Chapter 471 Who is the hero?
A Versailles like Wan Shi once again left Guo Jia speechless.

Dagan has too much advantage in occupying the desert, not only has the advantage of cavalry, but also has the advantage of farming. When he and Xizhong traveled to Bingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou and other places together, they found that there were a lot of livestock on Dagan's land. In a place like Mayi that has been in operation for more than 10 years, each family will have several cattle and horses, and even a small flock of sheep. It can be said that the people in Mayi are the most handsome people he has ever seen. Wealthy people.

Then, as soon as Youzhou was in the hands of Dagan, Lei Gong brought millions of horses and cattle to Youzhou and distributed them to the people, so the grain production in Youzhou increased year after year, and Jizhou and Yanzhou followed the same routine. Jia estimated that even if there were not tens of millions of horses and cattle on Dagan's land, there would be millions of them. This is equivalent to tens of millions more labor force in Dagan!And their number of farm cattle in Qingzhou is probably not even 10. This gap is too big!

But he didn't know that Wan Shi really thought so. One hundred thousand cattle is not a lot at all. Daqian opened up the business relationship between the desert and Hebei, and the prices of farm cattle and war horses plummeted. It only costs 10 yuan, and Fuma only costs 50 yuan. The [-] cattle seem to be a lot, but they only cost [-] million yuan. To restore the vitality of Yanzhou, a [-] billion Yanzhou development bond was issued!Buying these farm cattle with [-] million yuan is nothing at all!
But this is just a bolt from the blue for Guo Jia. With such a high cost, Yanzhou's vitality will definitely recover soon. I am afraid that the war will start again in less than a year. Now Guo Jia is worried about the attack of the Dagan army. The direction is whether they are Qingzhou or Sili. If it is Qingzhou, I am afraid that their fate will not be much better than Yuan Shao. These generals who have just been exchanged may be captured by Dagan again!
Because Guo Jia knew that the coalition forces were fighting in Yanzhou, and all three families suffered heavy casualties, so Cao Cao was better. The loss of troops was not even 3, but this was of no use, because Cao Cao was the weakest of the three great Han princes. Yes, the strength of the Yuan family and Liu Bei has been severely damaged now, and they will not be able to recover within 5-[-] years. Even if the loss in Qingzhou is small, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the big army!

In the next three years, the big army will take the initiative in the war. They will fight whoever they want to fight. The princes of the Han Dynasty will not be able to unite if they want to unite. Whether it is Yuan Tan or Liu Bei. To find a way to recover his vitality, he could only passively wait for Dagan's attack.

Guo Jia came to Changyi with this worry, and was taken to see Xu Wei by Wan Shi!

At this time, Changyi has become a huge construction site in the future. The brick city wall built by Yuan Shao at a huge cost in the past few years is being demolished by soldiers led by Xu Wei. When Guo Jia came to Changyi, the entire outer wall of Changyi had been demolished Only the base is left.

Guo Jia was taken aback and said, "Why is such a strong city in Changyi demolished?"

At this time Xu Wei came to Guo Jia and said: "After the appearance of artillery, such a city is useless, and the city wall of Changyi was built by the local people at a huge cost. Now we tear down these bricks and use them for Yanzhou. If more people rebuild their homes, this can be regarded as taking from the people and using it for the people!"

Ordinary soldiers were divided into several teams by Xu Wei to help local people rebuild their homes in various parts of Yanzhou. Since the Yellow Turban Uprising, the Han Dynasty has been in chaos for more than ten years. During these ten years, the princes of all parties have been busy fighting for hegemony, and have no time to care about Yanzhou. various infrastructures.Later, after Yuan Shao occupied Yanzhou, the local people spent half of the year helping Yuan Shao build the Wubao. The water conservancy facilities, roads and bridges in various places were even more dilapidated, and the dilapidated water conservancy facilities were also changed when Yanzhou suffered a drought in the past few years. For very serious reasons!
Now that Xu Wei has occupied Yanzhou, in addition to allocating land to the local people, what he has done most is to repair the local water conservancy facilities, help the local people rebuild their homes, and build a residential area like Dagan. Xu Wei removed all the raw materials for building Wubao, and all these bricks became the houses of the people. Now the people of Yanzhou happily turn the bricks of Wubao into raw materials for building their own houses every day.

Guo Jia thought of the scene of the artillery attack. Indeed, no matter how strong the city was built, it would not be of much use, but when he saw Changyi City with only the foundation left, he said regretfully: "It's a pity that this city was not born at the right time!"

