I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 546, Misfortune moved south

Chapter 546, Misfortune moved south

Xu Wei is the most powerful prince in the world today. When Xu Wei focuses on the interior of the main body, it is the best news for princes like Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Zhang Lu.

Especially for Cao Cao, not only is he weak, but he is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops, and now he is terrified every day, and Dagan focuses on internal affairs. This is the best news he has heard this year.

Last year's locust plagues, droughts, and military disasters broke out one after another, leaving the entire green land in dire straits.

First, it was hit once because of the paper money rebellion, and then because Dagan Chen had 30 troops at the border, Cao Cao had to gather 30 troops from the entire Qingxu land to confront Dagan.Although the two sides did not fight in Qingzhou, this confrontation alone was enough to consume Cao Cao's little food and grass.

Not to mention that the rich cavalry is still raging in Xuzhou. Not to mention that the entire Xuzhou was severely affected by the disaster, and the large-scale cavalry took away hundreds of thousands of people, which seriously damaged the vitality of the entire Xuzhou.

After the war, great efforts were made to help Xuzhou. The turmoil again and again emptied the treasury of Cao Cao, a poor prince.

In the end, when the locust plague and drought came again, Cao Cao did not have enough strength to relieve the victims. Even if Cao Cao tried his best, it would be difficult to prevent the people under his rule from fleeing the land of Qingxu.

This year can be said to be the most difficult year for Cao Cao. The number of people under his rule has decreased by nearly 50, and his power is close to collapse.If it weren't for Liu Bei's fear that Daqian would occupy the Central Plains and his strength would greatly increase, so he desperately used the Jingzhou navy to transport grain and grass to the Qingxu land to support Cao Cao, I am afraid that it would be difficult for Cao Cao to survive last winter.

After all, this winter is over, but how to continue to survive?

It has become the biggest problem facing people like Cao Cao.

During the meeting, Guo Jia said to the crowd: "Facing the big cavalry and millions of troops, our Qingxu army is completely vulnerable. If there is no other way to stop Lei Gong's next military action, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to survive this year." !"

Cheng Yu asked: "The center of the disaster this time is the core territory of Lei Gong in the Central Plains. We are just unbearable to be affected. How could Lei Gong have the ability to continue to attack us? He must at least recuperate for two or three years?"

Guo Jia said with a wry smile: "This drought and locust plague are unbearable for us, but not for Leigong. There is one thing that everyone thinks wrong. The Central Plains is not the core territory of Leigong. Bingzhou, Liaodong and Jizhou are the three major granaries. This is Lei Gong's core territory.

Among the three major granaries, only Jizhou was affected by the disaster, while Bingzhou and Liaodong had a bumper harvest. Even Jizhou's losses were far smaller than we imagined because of Jizhou's timely response.It didn't even hurt Leigong's foundation. Dagan has enough food and grass to deal with us. In my estimation, Leigong will attack us either after the spring plowing this year, or after the summer harvest! "

"We cannot avoid this battle!"

Cao Cao understands that he can survive until now, not because he can fight, but because he has been lucky all the time, and he is not the target of the thunder hand, so he has survived until now.

But his luck was not so good later on, now there are only three princes left in the world besides Lei Gong.

Liu Bei has many soldiers, a vast territory, and is located in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is difficult for Lei Gong's cavalry to exert their full power, so Liu Bei must be Lei Gong's last enemy.

Although Zhang Lu in Hanzhong is weak, the terrain of Yangping Pass is one-handed, and there is no way for anyone to open it. The terrain of Hanzhong cannot hold an army. Even if Lei Gong has a million troops, it is difficult to use it.

Cao Cao counted and found that [-]% of the target of Lei Gong's next attack was himself.

Cao Cao looked at his civil servants and generals and said, "This is the moment when our Qingzhou is in crisis. You can tell us any strategies to defeat the enemy, even if it is extremely absurd!"

Xiahoudun said: "The soldiers will block the water and cover them with soil. Meng De has raised us for nearly 10 years. Now is the time to repay him. It is good that Lei Gong has an army of one million. It is not a vegetarian for us to have an army of 30 in Qingzhou! Who can do anything on the battlefield?" To be sure, there are wars where the weak defeat the strong, since the ancients could defeat the strong with the weak, why can't we do it!"

Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and other generals of Cao Cao's relatives also spoke, but what they said was similar to Xiahou Dun.Everyone desperately fighting may not be able to repel Lei Gong.

