Chapter 535, Research

Based on Xiangkai's research, if Xu Wei hadn't known Xiangkai for several years, he would have thought that Xiangkai was a time traveler!

Xiang Kai said: "This is what members of parliament from all over the country said about their local situation, and then I collected them together. This is not my credit!"

Xu Wei said: "The master will give me these written memorials, and I will have a deeper understanding of the internal problems of Daqian. If it really comes time to change, I will not be stubborn!"

The question Xiangkai said Xu Wei knew that there was a high probability that it was true, after all numbers could explain everything.Now the common people in Dagan can have enough to eat. Xu Wei has no doubts about this. It is not that Xu Wei is strong in soldiers, but that the world has a lot of resources per capita, and there are no strong external enemies. It is still very difficult to eat a lot of land. Simple, but if you want to live a good life, even Xu Wei can't guarantee this.

In order to ensure the development of Dagan, Xu Wei has kept down the price of grain. The income of a family is only 4000 yuan a year. It is very valuable, the food in the hands of the people is very difficult to ensure that children can go to school!
But if you want to change this rashly, it is also a very big thing. Dagan has set a policy of 30 mu for one household since he was in Mayi. Now there are millions of households like this. If it expands three times at once There is a lot of work to be done in the fields, whether it is a village or a county, and there will be big troubles if you act rashly!
The next day, Xu Wei followed Xiangkai to a small village called Hanshan Village.

The village is very desolate, basically all thatched houses, which look like shacks from a distance.

Xiang Kai said: "The land here is not fertile. This should be the poorest village in Ji County! So it is the most representative!"

Then the two continued to move forward, and Xiangkai stood in front of a low thatched hut, but this thatched hut was already the largest in the village.There are at least three connected houses, and there is a cowshed outside with a cow inside!

Xiang Kai stood outside the door and shouted: "Old Zhao, I'm here to see you!"

At this time, an old man walked out of the house, he saw Xiang Kai and said in surprise: "I didn't expect the Taoist priest to come to my place, come in and sit down!"

After speaking, Xu Wei followed the two into the thatched cottage.Once inside, it became dark immediately. Xu Wei found that there are earth walls all around, but they can barely shelter from the wind and rain. The earth kang is connected with the stove, and the whole house is dark, which is completely in line with everyone's imagination of a poor village.

Then the old man Zhao looked at Xu Weicai in surprise and said, "Isn't this ruling!"

Then I was a little panicked and didn't know what to do!

But Xu Wei smiled and said, "The old man has seen me?"

The old man Zhao said: "When the war was fought in Youzhou, the old man was a civilian husband. If he hadn't been in power and let us go, and gave us travel expenses, the old man would have died on the battlefield long ago!"

"Besides, after the ruling party came to Youzhou, our good days have come. I have lived for decades, the old man, and I have only eaten a few full meals in the past few years. The ruling party is the savior of our whole village!"

After talking about Old Man Zhao, he wanted to kneel down to Xu Wei, but Xu Wei immediately helped Old Man Zhao, and then looked at Old Man Zhao with a look of surprise. He looked in his sixties or seventies, and he actually went to the battlefield a few years ago?

On the contrary, Xiang Kai understood Xu Wei's thoughts and said: "Old Zhao, he is 50 years old this year, and he was only more than 40 years old in the Youzhou battlefield! Although he couldn't fight the war, he could still transport grain and grass! There were not many young men in Youzhou back then. used!"

And Guo Xu Wei said: "I came to your village this time to see how your life is going?"

Hearing this, old man Zhao said happily: "We live a much better life now, and this is all brought about by the ruling!"

After talking, the old man Zhao led Xu Wei to the cellar of his home and said with a smile: "This year our family has stored up 40 shi of grain, which is enough for the whole family to eat for a year. Back then, it was impossible for a big man to have such a family business. This is thanks to the government. We cut and exempt taxes, so the old man can accumulate such a family business!"

