Chapter 298, Dong Zhuo ends

Dong Zhuo was stunned, he couldn't figure out why Li Su would betray him?This is a general who has been with him for more than ten years, and he can be said to be his absolute confidant. Could it be that Li Su is going to betray him just because he demoted his official?

However, after seeing Li Su and Lu Bu, he suddenly remembered that they were both from Wuyuan County and from Bingzhou, and there were not many Bingzhou people who held great power in the imperial court. Dong Zhuo said: "The people behind the scenes are It's not the eunuch Wang Yun!"

Lv Bu said loudly: "That's right, it is the eunuch Wang Yun who brought His Majesty's imperial decree to kill you as a traitor!"

Dong Zhuo smiled wryly and said: "Sure enough, I shouldn't be allied with powerful clansmen, they are really not successful enough to fail. Don't they think that killing me can lead the big man to defeat Lei Gong? Dare to say that they have defeated Lei Gong, how can they have such confidence, the court will kill each other like this, the one who will benefit must be Lei Gong of the Rattan Armor Army, Wang Yun and the others are giving the world of the big man to Lei Gong with their own hands!"

Liu Ai shouted: "Minister Guo, now is not the time to be emotional, let's find a way to break out of the siege!"


A crossbow arrow remained unabated and hit Dong Zhuo's body. Fortunately, since Dong Zhuo came to Luoyang City, the inner armor and soft armor given by Lei Gong has never left his body, so the arrow did not hurt him. Pulling out the crossbow arrow on his body, he said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that Lei Gong would save this old man's life again!"

Then Dong Zhuo raised his head and looked around, and suddenly said murderously: "If you want the old man's life, come here, the old man is not someone who is waiting to die, kill!"

More than 200 guards followed Dong Zhuo and shouted: "Kill!"

Dong Zhuo took the lead, raised his saber high, roared, and charged at Li Su's army. He understood the combat effectiveness of the fallen camp, and if he really wanted to attack in the direction of Lu Bu, he was afraid that he would really die here today, but the 3000 in Li Su's hand Not only is the fighting power of the army poor, but it is his subordinates, and their morale is also low when facing him. On the contrary, they can let him break out of the siege from Li Su's side. , or Yang Ding of Hedong County can protect himself well, and then he can command his own army to drive out these people who betrayed him!

"Kill all the rebels and protect the prime minister!" Dong Zhuo's more than two hundred guards charged in Li Su's direction with high morale!
Sure enough, although Li Su's army was more than 10 times larger than Dong Zhuo's, it was beaten to pieces by the Xiliang iron cavalry commanded by Dong Zhuo, and it couldn't resist Dong Zhuo's charge at all!Seeing that this is about to stand out.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Su to see Dong Zhuo escape. If Dong Zhuo escaped, he would be dead, so Li Su took the lead, blocking left and right with a saber in his hand. Other soldiers also launched a fierce attack on Dong Zhuo's army from both sides at the same time, and Dong Zhuo's army was surrounded by groups.

The Xiliang Army, which had lost its advantage in speed, soon became the target of Li Su and the others. Although Dong Zhuo was fighting hard, the number of soldiers around him was still decreasing. He was also slashed several times, and his whole body became dripping with blood. He didn't know whether the blood belonged to the enemy or his own!

After all, Dong Zhuo was old and weak, so he couldn't kill him soon, but the Xiliang soldiers around him were still fighting to the death with all their strength even though they suffered heavy casualties!

But after Lu Bu led the trapped camp and surrounded them, Dong Zhuo knew he couldn't escape!
Lu Bu came to Dong Zhuo, who was protected by only a dozen soldiers from Xiliang, and said loudly: "By the order of the emperor, Dong thief will be killed. If you continue to resist, you will only die!"

"Kill, kill Lu Bu, the traitor!" The remaining Xiliang soldiers saw Lu Bu and killed him!From his point of view, if Lu Bu hadn't betrayed the prime minister, they wouldn't have killed so many brothers today!
Lv Bu shouted angrily, rode his horse and swung the spear in his hand, and quickly reaped the lives of the guards of the Xiliang army!In the end, only Dong Zhuo was left alive on the battlefield!

Seeing Lu Bu and Li Su, Dong Zhuo smiled wryly and said, "Isn't this old man treating you well enough to make you betray me like this? Don't you know the discrimination against us warriors by the elites? You would rather believe Wang Yun you just met than the old man !"

