I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 288, Loyal Dong Guoxiang

Chapter 288, Loyal Dong Guoxiang
After Dong Zhuo, Zhang Wen and Yang Biao had finished communicating with the big guys, they found their confidants Li Ru, Jia Xu, Tian Yi, Liu Ai and other advisers in the Xiliang Army!

After they came together, Dong Zhuo sighed, "Lei Gong is getting stronger and stronger, and now even Huangfusong has been beaten to death by him! When he recovers, I am afraid that the old man will not be his opponent. Now the old man decides to move the capital to Chang'an for a while." The sharpness of Lei Gong! But how to deal with Lei Gong in the future, the old man has no idea for a while? I don’t know what you can do?”

Several advisers of Dong Zhuo glanced at each other, and then pondered. After defeating the Han, the current Lei Gong has become the number one rebel worthy of the name of the Han. Even the imperial court can only defend, and it is difficult to fight back!Just like what Dong Zhuo said, they are not as powerful as others, even if they have all kinds of tricks, they will be demoted ten times by Lei Gong!It is very difficult to deal with Lei Gong!

After a long time, Li Ru was the first to speak: "President of the country, what are the thoughts of the important ministers in the court?"

Dong Zhuo said, "Zhu Jun and the others said a good method, which is to let the nobles and nobles of the big Han recruit volunteers. As many soldiers as they recruit, the court will give as many officials as they want! They said that Lei Gong relies on the people, and the court can rely on the nobles and nobles. It is not impossible to recruit millions of troops with the power of the powerful clan of the great Han, as long as they mobilize their power, the court can fight Lei Gong!"

Hearing this, Li Ru exclaimed in surprise, "It's absolutely impossible!"

Then Li Ru solemnly said to Dong Zhuo: "Lei Gong attacked the powerful and divided the land, which won the hearts of the people in Bingzhou. Lei Gong is using the powerful money and land to buy people's hearts, so the rattan armor army is united. But there is nothing. The nobles who bought the world by official positions have failed. The reason why the prime minister can stabilize the court is that one relies on the hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands to suppress the world. The nobles have no choice but to protect their lives with the power of the Prime Minister!"

"But if the nobles really have millions of soldiers, they don't need the protection of the prime minister. With the arrogance of the powerful, there is no position for the prime minister. I'm afraid the Kwantung coalition forces will come again!"

Dong Zhuo sneered and said: "This old man has also seen this, so the old man only gave the position of army commander, and the 2000 shi captaincy and school lieutenant have to be filled by our people, so that the powerful and noble families will recruit more soldiers. , the more troops we have in our hands! It's a pity that Zhang Wen, an old man, doesn't agree!"

Jia Xu said: "It is impossible for them to agree. Zhang Wen and his sons are all paid 2000 shi for their careers. There is no temptation for them to become military commanders. Only small tyrants and powerful men are interested in the volunteer army system."

"It's just that the Prime Minister disagrees with Zhang Wen and his disciples becoming the school captains and captains. It will be difficult for the imperial court to mobilize the power of the world's powerful clans. Although Lei Gong seems to only occupy Liangzhou, which is the most barren of the big man, Lei Gong is a genius in management. Occupying Bingzhou for a few years has turned the desolate Bingzhou into a place richer than Jizhou, and the land of these two states alone has made the Tengjia army not to be underestimated."

"Furthermore, Leigong still occupies the entire desert, and can mobilize more than 20 barbarians in the desert. The combined strength of Leigong's territory has far surpassed that of the big man. If the prime minister cannot mobilize the power of the big Han clan, I am afraid that even if we retreat to the Guanzhong, we will still be defeated." Will be defeated by Lei Gong!"

Tian Yi and Liu Ai also followed suit: "President Guo, what Zhu Jun said is correct. Now Lei Gong's strength far surpasses ours. If we want to defeat Lei Gong, we must unite the power of the nobles!"

Dong Zhuo sighed and said: "How can I not know the truth, but it's a pity that people look down on me, a barbarian from Xiliang, if there is not Lei Gong, I am afraid that I will be killed by them as the Prime Minister!"

Li Ru thought for a while and said: "The nobles are unreliable, and the prime minister can only rely on ourselves. Why can Lei Gong rely on a mere Bingzhou to recruit more than 50 troops? It is not because Lei Gong divides the land for his subordinates. As long as Lei Gong Lei Gong also spent a lot of money to help these tribes build new water conservancy, reclaim fertile fields, and buy struvite to increase soil fertility, so that one mu of land in the Tengjia Army is comparable to three mu in other places in Dahan! The members of the Tengjia Army can get 30 shi of food every year, and it is because of such a great benefit that the Tengjia Army is not afraid of death!"

"We can also learn this system. Our land is not as good as that of the Tengjia Army, so we give soldiers 100 acres of land. This 100 acres of land is enough for soldiers to work for the Prime Minister. As long as the Prime Minister can get 100 million hectares of land, he can get Millions of loyal soldiers who don't need pay!"

