Chapter 544, hero question

After the meeting, Xi Zhong reported to Xu Wei the things they were difficult to decide, and at the same time they started to act on the things they could decide.

Tian Chou and the others mobilize the villagers who are willing to move away. There are always some people who are easier to be satisfied and persuaded, and now Tian Chou and the others want to mobilize this part of the people.

Xian Yuping and the others went to contact the engineering team and began to transform the farms in Yuyang County. They wanted to transform the farms into rural towns, and all the facilities should be on par with the county town. Schools, hospitals, grain and oil stores, etc. Cloth shop, blacksmith shop.They are all fully equipped. In short, there is a facility in the county seat, and there must be everything here, so that the people who come here can see that the living facilities here far exceed their hometown.

Everyone is willing to yearn for a better life, especially where there are schools that can change the fate of their children and grandchildren. Many parents are extremely stubborn, but they are willing to take a risk for their children and grandchildren.

Isn’t that how the housing in the school district in the future city was speculated in this way? Now Xi Zhong doesn’t use the housing in the school district. He wants to use the school and various infrastructure to lure these people to come to the new village.

Gongsun Xu is mobilizing the workers in the countryside, telling them that as long as they bring their families, they can share 100 mu of land on the farm. The family members can also work on the farm, but the only requirement is that they give up the original land at home.

What do these workers have to think about, just kidding, exchange 30 mu of mountain land for 100 mu of fertile land, and let the whole family live in the city. Of course they would like such a good thing, so they went back to their hometown one after another, mobilized their parents, Move to the farm where they live, and then exchange the 30-acre mountain village land deed in their hands for the 100-acre land deed of the farm!
In less than a month, 10 large villages according to Xu Wei's vision appeared in Yuyang County, and [-] to [-] people were mobilized from the mountainous areas by Xizhong to start a new rural life.

Of course, these are just fat, and the rest are hard bones. It's time to test their abilities.

Xi Zhong first came to the money shop in Yuyang County, found the manager and said that he wanted to borrow 30 billion agricultural loans!Use the fiscal revenue of Yuyang County as collateral!
The shopkeeper was surprised when he heard such a large loan: "This figure is too big, I can't be the master at all!"

But Xi Zhong said with a smile: "Are small agricultural loans formulated by the government? How dare you violate the order of the government?"

The manager said helplessly: "You said it was a small loan, so 30 billion is still a small amount? It's not enough to give you all the deposits from our money shop!"

Xi Zhong said with a smile: "The ruling party and I asked for 500 grassroots officials. They all came to Yuyang County to be village chiefs. How about I let them come one by one! One person can help a village with a loan of 1 million. It complies with the regulations. With 000 people, I may be able to borrow 500 billion yuan. And you have to send dozens of salesmen to monitor the use of loans by these 50 village chiefs!"

The shopkeeper said helplessly: "Prefect Xi, don't embarrass us. I can't take out three billion. I can only report to the superior immediately! If the superior agrees, I will give it to you!"

Xi Zhong didn't make things difficult for him and said: "The higher-ups will definitely agree. If we want to pilot it in Yuyang County, we must give some support!"

The person in charge said, "Then I have to wait for the approval before I can issue the loan!"

In the end, Xizhong didn't make things difficult for the director. After waiting for three days, the higher-ups agreed to issue the loan, but asked the exhibition to send elites to strictly supervise the whereabouts of these loans. If there is a problem, ask him!
The shopkeeper could only follow Xi Zhong around with a sad face!
After Xi Zhong got the money, he first found the person in charge of the ranch, and ordered 10 cows and 20 horses to be sent to Yuyang County in the spring, with 100 herders to manage.

Faced with such a big client who spent more than one billion yuan, the managers of these ranches treat Xizhong like a relative, and they can be said to be responsive and filial.

With such a large amount of funds in hand in the play, the New Deal in Yuyang County was quickly rolled out.

At the same time, the minutes of the Yuyang County meeting were sent to Xu Wei, and Xu Wei didn't care about everyone's arguments.

Regarding Xizhong's request, Xu Wei asked officials at all levels of the big money to implement it, regardless of success or failure, always depends on the result.

It was because of Xu Wei's order that the 30 billion yuan came to Xizhong very quickly. At the same time, Xu Wei also agreed. Xizhong took the farm in Yuyang County as a pilot and distributed it to the workers on the farm. The 50 mu of land was really divided.

