I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 423, Dunhuang Tyrannical Thoughts

Chapter 423, Dunhuang Tyrannical Thoughts
"Surround up, surround up quickly!" Wang Dang led his subordinates to the chaotic central battlefield. Tens of thousands of cavalry were like a dam blocking the way for the Qiang people to retreat!
"Everyone come out with me!" Shao Dangzhan roared angrily when he saw Wang Dang's army.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them, and now they are in a desperate situation, Shao Dangzhan has gone completely crazy, he leads his personal guards to fight with their lives, fighting at the forefront!I want to open up a retreat path for my people!

But Shao Dangzhan was stopped by Wang Dang, who roared angrily, "You can't escape!"

After speaking, Wang Dang raised his sword and rushed to Shao Dangzhan.

"Kill!" Dangzhan, covered in blood, rushed towards Wang Dang after discovering Wang Dang. He wanted to kill Wang Dang to create chaos and break out of the encirclement.

Shao Dangzhan's saber slashed across Wang Dang's armor with a smear of blood, but his saber was blocked by the solid armor, and Wang Dang's saber at this time also struck Shao Dangzhan like a bolt of lightning, with a hair disheveled. The head soared into the air, and the burning head was separated!

Wang Dang jumped off his horse, held up Shao Dangzhan's head and shouted loudly: "Shao Dangzhan is dead, and those who drop their weapons will not die!"

Wang Dang's personal guard immediately followed him and shouted loudly: "Shao Dangzhan is dead, throw down your weapon to avoid death!"

"Zhao Dangzhan is dead, drop your weapon to avoid death!"

"Zhao Dangzhan is dead, drop your weapon to avoid death!"

Their leader is dead!The Qiang people on the battlefield saw this scene and their morale collapsed!No one thought they could break through the siege anymore. These Qiang warriors threw away their sabers one by one and surrendered to the Dagan army!

And there was also the leader of the Qiang people who didn't want to surrender, and wanted to break out with his cronies, but at this time Han Sui also surrounded him with his own troops!
These fleeing Qiang people were easily intercepted and killed by Han Sui. After killing more than a dozen batches of Qiang people who escaped for their lives, most of them lost their thoughts of running away. Waiting for the big army to capture yourself on the battlefield!

In this battle, the Dagan army wiped out 10 Qiang people at the cost of 40 casualties, and all the [-] Qiang people who fled to Dunhuang so far were captured by Dagan!

"Gai Xian leads the elders of Dunhuang to welcome the Heavenly Master Dagan!" An old man took the lead, followed by a group of old people bowing to the Wang Guojun and them, expressing a warm welcome to the Dagan Wangshi.

This time their welcome was sincere. If it weren't for the army led by the Kingdom Army to support them, the tyrants of Dunhuang Jiuquan would have almost been wiped out.And through this incident, these tyrants also found that if they want to survive in Xiliang, it is too dangerous not to have a strong thigh, and now Daqian is the strongest thigh they have encountered!

Wang Guojun saw that all the old people in front of him were frowning, so the tyrants in Dunhuang pushed these old people out?

At this time, Han Sui came to Wang Guojun and whispered: "This old man is called Gai Xian, and his name is Siqi. He is Gai Xun's father. He was the captain of Anding, and he returned home after resigning! I just didn't expect that he is still alive!"

Wang Guojun asked them to stand up and said, "You will be my Dagan people in the future. You must know my Dagan policy. First of all, the field of each household should not exceed 100 mu!"

Gai Xian immediately said: "Since it is Dagan's national policy, the old man and others, as Dagan's subjects, should naturally abide by it!"

"Slaves and private soldiers must also be abolished! From now on, in Dagan Kingdom, you can only hire people, you cannot buy slaves!"

Gai Xian's expression remained unchanged and he said, "There are no more slaves in Dunhuang now!"

Wang Guojun saw him strangely and said: "Buying and selling human beings is a felony for me. If you are found out, I don't care if you are famous ministers of the big man!"

Gai Xian said solemnly: "This time the Qiang people came out in full force. In order to defend Dunhuang, we agreed that the slaves who join the army can become free citizens. Now there is no slave in the whole of Dunhuang!"

Wang Guojun looked at the other tyrants, and the heads of these tyrants also nodded!

In fact, when the Dagan Army captured Wuwei County, they began to secretly observe what the Dagan Army did, and the policies of the Dagan Army were the focus of their attention.

If they had a choice, of course they would not want to divide their land and release their servants, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Of course, they were lucky and made two-handed preparations. Xiliang is a remote place, and Dunhuang is even closer. In the Western Regions, they think that the battle for hegemony in the Central Plains has reached the most critical juncture. He should be most concerned about the princes of the Central Plains, not the wild places like Dunhuang. They should have decades of stable life in Dunhuang. If the princes of the Central Plains kill Without Lei Gong, Dunhuang doesn't even need to change.And if Lei Gong really leads the army to Dunhuang Jiuquan, at worst they will implement the policy of Daqian again!

