I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 567, the hero's thoughts

Fan Xian's navy was defeated by Guan Yu, and the news of Wang Lei's predicament in the Jianghuai area was quickly passed on to the staff.

The entire staff department exclaimed, Dagan has been victorious for more than ten years, and many people found it hard to accept the news of their defeat.

Wang Ge shook his head helplessly and said: "The Huaihe River is really different from the sea. Our warships can adapt to the sea, but they are not suitable for walking in the river, at least not suitable for walking in the Huaihe River. Obviously, our warships are bigger than Guan Yu's. There are more cannons than Guan Yu, but they still lost. If they want to conquer the Jiangnan region, they need to build warships suitable for the river. Even with Guan Yu's army, it will be very difficult to defeat Guan Yu!"

Originally, the Dagan army used cavalry to cut off the enemy's food roads and divide the enemy's army, but this time the battle in the Jianghuai area reversed the offensive and defensive trends, and Guan Yu used the navy to cut off the Dagan army's food roads and divide the army. The dry army, this is Wang Ge, even though he has more than 20 troops in his hands, but he has to garrison cities all over the Jianghuai River. The real mobile force does not exceed 5 people.

Jia Xu was even more helpless and said to Xu Wei: "Our army has reached its limit. Since the defeat of Fan Xian's navy, Liu Bei and the others have been invincible. Now we have to continue fighting, I'm afraid The army also increased casualties in vain."

Xu Wei said: "Although we lost, our loss is not too big, and we can improve after we know the reason. It is not that sea ships are not suitable for fighting in rivers. At worst, we will build warships suitable for rivers in Yuzhou and Xuzhou. With the ability of shipbuilding craftsmen, at most three years, the number of warships I can make can surpass the Han army!"

To build a naval force specially suitable for fighting in rivers, the financial and material resources consumed are naturally beyond the reach of ordinary forces. Cao Cao has never been successful in history, but because of the lack of naval forces, three generations of Cao Cao and his son have never fought. After crossing the Yangtze River, even in the period of Cao Rui, the offensive and defensive trend was reversed, and it became Sun Shiwan's counterattack on the Jianghuai River.

Now it is Xu Wei's turn to solve this problem, but Xu Wei's solution is much easier than Cao Cao's. Unlike Cao Cao, Xu Wei lacks sailors. There are nearly a million sailors with sailing experience in Dagan.It is easy to recruit sailors.He just needs to build a ship suitable for the Yangtze River waterway.Although it is expensive to build a ship that surpasses the Han Navy's navy, it is nothing to Xu Wei!
Dagan's financial income is ten times higher than Dahan's, and there is an advanced financing system. It is impossible for Liu Bei to be Xu Wei's opponent when it comes to financial resources. The shipbuilding industry is well-developed, as long as Xu Wei invests more resources, he can catch up with Liu Bei's navy in at most three years!
Jia Xu's novel said: "Now our army has more than enough self-defense in Yangzhou, but not enough to attack, and Nanyang County has been plagued by disease. Obviously, it is difficult to break through on all fronts in a short period of time. In this war, our army has already occupied Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and even It also occupies half of Jianghuai and half of Nanyang County, which can be said to have exceeded the strategic goal we set at the beginning, is our army ending the battle like this now?"...

Xu Wei thought for a while and said: "Order Wang Lei to retreat to Hefei, and stop the war for repairs! At the same time, he was appointed as the governor of Xuzhou, in charge of Xuzhou's military power, and Zhao Rong was appointed governor of Qingzhou, in charge of Qingzhou's government affairs. This war will end here Bar!"

Hearing Xu Wei's words, everyone relaxed. Although they lost a small battle in the end, they captured Qingzhou and Xuzhou. The current situation has become clear, and it is impossible for Liu Bei, who is left in the south of the Yangtze River, to defeat Dagan. It is only a matter of time before they unify the world.

At this time, Wang Ge tentatively asked: "The ruling, now that the entire Central Plains has been occupied by us, should you ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor, and let the people of the world feel at ease? At the same time, we have fought the world with the ruling for more than ten years, and we are considered dead After being born, shouldn’t everyone’s credit be appraised too!”

As soon as this question was raised, everyone in the staff department became energetic. At the beginning, they wanted Xu Wei to become the emperor, so that they could also become heroes of the founding of the country. In Wang Ge's view, only Xu Wei became the emperor. The country, they can justifiably grasp the power of the new country, and Xu Wei also justifiably rewarded them and established their status as the founding heroes. Their descendants can also have hundreds of years of glory and wealth like the founding heroes of the Han Dynasty.

But at the beginning, Xu Wei only got a ruling title, and at that time, most of the world was in the hands of the big man, and the Yellow Turban Army was booming, and its death was sudden. Many forces in the Yellow Turban Army ruled the king, but they were quickly defeated The big man was wiped out, and Wang Ge and the others were also worried about being ridiculed by the people of the world, so they didn't mention it too much. Everyone focused their energy on calming the world.

But now the entire Central Plains has been pacified by them. The thirteen states in the world, the most fertile, the most powerful, and the most populous Kyushu are all occupied by them. Even Liu Bei in the south of the Yangtze River can only cause them a little hindrance at most. The people present They all believe that as long as their navy is established, the land in the south of the Yangtze River will be at your fingertips!

The Daqian dynasty is already unstoppable, no one will have any status in Dagan in the future, can they become a lieutenant or a prince?No one can turn a blind eye, so everyone is looking at Xu Wei at this time!

Wang Ge asked Xu Wei when he would formally proclaim himself emperor, which made the staff completely quiet. Wang Ge and the others had followed Xu Wei for more than ten years, and they didn't know that Xu Wei took the matter of becoming emperor very lightly. When occupying the land of Hebei, they persuaded Xu Wei to proclaim himself emperor, but Xu Wei didn't want to, and used the ruling to fool him.

But now, even if Xu Wei doesn't want to be called emperor, he can't stop everyone from wanting to judge meritorious deeds. Wang Ge just said this and let Xu Wei understand that even for them, he should be called emperor.

Looking at these expectant eyes, Xu Wei also smiled wryly. The feudal era was also like this. Xu Wei is also an ordinary person in modern times. Most people draw big cakes for everyone, but how to make cakes, what are the steps, and How to make them resist the temptation of heroic thoughts, it is difficult for Xu Wei to explain these things to Wang Ge and the others. At most, he knows that he needs to build a steam engine and liberate productivity, but these are seen by Wang Ge and the others in order to enhance the strength of Daqian , they don't understand the deep meaning of it at all.

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