Li Su said with a blank expression: "I have been with the Prime Minister for 15 years, and I have worked hard for 15 years, but I am only a 2000 shi captain, and because of conflicts with the Prime Minister's nephew, I was demoted to become a captain. A person either becomes a general of Zhonglang, or becomes a general. If you are the prime minister, you are sorry for me first, so don’t blame me for betraying the prime minister! The servant promised to give his subordinates the position of general after everything is done!"

And Lu Bu said more firmly: "People go to high places, and water flows to low places. The eunuch Wang allows them to give too much, at least more than you give to the Prime Minister. The only thing Bu can help the Prime Minister is, Give the Prime Minister a happy death!"

After speaking, Lu Bu rose into the air, and the spear in his hand pierced Dong Zhuo's heart like lightning!The impact of this blow was extremely strong. Although Dong Zhuo was wearing the inner armor and soft armor made by Lei Gong, he was still pierced by Lu Bu's spear. Dong Zhuo vomited blood and lost his breath. Lu Bu even cut off Dong Zhuo's head with his own hands. , since a generation of power minister Dong Zhuo came to an end!
The official office of the Luoyang court has been vacant due to the relocation of hundreds of officials. At this time, the expression on Wang Yun's face is very nervous and disturbed. Although the action of besieging and killing Dong Zhuo is a sure thing, he is really worried that there will be With a one-tenth chance of Dong Zhuo escaping, the world would really be in chaos. At that time, he would be pushed out to appease Dong Zhuo with his own head, so this was also a matter of his own life and death, so Wang Yun was naturally nervous.

Not long after, there was a loud sound of horseshoes. Wang Yun suppressed his nervousness in front of him and walked out of the official office. At this moment, he saw Lu Bu galloping over on horseback!

He stopped in front of Wang Yun and raised Dong Zhuo's head and said, "Your Majesty, the national traitor Dong Zhuo has been punished!"

Wang Yun looked at Dong Zhuo's head excitedly and said happily: "Okay, Fengxian will remove a big country thief for my big man, and the old man will definitely report to the court! In the future, Fengxian will definitely be named a marquis and worship minister!"

Once Dong Zhuo died, their follow-up plans could begin!
Wang Yun immediately sent the news of Dong Zhuo's life and death to the princes in Chang'an City in a hurry!

At the same time, Yang Biao in Chang'an City also started to clean up Dong Zhuo's henchmen according to the plan.

Dong Min and the others were not prepared at all. Yang Biao said he wanted to entertain them, and they came to Yang's house happily one by one. As a result, they hadn't had a few sips of wine. When Yang Biao threw the glass, 500 knives and axes Rush out and catch them all!
"Yang Biao, you want to rebel!" Dong Wen also experienced the mutiny in Luoyang City, so she naturally knew that it was a mutiny!
"If you dare to kill us, the Prime Minister will not let you go. You will die without a place to bury your body. Your whole family and nine clans will be killed by the Prime Minister!"

But Yang Biao sneered and said: "Chang'an ordered Dong Wen to conspire to usurp the throne, an unforgivable crime, kill them all!"

In an instant, Yang Biao's mansion was filled with blood!
After Yang Biao killed all the people like Dong Wen, he immediately appointed his confidants to control the 2 soldiers and horses in Chang'an City!Sili is the basic base of the Yang family, and all the former officials of the Yang family are here, so Yang Biao easily grasped Chang'an City.

In this way, they finally gained a bit of confidence, but if Dong Zhuo could not be killed, Chang'an City would be breached by Dong Zhuo sooner or later by relying on their soldiers and horses. Now Yang Biao and the others could only wait for Wang Yun's good news in fear!
"Dong Zhuo is dead!" Yang Biao couldn't help roaring after hearing the news. It was really not easy. They managed to kill all eunuchs and relatives, but they met an even more unreasonable martial artist Dong Zhuo. What's more, this martial artist's strength is amazing, they can't win at all, now this terrible enemy has finally disappeared, and it's finally the turn of loyal men like them to rule the whole world.

Taiwei Yang Biao, Situ Zhangwen, Sikong Xun Shuang, and other ministers entered the palace to meet the emperor.

The young Emperor Xian was terrified when he saw these ministers. After all, Dong Zhuo did not have much bad deeds in this world. He was killed by Yang Biao and the others. He has done this several times, and every time he is terrified, because his eldest brother has become a victim of the mutiny, he is afraid that he will become a victim of the mutiny, so Emperor Xian watched these ministers discussing fiercely, but he dared not express any opinions, even Don't even dare to make an expression!
Then the important officials suggested that Taiwei Yang Biao and Situ Zhang Wen should join Li Shangshu and take charge of state affairs. After three resignations, Yang Biao and Zhang Wen took over the appointment!

