I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 422, the decisive battle

Chapter 422, the decisive battle
After thinking for a while, Shao Dangzhan ordered: "Send 2 troops to attack the central army of Dagan! We are now concentrating the main force to defeat the central army of Dagan! Only then can we send the left and right armies to hold the left and right wings of the Dagan army. Half a day for the army!"

Under the order of Shao Dangzhan, two cavalry teams of 2 people attacked the central army of the Kingdom Army diagonally from the left and right directions.

At the same time, the messenger also issued the latest orders to the leaders of the Qiang people on the left and right!

The situation on the battlefield forced him to change his mind. The Dagan army was too strong, even if he had twice the strength, he couldn't win.

Shao Dangzhan said inwardly, "You can't win with twice the strength, but you can always win with three or four times the strength!"

So he planned to concentrate the main force of [-] cavalry to defeat the [-] Chinese army in Dagan!
Withstood hundreds of casualties, the Qiang cavalry quickly crossed the attacking range of the artillery!
The Royal Army had to let the artillery battalion retreat to the rear.

But at this time, Shao Dangzhan sent two cavalry troops of [-] people to attack the Chinese army in Daqian again, like a full-scale attack.

And this is exactly the idea of ​​Shao Dangzhan, using a small amount of troops to drag the left and right wings of the Dagan army, and he concentrated his main force to break through the middle of the Dagan army, causing chaos in the Dagan army, and then launched a fatal blow to completely win the battle. victory in a war.

The [-] Qiang cavalry caught the Dagan army by surprise, and the solid formation in the middle began to shake immediately.The former army was completely surrounded by [-] Qiang cavalry!

But at this time, the Kingdom Army did not dare to send soldiers to support the former army. Now he only has 3 reserve troops left in his hands, while the Qiang people's [-] cavalry have not moved at all. The initiative was thrown to the Qiang people.

And when Xu Wei taught them in the military academy, he said that before the last moment of the war, there must be a reserve in his hand to deal with emergencies. Now that the Qiang people still have 3 troops in their hands, it is obvious that the war has not reached the last moment.The [-] soldiers in his hands had to be prepared for emergencies.

"Give King Han Sui an order to be the two generals, let them quickly break through the left and right armies of the Qiang people, I will drag the Qiang people in the middle, wait for them to eliminate the enemy in front of them, and lead the army to outflank the left and right flanks of the Qiang people Surround this group of Qiang cavalry, and I will prevent any of the 10 Qiang from escaping from Dunhuang County!"

The Kingdom decided to use the [-] army to completely annihilate the [-] Qiang army!
In determining the fate of this war, it depends on whether the center of the Dagan army is defeated first, or the left and right wings of the Qiang people are defeated first!

When King Han Sui received the order, his offensive became more fierce. The fighting power of the Qiang people was not as good as them, and the number of soldiers was still smaller than them.

If they hadn't been using cavalry and shooting to delay time, the two armies would have been defeated long ago.

It's just that King Han Sui also discovered that the Qiang people were constantly mobilizing their cavalry away from the Chinese army!

And after they got the order from the Kingdom Army, they also knew what the Kingdom Army was thinking. They just wanted to use the army in the middle to hold back the main force of the Qiang people, and after they solved the Qiang people on the two wings, they completely surrounded and wiped out the Qiang people!

There are [-] troops in the middle, and neither Han Sui nor Wang Dang thought that the Qiang could defeat the army in the middle!

The drums are like thunder, the horns of the Qiang people are constantly blowing, the battle flags of the Dagan army are flying, and the armies on the battlefield are fighting fiercely. There are shouts of killing and neighing of war horses everywhere!

The situation of the battle quickly changed dramatically.The equipment advantage of the Dagan army is too great. Although the Qiang people have four times the advantage on the battlefield of the Chinese army, they can barely suppress the Dagan army!
Although he still has 3 cavalry in his hands, the Kingdom Army on the opposite side also has [-] troops ready to go. It is not known who will win and who will lose in the real fight.

But at this moment, the Qiang people sent a message from the left and right wings. If he couldn't defeat the Dagan Zhongjun, they would be defeated. The leaders of the Qiang people on the two wings asked him to defeat the Dagan Zhongjun as soon as possible!

Dagan's center has not yet been defeated, but his two wings are about to be defeated.Faced with such a crisis situation, Shao Dangzhan can only fight hard!
He rushed to the front of the team and yelled at his soldiers, "The Dagan Army has run out of support. Qiang soldiers, let us kill them completely!"

"Kill!" After he finished speaking, he drew out his saber and charged forward at the forefront. Encouraged by him, 3 Qiang cavalry followed Shao Dangzhan to charge!
Seeing the last Qiang army joining the battlefield, Wang Guojun drew out his long sword to boost morale and said, "The stability of Xiliang is at this battle. Destroy the enemies in front of us, and we will enjoy peace together in the future! Kill!"

The [-] cavalry soldiers behind Wang Guojun also pulled out their long knives and roared, "Kill!!"

Following the orders of Shao Dangzhan and the Kingdom Army, the battle situation on the frontal battlefield has completely intensified, and nearly [-] troops are fighting desperately here.

The armies of the two sides kept intersecting and outflanking, and they wanted to gather and destroy the enemy, but the large army was well equipped and could withstand casualties, and it was difficult for the Qiang people to wipe them out even with their concentrated strength.

The good mobility of the Qiang cavalry also made it difficult for the Dagan army to divide and outflank and annihilate the Qiang people!
Burning Dangzhan, who was deeply trapped in the battle, used his decades of combat experience to constantly think of ways to divide the large army, and tried his best to divide the large army into extremely small combat units, and then use 10 times the strength of the army Gathering advantages and annihilating them, his command played a huge role, posing a fatal threat to the Dagan Army, forcing the Kingdom Army to order the army to act in units, and at the same time approach each other, not giving the Qiang people a chance to divide!
"Go up and break the middle of the big army!" Shao Dangzhan roared angrily!Constantly leading the soldiers to charge at the forefront, wanting to boost morale and defeat the central army of the Royal Army.But the kingdom's army guards are impeccable, at most he has the upper hand but can't defeat the Dagan army!
"Boom boom boom!" The earth-shattering sound of war drums came from the left wing of the central battlefield!And the sound of the war drum was getting closer and closer to him.

Shao Dangzhan's face changed drastically when he heard this voice, this is the battle drum of the Great Army!

It didn't take long before the earth-shattering sound of war drums came from the right wing!

Hearing this voice, the Kingdom's army encouraged their morale and shouted: "Our reinforcements are coming, the Qiang people are about to be defeated, everyone counterattacks in an all-round way, don't let the Qiang people escape!"

The reinforcements on the two wings of the Dagan Army became the last straw that overwhelmed the camels. The Qiang people were about to be defeated.

"Blow the horn of retreat, everyone follow me to break out of the tight encirclement!" The two wings of the Dagan army rushed into the battlefield, and Shao Dangzhan knew that their defeat was inevitable. With an army of ten thousand, the Qiang people can also play a big role in the Western Regions!

Shao Dangzhan still has tens of thousands of troops in his hands. Although he can't defeat the Dagan army, he thinks it is still possible to break through the encirclement of the Dagan army!

But the Kingdom Army didn't give them this chance at all, and the 2 troops were completely dispersed to fight with the Qiang people, just to prevent them from retreating!

The two sides fell into a deadly battle, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.On the wilderness with a radius of several miles, nearly [-] troops from both sides were desperately entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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