Jia Xu was surprised when he heard this and said: "Wen You, you want chaos in the world. Most of the land of the big man is owned by the owner. How can it be possible to give millions of hectares of land to the soldiers? If you want the land, you have to seize it." Others. But if you want to capture ordinary people, you will have to create tens of millions of refugees. The Prime Minister of the country really has to follow your method. I’m afraid that the Yellow Turban Army will rise again before Lei Gong attacks us, and If you want to seize power, it will make the prime minister a target of public criticism! Do you want to force against the powerful and noble families in the world!"

But Dong Zhuo sneered when he heard this: "If they want to rebel, where can they go? Should they turn to Lei Gong and be hanged, or turn to the Yellow Turban Thief and kill the whole family! The truth is that Wen You's solution is to solve our current situation. The only way out of the predicament is to buy people's hearts, Lei Gong can buy them, and the truth can also be bought!"

Tian Yi immediately said: "Minister of the State, although Wen You's plan is ingenious, it still needs a long-term plan. If the elites and nobles in the world are separated from their virtues, the court may be in chaos before Lei Gong comes over. Doesn't this give Lei Gong something to take advantage of?" Opportunity!"

Liu Ai said: "The Prime Minister wants to increase the military force and there are other ways, which can increase the amount of taxes paid by the pastors of each state. Liu Bei in Jingzhou is said to be developing Nanjun, and it is said that it has been quite effective. The Prime Minister ordered Liu Bei to harvest the autumn harvest this year. Hand over 300 million shi of grain and 5 million yuan in taxes, as long as the Prime Minister says it is to deal with Lei Gong, Liu Bei will hand it in even if he starves to death!"

"There is also Yuan Shu of Yuzhou who earned 30 billion yuan because of the relationship with the order. Shouldn't he take out half of it! As long as these state pastors pay taxes according to the proportion of last year, the imperial court can get more than 3000 million shi Food and more than tens of billions of money!"

Tian Yi said worriedly: "Last year, the states were able to pay so much tax due to the wealth of profiteers, but this year they will go to find profiteers to raid their homes. The Yellow Turbans will rise again!"

Even though the big man has a profound background, he was severely harmed by Dong Zhuo and the others last year. Now he still has to find tens of millions of stone grains and tens of billions of money. , it is impossible for them to kill themselves, even if Dong Zhuo gave orders, it would be useless!
Jia Xu thought about it and said: "Minister, the imperial court is not going to move the capital to Chang'an, the imperial court's civil and military officials and a large number of powerful families should also go to Chang'an!"

Dong Zhuo nodded and said, "It's natural!"

Jia Xu said with a smile: "Then the prime minister has a solution if he wants land. Guanzhong is originally a land of abundance, and the land is fertile. It is only because the imperial court has set its capital in Luoyang City that it has reduced investment in Guanzhong, and the water conservancy facilities in Guanzhong have been abandoned. Xiliang has been in chaos for hundreds of years, and the Silk Road leading to the Western Regions was cut off, and Guanzhong gradually declined."

"But now that the imperial court is about to establish the capital of Chang'an City, it must pay attention to the construction of Guanzhong, and various water conservancy facilities in Guanzhong will also be built. The Silk Road to the Western Regions can be opened up, so that the land in Guanzhong will be valuable, even the original wasteland price will soar!"

"And Luoyang City is bound to fall because of the relocation of the capital. In addition, Lei Gong of the Tengjia Army is ready to attack Luoyang City. The price of Luoyang City's land has dropped by half. The gentry want to sell the land around Luoyang City, and the Prime Minister can exchange the wasteland in Guanzhong for the land in Luoyang, so that the Prime Minister can at least increase his troops by more than 10!"

Li Ru also nodded and said: "Wen He's plan is very clever. The Prime Minister can get 10 loyal soldiers without paying too much! But the Prime Minister must immediately send someone to manage the land in Guanzhong. After it gets out, I'm afraid that a large number of masters will emerge from the land in Guanzhong!"

Dong Zhuo said, "This old man will let Shuying take care of the land in Guanzhong!"

After saying this, Dong Zhuo sighed and said: "Now the imperial court has wiped out 20 troops by the Tengjia Army. These soldiers don't know whether they are alive or dead, but we have to do a good job in the compensation. Wenyou is in charge of this matter, and the truth criticizes you. 50 billion yuan, do a good job in pensions, and we must not let the relatives of soldiers shed blood and then shed tears!"

Although Dong Zhuo was cruel to his enemies, he took great care of his soldiers.And other officials of the imperial court bought these big soldiers when they were in use, and embezzled their military pay when they were not in use, and falsely claimed their credit.

For those officials, embezzling their military pay and falsely claiming their merits are all considered to look up to you. With such a strong contrast, this is why the central army of the big man has become loyal after a few months in the hands of Dong Zhuo !Because the nobles don't treat them as human beings, but Dong Zhuo treats them as human beings, it's as simple as that!
Li Ru said in a low voice: "Prime Minister, I'm afraid the imperial court won't be able to spend so much money, so it's better to reduce it!"

