Chapter 6, Town Center

"Turn left, you are turning right, Wang Lei, why are you out of your mind? How many times have you said it, but you still can't tell the left from the right." Xu Wei roared violently.

I think I am a good-tempered person, but now I can't help losing my temper. I have been teaching for three days, and now these people still can't distinguish between a simple left and right, and it is difficult to stand in a queue, neatly.

The older Xu Wei was too embarrassed to yell, so he could only yell at the youngest Wang Lei.

Xu Wei was also a soldier at the beginning, and he couldn't stand the sloppy military training in high school.

But old man Wang and his group are not even as disciplined as elementary school students doing radio gymnastics. It is difficult to distinguish between simple left and right, and they stand in a crooked team. It is no wonder that hundreds of thousands of people can't beat the tens of thousands of Han troops.

Wang Lei muttered: "Training is so troublesome, so I would rather cut down trees!"

Old man Wang said: "Shut up! Listen to what the captain says!"

In Wang's view, Xu Wei gave them three meals a day, and each meal was full, which made them grow several catties of meat in a few days. How many of their companions were starved to death outside? They are here What happened to being yelled at!It's just that there are many rules, and you can't even be called a fairy, you can only be called the captain.

In fact, Xu Wei was embarrassed, and every day he was a fairy, and the fairy called, as if he was not a human being.

"Don't talk in the queue!" Xu Wei shouted again.

In the end, there was no other way, Xu Wei asked them to wear straw sandals on one foot and no shoes on the other, so that they could barely remember the left and right directions, and the queue could barely become a straight line, and finally they could start to walk in the queue.

"How many times have I said it! When you walk in unison, you must step on your left foot first! Left foot!" Xu Wei roared again.

I don’t know how long it has been in the mountains. In addition to training soldiers, Xu Wei also made more than a dozen wooden pots out of wood, cut sweet potatoes into pieces and planted half of them. He would water and observe every day. This may be the guarantee of his future survival. In such troubled times They didn't know how many people could be saved, so they couldn't be too careful.

However, most of his time is still spent on transforming the valley. Although he can only work for half a day a day, with the help of 15 horses, his efficiency has risen sharply, whether it is cutting trees or transporting raw materials. Ten days after he came to the valley , the first building, a brick kiln, appeared in the valley.

Old man Wang and the others used clay to make bricks, and then threw them into the fire to make the first batch of bricks. The quality was so poor that they were barely usable, and then they were made out of these bricks and mud.

With this brick kiln, the efficiency of burning bricks has increased by more than 10 times. Xu Wei has reduced the number of people who fell down trees. Instead, he increased the brick-making team to 10 people, and can produce 300 bricks every day. These bricks were used by Xu Hao to build the city wall. Hope, as long as the valley entrance is sealed, it will really hide in the small building and become a unified one, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

After 5 days, the second building, the town hall, was also made, which can summon farmers to solve the problem of labor shortage!

Well, the above are all Xu Wei's fantasies.

In fact, it is an air leaking wooden house, with brick shops one after another!But this was enough to excite Old Man Wang and the others. These days they used the sky as a quilt and the ground as a bed, and now they finally have a bed to sleep on.

But things in the world are so wonderful. The "town hall" was built and farmers were actually created!
After the Datong shop was established, Xu Wei asked the old man Wang to buy some quilts and clothes. Their clothes were already tattered, but now after working for half a month, their clothes were not only tattered, but even started to stink. It's unbearable.He even dug a pit and laid bricks, and built a bathhouse for taking a bath!
As soon as Old Man Wang and the others went out, there were more than 30 more people when they came back. Xu Wei was dumbfounded?

Old man Wang said: "Captain, didn't you always say that there are few people, these are my former friends, all of them are strong labor force, eat less, work more!"

An old man older than old man Wang said: "Hello Captain Xu, my name is Niu Hu, as long as you give us food, we can do anything!"

The people behind him also straightened up one by one, trying to show their strength, but what Xu Wei saw was ribs!

For half a month, Old Man Wang and the others ate and drank, and after eating, their bodies swelled up like a balloon. At least ten catties of meat were added.

But the old man Niu and the others were really skinny, they all looked like skeletons, and they really made them do heavy work, even Xu Wei exhausted them to death.

Xu Wei took old man Wang aside and said, "What's going on?"

Old man Wang said with a wry smile: "Commander Chu Feiyan was defeated by Dong Zhuo, and tens of thousands of people died. The survivors either ran up the mountain or fled to the great virtuous teacher. Old man Niu took care of the old man's clan before. This time he was in trouble, and the old man is not willing to die!"

Seeing that these people were half-dead, Xu Wei might have driven them to a dead end if he really drove them away, so he said helplessly, "Then let's all stay here, drink porridge first, and then go to the bathhouse to wash up!"

Niu Laohan and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Xu Wei's words.

Xu Wei could only put on a bitter face. I don’t know if it’s an environmental problem. People in this world can eat very well. Everyone can eat two catties of rice every day. Even he has become like this, not eating more than three bowls of rice every day. , can't be full at all.

Eating a stone of grain in two days was terrifying. Xu Wei calculated that the rations would be enough for them for half a year. After half a year, the Yellow Turban Uprising would have ended long ago, so there is no need to be nervous.

But now that the population has doubled, the food is only enough for two months, and it looks like he needs to buy some more food. For Xu Wei, he is risking his life every time he goes out of the mountains!

However, with more people, the efficiency of doing things has really improved. Xu Hao still trained them half a day and worked half a day.

But the old man Niu still has talents among them, and they are relatively senior blacksmiths, and this is what the valley needs. Every day, trees are cut down, firewood is made, and bricks are made. The tools wear out very quickly, and blacksmiths are needed to repair them, so Xu Hao Another blacksmith shop was created, and five young and strong guys were placed as apprentices to help them repair various tools. Of course, in order to prevent making ends meet, Xu Hao also asked them to forge hundred-refined swords in exchange for supplies.

Not to mention that the hundred-smelting technology is still high-tech in this era, and there are not many blacksmiths who know it. An ordinary iron sword is only a few hundred dollars, but as long as it is a hundred-smelting steel sword, it is worth thousands, tens of thousands of dollars. A sword made by a famous craftsman It is even more valuable.

However, for Xu Wei, the very advanced refining technique of this era is nothing profound, it is not the process of repeatedly folding, forging and deforming steel to make it.Xu Wei ordered the blacksmith to test several times, and the Hundred-Refined Steel Sword was manufactured, so the Hundred-Refined Steel Sword became the first product in the small valley.

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(End of this chapter)

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