For old man Zhao, having 40 shi of grain is an unprecedented family fortune, enough to make him feel proud!The [-]% tax of Dagan seems to be a lot, but there are no other taxes. Although the big man takes one out of thirty, what is the calculation? Eighty percent of the annual harvest was taken away by these people.

Xu Wei's tax has been reduced by more than half for old man Zhao, and Xu Wei is naturally an unprecedented Mingjun for him!

Then the old man Zhao took Xu Wei's family to see. From Xu Wei's point of view, it was a bare house. The villagers here barely had food, and a few metal farming tools were considered a wealthy family, and then they had nothing else!And a village head like Old Man Zhao has an old scalper and is already the richest man in the village.

Xu Wei asked the old man Zhao: "Why don't you go to the money shop to borrow money, you can borrow money to buy farm tools and cattle at a very low interest rate!"

In order to quickly restore agricultural production, Xu Wei specially formulated agricultural loans for farmers, but it seems that there is no shadow in this village!

Hearing this, the old man Zhao was terrified: "The old man's good life has just begun, but he dare not borrow his son to print money. That thing makes a lot of money, not to mention destroying people's families, and it will also affect future generations!"

These made Xu Wei speechless. Feelings still knew about this matter, and they actually regarded their agricultural loans as usury!

Xiang Kai explained: "Although this village is still under the rule of Dagan, they still follow the way of life in the Han Dynasty. To them, printing money is something that ruins the family, and decent people dare not touch it. !"

Xu Wei said helplessly: "Is there no one to explain it to them? I remember I said before that every village should have a village chief who has been trained by us. It seems that no one has seen my officials! "

But Xiang Kai said helplessly: "Someone may have told them, but obviously Lao Zhao and the others didn't understand the agricultural loans made, and they might even understand, but they dared not make loans. I was so scared that I didn’t dare to borrow other people’s money. And no one here explained it to them in detail, so it became what it is now!”

Although the ruling party wanted the imperial power to come down to the village, it was very difficult to do so. The number of officials was too small. Back then we could barely do this in Bingzhou, but after occupying Youzhou, only half of the villages could have senior officials. After occupying Jizhou, less than 2000% of the villages still have officials stationed, and now the government has beaten Sili and Yuzhou. With only [-] officials to maintain the operation of the two prefectures, the number of officials in the village is already the limit.

Now there are less than a hundred officials in a county in the Central Plains. With such a small number of officials, it is impossible for every village to be governed by officials!Now, although Youzhou is better than the Central Plains, it is obviously difficult to have officials stationed in such a remote mountain village.

Everything here is still operating according to the tradition of the Han Dynasty, except that some exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes are missing. Now I have a great shortage of officials, and even more talented officials. If you can maintain a place, you can already be regarded as a qualified official. "

Xu Wei was taken aback when he heard this. Although Xiang Kai explained it this way, Xu Wei understood that few officials would be willing to come to such a poor village, and that's why such a idyllic paradise appeared.

Obviously, the big officials are not as conscientious as Xu Wei imagined!Although he uprooted the noble families in Youzhou, but in this village, it is running according to the tradition of the great Han!

For a moment, he was full of emotions in his heart, and it really is not that easy to change the world.It is even difficult for him to change his men.

The expansion of the territory is still too wide, and the officials can no longer keep up with the expansion of Dagan. Even the territory so close to Jixian County has not been completely consumed by Dagan, let alone the vast Central Plains. I am afraid that such a village will appear there. There will be more!

Then Xu Wei asked the old man Zhao to take him around the village. Xu Wei went door to door to count the household registration, houses, grain, and fields.Obviously, the results were not very good. Every household in this village had nothing but food, not even metal farm tools, and even food was not too much.

Due to the lack of farm tools and large animals, it is difficult for this village to get busy even with the 30 mu of land according to the policy of "big dry". It’s just that they plant widely and harvest little, and it’s nothing to be able to harvest. In this village, if there are not enough advanced farm tools and large animals, even if they are given a hundred acres of land, they will not be able to take care of it!
The villagers in this village are also extremely ignorant. They dare not get involved in things like agricultural loans, and they don’t know much about the outside world. The synonym of Xanadu is isolation. This village is like this. Break the order here, I'm afraid this village will continue to live like this!