From Guo Jia's point of view, Changyi and Dingtao are the strongest cities in the history of the Han Dynasty. If there is no artillery, they can only be conquered by besieging and cutting off food. There is no other way, and even if they are affected by artillery , but it does not hinder his status as a strong city, so it is a pity to demolish it like this.

He even felt that Lei Gong broke his own arm. Although he is strong, it doesn't mean that the big man will not attack Yanzhou. He just doesn't know what Lei Gong should do if such a thing happened!
But Guo Jia suddenly remembered that Lei Gong has hundreds of thousands of cavalry, if the big man really fights with Dagan in the field, I am afraid that Lei Gong will die of laughter!
He could only sigh helplessly and secretly said: "The desert is not chaotic, and you are invincible in field battles!"

Xu Wei said: "There is nothing to be regretful about. By demolishing this city, tens of thousands of people can live in strong brick houses. This is much more useful than a strong city! No matter how strong the city is, it will be breached, but as long as the people It can be united as one, even if there is no city, it can resist the enemy!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang built the city of Nanjing, for the safety of future generations, he built Nanjing extremely strong, and even used the registration system of the Qin Dynasty to prevent defective products. Every brick was named after a craftsman. Nanjing The strength of the city wall can withstand modern heavy artillery, and it can also stand for more than 500 years.

But no matter how strong the city wall is, it is useless. The Nanjing city wall has never resisted the enemy since it was built. Whether Zhu Di attacked Nanjing or the wild boar skin attacked Nanjing, the Nanjing city wall has not played a role!
Guo Jia looked at Changyi Cheng who had disappeared and sighed: "Yes! The geographical advantage is not as good as the people. Mencius said it long ago, but unfortunately people nowadays are not willing to listen!"

Xu Wei sneered and said: "Because it is easy to build a tangible city wall, it can be successfully built in a few years or even ten years at most. Just like this Changyi, it took only 3-5 years for Yuan Shao to transform it, and it was not Yuan Shao who was affected. He knew that he and his men didn't need to come here to build the city wall, and he didn't need to care about the casualties of many people.

But building an invisible city wall is difficult. Not only is it expensive, but it is also easy to waste all previous efforts. You have spent a hundred years working as one, but you only need one prodigal son to completely destroy this trust, so no one is willing to build an invisible city wall. ! "

Guo Jia thought about it for a while, and it was true. The former Han Dynasty contacted four kings who cared about the common people. They pushed the prosperity of the Han Dynasty to a climax. As a prodigal son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he destroyed the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, which shows that this invisible city wall is too easy to be destroyed.

Guo Jia looked at Xu Wei and saluted, "I've been taught! But since the ruling party knows that it is difficult to build an invisible city wall, why do they want to fight against the nobles in the world for the sake of these people? As long as the ruling party changes course, the world may have been captured by the ruling party long ago." Already!"

Xu Wei laughed loudly when he heard this and said, "Mr. Guo Jia is trying to betray Cao Cao?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "Jia doesn't have such an idea, she's just curious about the idea of ​​governing!"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "These are the two most powerful forces in the world. One is the power of the gentry you mentioned, but there is another power ten times, a hundred times stronger than the gentry, which is the power of the common people. I choose the strongest Dalai came to seize the world, isn't this justified?"

Guo Jia was dumbfounded, he found that this really made sense, he couldn't refute it at all!Then he wondered why the heroes for thousands of years ignored such a powerful force, but once Lei Gong got him, he became so powerful, so powerful that he couldn't be destroyed at all!
Xu Wei pointed to the east and said, "Xiahoudun and the others you want to see are repairing houses in the east of Changyi. If you want to see them, go there!"

Guo Jia was surprised and said: "General Xiahou is a hero after all, but you actually asked him to repair houses when he was in power!"

Xu Wei said indifferently: "This is the standard of heroes is different. You think Xiahoudun and the others are heroes, but we don't think so. Did he do anything that benefited the country and the people? He saved a few people. If None of these things have been done, and this can be regarded as a hero, so the generals of the Han Dynasty have also begun to imitate civil servants and tout their fame!"

Guo Jia said unhappily: "Then what is the standard of a hero considered by the ruling party? Who can call me a hero!"

Xu Weidao: "Duan Yan fought in Xiliang for ten years, guaranteed the stability of the Han Dynasty, and allowed the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Such a person is a real hero! It's a pity that such a hero died at the hands of a small official. means, but he has no understanding of people, wasting such a hero in vain!"