It’s just that the weather was unpredictable. They were worried that the big army would not come to Dunhuang, but they didn’t expect that hundreds of thousands of Qiang people would be driven to Dunhuang by Lei Gong. The Qiang people even wanted their lives.

The harm between the two powers is the lesser, facing the Qiang people who want their lives, they only need to ask Lei Gong who wants their money for help!Moreover, the tyrants in Dunhuang also knew the price of inviting Lei Gong, and they needed manpower to guard their cities, so after discussions with the tyrants in Dunhuang and other places, they simply decided to release all the slaves in their hands. As long as they dared to fight the Qiang people, Anyone can become a free citizen.

Anyway, it is impossible for Lei Gong to allow them to have slaves when they arrive in Dunhuang. It is precisely because there are slaves to protect their safety that Dunhuang's tyrants can support them until now!That's why when Wang Guojun asked Gai Xian, he dared to say that there was not a single slave in Dunhuang!

Wang Guojun laughed and said, "That's good. As long as you abide by Dagan's laws and regulations, you will become a family. After the autumn harvest this year, you can also send councilors to Ji County to discuss state affairs!"

Then the Kingdom Army followed Gai Xian and the others into the city, and Gai Xian and the others also prepared a grand banquet for the soldiers of the Great Army!The entire Guangzhi is full of cheerful atmosphere. After all, for these common people, they have just escaped from death, so naturally they want to warmly entertain their saviors.

In the main hall, the upper echelons of Dunhuang also warmly entertained Wang Guojun and his party!

After drinking for three rounds, Gai Xian said to Wang Guojun: "I still have a merciless request, I hope the governor Wang can agree?"

Wang Guojun then relieved his wine glass and asked, "What kind of merciless request?"

Gai Xiandao: "Dunhuang Jiuquan was originally a prefecture built because of the Silk Road, relying on the Central Plains and the Western Regions on the road, our families also rely on caravans to communicate with the Western Regions to develop. , the countries of the Western Regions cannot do without us, and our Dunhuang Jiuquan cannot do without the goods of the countries of the Western Regions, without the Silk Road, Dunhuang Jiuquan and other places will surely perish!"

Wang Guojun smiled and said: "You are determined, I have prepared 100 billion yuan to reopen the Silk Road. In the future, Dunhuang Jiuquan will not only not decline, but will slowly restore the prosperity of the former Han Dynasty!"

But at this time, Gai Xian hesitated and said: "I heard that Mr. Lei is in power and plans to implement a monopoly system in the Western Regions. He is not allowed to do business in the Western Regions without a business license in the Western Regions?"

Wang Guojun nodded and said: "This is also for the development of Xiliang. If there is no monopoly system, how can merchants lend us tens of billions of money? Without this money, Xiliang wants to develop and reproduce the prosperity of the former Han Dynasty. It will take decades! Moreover, a large number of merchants will bring my Dahan’s goods to the Western Regions, which will also lower the price of my Dahan’s goods. Now there are only ten caravans that can go to the Western Regions to do business. Everyone can easily form an offensive and defensive alliance. The Dahan’s goods It will definitely not be lowered in price in the Western Regions!"

Gai Xian said in embarrassment: "Dunhuang and other places are seriously desertified. It is difficult for us to grow food. We can only maintain our family business by traveling to the Western Regions with caravans. Now Lei Gong prohibits caravans from passing through Dunhuang and only keeps 10. Caravans go to the Western Regions to do business, how can the hundreds of thousands of people in the four counties of Dunhuang survive with 10 caravans?"

"If the common people can't live in Dunhuang, the four counties of Dunhuang will definitely become a dead place. At that time, it will be difficult for merchants to enter the Western Regions through Dunhuang. I am afraid that Dunhuang and other places opened up by my Chinese dynasties will also be invaded by barbarians!"

At this time, other powerful patriarchs also begged: "Wang Cishi, 10 caravans really can't support more than [-] people in Dunhuang. For the sake of these [-] people, please ask Lei Gong to govern the loan limit." , so that caravans can freely enter the Western Regions!"

When Wang Guojun heard this, his face was ugly and he said: "Our Dagan Army has already collected 100 billion from the businessman, and now the whole Dagan knows about it, isn't it just because you go back on your word, isn't this to make people in the world laugh at me Dagan Back-and-forth, how can this make me go all out to win the trust of people in the world!"

The monopoly system Wang Guojun will not give up. After all, he has already collected the 100 billion yuan. If he really needs to collect the 100 billion yuan from taxes, according to the experience of the big man, it may take 100 years to collect it!
Han Sui knew what Gai Xian and the others wanted, and they even paid a lot of money to ask Han Sui to speak for them!

So he took a glass of wine and walked to Wang Guojun and whispered, "Inspector! They don't want to abolish the monopoly system, but want a ticket to enter the Western Regions!"

