Chapter 541, Gathering Yuyang

Xian Yuping asked in surprise, "Yuyang County?"

Although the Xianyu family used to be powerful in Yuyang County, after taking power, all family ties have been severed. Even because of Xianyu Yin's uncle's relationship, the family hated the ruling. The captain of the whaling ship is already the highest official position in Dagan, equivalent to the head of a village with 600 shi in Dagan!

Seeing his astonishment, factory manager Zhou Jin said, "It was the new Yuyang County prefect Xizhong who said he wanted to recruit you, otherwise you wouldn't have lost you, the captain outside the pass!"

"Xizhong!" These Xianyu Ping suddenly realized that when they were in Liaodong, they often communicated with Xizhong, but during this year, he often heard Xizhong's name. Compared with himself who was unknown, Xizhong is now He became famous all over the world, and even became the prefect of Two Thousand Stones.

This made Xian Yuping very envious. You must know that even in the Han Dynasty, his family was just a small tyrant in Youzhou. Because of the blood of the Hu people, he was squeezed out by the whole of Youzhou. When Liu Yu came to power, Their Xianyu family has only improved a bit, Xianyufu has become Liu Yu's confidant, but even his uncle Xianyufu did not become the prefect of two thousand stones back then, it can be said that the current Xizhong is stronger than his family's efforts for hundreds of years up!

Zhou Jin smiled and said: "Don't think about it so much, it's a good thing to be able to return to the pass, not to mention that you are still promoted now, and this time you are still reused. Don't lose face to our whaling factory when you return to the pass , if you have any difficulties, you can write to me and tell me that I still have something to do with the big work, even Niu Gui will give me this face!"

Zhou Jin of the Whaling Factory is also an old member of Dagan. He has followed Xu Wei since Jizhou. It can be said that he has seniority. A pillar industry with a value of more than 100 billion yuan can be ranked among the top 10 factories in Dagan. Zhou Jin's current grade is also the prefect grade of 2000 shi. It is not impossible to further become a state shepherd. After all, there is already such an example as Xu Juan in front.

With such a backer, Xian Yuping said happily: "The subordinates will definitely not embarrass the factory manager!"

Xuantu County, Gaoxian City!Beixiang!

The county magistrate Wang Lei found Lu Min himself and said with a smile: "You are lucky. You had to wait two years to become a county magistrate in Liaodong. Now the imperial court wants to recruit you to Yuyang County to become the magistrate of a pilot county. You must know that this is the focus of attention in governance, as long as you make some political achievements, you will be able to rise to the top!" Said Wang Lei with a look of envy.

Lu Min looked indifferent after all, and then asked: "Who recommended the next official?"

His family has a long history, not to mention the county magistrate, even the prefect is just like that in his opinion. Back then, his father was the Shang Shuling of the big man, and his power went straight to the three princes of the big man!Of course it is a new dynasty now, not to mention that his brother Liu Bei is really a big man and became a general.

Lu Min knew that their Lu family should disappear in the eyes of the ruling party now, and he also planned to stay in this miserable place in Liaodong for the rest of his life. He entered the hall like this and messed up his plan!

Wang Lei said with a smile: "It's Xi Zhong. He is famous now. Even the ruling party personally named him to be the prefect of Yuyang County and preside over the new policy. If he succeeds, maybe he can become a state shepherd in the future!" I am very envious, he is also an old member of Mayi, an official from Litian, except for his farming ability, he is not too outstanding, and he has worked hard for nearly 10 years to become the county magistrate.

"Xizhong!" Lu Min felt complicated when he heard the name.

He is a proud person. If it weren't for the great changes in the world, Lu Minzuo thought that the position of the three princes and nine ministers of the big man would not be difficult for him, but he really realized that the ability to deal with Xizhong is superior to himself. , My talent is not as high as I imagined. When Xizhong Tunbao was developing better than his Tunpu when he was farming in Liaodong, and in recent years, Xizhong's development in Dagan officialdom is even higher than his own. This is why Validated my original opinion.

However, Wang Lei didn't notice the complexity in Lu Min's heart, but said with a smile: "After returning to the pass, you must work hard. You are the first batch of officials from our Liaodong to go out, so you can't embarrass us in Liaodong!"

Lu Min said: "This subordinate understands!"