With Xu Wei's full support, Xizhong's new policy in Yuyang County has been fully rolled out.

What surprised Xu Wei was that in Yuyang County alone, there are 50 mu of land in Dagan, and they are all land with complete water conservancy facilities.

Then Xu Wei inspected the entire Dagan state-run farm, and he found that the land in this part of the state-run rural area exceeded [-] million mu, and he felt that Dagan was the biggest landlord.

This makes Xu Wei unhappy, not because the imperial court occupies a lot of land, no matter how much land the Daqian imperial court occupies, as long as it is taken from the people and used for the people.

But what made Xu Wei unacceptable was that these state-run farms were all located in fertile land near counties and counties. The larger the farms occupied, the less common people occupied. He approached Niu Gui and asked, "Why is so much land not available?" separated."

Xu Wei doesn't think that Dagan needs to keep so many farms, and [-]% of the tax revenue is enough for them to conquer the world.

Niu Gui could only smile bitterly and said: "There have been more and more wars these years, and you have recruited more and more soldiers when you are in power. It is fine to let them fight all the time, but when you are in power, you have to let them serve for three years." Soldiers retire, and Dagan must guarantee the treatment of retired soldiers.”

In the past, when we had few soldiers, we could also arrange to work in steel factories, textile factories and other factories. In short, these retired soldiers were treated very well, so everyone fought bravely to be the first.

However, more and more soldiers have been retired in recent years. There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers every year. Such a large number of soldiers cannot be accommodated by our large-scale factories. In order to calm the dissatisfaction of these soldiers, we can only build state-owned farms , because farms are the least likely to lose money. As long as there is land, they can make money by growing food, but factories are different. All because of losses, can only go bankrupt.

In the end, everyone found that the most cost-effective way to house soldiers was to build a state-run farm. A farm can accommodate hundreds of people, and the entire Dagan farm accommodates nearly 50 retired soldiers.

This not only solves the problem of these soldiers retiring from the army, but also gives us a lot of money to keep a strong reserve force. If I want to go out and encounter a crisis situation, these 50 retired soldiers can be immediately armed and recruited to fight.

Xu Wei was really speechless for a while, and the source of his emotions was still in himself.

At this time of troubled times, the princes from all walks of life are eager to have more and more veterans around them, so there is no retirement system at all. Many of the princes of the Han Dynasty are veterans who have fought for more than ten years. It's hard to get out of the military.

It's not the same in Dagan. Xu Wei had been a soldier for a few years back then, and he barely knew a little about the soldier system of the Celestial Dynasty.

Therefore, when he formulated the Dagan military service system, he basically learned the system of the Celestial Dynasty. Three years of conscripts plus two years of reserve service. Soldiers stay in the barracks for a maximum of 5 years, and leave if they cannot be promoted.

Maintain a small standing army in peacetime, and expand the army immediately in wartime.As long as the equipment can keep up, the reserves can also maintain stable training, and the combat effectiveness of the large-scale army can be fully guaranteed.

The reason why Xu Wei did this is that the modern system is like this. Xu Wei knows that he is an ordinary person, so it is better to implement it according to the modern system. He is not up to what he wants to change. This novel of farming style is said to let soldiers go to the battlefield alive.

The protagonist of this book believes that if a soldier stays in the barracks for more than ten years, the brave will definitely die in battle, and only soldiers can live in the barracks for more than ten years, but such soldiers will obviously affect the morale of the army and corrupt the new soldiers , so that the combat effectiveness of the army is getting weaker and weaker.

If the army is not replaced for a long time, it will also lead to the solidification of all aspects of the army and the restoration of the feudal system, which will seriously affect the combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Xu Wei has always maintained the system of rotation of the army, retiring some soldiers and recruiting new soldiers to maintain the iron-clad battalion.

Judging from the practice of these years, the princes of all walks of life in the world are the soldiers with the strongest combat effectiveness and the highest morale.

Obviously, this system requires extremely strong logistical support, especially the logistical support for retired soldiers.

If the life after retiring is not as good as life in the barracks, many soldiers are probably unwilling to retire.

It's just that this system is difficult to maintain, because after Xu Wei came out of the barracks, he didn't have any placement positions at all.