Dong Zhuo was surprised and said, "How is this possible? Not to mention that we came to Luoyang City to confiscate the late emperor, Shi Changshi and He Jin 300 billion yuan, and sued the order to confiscate more than 200 billion yuan. How could the court have no money!"

Li Ru carefully explained to Dong Zhuo: "Although the imperial court has a lot of money in its hands, the price of the entire Han Dynasty has tripled due to the relationship with the order. The 3 billion yuan is not as much as the original tens of billions of money to buy. The next imperial court recruited more than 200 troops, consumed nearly 50 million shi of food and money, and spent more than 2000 billion yuan. Although the imperial court still had some money in hand, the cost of moving the capital would not be less than tens of billions. I am afraid that the financial resources will not be able to bear such a high pension!"

When Dong Zhuo heard this, he said angrily: "A human life is not worth 2 yuan! Today the court treats them so harshly. When Lei Gong comes tomorrow, we should not blame the people below for surrendering to Lei Gong one by one!"

At this time Liu Ai said: "Last year Liu Yan did not hand over Yizhou's taxes to the imperial court, and the Prime Minister can order him to hand over the taxes!"

Dong Zhuo said with a cold face: "Why didn't Liu Yan hand it in after he said it?"

Dare not to pay taxes, it was the two brothers Yuan Shao who dared to do so at the beginning, and then he taught him to be an honest man. Now I didn’t expect that even Liu Yan, a member of the Han family, would take the lead in not paying taxes. How can this not let him Annoyed!

Liu Ai said: "Liu Yan said in the book that the rice thief occupied Hanzhong and cut off the road to the north, so the tax could not be sent to the court. Please wait for him to put down the Zhang Lu chaos before handing over the tax to the court!"

Dong Zhuo's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "This time Liu Yan bullied the old man because he is from Xiliang, and he doesn't know the map of the south. He can still transport taxes from Nanyang County to Luoyang City by taking the Yangtze River waterway. What did he say to the old man?" Cut off the road! He wants to separate himself and become king!"

Liu Ai nodded and said, "I'm afraid Liu Yan really wants to separate Yizhou and become the local emperor, otherwise Zhang Lu could easily capture Hanzhong County!"

Zhang Lu's five buckets of rice Taoism has great influence in Yizhou and many believers, just like the original Taiping Taoism.When Zhang Jiao led Taiping Taoists to launch the Yellow Turban Uprising in the Central Plains, Zhang Heng, the second generation leader of Wudoumi Taoism, also led Wudoumi Taoists to launch an uprising in Hanzhong, and the two echoed each other.

Of course, the uprising forces of the Wu Dou Rice Sect failed and Zhang Heng died in battle. However, because of the large number of followers of the Wu Dou Rice Sect in Yizhou, the Wu Dou Rice Sect has never been defeated.Zhang Heng's son, Zhang Lu, inherited the position of the leader of the Five Dou Rice Sect and continued to fight against the big man.

After Liu Yan came to Yizhou, he wanted to be a local tyrant, so naturally he didn't want to continue fighting with Zhang Lu, so he ordered Zhang Lu to be recruited, and even got him an official position of governor and Sima.

In order to solve the problem of the large number of followers of Wudou Rice Sect in Yizhou, Liu Yan tried to fool Zhang Lu into attacking Hanzhong County, the home of Wudou Rice Sect. Of course, because Hanzhong County was captured by Zhang Lu, Yizhou also cut off the connection with Guanzhong Central Plains. Be your own emperor with peace of mind!
Li Rudao: "President of the country, Yizhou is naturally dangerous. Liu Yan really wants to separate himself and become king. I'm afraid the court will have nothing to do!"

Dong Zhuo sneered and said, "Liu Yan is bullying the old man for not being able to lift a knife. He wrote to tell Liu Yan that if he doesn't pay the tax, the old man will let him die!"

Liu Yan became the shepherd of Yizhou, and his three sons Zuo Zhonglang General Liu Fan, Zhishu Yushi Liu Dan, and Fengche Duwei Liu Zhang were all left in Luoyang City to become protons. Dong Zhuo really has the ability to make Liu Yan cut off his descendants!

Li Ru sneered and said: "Liu Yan really has the idea of ​​​​separately becoming king, so why would he care about these three sons? It's not that he has no sons in Yizhou. If the Prime Minister wants to blackmail him, he should order Zhennan General Liu Bei to be transferred to the army. In the Badong region, at the same time, tell him that if he doesn’t pay the taxes, the imperial court will send General Zhennan to Yizhou to put down the rebellion!”

Dong Zhuo smiled and said, "Wenyou's plan is very clever! Let's do it according to this! Let Liu Bei make a move too!"

Then he sighed and said, "If all officials in the world were as capable and loyal as Liu Bei, that would be great! The imperial court just declined a little, and the prefects in the four realms would have the ambition to become kings and hegemons. Suppressing the truth, I really don't know how many people in the big man want to be king and how many people want to be hegemony!"

 Anti-theft stamp, change it in half an hour

(End of this chapter)

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