The only thing that comforts Xu Wei is that the population of this world is not large, and there is no shortage of productive resources such as land. It can even be said that this world is full of worthless land. As long as Xu Wei is willing to occupy it, there is no shortage of land. No one competes with Xu Wei. The external conditions of Daqian are the lowest level of simplicity in the terms of the game.If the mountainous areas do not develop, they will move to the plains.

But after Xu Wei explained his thoughts to the old man Zhao, the old man Zhao said: "Our ancestors have lived here for generations, and we don't want to leave the village!"

Old man Zhao even looked out with a trace of fear, obviously wanting to change this village has a long way to go!

After seeing the village, Xu Wei said to Xiang Kai: "To really change all this, it is not enough to divide the land. Just like this village, they are not able to cultivate hundreds of acres of land! Just like the thirty acres of land now, They have no way to do intensive farming!"

What this village is facing is not the lack of means of production, but the lack of productivity, coupled with the poverty and poor land in the mountainous areas, it is what it is today!
And it is extremely simple to change the status quo of this village and make these villages rich quickly.It is enough to move them away from this mountain village and find a place with convenient transportation, fertile land and close to the water source for them to settle down again.

This may be the only advantage of Dagan over the Celestial Dynasty. Dagan has enough fertile land for these villagers to relocate. Now Dagan, Liaodong, Jizhou, Yanzhou, Sili and Yuzhou are all short of population, so it is completely possible to relocate a village. But the premise of relocation is that people in this village are willing to come to the outside world!
This village needs a leader who has seen the world to lead them out of such a poor paradise, and even countless such villages need a village head with knowledge to lead them out of poverty!

Xu Wei was busy investigating the village for a day, and then returned to Ji County.In the next few days, Xu Wei followed Xiangkai to several villages in Youzhou. Some villages were located in fertile land and had more grain in their hands every year. It can be said that it is better than Hanshan Village, but the villagers in these villages generally do not stick to the village, but live and work in nearby towns to subsidize their families.

There are also some villages along the river bank that are even richer. As long as these villages build wharfs, it is convenient for the fleet to dock and become a distribution center for commodities, so that the goods transported by sea can be circulated to the interior. Such villages already have villages and towns. It seems that the wealth of the villagers here is even higher than that of ordinary county towns.

But such towns are rare after all, and most of the villagers are similar to what Xiangkai said. Although it is not to say that a household can only earn 4000 yuan. Compared with dry workers, the income of big dry farmers is still relatively low!

After half a month of research like this, Xu Wei summoned Niu Gui and the others, the high-level executives, and told everyone about his experience in Hanshan Village!
Then Xu Wei said: "We have occupied Youzhou for several years, but there are such impoverished villages around Jixian County. This is our negligence! It is also the result of our rapid expansion!"

Niu Gui never expected that Xiangkai would take Xu Wei to the poorest village in Jixian County. This is considered to have hit Niu Gui's seven inches. He could only explain immediately: "It is impossible to completely eradicate poverty when you are in power. Things, let alone in the mountains, if you look at the villages along the Sanggan River, those villagers live better than the factory workers!"

Xu Wei nodded and said: "I believe what you said, but I know better that there must be countless villages like Hanshan Village in Dagan. We must change their current living conditions! We must arrange a village like Hanshan Village. The village head, a master, so that they can change their destiny in the future! While smashing the old world, we also need to build a new world."

The old man Wang said helplessly: "But our finances can't support it. There are hundreds of villages like Hanshan Village in a large county, and thousands of such villages in a state. If we really follow the ruling method, I'm afraid We have to arrange tens of thousands of officials in one state, like we now have 7 to 8 officials in seven states, we simply cannot afford to support so many officials!"

Xu Wei said: "Then change this situation and relocate the villagers out of the mountainous area. Let's combine several villages into one big village, with about [-] villagers gathered together, so that it will be easier to manage!"

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(End of this chapter)

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