However, few generals with foreign surnames like Zang Ba and local families like Kong Rong were as excited as Xiahou Dun and the others. They and Cao Cao just got what they needed, so naturally it was impossible to work hard for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was also aware of this point, knowing that people like Kong Rong had gone to Hebei and wanted to join Lei Gong, but Lei Gong didn't want people like Kong Rong.

If we really have to wait until the ammunition and food are exhausted, I am afraid that Kong Rong and the others will surrender to Lei Gong to save the family.Although Dagan exterminated all the nobles and nobles in the world, what he did more was to kill people and cut off the influence of the powerful and nobles in the local area, rather than destroying them physically.They left a way out for Kong Rong and the others.

Merchants are weak, and this is the same for the powerful and noble families. For the people and forces weaker than them, they have to make an inch of it and kill them all.

For people and forces stronger than them, they will immediately turn into loyal dog legs, loyal to these people, and relying on betraying their compatriots to preserve their wealth.The Five Wangs and Seven Surnames of the Wuhu era have been handed down for thousands of years by this method.

Now, although Kong Rong and the others wanted to be the dog-legged Lei Gong, they thought they could wait for Lei Gong's descendants.

So Cao Cao knew clearly that the only thing he could rely on now was the military generals of Xia Houdun's relatives.

Guo Jia looked at the expressions of everyone and knew that the hearts of the people in Qingzhou were scattered.

However, he still said to Xia Houdun: "To defeat the strong with the weak needs the right time, the right location, and the harmony of people, but we are not there like these. Lei Gong doesn't even need to attack us. As long as hundreds of thousands of troops are placed on the border, it is enough to make us collapse. !"

"And the only reinforcement we can rely on, Liu Bei is also in trouble at this time, and it is difficult for him to support us!"

Last year deserved to be a year of disasters once in a hundred years. Locust plagues and droughts occurred frequently in the Central Plains, and the land in the south of the Yangtze River was not easy.In July, there were heavy rains in Jingzhou. It lasted for more than a month. The water level of the Yangtze River rose sharply. In August, the floods broke down the flood control embankments in various parts of Jingzhou. Soaked in the flood, flooding the country for thousands of miles, the entire Jingzhou and Yangzhou suffered more than one million people.

But at that time, the war was not over yet. Liu Bei gritted his teeth and tried his best to repel the Dagan's invasion of Nanyang County.

The outbreak of the locust plague in the Central Plains allowed Liu Bei to escape. After that, the princes from all walks of life licked each other's wounds.

But at this time, Liu Bei's good luck in the past few years seemed to have run out.

After the flood, an unprecedented typhoid plague broke out in Jingzhou. Starting from Changsha County, it spread to the entire eight counties in the south of the Yangtze River. Millions of people were threatened by the plague and dared not leave their homes.Hundreds of thousands of people were infected by the plague, and hundreds of thousands of people died of the disease. This plague did not disappear until the weather turned cooler after the autumn harvest.

It can be said that the consequences of this plague were more serious than the floods, and the vitality of the entire Jiangnan region was severely injured. Now Liu Bei is licking his wounds, so Guo Jiacai said that it is impossible for Liu Bei to support him in the next war.

Zang Ba thought for a while and said: "There is no danger to defend the land of Qingzhou and Xuzhou. Our army will undoubtedly be defeated if we stay in Qingzhou and Xuzhou. Can Minggong propose to the general that our army of 30 troops retreat to Yangzhou and rely on the favorable location of the Jianghuai River to come back?" Resist Thunder's army.

In this way, although we lost Qingzhou and Xuzhou, we still kept 30 troops after all, and with the extra [-] troops, we can keep half of Dahan's country. When the Qianjun soldiers are sharp, wait until Lei Gong starts to lose, and then we will fight back!Wasn't that how the Yellow Turban Army was defeated back then? We don't compete with Lei Gong for the gains and losses of this city or place, just sit and watch Lei Gong lose himself! "

Everyone looked at Zang Ba with a look of surprise, such shameless words could be uttered, everyone knew that the Dagan Army and the Yellow Turban Army were completely different things, Lei Gong had been prosperous for more than ten years, and the world was about to be unified by him. Defeated, I'm afraid they won't be able to see them when they die.

Zang Ba simply wanted to leave Qingzhou and run away, yet he still said it so righteously.

But they don't know that Zang Ba is also very regretful and suffering in his heart. You must know that he and Yu Du were allies back then.Guan Hai and Guan Cheng are even more like brothers, they rebelled and fought together.

If he hadn't seen no hope at all, he wouldn't have betrayed Du and the others to take refuge in Cao Cao.