But he soon discovered another question: "What is the difference between becoming an agricultural worker on a farm and becoming a farmer in the village? These soldiers will never think that they are not farming when you say they are an agricultural worker?"

Niu Guidao: "These soldiers all have monthly salaries, and the infrastructure of the farms is similar to that of the county towns. In addition, these farms must be near the counties, and the workers can also live in the cities, so nothing broke out. turmoil."

Because of this reason, Daqian's farm had to be near the county.

Then Niu Gui said: "So I have been advising the ruling soldiers to quickly eliminate Cao Cao and Liu Bei to rule the world. This is the best choice. Otherwise, it will be unbearable for the court to just place these soldiers every year!"

This is not Niu Gui's alarmist talk. If you want to have a million troops, according to the retirement rate of one-third, you will have to find a way to place millions of soldiers in less than three years. This is basically impossible. At that time, I'm afraid that the big dry farm will make more.

Now Dagan’s standing army has exceeded 30. When Yuan Tan was mobilized to eliminate Yuan Tan last year, he mobilized 60 troops. If it weren’t for the sparse population in the Central Plains, many civilians and soldiers could directly immigrate to the Central Plains after the war. I'm afraid Niu Gui and the others are going to have a headache now, how to arrange these soldiers and civilian husbands.

Xu Wei also understands this point. This is something that is difficult for modern countries to do, and it is difficult to force Niu Gui and the others to do better.

But Xu Wei still said: "Only by practicing our internal strength well can we attack externally!"

Another thing he didn't say is that when the world is unified, people like Niu Gui will not have a sense of urgency. At that time, many people will think that they are heroes, and heroes will be the most difficult to get along with. They think that the world they conquer has their own, The world will be peaceful, and it's time for them to enjoy it.

Although there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, in many cases being a hero means doing evil.How many people can still maintain their original intentions?Xu Wei wasn't even sure.

How to treat these heroes, Xu Wei has not had a good idea until now. He has an idea hazyly, but he doesn't know whether they are willing to accept it.

So he is willing to stop fighting, deal with internal affairs, and then decide how to deal with Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Because of Daqian's current size, as long as there are no internal problems, it is impossible for Liu Bei and Cao Cao to defeat him.

Xu Wei thought for a while and said: "The official school will continue to expand its enrollment and double this year to train 6000 grassroots officials! The countryside is the area we must fight for, because there will be no gaps in power, and any gaps will be occupied by other officials." Power takes over."

Niu Gui said helplessly, "No!"

Xu Weidao: "Don't worry, our finances can't support so many officials. The pilot project in Yuyang County is underway, and the plan to combine villages and villages is completed. A county will need a lot less village chiefs, and our control over big money will also be improved. Unprecedented strengthening. As long as these officials are serving the people, the more wealth will be created, and we will spend more and more money, and there will be no problem of not being able to support these officials.”

Then Xu Wei took out the minutes of the meeting and said: "The problem of merging the villages is very expensive and may take decades to complete. The problem of dividing the fields is relatively easy to solve. The only trouble is that everyone is unwilling to give up the original land. !"

Niu Guidao: "If we hadn't taken out the fertile land in Jizhou back then, I'm afraid the people would not be willing to give up the land. The Liaodong area could get three times the land, but there are only a few hundred thousand people in the entire Dagan who are willing to move there. In particular, land distribution has always been a very difficult matter, and this matter cannot be rushed in governance. If the governance is fully implemented, the subordinates can guarantee that there will be 3 million people and 000 million households with big money, but we have not The 3 million mu of land is distributed to everyone, and this matter can only be done step by step, and a slight mistake will cause great turmoil."

Xu Wei felt strange. When the Han Dynasty founded the country, the land was also divided. They didn't seem to have any difficulties. It didn't make sense. What Liu Bang and Liu Xiu could do, it was so difficult for him.

But this kind of thing needs to find a professional. Xu Wei thought of Xiangkai and Jia Xu. They should be the most educated people in Dagan. They have been officials in Dahan and have a deep understanding of Dahan's affairs.

 Some readers said that the more you learn, the more rubbish you get. One is that I have been busy with National Day affairs recently and have no time to think about it. That is, I have no clue, don’t know how to write well, and the more I learn, the worse I write. Anyone who has ideas can say a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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