Chapter 542, Land Issues

Jiang Xu said: "These things you said are not my policies. It has been issued for more than ten years since Mayi, and there is no innovation at all. If you look at it, you may think that we are perfunctory! It is a trivial matter that our official position is not guaranteed. , Letting the ruling party down is a big deal.”

Xian Yuping said: "The policies implemented in Mayi by the ruling party were good in the first place. Back then, Mayi was able to develop into a large city with a population of one million within a few years, thanks to these good policies. Why should we oppose such a good policy? You can't reform the law for the sake of reform! The political reform is to make everyone rich."

"In recent years, with the great campaigns in the South and the North, the land area has continued to increase, and there have been fewer and fewer officials who can implement these policies. If nothing else, let's just say that our Youzhou, which is close to the coastal counties and counties, is fine. Most of the place is the domain of our Han people, everyone can accept new things, and the development is very fast.”

"But the part of the territory close to the Yanshan Grassland is different. Although it nominally belongs to our Dagan territory, we have at most arranged some officials to rule there, and the officials have reached the township level at most. There are not many officials, not enough investment, the local people have changed very little, and because the area is closed, they want to change the status quo, they have invested a lot, and the imperial court has not paid attention to it. It can be said that the Yanshan area has not changed at all.”

At this time, Yuyang County has changed a bit from later generations. The closer to the sea, the richer it is. Counties like Quanzhou have salt, struvite, and fish processing factories. Except for the absence of steam trains, the level of technological development has approached modern times. , which was also the wealthiest area in this era, a large number of factories gathered here.

In the Yanshan area, due to the lack of investment and the siphon effect of counties and counties such as Quanzhou, the already impoverished mountainous areas have become even poorer. If it were not for the high per capita resources in the world, the villages in the Yanshan area would be more impoverished than the current poverty-stricken villages. To be poorer.

Xi Zhong nodded and said: "Indeed, if you want to develop a place, you must first arrange competent officials, but you can rest assured that I have already requested to transfer 500 officials to Yuyang County. Don't worry, there are not enough officials." hands to do things!"

Lu Min said: "Although the problem of grassroots officials has been solved, money is still a big problem. With the 50 billion renovation fee, plus the plan to merge the villages, it is impossible for Yuyang County's finances to survive. We can only ask for money. shop loans, and then we pay back with taxes.”

Xi Zhong said with a smile: "I have already borrowed 30 billion from Qianpu in the name of Yuyang County's prefect. This fund will reach our Yuyang County soon. Don't worry about not having funds to support our ideas!"

What Xi Zhong said finally made the atmosphere lively. It cannot be said that money can make things happen, but having 30 billion is indeed convenient for them to do things, at least it can solve most of their problems.

Tian Chou said: "It is very difficult to repay such a large loan just by farming. According to the current repayment rate, we will consume the entire financial balance of Yuyang just by repaying the loan. The prefect can ask the ruling government to open up economic crops. Although my power is suffering from drought, there is no shortage of food at all. Over the years, I have found in Liaodong that if only food is grown, the people will not be rich at all. Now Liaodong has too much food, and it is impossible to sell it at any price.

If it weren’t for the ruling’s unlimited purchases, the price of wheat in Liaodong would have fallen below [-] yuan long ago, but even with the support of the ruling, the area where soybeans are planted in Liaodong is getting wider and wider, because the income from growing soybeans is for food. five times.

We can also try this method in Yuyang.Thirty percent of the land is planted with grain, and the remaining 7 percent is planted with cash crops such as soybeans. The benefits produced by this method are five times that of simple farming, and it may even attract big businessmen to invest. "

In Liaodong, food is worthless at all, the population is small, and there is a lot of food. The local population can’t even consume [-]% of the grain harvested in that year. In Liaodong, the infrastructure has not kept up, and the weather is bad, so the roads are built very quickly. It will turn into mud again, and the price of grain transportation even exceeds the price of the grain itself. If Xu Wei hadn't lifted the restrictions on cash crops, it would be really difficult for the Liaodong area to develop.

To a certain extent, the situation in Wodao can be regarded as saving Liaodong. Hundreds of thousands of local tyrants were added to consume these materials, which stabilized prices in Liaodong.

Xi Zhong nodded and said, "This idea is feasible, and I will propose it to the ruling party."

In recent years, prefects from various places in Dagan have also proposed to the imperial court to open up the planting area of ​​cash crops. After all, with the current grain output of Dagan, one year’s output is enough for the people of the whole country to eat for two years. Drought and locust plagues caused a large reduction in food production, but only by.Liaodong, Youzhou and other places had a bumper harvest of grain, and the grain harvested across the country was enough for the people to feed for a year.

It's just that the world is still in war, and Xu Wei has never opened the door. Soybean is a cash crop, but one bite of cooking oil can save five bites of grain, which can reduce food consumption.

But other cash crops are different. In this era, it doesn’t matter if you earn less money, but if you have less food, you may starve to death. The dry food can’t just be enough for yourself, just like the one that annexed Yuan Tan this year. In the land, there will be four or five million more victims, and tens of millions more grains will be consumed.

But it is known in the play that it is impossible for other economic crops to be opened up, but soybeans are very possible, and catastrophes like this year, which occur once in a hundred years, will continue to appear. There will be more and more, even if there is a war, it will be difficult to consume so much food.

And if Dagan doesn't want the price of grain to fall below the purchase price, he can only develop more cash crops.

Gongsun continued to ask: "The government still asked us to merge the villages, how to implement it? Although the local people have little and poor land, after all, they can harvest after all. Now we have to move them to wasteland. The 30 acres in their hands How to do.

We work hard and are not allowed to buy and sell land. When the state was immigrated back then, this matter caused a lot of trouble. The prestige of the ruling force suppressed everyone's restlessness. If the prefect does not have such prestige, the people will not be able to Give up the land in your hands, and follow Tai as you reclaim new barren land.Even if these wastelands are flat and there are water canals, the people only pay attention to the immediate benefits and don't think so far! "

They know that merging villages is the most troublesome thing, and this trouble comes from a national policy of Dagan, which is to prohibit the sale of land.

(End of this chapter)

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