I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 470, what I saw on the road

Chapter 470, what I saw on the road

Jian Yong also followed up and said: "General, all places are recruiting soldiers now, but there are not many qualified generals. These are recruits, and many of them are soldiers from the Southern Barbarians. If there are no veterans to train them, I am afraid that they will not be able to form combat effectiveness in 3-5 years, and now if the generals are returned to thousands of generals, it will be good for the recovery of the court's military power!"

Although the Xiangyang court now claims to have an army of 30, in fact, the real elites were brought to the Central Plains by Liu Bei this time.

Then the entire army that was beaten was wiped out. Although there are still 10 troops in Jiangnan, most of them are recruits, and their combat effectiveness is not strong at all.Moreover, the generals who were able to fight were almost taken to the Central Plains by Liu Bei. Now these generals were either killed in battle or captured by the Dagan army.

This is almost the same as Liu Bei in the Battle of Yiling. It can't be said that the country is destroyed, but it is also in jeopardy. If Liu Bei is not strong and strong now, I am afraid that he will vomit blood and die just like in history.

Yuan Ji smiled wryly: "I'm afraid that the civil and military officials of the imperial court will not agree to exchange hundreds of thousands of people for thousands of generals. Although they can restore the imperial court's strength quickly by exchanging hundreds of thousands of people, the strength of Dagan will grow faster. , it is extremely dangerous for the court to increase the strength of the main army!"

At this time, Sun Ce said: "Lei Gong also said that if we are willing to accept, the nobles and nobles in Yanzhou can also join this transaction. Instead of exiling the powerful and powerful gentlemen in Yanzhou, they can hand them over General!"

Yuan Ji said helplessly: "Mr. Lei really has killed people's hearts!"

If only the generals like Guan Yu were replaced, the civil and military officials of the Xiangyang court would naturally worry that Lei Gong would invade the south of the Yangtze River due to his increased strength, and would definitely not agree to this deal.

But now the main body of Lei Gong's transaction is the powerful and powerful clan of the entire Central Plains. It's different if the powerful and powerful gentry.

In the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, the powerful and powerful gentry of the whole world can be said to have broken bones and connected tendons. In the words of martial arts, they are like-minded, and everyone is related.

The civil and military officials of the Xiangyang court all have relatives in Yanzhou. Maybe Yang Biao's cousin was among the nobles who were ransacked and exterminated by Xu Wei.If they could be swapped out of Dagan, the powerful hell, they would still be willing to help their relatives escape the sea of ​​suffering!
Sure enough, it didn't take long for the news of the transaction to spread, and the civil and military officials of the court headed by Yang Biao quickly agreed to the exchange.

From the beginning of the Yanzhou War, the noble families in the Central Plains worried that the imperial court would be defeated, and the entire Yanzhou would be occupied by Dagan.In order to keep the continuation of the family inheritance, some of them defended Yanzhou to the death, hoping to defeat Dagan and stay in their hometown, while others fled to Jingzhou.After the defeat of Dingtao, even Yingchuan and Yuzhou aristocrats were also affected, and these people fled to Jingzhou one after another.

And these people are the main force of the Kanto Clan. The imperial court has been controlled by them for hundreds of years.

They exert influence, and even Yang Biao and Wang Yun have to take into account. Xu Wei can exile hundreds of thousands of nobles without any scruples, but Yang Biao and Wang Yun dare not just do nothing like this. The saliva star will drown him.

And in their view, exchanging hundreds of thousands of old, weak, sick and disabled for hundreds of thousands of pillars of the country, they have made money anyway.

Under such circumstances, Liu Bei appointed Yuan Ji as an envoy, and Yanzhou and Xu Wei discussed the exchange of prisoners of war!
Because of the short distance, Guo Jia and the others had already entered Yanzhou when Yuan Ji and the others had just set off.

At this time, Yanzhou was waiting to be rejuvenated, and the people of Yanzhou hastily harvested the small amount of food and grass on their own land.

Then he enthusiastically used cattle to plow the land on the land he had just allocated, preparing to plant winter wheat.Although this year's autumn harvest was poor, but because of the coming of the big dry season, not to mention the food for the autumn harvest was exempted, and the food for the powerful was distributed to them, which was enough for them to survive this winter.

At this time, they took the newly issued farm tools and the farm cattle bought on loan, and happily cultivated their own fields!Everyone is full of hope for a new life.

So when Guo Jia came to Yanzhou, he found that although some wars could still be seen in Yanzhou, the local area recovered very quickly. People rebuilding their homes were everywhere, and the local area was full of vitality.

In addition, the captured soldiers were also divided into more than a dozen teams. They went to the counties of Yanzhou to help the people dig canals, build roads, or build the entire track to connect the track system to the entire Yanzhou.

The power of the track was fully revealed during the Central Plains War. The soldiers assembled by the Dagan Army were more than twice as fast as the Dahan, so that they were passively beaten throughout the battle.

It's a pity that they also wanted to build a track in Qingzhou, but they found that the track cost a lot of money and it was extremely difficult to maintain. If only Cao Cao gritted his teeth, he could bear it, but Qingzhou doesn't have many hardwoods, so they can't find any if they want to build a track When it comes to raw materials, we have to give up!
Guo Jia was not surprised to see that Dagan was building a track, but he was a little surprised to see that there were not many soldiers guarding against prisoners of war, and said: "Aren't you Dagan worried that these prisoners will escape?"

Wan Shi, who received Guo Jia, said: "Why did they escape? Although they are prisoners of war, they are not prisoners. Now they give us a monthly salary for doing things. They all say that the money we give is twice as high as Jingzhou's." If you want more, they plan to earn more money to go back, so why run away?"

Guo Jia was speechless for a long time when he heard Wan Shi's words. It was unprecedented to pay money for doing things. Prisoners of war can make money. On the road of buying people's hearts, Lei Gong is absolutely perfect.

He can only say enviously: "You guys are really rich!"

Cao Cao and the others definitely couldn't do this kind of thing.They don't have the finances to pay this monthly salary at all, and even if they have money, Cao Cao will buy middle and high-level generals instead of these low-level soldiers.

Then he wondered again: "Is there too many farming cattle in Yanzhou? I found that every village has a herd of cattle in the villages I passed along the way!"

It is not surprising that this family is rebuilding their homes, but there are too many cattle in their hands.Almost every village has a few or even a dozen cattle. He naturally knew the situation in Yanzhou in Qingzhou. In their hands, the common people came to them to borrow land for reclaiming land.

Wan Shi said: "Our government bought [-] cattle from the desert, and then distributed them to the counties in Yanzhou. Each county in Yanzhou only distributed a few hundred cattle, which is not a lot."

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(End of this chapter)

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