I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 275, The situation in the defeated Youzhou

Chapter 275, The situation in the defeated Youzhou

Youzhou, Huangfusong Camp!

"General, we were attacked by cavalry led by Li Gang. The 5 army was almost wiped out, and General Xu Zhonglang was also killed on the battlefield!" Although Xu Rong died in battle, the [-] army was almost wiped out, but there were still many Han troops. The generals and soldiers escaped, and now it is Tian Kai who escaped and ascended to heaven to report the defeat to Huangfusong.

He was lucky. At that time, he was in command of 1000 vanguard cavalry, far away from Li Gang and the others, and they ran fast. After Tian Kai knew that Xu Rong had been killed, he immediately fled with his cavalry. This vanguard army He ran to Huangfusong with almost no damage.

"What! Ziyu died in battle!" Huangfusong also couldn't believe it.

Tian Kai said sadly: "Li Gang of the Tengjia Army cut off General Xu Zhonglang's head and showed off the whole battalion. The soldiers were terrified. They didn't know how many cavalry the Tengjia Army had! They surrendered after seeing General Xu Zhonglang's death! The cavalry was at the edge of the camp, so they escaped!"

When Ju Yi heard Xu Rong died in battle, he brought up Tian Kai angrily and said, "Why didn't you save Ziyu, you trash, did you kill Ziyu because of your greed for life and fear of death!"

Both Xu Rong and Ju Yi were military generals from Xiliang. The two were life-and-death friends. Ju Yi was aloof and didn't have many friends. He suddenly heard that his friend died in battle, and it was difficult for him to accept this fact.

Tian Kai was lifted into mid-air by Ju Yi, and kept struggling to get out of Ju Yi's control, but his strength was not as strong as Ju Yi's, so he could only twist in mid-air like a clown.

Huangfu Song said with a serious expression: "Yun Tian, ​​put down Captain Tian Kai! Now is not the time for infighting, put away your temper!"

Under Huangfusong's scolding voice, Ju Yi left Tian Kai behind.

Huangfusong looked at the generals in the army with a serious face and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, our situation is very dangerous. The 13 troops of the Tengjia Army have already made it difficult for us to resist, and the Tengjia Army in Yuyang The armored army is almost all iron armored soldiers. Their 5 army is stronger than the 10 rattan armored army. If this army comes to the Changping battlefield, not only will we lose the entire Youzhou, even the army in our hands will be destroyed. They were defeated! And now we only have two days at most to face the siege of nearly 20 troops from the Tengjia Army!"

"Now we have to find a way to escape from Youzhou and keep the army in our hands. Only in this way will Jizhou not fall, and the court can continue to fight against the Tengjia army! Now everyone must find a way to make the army in our hands retreat completely. Go back to Jizhou, maintain the vitality of the court, and continue to fight against the Tengjia Army!"

Yuan Shao said: "Ji County is only a hundred miles away from us. If we abandon all our supplies and equipment, go into battle lightly, and march in the evening, one night should be enough for us to retreat to Ji County. After Ji County is the Sanggan River, we can deploy heavy troops along the Sanggan River. The heavy cavalry and armored soldiers of the Tengjia Army can hardly exert their full strength in the swampy area along the river bank. There are five rivers in Zhuo County behind Jixian County, and they can block the Tengjia Army layer by layer along these rivers. The Jia army must not be able to break through Zhuojun! As long as Zhuojun is in hand, it will be difficult for the Tengjia army to attack Jizhou. Jizhou has a fertile land and a large population. We can continue to recruit hundreds of thousands of troops and use Zhuojun as the battlefield to fight against the Tengjia army!"

Yan Rou said worriedly: "The road of a hundred miles is not easy. The Tengjia Army has at least 5 to 6 cavalry. If these cavalry make a surprise attack, they can march 200 miles a day. If we retreat at night, we will encounter the same situation as General Xu Zhonglang." The cavalry of the Tengjia Army ambushed us, and our entire army will be wiped out!"

Huangfusong and the others didn't dare to retreat easily because the Tengjia Army had [-] to [-] cavalry, and they had mastered the maneuverability of the battlefield. If they wanted to retreat, the whole army might be defeated.

Yan Rou's worries were also the worries of all the generals present. Marching at night was too dangerous, and they might really be wiped out.

So now their situation is very dangerous, they can't fight and they can't escape.Could it be that he really had to surrender to the Tengjia Army in order to save his life!

Huangfusong thought for a long time and said: "We want to leave an elite army to stop the attack of the Tengjia army and buy us a day to retreat. The Tengjia army will use cavalry to chase us. At this time, we must rely on Jun Yi's cavalry delays the cavalry of the Tengjia Army!"

Zhang He said worriedly: "The last general has only about 1 cavalry, while the Tengjia Army has 5 to 6 cavalry, and half of them are well-equipped armored cavalry. An army of 1 can hardly stop the [-] to [-] cavalry of the Tengjia Army!"

Huangfusong said: "Lei Gong is sure to chase us, it is impossible to dispatch armored cavalry, a pair of horse armor weighs over a hundred catties, if Lei Gong chases us with heavy cavalry, I am afraid that all his horses will be exhausted!"

"The general is not asking Jun Yi to fight to the death with the cavalry of the Tengjia Army, but to learn the tactics of the barbarian guerrilla. As long as we hold the cavalry of the Tengjia Army for half a day, it is enough for us to escape from danger!"

"The only thing we lack now is an elite, guarding our camp and holding back the main force of the Fujikor army! Help the army retreat to buy time!"

Huangfusong looked at Yuan Shao, and the other generals also looked at Yuan Shao. Now the Han army can still be called elite, and only the 1 armored soldiers in his hands and the first soldiers in the camp in Ju Yi's hands, but Ju Yi's pioneers Dengying suffered heavy casualties in previous battles with the Tengjia Army, and now only 3000 soldiers can continue to fight, while Yuan Shao's [-] Tiejia Army suffered heavy casualties due to the whole defense. Yuan Shao also recruited veterans from other places to strengthen, so Also retains combat effectiveness.

But even if everyone in the camp is watching Yuan Shao, he will not go out to take on this task. As long as he stays behind, he will surely die. He still has a bright future, but he doesn't want to die in Youzhou This deserted place.

Huangfusong saw that Yuan Shao took over this mission, and he didn't force it. After all, the mission after the end was life-or-death, and only those who were willing to stay would do it. Otherwise, he would have surrendered to the Tengjia Army, and the damage would have been even greater.

Huangfusong thought for a while and said: "This time I fought against the Tengjia Army. I neither defeated Lei Gong nor kept Youzhou. It can be said that I am ashamed of the late emperor's entrustment. Even if I retreat, I will be punished by the court. Let I will give you a break, and I will give an explanation to the imperial court."

"The general hopes that you will return to Jizhou, remember the lessons of this time, work hard to prepare the army, and make plans to deal with Lei Gong. Lei Gong is ambitious, and he cannot stop in Youzhou."

Ju Yi was shocked and said: "Duke Ming is the commander-in-chief of the army, how can he stay behind and hand over the queen to the future! As long as the general is not dead, Lei Gong must not be allowed to move forward!"

(End of this chapter)

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