Wang Guojun suddenly realized at this time, but he was puzzled: "The 100 billion yuan has been recruited, and all 10 monopoly certificates have been sold. Now I don't have any monopoly certificates! If the tyrants in Dunhuang want to do business, they can buy their products. For a caravan with a monopoly certificate, this can also solve the problem!

Han Suidao: "But now they just don't want to do more than this. The profits from doing business in the Western Regions and the profits of the big men are completely different. The governor can just ask the ruling to get one more monopoly license, and if there is one more, they can get an extra 10 billion. It is a good thing for me, Xiliang, to develop Xiliang!"

Wang Guojun frowned and said: "This is not good! This is not a violation of the rights and interests of the merchants who bought the monopoly license!"

But Han Sui said: "If you don't give Gai Xian and the others a monopoly license, they will definitely smuggle in Dunhuang. After all, they are local local snakes. It is difficult to implement the monopoly system without their help, and now there is a special license. Only Xiliang, Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou have big merchants. When they are in power to conquer Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and Sili, these places cannot be excluded. Therefore, this monopoly license will continue to expand, allowing the power of the entire Dahan state Join them all! Anyway, it will expand, so why not add this one!"

Wang Guojun was persuaded by Han Sui, turned to Gai Xian and said, "I can help you ask the ruling party!"

Gai Xian and the others finally smiled when they heard this. Without their participation in this monopoly system, it would be a disaster for the country and the people, but after they joined, they all supported this policy from the bottom of their hearts. In the future, their competitors would be less Dozens of times!

At this time, Wang Guojun said to Gai Xian and the others: "You are all rich in Xiliang, you have money in your hands, you can't just have a caravan, business is just a transfer of wealth, this kind of person is only good for big business, and it is not very beneficial at all.

Only by opening factories and turning various resources into steel, cloth, and porcelain, this is the real creation of wealth, and this is the person who is really beneficial to Dagan, and it is what our government wants to see! "

"Although Xiliang looks barren, it doesn't have any special products. There are many pastures in Xiliang. We can raise cattle and sheep. The cattle can be sold to the Guannei for farming. The sheep can harvest wool and use it as raw material for woolen cloth. You guys It is absolutely possible to open a textile factory in Xiliang, weave woolen cloth, and then sell these woolen cloths to the Western Regions, and the grapes in Xiliang are sweet, we can make wine and raisins, especially now that it is forbidden to use grain to make wine, everyone All of them are fruit wines, Xiliang wine is famous all over the world, it can become our Xiliang business card!"

Then Wang Guojun saw Gai Xian and the others and said: "Look, there are so many specialties in Xiliang, everyone should develop them well, instead of holding on to the Silk Road all the time! Now that Dagan and other states are developing rapidly, we must If we can't keep up, Xiliang will definitely continue to decline!"

Gai Xian and the others looked at each other when they heard Wang Guojun's words. From today's conversation, they found that the governor obviously had a set of ideas for the development of Xiliang.

It's just that they don't know if it will work. Xiliang has a lot of wine and raisins, but it has been difficult to form a scale. For one thing, it is 2000 miles from Dunhuang to Guanzhong. If it is more than 3000 miles to Luoyang City, don't worry. It is said that raisins and wine are expensive, even a handful of sand after such a long journey to Luoyang City will be sold as gold and silver.The higher the price, the smaller the market will be.

Almost every tyrant in Xiliang has their own vineyards. They also produce wine and raisins, but they sell very little. They usually use it for themselves. Most of their land still finds ways to grow food, although the wheat The yield is not high, but Xiliang is full of land. It is not difficult to reclaim the yellow land and the lack of vegetation. In addition to the small population, although the entire Xiliang field is barren, under the extensive planting and low harvest, as long as there is a bumper harvest, it will be enough. Top three years.

Gai Xian’s novel said: “We also want to expand the scale, but the distance is too far. A bottle of wine can’t cost more than a hundred yuan in Dunhuang, but when we go to Chang’an, we need more than 5000 yuan to get back the cost. You can only pay back the cost of more than 1 yuan, and the same is true for raisins. Although it is expensive at 20 yuan per catty in Dunhuang, it is still affordable, but if you go to Chang’an, Luoyang and other places, it will cost more than a few hundred yuan. Few people can afford it! It is because the journey is too far away and the toll is too high, we trade on the Silk Road to choose some expensive and light goods, so that we can make money!"

Wang Guojun said: "Don't worry about the cost of transportation. I have a rail carriage. Now we are not short of money. After I go back, I will prepare to build a rail link to Dunhuang. At that time, the efficiency of transportation can be increased by dozens of times." , The price of transporting goods can also be reduced dozens of times.

At that time, the raisins from Dunhuang can be sold throughout Dagan, and it can be guaranteed that the price of raisins will not exceed 40 yuan. At this price, it is not a problem for the people in Dagan to consume tens of millions of catties a year, and the same is true for wine. Even if your wine is a hundred times more within a hundred dollars, it can be consumed in a big way! "

(End of this chapter)

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