Huangfusong, cut off Huangfusong's retreat, and help Qu Shuai wipe out Huangfusong's hundreds of thousands of troops. In this way, the entire Han Dynasty will not have an organized army in Hebei, and our army can sweep the entire Youji two State, drink the horses of the Yellow River, and occupy the entire land of Hebei!"

 Unblocked, I went to work, and now I can’t maintain [-] daily changes, and [-] is already the limit. Readers, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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