From Xu Wei's point of view, if Emperor Ling made good use of Duan Yan, Tan Shihuai might rise there, let alone bring a huge threat to the north of the Han Dynasty!
Guo Jia nodded, Duan Yan, one of the Three Mings of Xiliang, can be counted!
In fact, if it weren't for this dynasty's emphasis on literature over martial arts, it would not be so unknown that such a world-renowned general like Duan Yan, he is not even as famous as the eunuchs of the same period, let alone compared with celebrities like the Three Monarchs and Eight Dragons .

Xu Wei continued: "Gongsun Zan fought against the northern nomads with a tough attitude. He fought bravely and shocked the frontiers, protecting the safety of the people in Youzhou. It's a pity that he killed innocent people indiscriminately. He even forced many Hu people to rebel. The one who came out is considered a half-hero by my standards!"

Guo Jia also nodded when he heard that, Gongsun Zan has been resisting the foreign race, he can be regarded as a hero, it seems that Lei Gong thinks that the people who killed the big man are not heroes!Gongsun Zan could only be counted as half because he had killed too much. It seemed that Lei Gong hated killing very much, even the barbarians.

Xu Weidao: "Liu Yu, shepherd of Youzhou, when he was guarding Youzhou, he was lenient and benevolent in government, appeasing the people, and won the hearts of the people. He advocated treating the local Hu people with a soft policy, and even the Hu people admired him very much. Jun, Cao Cao, when you so-called famous generals are massacring the people of the Han Dynasty, Liu Yu is trying to save the people. He is farming in Youzhou, so that the food price in Youzhou is lower than that in Jizhou, and the population of Youzhou is also high. Under his rule, the growth has more than doubled, although he is weak, but the flaws are not concealed, he can be regarded as a hero!"

Finally Xu Wei said: "There is also Liu Bei of your big man. During the past ten years of chaos in the world, all the heroes and heroes are amplifying their desires and killing ordinary people, but only Liu Bei has been trying to save people for more than ten years. , Even now that he has become a great general, he has not changed his original intention. He turned barbarians into Han in the south of the Yangtze River and expanded the civilization of the Han. He can be regarded as a hero, but it is a pity that he is restricted by his status as a Han clan!"

"And your lord, Cao Cao, is outstanding in talent and strong in action. He has changed all the policies I have implemented in Hebei these years and implemented them in Qingzhou, so that Qingzhou can support 20 troops. I have all the skills. No, it's a pity that he only looks at the results when he does things, regardless of the process, which is too radical.

Your widows in Qingzhou have been forcibly assigned to soldiers by Cao Cao. Even if the soldiers die in battle, he will let the soldiers’ wives marry again. Fuck, he acts unscrupulously like this, he can't be considered a hero, he can be regarded as a capable hero! "

Guo Jia was speechless again. Compared with the characters Xu Wei just mentioned, Xiahou Dun had almost nothing to say.

Of course he could say that when Xiahou Dun was fourteen years old, someone humiliated his teacher, and he killed that person.But this pattern is too small, and he is too embarrassed to say that this is a heroic deed.

When Cao Cao raised his troops to crusade against the Yellow Turban Army, Xia Houdun followed Cao Cao as a deputy general. After the Dong Zhuo coalition was formed, Cao Cao used General Fenwu and took Xiahou Dun as Sima to follow Cao Cao to Yangzhou to recruit troops.After Cao Cao established his power, he sent Xiahou Dun to guard the white horse, and soon he was promoted to the captain of Zhechong and the governor of Dongjun.

According to Lei Gong's standard, he found that none of the soldiers captured by Lei Gong was really a hero, not even Yuan Shao. If it weren't for their ambition to dominate the Han Dynasty, they would even burn the palace, abolish the whole world, and trample the prestige of the entire Han court under their feet.

The whole world will not enter the apocalypse, and Yuan Shao has not done anything outstanding in this troubled time. Whether it is against the Yellow Turban Army or forming the Kwantung Allied Forces to fight Dong Zhuo, he is a loser, and now he is captured by Lei Gong!
Among all the powers of the Great Han, the Yuan family was the strongest. Before everyone thought of fighting for world hegemony, Yuan Shao was ready for this, but the powerful Yuan Clan had been almost defeated by Yuan Shao. From this point of view, Yuan Shao What a total loser!
(End of this chapter)

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