Chapter 536, Pilot

Xu Wei's idea of ​​merging the villages shocked everyone. If the officials are not enough, simply reduce the number of villages. This is the best strategy, but the village is a bit too big.

Niu Gui said: "In Dahan, a county with a population of 5 households is considered a county, and a population of [-] can already be considered a medium-sized county seat, but you want to create a village with a population of [-]. Isn't such a village too big? "

The old man Wang also said: "There are almost 2000 households with a population of tens of thousands. Calculated on the basis of 100 acres of land for a household, this will require more than 20 acres of land. Youzhou is not a big plain like Jizhou, and it is difficult to find it. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land are contiguous, and the fields are too big to cultivate. It is impossible to let the villagers ride horses to cultivate them!"

It was only then that Xu Wei remembered that this was a feudal society after all, and it was difficult to be a big village like it is now.

But Xu Wei still said: "Even if we can't build a village with [-] people, we can combine several villages together to build some large villages as much as possible. This can not only save our administrative costs, but also solve our current talent shortage. The lack of conditions can also allow ordinary people to use better living conditions, which can be said to serve multiple purposes!"

But the old man Wang said: "Even so, I am afraid that those people will seldom want to leave their hometowns. After all, people leave their hometowns and they are humble, and this will cause the land in the original village to be abandoned, and it will be recultivated in the newly built village. The new land requires a huge price. The people obviously cannot afford such a cost. Only we can fight the court. But in this case, the burden on the court will be too heavy. Originally, this year’s financial expenditure will be huge. If we continue to merge the villages If we plan, our debt will skyrocket again."

Other high-level executives in Dagan can also see the benefits of such a plan, which is convenient for management and reduces administrative costs. According to such a plan, it is too expensive, and even a wealthy government like the Dagan court cannot afford such expenses.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said, "We can do a pilot project first, only in one county. This is the plan. If it succeeds, it will be gradually rolled out."

If the trial is only in one county, everyone can accept such a plan. After all, in one county, the cost is not too high.

But Xu Wei went on to say: "Expanding the fields and pastures of ordinary tribesmen and herdsmen should also be piloted at the same time. Although I only investigated the villages of Jizhou this time, it can be said that the situation I saw is very unsatisfactory. Although Youzhou has been We have occupied it for seven or eight years, but the lives of the local people have not improved much.”

Niu Gui was not convinced and said: "It's good to be in power now. When I was in the Han Dynasty, Youzhou didn't starve to death. Now under our governance, the people in Youzhou can basically eat enough. Jing Zhizhi is nothing more than that, this is already a scene of prosperity."

Niu Gui is very proud of being able to feed the people of the entire Dagan, and also believes that this is their greatest achievement in Dagan. Counting from now on, the emperor who can do this in the 400 years of the Han Dynasty can be said to be There are only a handful of them.

They managed to keep the common people fed, not to mention that they piled up a mountain of food in the imperial treasury, and their annual fiscal revenue reached tens of billions. In this way, as long as you work hard to dominate the Han world, you don't need to rest and recuperate at all, and you will enter a prosperous age.

Hearing Niu Gui's words, Xu Wei looked at the old man Wang waiting, and found that they also nodded in agreement, and even Xiang Kai didn't refute Niu Gui's words.

It was only then that Xu Wei discovered to his surprise that the standard of prosperity in the feudal era was really low. In Xu Wei's view, a very impoverished village, a dynasty composed of countless such poor villages, could actually be called a prosperous age.

But then I thought about it, thousands of years of history, if people want to not starve to death, there are really few emperors who can achieve this goal.

But Xu Wei still insisted: "This is the prosperous age of the great Han, not the prosperous age of my cadres. In my opinion, ordinary tribesmen are still too poor. The reason why these people are poor is also because of us, if it is not for us. The price of grain is set at 100 yuan a stone, but the grain is sold at the current price of the big man, and these tribesmen can live very richly even with 30 mu of land."

When Xu Wei said this, everyone was really speechless. Regardless of the fact that the price of grain in Hebei is very low, it has even been lower than the period of most big men.

But the price of grain is very high outside. Cao Cao's young land, even though Cao Cao is desperately suppressing the price of grain, but now a stone of grain is more than a thousand dollars.

However, Liu Bei’s place in the south of the Yangtze River is a little bit better. First, the locust plague only spread to a small part of Yangzhou, and most areas in the south of the Yangtze River still had a bumper harvest. In addition, Liu Bei continued to open up new land in the south of the Yangtze River, so even such a catastrophe In 500, he got [-]% more grain than last year, but even so, the price of grain in the Jiangnan area was [-] yuan per stone.

That is to say, regardless of the price on the land of Cao Cao or Liu Bei, just selling grain can make the farmers in the land of Hebei live a very rich life.

But because it is in their best interest to lower the price of grain, and it is also conducive to stabilizing the price of the whole of Hebei, no one at the top of Daqian has ever proposed to liberalize the price of grain.

Xu Wei continued: "We rich people have already sacrificed most of their interests, and now we just compensate them with a little land, even if it is calculated in this way, it is still us."

When Xu Wei said this, everyone couldn't object.The tribes in the countryside have indeed paid too much for the great cadres to rule the world.

But Niu Guidao: "If the ruling government really wants to do this, the focus of our fiscal revenue will be invested in the villages, which will affect our process of unifying the world!"

Everyone has to allocate 70 mu of land. The original land is definitely not enough. It is even possible to give up all the state-owned farms with big money, but it may not be enough.

This requires reclaiming new land, building new canals, water trucks, and finding ways to provide loans to these tribes to buy large animals and new farm tools. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a family to cultivate hundreds of acres of land.

Dagan's planting technology is much better than that of Dahan. Before Dahan, a family could cultivate hundreds of acres by planting widely and harvesting, so it was not too hard.

But Dagan is intensive cultivation. Hundreds of acres of land can basically be regarded as a small farm. It is impossible to take care of so much land with only one family, two strong laborers, and three weak laborers.

For Niu Gui and the others, whether such a huge resource is used to rule the world or to develop industries, the benefits they get are better than investing in the countryside.

But Xu Wei said: "After this war, our officials are no longer enough to control such a large territory. In the next two or three years, we will have to work hard on our internal strength to digest and annex the land of the big man. If we can't use the new world What's the point of taking over so many territories to replace the old world?
It doesn't mean that this county is ours, and this place will become a new world.Instead, we want our officials to personally build this world into a new world.

Intensive cultivation can't make it, so the masses will get a lot of money. We will allocate this land to them first. After these people have enough accumulation, they will naturally develop this land slowly. What we have to do will be laid down for them. a good base.But in the desert, it is even simpler, as long as the grassland is divided, no investment is required at all. "

(End of this chapter)

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