I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 5, The Unlucky Dong Zhuo

Chapter 5, The Unlucky Dong Zhuo

But when he heard that one tenth of the cavalry was injured, he said angrily: "Trash, the merchants who encircle and suppress some black markets will cause more than a dozen casualties. What use do I need you!"

Dong Zhuo felt that he was very unlucky. Since he was in the army, he had rarely lost in the South and North wars for decades. Everyone in Xiliang didn't know his name Dong Zhuo.

It’s just that he was born in a humble background and has never been able to get ahead, and his boss Zhang Huan cut off hundreds of Tai students under the hoodwink of the eunuch, making the entire Central Plains gentry hate them, making him in his forties. Go around.

Finally, with the help of his son-in-law Li Ru, he got on the ten-time servant path, and his official career improved, and he became a general of Zhonglang with 2000 shi.

After the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out, he was ecstatic. He wiped out all the brutal Qianghu, and it was not easy for mere ant thieves to be defeated by his Xiliang cavalry.

Dong Zhuo brought 3000 cavalry to Jizhou to encircle and suppress the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Uprising.

And God seems to be helping him. He just led troops to Jizhou. Bei Zhonglang Lu Zhi was falsely accused by Zuo Feng of not being able to fight because he refused to bribe Zuo Feng. He was taken back to the capital for punishment. Attack Guangzong and destroy Zhang Jiao.

Leading the [-] elite northern army to fight against the common people, this is not giving merit to oneself.

But Dong Zhuo soon knew what fortune and misfortune meant. Lu Zhi was punished for his repeated military exploits. They all look down on him.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Fifth School of the Northern Army did not listen to Dong Zhuo's orders at all. Such a discord between the generals caused Dong Zhuo to be defeated by Zhang Jiao, and even killed more than 1000 trusted cavalrymen.

What made him even more angry was that now everyone in the world said that he was inferior to Lu Zhi. The same soldier Lu Zhi could suppress Zhang Jiao, but he suffered a crushing defeat. Dong Zhuo's decades-long reputation had become a stepping stone for Lu Zhi.

I, Dong Zhuo, have fought wars for decades, and I would not be as good as Lu Zhi, a white-faced scholar. If I had 3 Xiliang soldiers in my hands, I would have wiped out the yellow scarf bandits long ago.

The Northern Army did not listen to my orders, how could such a defeat be blamed on me.

The whole Central Plains is bullying him, a native of Xiliang, but he can’t refute it even if he wants to. Now he has to find a way to bribe the ten permanent servants to keep his official position, so he counterattacked by encircling and suppressing the black market. Anyway, these elites in the Central Plains look down on him He still often drags him back, so don't blame him for being rude and using their wealth to keep his official position.

It's just that he didn't expect that there would be so many casualties in such a sure thing, so he naturally felt distressed. You must know that he doesn't have many cronies in the Central Plains, and he really can't afford to die.

The head of the cavalry station carefully said: "There is a warrior in the black market, and all the casualties of his subordinates were caused by him alone. The subordinates also wanted to kill this man, but he fled to a strange car, which was faster than the fastest The horses are more than twice as fast, and the subordinates have to return when they can't catch up."

Dong Zhuo said: "Could it be that this cart is pulled by ten horses! Our Xiliang horses are the best in the entire Central Plains, and now there is a thing that the carriage runs faster than the war horse?"

The head of the cavalry said: "Without a horse, this car can run by itself, and it also has a pair of eyes that can glow!"

Dong Zhuo said with a serious face: "You are trying to deceive this old man!"

In this case, Dong Zhuo doesn't believe it at all, a cart without horses will go, and it will shine, you are playing myths here to fool the old man!

Just as he was about to punish the cavalry chief, Li Ru, who joined the army beside him, said: "General, a few days ago, four soldiers said that their corporal chief was captured by a strange car that could move by itself, but I also Hearing it as an anecdote, but now it seems that there is such a strange car."

The head of the cavalry station also said: "The strange car was not only seen by one of the subordinates, but all the soldiers in the station saw it. The general can ask the soldiers!"

Dong Zhuo said: "It looks like you are a demon from the Taiping sect, but they just use some tricks to deceive the common people. Useless."

Dong Zhuo and Zhang Jiao fought several times. The Yellow Turban Warriors of the Taiping Sect are really daring to fight and kill, not much worse than his cavalry. Ordinary ant thieves are also fierce and fearless, but they are mobs. He can attack with a thousand cavalry. Destroy tens of thousands of ants and thieves.

Their so-called Taoism is just to make a little sound and light to deceive the common people, and it has no effect on the battlefield at all, so he thought that the cavalry chief was deceived by the illusion of the Taiping Sect.

The head of the cavalry station carefully took out the mineral water bottle that Xu Wei sold and said: "This is a treasure that I got on the black market later. What is it called a jade bottle? It is said that you only need to boil water and put it into the bottle. Those who drink this water will be free from all diseases and live longer.”

Dong Zhuo saw the "Jade Cleansing Bottle" under the light, crystal clear and shimmering, his eyes lit up, and he immediately picked it up and looked at it for a long time, saying: "It really is a good treasure, the old man has seen a lot, actually I can't tell what kind of material it is made of, and such treasures can only be seen in the Central Plains."

Then he reluctantly handed it to Li Rudao: "Wenyou, you hand over this jade bottle to Zhao Zhong, and ask him to help the general speak well in front of His Majesty!"

Li Ru respectfully took the jade bottle!
Dong Zhuo looked at the commander of the cavalry and smiled and said, "You have made great achievements this time, and I would have promoted you to be a military lord!"

The head of the cavalry station said happily: "Thank you, General, for your appreciation!"

Divide the words!

Xu Wei and the others fled back to the valley with the help of the lights of the van.

After counting the supplies, Old Man Wang and the others cried.

The refined salt, 100 shi grains, pots, pans, axes, machetes, saws and other living tools in the van are still there. The cloth, armor, weapons, and refined iron on the other five carriages were taken away by the Xiliang army. .

Such a big loss is like a bolt from the blue to them.

Xu Wei said with relief: "It's a lucky thing for people to come back alive. The things are gone. We will find a way to buy them next time. Now everyone have a good rest, and we will open up a new home tomorrow."

These things were originally exchanged by Xu Wei with treasures. Now Xu Wei doesn't care, and they don't want to cry anymore, but they each find a place to sleep.

In the following days, Xu Wei led 10 people to cut wood in the morning to prepare for the construction of the tree house.

Old man Wang came out with 5 older children who made bricks out of clay.

In the afternoon Xu Wei took them to do simple military training.

In such a chaotic world, without force, you can only be lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It doesn't matter how powerful they are, but they don't want to scatter when they encounter things.

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(End of this chapter)

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