Chapter 4, black eat black
Xu Wei is really not a liar, not to mention the value of mineral water bottles in ancient times, just talking about the hygiene common sense of drinking boiled water, which was already worth a thousand gold in ancient times, especially in the late Eastern Han Dynasty when plagues frequently occurred, this common sense of hygiene is enough From this point of view, Xu Wei is very kind in saving the lives of the buyer's family.

And the buddy was shocked when he saw the mineral water bottle. Naturally, such a black market would not have too precious things, or else a buddy like him would not be allowed here.

But when he saw the mineral water bottle, he really felt that this treasure was worth a thousand gold, so he was dumbfounded. This water bottle is crystal clear, it is really a rare treasure, he can't make the decision!
He stammered: "This kid can't be the master, please wait a moment, I'll go to the shopkeeper."

After a while, a middle-aged wealthy businessman came here, and he said to Xu Wei and the others, "Who are you going to pawn the treasures?"

Xu Wei said: "That's right, it's the jade bottle in my hand!"

"I also ask the guest officer to let me palm the eye!"

Xu Wei handed over the mineral water bottle to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper took a closer look and found that it was really a treasure. It was made of a material he had never heard of or seen before. It was crystal clear like colored glaze, but it was not colored glaze. It was as light as a feather but extremely strong.

After reading it, the shopkeeper said: "It is indeed a treasure. It is said that it is worth thousands of taels of gold, and the old man admits it, but that is the price that Luoyang City can afford. There is a lot of war here, and it is not worth much. The old man sees him The material is peculiar, and I bought it for ten gold."

Xu Wei pretended to be angry and said: "You are only willing to pay 10 gold for this treasure worth thousands of gold to bring it back to me, and you will not sell it!"

After speaking, Xu Wei snatched the mineral water bottle back into his hand.

The shopkeeper didn't want such a treasure to slip away from him, so he said in a panic, "The war is in chaos, and the guest officer brought such a treasure to travel, isn't it a child holding gold in the busy market, so the old man will increase the price by up to 20 gold. "

After speaking, a few guys even slowly surrounded Xu Wei and the others, this is planning to cheat on others!

Xu Wei sneered and said: "If I dare to take out such a treasure, I am confident that I can protect it!"

After speaking, Xu Wei took out a wooden stake with the thickness of a bowl from the shed, broke it with both hands, threw it to the shopkeeper and the others, and said, "Do you think your neck is as hard as this piece of wood?"

The shopkeeper and his subordinates were frightened instantly. Such thick wood might not be able to be chopped off with an axe, but Xu Wei broke it with his bare hands. The strength of these arms is probably a thousand catties!
Seeing that Xu Wei's force value is so high!It is obviously impossible to force it.

The shopkeeper said helplessly: "Guest officer, this is just a simple black market. Even if your treasure is really worth thousands of gold, I can't really give you thousands of gold. If guest officer really wants to sell this treasure, let's give an honest price." .”

The old Wangtou stood up and said: "You don't have so much money, but you always have materials. Who doesn't know that this black market was opened by your Zhen family, and we won't let you suffer, so we took out materials worth 1000 gold to the boss OK!"

The goods in the black market are basically multiplied several times. The goods worth 1000 gold may only be worth 100 gold, but it is obviously very worthwhile in the eyes of the shopkeeper to win this jade bottle with 100 gold.

But he still said: "At most five hundred gold, I have to take a big risk, I can't make no profit at all!"

A five-cent mineral water bottle can get 500 catties of gold, Xu Wei nodded in agreement.

Xu Wei left the rest of the matter to the old Wang Han, after all, he didn't understand the prices in this world.

"What, you want 5 yuan for this stupid horse! You are a profiteer, and you are cheating. You usually pay 5000 yuan!"

"One stone of grain costs 500 yuan! Five baht is heavier than grain, you profiteer!"

"You dare to ask for 1 yuan for such a dilapidated carriage! Your Zhen family has gone crazy!"

"A catty of iron is 200 yuan! It's ten times that much, you really think that your Zhen family is the only one in the world who can forge iron."

Under the scolding of the old Wangtou, Xu Wei's mineral water bottle brought 15 horses, 15 sets of weapons and armor, 5 carriages, 10 shi of grain, 50 shi of refined salt, [-] pieces of cloth, and pots and pans, etc. The pile of items, these materials not only filled the five-quantity carriage to the brim, but even Xu Hao's van was full, so the old Wangtou asked the treasurer of the Zhen family to take out [-] catties of gold as a topping.

Xu Wei was stunned when he saw it, he didn't expect that Old Wangtou is actually a talent for bargaining!

The shopkeeper was also very distressed, and the supplies were fine, but the fifty catties of gold was what he distressed the most. However, after seeing the jade purification bottle, he felt that this was nothing.

"It's not good, the officers and soldiers are coming!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Old man Wang looked at these cavalry and said in horror: "This is Dong Zhuo's Xiliang cavalry. At the beginning, ten thousand of us were overwhelmed by Dong Zhuo's 1000 Xiliang cavalry. Run away, or we won't be able to escape."

Cavalry emerged from all directions to surround the place. These cavalry attacked anyone they saw, and everyone fled for their lives. Soon the entire black market was in chaos.

Xu Wei's five carriages and the many belongings on the carriages were obviously a huge target, and they soon became the targets of these cavalry.

Xu Wei noticed this and immediately said: "The goods are no longer needed, everyone get on the horse and run away!"

After speaking, Xu Wei pulled out a three-meter-long wooden stick from the shed, and with one sweep, he knocked down three cavalrymen, and then directly knocked down 10 cavalrymen by virtue of the length of the wooden stick, creating a gap , Old Wangtou and they all escaped on horseback from this gap.

Then Xu Wei threw down the wooden stick and rushed into his van, started the accelerator and drove it to the end, the speed reached [-] yards, and he rushed straight out of this black market.

The cavalry here chased after it for a while, but when they found that they couldn't catch up, they gave up on Xu Hao and the others, and continued to encircle and suppress the black market merchants.

After all the people in the black market were killed by them, the cavalry left with the supplies from the black market, and before leaving, they set a fire to burn the black market down.

Dong Zhuo Barracks!

The head of the cavalry station reported the results of the battle to Dong Zhuo. When he heard that he had harvested 3000 shi of grain, 200 horses, and a large amount of weapons and armor, he was overjoyed.

"As expected of Jizhou, any black market has more property than the big tribes in Liangzhou!"

He had just suffered a defeat and needed a lot of money to bribe Shi Changshi to save him from guilt, so he sent his own soldiers to encircle and suppress the black market in Jizhou, although he knew that the black market was created by local elites in Jizhou. But he belongs to the eunuch's faction, so if he offends the gentry, he will be offended, not to mention that such a thing is something that can be done but can't be said, and the gentry in Jizhou can only suffer from being dumb.

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(End of this chapter)

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