I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 289, Dong Zhuo wants to kill a pig

Chapter 289, Dong Zhuo wants to kill a pig

"What is Lei Gong doing now?" Dong Zhuo looked up at Liu Ai and asked.

Liu Aidao: "After Lei Gong occupied Youzhou, he ordered his subordinate Li Gang to divide the lands of the local tyrants in the whole Youzhou. A large number of noble families in Youzhou fled Youzhou. The noble families in Dai County and Shanggu County were slaughtered by Lei Gong!"

"After dividing the fields, Lei Gong disbanded his army to farm in the entire Youzhou, and the Tengjia Army in other battlefields was also disbanded. Judging from the information obtained by our spies in Bingzhou, the entire Tengjia Army site now has less than 10 troops. Ten thousand! Judging from the current situation, before the autumn harvest, the Rattan Armor Army has no plans to attack the big man!"

Li Ru and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. If they wanted to continue fighting, the court would have no way to resist Lei Gong's army.

But Dong Zhuo said with emotion: "It's still Lei Gong who lives at ease and can do whatever he wants. Even if he slaughtered a state's elite clan, there is no one who can do anything to him. Unlike the truth, he still has to make a deal with Yang Biaoxu. How old is this old man?" If you want to be like Lei Gong, you can kill whoever you want, and kill all the pig teammates in the court who are pulling the old man's legs!"

Li Ru said indifferently: "President of the country, although Lei Gong's move was carefree, he offended the nobles and nobles in the world. I don't think that Lei Gong relying on the power of the common people can defeat the power of the world's powerful clans!"

"The subordinates think that Lei Gong's occupation of Jizhou will be more beneficial to the Prime Minister. As long as Lei Gong's troops approach the Yellow River and threaten the safety of the entire Central Plains clan, they will fully support the Guo Xiang and Lei Gong's confrontation even for their own family. In Jizhou, the noble families in the Central Plains are not in a hurry, and the Prime Minister’s volunteer army system may not be popularized in the Central Plains!"

Dong Zhuo sneered and said: "I can see the power of Lei Gong, but I can't see the power of the nobles. I'm afraid that Wen You will be frightened by their arrogance. In the real situation, maybe they are just paper tigers. Although Lei Gong didn't The soldiers are coming to the Yellow River, but they are also coming to Jizhou, I will wait and see how powerful the clan of Jizhou is, and whether they can resist Lei Gong."

"If they can stop it, I will continue to cooperate with them. If they can't stop it, it means that they are really paper tigers. Don't blame the old man for eating them up to improve their strength! After all, this old man is also for the big man. They have been loyal and good for generations. I will understand this old man who sacrificed his family for the sake of a big man!"

Yes, Dong Zhuo vaguely felt that the power of the big Han family and nobles looked extremely powerful, but in fact they depended on the imperial court to look so powerful, and they were weak without the imperial court's power.

Lei Gong slaughtered all the nobles in Bingzhou Youzhou, and the nobles in Jizhou were also maimed by Lei Gong, but they did not see how much damage they caused to Lei Gong and even the Tengjia Army. Lei Gong slaughtered them and slaughtered chickens and sheep. , and they had no resistance except to run away.

Even he himself had won the Kwantung Allied Forces once, and the end of the clan of Youzhou in Bingzhou made Dong Zhuo feel the weakness of the clan, and he wanted to fight them within the framework of the imperial court. The Sangong, Jiuqing, civil and military officials were all their people. This is indeed true. The most powerful force of the big man.

And if they smash the chessboard and use force, they seem to be doing the same thing!So what if we can mobilize an army of 20?It's not like he beat the shit out of me!

Becoming allies with them, Dong Zhuo felt that it was difficult to move an inch, but when he regarded them as enemies, Dong Zhuo felt that he was surrounded by fat sheep, and he felt that it would be a better choice to become enemies with the powerful and powerful.

Just like Lei Gong, his vitality had already been seriously injured in this battle, but he slaughtered the entire noble family in Youzhou. Even if his vitality did not fully recover, it should have recovered more than half of it.

If Lei Jun attacked Jizhou and continued to slaughter the nobles, I am afraid that he will immediately have the food and supplies to attack the Central Plains. After all, the wealth of the nobles in Jizhou is rare in the world!

Dong Zhuo knew that he wanted to continue to improve his strength to resist Lei Gong, and Zhu Jun's suggestion was the only way, which was to mobilize the world's nobles and nobles to resist Lei Gong.

Lei Gong got the power of the common people, he got the power of the nobles, and the power of the common people could not be stronger than that of the nobles, and he was the one who got the upper hand.

It's just that Dong Zhuo is also clear that the world's elites look down on him as a Xiliang man, and will not take refuge under his command.

But if you want to gain the power of the nobles, you don't have to ally with them. If you slaughter them like pigs, you can also improve your strength, just like he killed all the big Han merchants, and immediately gave the court the capital to fight against Lei Gong.

But Lei Gong's strength is far from being solved by killing the fat pig of the businessman. Naturally, a pig that is 10 times fatter than the businessman is needed to improve the strength of the big man!
As long as he learns from Lei Gong, breaks down their Wubao, kills everyone, divides the fields, and gets the wealth they have accumulated for hundreds of years, Dong Zhuo thinks it is not a problem to recruit a million troops, even 200 million, 300 million is possible, there is a possibility. With such a large army in hand, how can Lei Gong fight against him!
The more Dong Zhuoyue thought about it, the more he felt that only by swallowing this fat pig that the big man had raised for 400 years, would he have the capital to continue fighting Lei Gong.

Hearing this, Li Ru was surprised and said: "How could the Prime Minister have such an idea? The power of the powerful clans spread throughout the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty. If the Prime Minister really forced them into enemies, we can only control Sili. The big men will be torn apart, and the Prime Minister will have no way to resist Lei Gong!"

Others also persuaded Dong Zhuo to give up this idea. Although the Xiliang Army had plenty of martial virtues, they did not have the power to control the strength of the entire Han Dynasty. Not being able to survive is a problem!
Dong Zhuo said with a smile: "I'm not stupid, so I won't act recklessly. Xiliang people are too weak in the imperial court, especially in civil servants. I plan to recruit Han Suimateng and the others so that Xiliang can return to Chaotian's command! "

Jia Xu worried, "Xiliang has been in chaos for several years, and Han Suimateng has gotten used to the life of occupying the mountain as king. I'm afraid they won't surrender!"

But Dong Zhuo said with a smile: "In the past, the imperial court was the imperial court of the Kanto clan. They discriminated against us Xiliang people, which caused Xiliang to rebel frequently. But this old man plans to form the Xiliang Party and recruit all the famous officials and civil servants in Xiliang." Come to the imperial court, let them be the county guards, the three princes and the nine ministers, and gradually replace the current officials of the imperial court. If there are officials, I don't believe they will hide in the poor mountains of Xiliang and become kings of the mountains! And as long as the Xiliang Party is formed If it succeeds, I don’t need Yang Biao, Zhang Wen, and the others, and it will be their turn to contribute to the great man’s foundation!”

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(End of this chapter)

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