Besides Lu Min, Gongsun Xu and Tian Chou who were in the army were also recruited to Yuyang!

In November of the second year of Jian'an (AD 197), Youzhou, Yuyang County, Yuyang City, Lelang County!

Within a month, Lu Min, Xian Yuping, Gongsun Xu, and Tian Chou came to Yuyang County one after another

Xi Zhong warmly entertained them and spent several days in the countryside of Yuyang County.

After waiting for all four of them to come together, Xi Zhong summoned the nine magistrates of Yuyang County!
Looking at these county magistrates, Xi Zhong said: "I think everyone knows that the ruling government wants me to have 100 mu of land for each farmer in Dagan. We think Yuyang County has become a pilot county for Dagan. You can now Tell me, is there any way to achieve this goal!"

Everyone started to think when they heard this. It has been a month since the news that Yuyang County became a trial site. The county magistrates in Yuyang County have already started to understand the situation in Yuyang County. Among the 9 counties in the county, the total land area is more than 540 million mu, and the population is more than 80, nearly 10 households, of which 2 households are urban residents, mainly in the salt fields, shipyards, steel factories, etc. of Yuyang County. Working in factories, their work is enough to support a family. The real problem is the 5 peasant households in the countryside. According to the government’s requirements, each household needs 7 million mu of land, which means that they need to reclaim land. 5 million land.

Xu Wei was asked to vigorously promote the relationship between mathematics. Even though the county magistrates present were not very literate, they were not too bad at mathematics, so they could calculate this number.But it is not an easy task to reclaim 200 million mu of land. You must know that this is not enough to just open up wasteland. Obviously, the ruling party does not want them to hand over only a piece of wasteland to the people.Instead, it is necessary to build a series of water conservancy facilities such as canals, waterwheels, and elevated canals according to the standards of Dagan. Universal aqueducts cost tens of billions.

Now, although they don't have to spend tens of billions in Yuyang like Jizhou, but to reclaim the 200 million mu of land and build the original water conservancy facilities in Yuyang, I'm afraid it won't be possible without billions!So everyone didn't speak until they thought of a way.

After a long time, Lu Min asked, "How much income does Yuyang County have?"

Xi Zhong smiled and said: "18 billion yuan, this fiscal revenue is located in the top ten counties!"

Then Xi Zhong said: "The biggest benefit of Yuyang County is the agricultural tax. Even though it was affected by drought and locust plagues this year, my Yuyang still harvested 500 million shi of grain, which is worth 18 million yuan. Then the Yantian factory, This year’s income is more than [-] million yuan, the steel factory is [-] million yuan, the fish meat processing plant is [-] million yuan, and then there are some other factories and taxes, which add up to [-] billion yuan!”

Money is easy to do things. This is the consensus of the entire officialdom. Unlike big men who are ashamed of talking about benefits, officials in big cadres don't care about talking about benefits. Xu Wei often tells them that they must pay attention to the combination of profit and righteousness when doing things. It's not that they don't like money, otherwise there wouldn't be so many corrupt officials. They are ashamed of talking about money because they want to teach the people to delegate their own interests, so that they can easily occupy what belongs to the people. Benefit.A true hypocrite.

The officials of the big cadres all agree with Xu Wei's opinion, so when you do things in a big job, you don't make your interests clear. This is a hypocrite who wants to make a big cake. Such people are what everyone should guard against people.

Lu Min asked again: "How much money can we mobilize?"

Although a county’s fiscal revenue is high, some of it has to be handed over to the national treasury, and some has to be maintained for local expenses, and it is impossible to sell all the grain, and some must be kept as a permanent warehouse to prevent droughts. Don’t look at 18 billion yuan for the maintenance and construction of water channels and roads, but there may not be many left behind!

Xi Zhongdao: "Yuyang County has to hand over nearly 6 million yuan to the court every year, but I propose to the ruling party to cut down on the expenditure of Yuyang County for the implementation of the village merger. With a financial balance of more than 1 million yuan, if there are no accidents next year, we can use about 7 million yuan!"

7 million is not a small number. At that time, Jizhou, the granary of a big man, had an annual fiscal revenue of about 7-8 million. The county of Yuyang is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of Jizhou, which is already very powerful. Yes, but the 7 million wealth is less than what they have to do.