It's just something that Zang Ba never expected. As soon as he took refuge in Cao Cao, Lei Gong rose to power, and with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, he monopolized the entire land of Hebei.The Yellow Turban Army took advantage of the power of Thunder, turned into a dragon, and skyrocketed.Now Guan Hai is about to become the new founding hero. He is only one step away from the new founding hero, but this step is a world of difference.

Now he can only stay in Dahan and become a military general who is excluded by Xiahou Dun and the others, but he dare not even go to Hebei, for fear that Guan Hai and the others will retaliate against him, and his life and death may be unpredictable.

Now that he is unstoppable, he can't win if he fights, and he can't surrender if he surrenders. The only choice he can make is to flee to the south of the Yangtze River.

But Kong Rong said excitedly: "It must not be done. Zang Ba's policy will harm the country and the people, not to mention giving up the land of the two states without a fight. It will bring a big blow to my big man. It is just saying that the 30 troops retreated to Yangzhou. Impossible, the families of our soldiers are all in the land of Qingzhou and Xuzhou, and Lei Gong has always had broadband soldiers. These soldiers will not be killed by Lei Gong if they surrender to Lei Gong, and Lei Gong will also give them land.

Under such circumstances, there will be no soldiers willing to follow us to Yangzhou. As long as our army issues this order, I am afraid that the whole army will riot and even cause mutiny. Against Lei Gong's army, he will be defeated at the first touch, and this strategy is simply suicidal! "

Kong Rong is the local snake in Qingzhou. For a powerful clan like him, as long as there is a slight possibility, they will not give up their territory, because giving up the territory means giving up their power.

Zang Ba retorted: "Can't we take away the family members of the soldiers, so that we don't have to worry about the soldiers rebelling?"

Kong Rong sneered and said, "Let's not talk about whether these soldiers are willing to follow us or not, just say that the cost of millions of people immigrating thousands of miles must exceed tens of billions. Do you think Qingzhou can afford such a large expense? If we really want to If you have money, you might as well recruit 20 more troops!
Moreover, the current state of the court may not be able to accommodate millions of people, not to mention that Yangzhou has become a plague now. Go outside and ask the people, how many dare to go to Yangzhou now! "

"If you want to escape for your life, go to the south of the Yangtze River by yourself. Don't disturb the morale of our army here, or the old man will kill you here!" Kong Rong waved the saber in his hand and said viciously.

Zang Ba was so ashamed of being beaten by Kong Rong, especially after being told what was in his heart, that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Afterwards, the meeting hall was silent, and no one could think of any way to resist Lei Gong. The gap between the two sides was so great that they could only rely on miracles.

After half a day, Xun You said: "Can Dagan shift their main attack direction to Nanyang County, Nanyang County is located in the south of the Yangtze River, and the water network is densely covered. Jingzhou's navy can support the counties of Nanyang County, and there are high mountains around as obstacles. Weakening the strength of the Dagan cavalry, with Liu Bei's strength, even if Lei Gong launches hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Jingzhou, he may not be able to conquer Nanyang County."

"And according to Lei Gong's combat habits over the years, he doesn't like fighting on two fronts, but focuses on one target until he wins. This is how Yuan Shao's forces were defeated.

He attacked Yuan Tan last year, but for Qingxu land, he only threatened us, making it difficult for us to support Yuan Tan. Can we use Lei Gong's habit to transfer his troops to the south! "

"Let Liu Bei serve as the main force to bear the pressure of the big army, and our army restrains the soldiers of the big army in the green and Xu land. As long as Liu Bei can withstand the attack of the big man, the big man will have a turning point to come back to life, and even if Liu Bei Can't hold back the big attack, but it can also buy us a few years and get a respite!"

As for the matter of being too far away, Xun You didn't continue to talk about it. Now everyone is struggling to survive, and if they can survive for a year, it counts as a year.

Xun You's words are not much different from the Arabian Nights. Now that the Central Plains has been conquered, the Qingxu land occupied by Cao Cao seriously threatens the territory of the Central Plains. As long as it is a choice made by a normal person, it will definitely be eliminated first. In the land of Qingxu, Cao Cao fought a decisive battle with Liu Bei to unify the whole world.

But Guo Jia's eyes brightened and he said: "It may not be impossible, as long as the lord persuades Liu Bei to take the initiative to attack Yuzhou, then the main force of Dagan will be attracted by Liu Bei, and even if we can't succeed, we will force Dagan Enter the situation of fighting on two fronts, so that our army can resist Dagan's attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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