I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 299, on the side of the Qing emperor, Zhu Wangyun

Chapter 299, on the side of the Qing emperor, Zhu Wangyun
The first person Huangfu Li found after he became a conciliator was Huayin Duan Yao, who was also a descendant of a famous family, and was a brother of Duan Jiong's family, one of the "Three Mings of Liangzhou". He and Huangfu Li were old acquaintances.

When Huangfu Li just arrived, he was very happy to host a banquet for him, but he never expected to receive such a sad news. Yang Biao and the others launched a mutiny, killed Dong Zhuo, and seized the power of the court!

Duan Yan said sadly: "The Prime Minister has devoted himself to the court these years, and now the court treats the Prime Minister like this, which will not make the world feel chilled!"

Huangfu Li sighed and said: "The great general who died of my big man, the Taiwei is not only the prime minister of the country, especially in the past few decades, the person who has held the power of the big man will end well. He made great military exploits, but he still died unjustly in prison, since the prime minister is involved in the maelstrom of the court, he should be prepared for it!"

"If you want to rebel and help Dong Zhuo to avenge, just act as if you have never been here before. If you don't want to be a rebellious minister of the big man, then follow the imperial court's consolation. Now the imperial court wants to deal with Lei Gong, Yang Biao and the others dare not take you How about it, they didn't even dare to kill Niu Fu, because they were afraid that you would rebel and let Lei Gong occupy Sili! But now that the imperial court is under the direct control of Yang Biao and the others, I'm afraid it will not be good for you in the future!"

Although Dong Zhuo was at odds with Huangfu's family, Huangfu Song relied on Dong Zhuo's full support before he died in the battle. Otherwise, his father would not be able to persist for so long, so although Huangfu Li didn't like Dong Zhuo, he also thought he was arrogant and domineering. , but it is also a meritorious minister to the court. Yang Biao killed Dong Zhuo by means of mutiny, and he felt ashamed!So he didn't have much enthusiasm for this appeasement, he just thought it was done!
Although Duan Yan felt sad for Dong Zhuo's assassination by Yang Biao and the others, he had no intention of rebelling against the court, so after Huangfu Li explained his intention, he quickly decided to lead his subordinates to surrender to the court!

In Hongnongcheng Fuya, Zhang Ji, Li Jue, Guo Si, Niu Fu and Jia Xu all gathered here.They were all in mourning, and the news of Dong Zhuo's tragic death in Luoyang City soon reached them.

They didn't believe it at the beginning, but more and more news came, and even the news that the Dong family and the three clans had been exterminated in Chang'an, they had to believe it, as long as Yang Biao didn't want to die, it was impossible for him to do something. Such a thing, and now that he really did such a thing, it is obvious that the killing of the Prime Minister of the country is true.

Niu Fu said sadly: "Now the imperial court has sent Huangfu Li as an emissary to appease us, and Huangfu Li has already appeased Duan Yan, should we help the prime minister to avenge the rebellion, or pretend that nothing happened and continue to be Han generals! "

Li Jue said angrily: "You idiot, appeasement is just a tactic for Yang Biao and the others to slow down the army. The court can let us go, but how could Yang Biao let us go? We have followed Dong Guoxiang for more than [-] years, and Yang Biao dares to trust us." Us? So don’t talk about appeasement, but should immediately gather people and go to Chang’an to help Dong Guoxiang avenge him. What kind of thing is Yang Biao? Why should we listen to him!”

Zhang Ji, the oldest, said: "It is easy for us to attack Chang'an, but now Yang Biao has 5 troops in his hands. The army in our hands may not be able to conquer Guanzhong in a short time. And everyone, don't forget that the Prime Minister arranged our army Surrounding Sili is to guard against Lei Gong, once our hundreds of thousands of troops enter the customs, the rank of rattan armor will chase after Sili, I am afraid that before we kill Yang Biao and the others, Lei Gong will kill us first!"

Guo Bang said angrily: "I can't control so much anymore. If Yang Biao wants to kill us, we will kill Yang Biao. If Lei Gong really broke into Sili, we will join Lei Gong. The Prime Minister and Lei Gong still have a little friendship. I haven’t helped us to hang Yang Biao to death. This is considered to be helping the Prime Minister to avenge. We are going to die, so what do we want to do so much! I would rather the world be captured by Lei Gong than watch Yang Biao and the others stand in the country. Show off your power on the prime minister's body!"

Except for Niu Fu, all the generals here want to fight Yang Biao desperately, because they really can't find a way to help Dong Zhuo avenge and guarantee their lives. Biao's promise!
The prime minister is still Yang Biao's ally, and Yang Biao doesn't mean to kill as soon as he wants to kill them. They have a large army, so Yang Biao naturally said something about recruiting, but when the army is out of their hands, what awaits them may be ransacking their families!
Jia Xu, who had not spoken at this time, said: "It is impossible to appease, it is a dead end, but it is absolutely impossible for us to rebel rashly!"

Li Jue said angrily: "The imperial court has treated us like this, and we are not rebelling, waiting for Yang Biao and the others to kill us?"

But Jia Xu said slowly: "We are raising troops, not for rebellion. This is very important! We are Han generals, why should we rebel against the emperor, the emperor is only 11 years old this year, how could he kill such a pillar of the country as the prime minister!"

"All of this is due to Yang Biao, Zhang Wenwen and Wang Yun, three treacherous villains who assassinated the prime minister in order to seize power. We should make this clear to the entire army. We are not rebelling against the imperial court, but that the imperial court now has small People, they killed the prime minister, and now we are raising troops on the side of the Qing emperor to kill Wang Yun, Yang Biao and Zhang Wen, these villains!"

"The more than 8 soldiers of the imperial court have also been kindly supported by the prime minister for several years. The treatment of the soldiers is many times higher than that of the former emperor and the general. Therefore, Yang Biao and the others used such mutiny to kill the prime minister. It is impossible to win the hearts of the soldiers at the bottom, as long as we are famous, the soldiers in our hands will definitely support us, and even the [-] troops who have taken refuge in the imperial court may echo us!"

Zhang Ji asked: "Then how will Lei Gong solve it? If Lei Gong leads an army to hunt down and kill us, we will all be doomed!"

Jia Xu said: "Lei Gong fought Huangfusong not long ago. Although he killed Huangfusong, the Tengjia Army itself was also seriously injured. It is said that there are less than 5000 standing troops in Shangdang County and Taiyuan County. This army is more than sufficient for defense. Attack Insufficient. We just got the news that the prime minister of the country was assassinated. Lei Gong is still in Youzhou thousands of miles away. How did he get this news? How can he confirm the authenticity of such news? It will be 1-2 months later, if we have not breached Luoyang City and Chang'an City after such a long time, then we will simply lead the army to seek refuge with Lei Gong, let Lei Gong help the country to avenge, and we will not suffer from either side!"

Niu Fu, Li Jue and others looked at each other and nodded, that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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