Everyone knows that building water conservancy facilities and reclaiming new land can really increase the wealth of a country and delay the decline of the country, but not many people are willing to do it, because the cost of building a water conservancy facility that has been passed down through the ages is extremely high. expensive.

When Zheng State built the Zhengguo Canal, it consumed the entire national power of the Great Qin, making it difficult for the Great Qin to launch a military war for nearly 10 years, and Korea's national fortune was extended for a few more years!The area that can be irrigated by the Zhengguo Canal is only 400 million mu.

But now what they want to increase is 200 million mu, which is equivalent to half of the Zhengguo Canal, and even Yuyang's geographical advantage is not as good as Guanzhong, and the Zhengguo Canal back then was mobilized by Daqin to build hundreds of thousands of people, and they obviously did not have this in Yuyang powerful.

Lu Min thought for a while and said: "According to our experience in Liaodong, the general cost of land reclamation plus the construction of water canals is 1000 yuan per mu, but if the cement canals are built, the cost will be doubled, and if the fields are far away from the river. , it is necessary to build elevated canals to transport water sources, which will double again, and Yuyang County has more undulating terrain than the Liaodong Plain outside the Guan. It needs more than 50 billion yuan! Judging from the fiscal revenue of Yuyang County at this time, plus the room for future growth, and the tax increase brought about by the construction of water conservancy facilities, we need 5 billion yuan to complete the policy of governing one hundred acres of land per household. -6 years to complete!"

Jiang Xu, magistrate of Pinggu County, shook his head and said: "The ruling party regards Yuyang as a pilot project, and they definitely want to see the results quickly. It will take 5-6 years to complete. How long will it take to promote it throughout the whole country? You must know that we did it in the first place. It didn’t take 5 years to capture the entire Bingzhou, if it really took so long to complete it, we are not only in vain but also at fault!”

Other county magistrates also nodded at the same time to express their approval. You must know that they fought against the big men and the barbarians, but they occupied the entire desert and half of the big men in a dozen years. Now it takes 5-6 years for a pilot project. With this Time, I am afraid that the world will be unified by them, this is not at all the completion of the task of governing!

Xian Yuping said calmly: "I think everyone is going in the wrong direction. Naturally, it will cost a lot to irrigate the land with a high standard like Mayi, and it is not something we in Yuyang can afford to live in. Moreover, such a high standard of water conservancy facilities , Maintenance is also a big problem. I am afraid that most of the people in Yuyang do not know how to maintain these water conservancy facilities. Even if we build these water conservancy facilities, it will not take long for everyone.

But if it is really just to divide the fields, it does not need too much cost. We only need to divide the wasteland among the tribes, and they will reclaim it themselves. We only need to build water canals slowly. "

"The main thing we do is to teach the people advanced agricultural techniques and provide them with advanced agricultural tools, so as to speed up the progress of the people's land reclamation and help them solve the problems encountered in the land reclamation. This is what we should do. matter!"

As a native of Youzhou, Xian Yuping has spent his entire life in Youzhou. He knows very well that the disadvantages of Youzhou in the period of the Han Dynasty were the aristocrats hindering the development of the people, but now it is the stubborn mind of the people that hinders them from accepting the advanced. The technology, and the officials of the big cadres are not enough to teach the millions of people in Youzhou!

Youzhou has a vast land and few people, and most of the areas are semi-cultivated and semi-pastoral!A large part of the people's farming method is also slash-and-burn farming. When they want to open up wasteland, they will set fire to grass, burn the weeds in the land, and then sprinkle the seeds. Later, they learned to spread chemical fertilizers, but the land is more fertile. There is no need to fallow any more, but the extensive farming mode has not changed much, or this change is too little,

Now Dagan recruits 3000 officials every year, but Youzhou can get less than 300 people every year. Most of these simple training officials will stay in the counties and counties as small officials. I'm afraid there are less than a hundred people, and there are probably tens of thousands of villages in Youzhou. This number of officials is not enough to affect the whole Youzhou.

Therefore, the current Youzhou can be said to be advanced and backward, with both advanced and modern farming techniques that are almost the same as modern ones, and the slash-and-burn farming techniques of the ancestors thousands of years ago.

So Xian Yuping thinks that under such circumstances, instead of opening up wasteland, it is better to find a way to let more people in Yuyang County get in touch with advanced farming techniques, so that they can develop more quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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