I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 545, Govern by doing nothing

Chapter 545, Govern by doing nothing
Xu Wei found these two people to help him solve his doubts. After Xiang Kai and Jia Xu came, they understood Xu Wei's doubts.

Xiang Kai first said: "The troubled times of the Han Dynasty were extremely tragic. In the troubled times at the end of Qin Dynasty, 200 to 2% of the people died. During the time of Gaozu, there were only tens of millions of people. The household registration in the world is less than [-] million households. It is not too much for a household to divide a hundred acres of land. The imperial court also controlled a large amount of wasteland. At that time, the Han Dynasty did not lack land at all, but the population was lacking. The land equalization system of the Han Dynasty was maintained until the end of Emperor Wen. That is to say, before that, the Han Dynasty controlled Lots of land."

"It's the same when the ancestors rebuilt the great Han. The two Hans let the people open up wasteland by themselves after dividing the land. The income depends on the people's own ability. The requirements are too high, but it has caused today's predicament."

"Land is the lifeblood of ordinary people. They will not give up easily after they have it in their hands. When I was in power, the distribution of land was less. In addition, I worked hard and could not buy and sell land, which led to today's In this situation, although everyone wants more land, they are unwilling to give up the land they already have!"

Xu Wei was also embarrassed by this statement. The reason why the [-] mu of land was set up was to ensure that the monthly salary of the workers was higher than the income of the farmers. The treatment of workers, otherwise, you can only learn from others, and use coercive means to capture functions to the factory, making the factory a den of flesh and blood that devours life.

But Xu Wei originally felt that the population of the Han Dynasty was small, so how could it be possible for factories to consume human lives? You must know that population is the most fundamental productivity, and a large population is the strength of a country. So what if the empire on which the sun never sets occupied half of the world? ?With a population of tens of millions, it is impossible to suppress the latecomers. In the end, the bald eagle with a population of hundreds of millions kicked down the treasure of the overlord.

But now Xu Wei’s means back then, the aftermath has also emerged. Over the years, the wages of workers have not been improved, but ordinary farmers’ income has decreased due to the increase in the price of struvite and other prices, so that Xu Wei wants to expand. It was only when domestic demand was in demand that farmers’ income was expanded, but the land issue became a big trouble again.

It was only at this time that Xu Weicai realized that he had become the person he hated at the beginning, and whenever he encountered problems, he blamed them on farmers!
Xiang Kai continued: "Actually, I have never been so prosperous in my career. In the pre-Han period, the people of the Han Dynasty could really have enough to eat. They had to wait for Emperor Xiaowen to ascend the throne. It has been decades since the founding of the Han Dynasty. The world has not been unified yet, but the people under the rule can already have enough to eat. This is already a prosperous age in the history books. It’s just that the requirements for governing are too high!”

Jia Xu said with a smile: "I found a solution to this problem when I watched the drama Zhong Taishou. People don't want to see the land they have worked so hard to reclaim and give it to others for nothing. But if you give it five years of income, There are hundreds of acres of wasteland waiting for me. I think many people are willing to work hard for future generations, not to mention that Xizhong Taishou also bought hundreds of thousands of cattle and horses on arable land. These large animals alone are enough to attract people to join the ruling the policy of merging villages.”

"However, my subordinates think that it is difficult to promote the method of loyalty to the prefect in the whole Dagan. Yuyang is close to the capital, and with the support of the ruling government, it can borrow 30 billion yuan to solve the worries of the people, but it is impossible for all the counties and counties in the Dagan to do it. In this regard, I do not have such a large financial resources to support such a reform. It will cost 30 billion yuan for a county. I now have more than 50 counties in Dagan. If I want to follow the method of Xizhong Taishou, it will cost 1500 billion yuan. , such a large ratio of expenses, I'm afraid we don't have so much money in the whole work!"

Xu Wei asked, "Do you have a better solution than Xi Zhong?"

Jia Xu laughed and said, "Why do we have to change the land? Why do these lands have to be contiguous? Another way of thinking, we can give the tribe less than 70 mu of wasteland and let them cultivate it themselves. Although it is troublesome, obviously no one is willing to do it. Give up 70 acres of land, even if the land is uncultivated wasteland!"

"We can arrange officials to plan the land that the villagers deserve, and plan the new village. Although this will not immediately realize the idea of ​​governing and merging the village, as long as the new village is getting better and better, most of the people will still give up on the mountain. As long as they are willing to give up the original land, we can give them another [-] acres of wasteland, first come, first served, and I am afraid that the tribes will exchange land with us one by one."

"After all the land on the mountain is in our hands, whether the imperial court uses it to build orchards or turn it into farms is our own business! And the idea of ​​governing and merging villages will follow the development of each village. Disappear and come true!"

Jia Xu, this is the way for Xu Wei to learn how the big man can recuperate. Don’t think about high-end production technology such as canals and waterwheels, and don’t think about helping the people to open up wasteland. As long as the land is measured, the people will reclaim their own land. land!At that time, the big man only cared about dividing the land, and didn't care about anything else. It was not the same as the recovery was good, and there was also the rule of Wenjing!

On the contrary, they are in power thinking about changing the world all day long, even wanting to turn all the land in the world into irrigated land with canals. Their hearts are a bit too big. Among them, Jia Xu saw that Dagan now has nearly hundreds of millions of mu of irrigated land It is already an unprecedented miracle. The Zhengguo Canal was only 4 hectares back then, but now the scale of the Dagan Irrigated Land has exceeded the size of the Zheng Guoqu by more than 200 times. What a power to change the world, if Jia Xu hadn't seen it with his own eyes , he couldn't believe it was made by Xu Wei and his followers!

After listening to Jia Xu's words, Xu Wei knew that he was admonishing him for thinking too much about the affairs of the common people, which has gone beyond the scope of the national power of the Dagan. Dry!

Xu Wei thought about it and felt that things should be done step by step. First, set a small goal to let the people of Youzhou achieve a per capita yield of 100 mu of land.Xu Wei seems to remember that many years ago he promised a tribe that everyone would have [-] mu of land to support their families!
With Jia Xu's persuasion, Xu Wei stopped doing things beyond his ability, but watched Xi Zhong's actions with peace of mind. The school has trained 5000 qualified grassroots officials.

(End of this chapter)

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