Then, under the auspices of Yang Biao, a meeting among important ministers was held!

Yang Biao said: "Although Dong Zhuo was killed, the army in his hands has not been disintegrated. The only army that the imperial court can really control is only [-] people in Chang'an City, and they may not be reliable, so Niu Fu, Duan Yan , Li Jue, Guo Si, Hua Xiong, and Hu Zhen must have someone to appease the army of these people. They are a sharp weapon against Lei Gong!
Zhang Wen said: "Let them all go, it's not too cheap for them, we shouldn't kill one or two leaders, and make an example to the Xiliang army!"

Yang Biao smiled wryly and said, "Where does the imperial court have time to scare Dong Zhuo's subordinates as an example? We may not even be able to control the [-] troops now! We are trembling now, and if we are not careful, it will be a catastrophe, so now we focus on safety." !"

"I have also selected the candidate for the consolation. He is Huangfu Li, the prefect of Anding County. He is a member of the Huangfu family, Dong Zhuo's subordinates, and even Dong Zhuo himself can be regarded as a protégé of the Huangfu family. With his consolation, I think Dong Zhuo's subordinates will not rebel. of!"

Chunyu Jia asked: "Huangfu Li wants to guard Xiliang, what would Han Sui and Ma Teng do without him? It's impossible to watch them occupy the entire Xiliang and threaten Guanzhong!"

Yang Biao said firmly: "Then appease the two rebels Ma Teng and Han Sui. The most important thing for the court now is to defeat Lei Gong. As long as it is beneficial to achieve this goal, we will do it!"

There is one thing Yang Biao didn’t say, the reason why they mutinied and killed Dong Zhuo was not because Dong Zhuo didn’t do well enough, but because Dong Zhuo couldn’t defeat Lei Gong. Dong Zhuo's greatest original sin.

Zhang Wen said with an ugly face, "Apart from Dong Zhuo's relatives, don't we kill any of Dong Zhuo's confidantes?"

"Yes, the three generations of Dong thief's family members can be killed, but Dong Zhuo's former disciples, including the generals of the Northern Army, cannot be killed or cleaned, otherwise the entire Sili will be in chaos, and then we will give Lei Gong an opportunity Already! Not only can we not kill Dong Zhuo's subordinates, but we also need to enlist them and enlist them, this is the way that will cause the least damage to the imperial court!" Yang Biao said firmly.

Zhang Wen said angrily: "I won't kill this, and I won't kill that. The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are still in the hands of Dong Zhuo's subordinates. In the past, we only needed to be careful of Dong Zhuo alone, but now we have to please several Dong Zhuo's subordinates at the same time. Why do we kill Dong Zhuo, let Dong Zhuo continue to be in power!"

Yang Biao patiently persuaded: "If there is no Lei Gong, I will definitely wipe out Dong Zhuo's subordinates, but it is precisely because of Lei Gong that we must be careful not to let Lei Gong take advantage. Lei Gong's territory is less than 200 kilometers away from Luoyang City. Here, if Sili is in chaos, Luoyang City will definitely be occupied by Lei Gong, and we will become sinners through the ages."

"So killing Dong Zhuo is not the end for us, but just the beginning. After all, our real enemy is Lei Gong, so we can't rush to deal with Dong Zhuo's subordinates. It seems that although they are many people, but time is standing On our side, after we promulgate the real volunteer order, the imperial court will have more and more troops. If they are sensible, they can have a good end! If they don’t, they will end badly Same as Dong Zhuo!"

After several people discussed it, the next day will be held!
A little Huangmen read out the emperor's imperial decree, which probably meant that the rebel Dong Zhuo had attempted to usurp the throne, and he committed a heinous crime and had already been punished.Now the son of heaven is young and it is difficult to handle the state affairs. Yang Biao, the Tai Wei, and Situ Zhangwen are involved in the affairs of the Li Shangshu and are in charge of state affairs.

Then Yang Biao asked the emperor to state the top ten felonies committed by Dong Zhuo, and told the world that Dong Zhuo had been put to death.

With the decree issued by the imperial court, all the children of the Dong clan were killed, and many of Dong Zhuo's cronies and old officials were copied and executed by the whole family. More than a thousand people lost their lives.This even implicated the generals of the Northern Army, which almost caused a riot in the Northern Army, which allowed Yang Biao and others to reduce the scale of their involvement.

At the same time, the imperial court decreed to appoint Huangfu Li as the emissary to appease Dong Zhuo's former subordinates. As long as they can submit to the imperial court, the imperial court will not blame them for their affairs!

(End of this chapter)

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