Although Xu Wei wanted to endow everyone with ideals, Wang Ge's background also made them sympathize with the common people, so Xu Wei's previous system can still be done according to his own ideas.

But now that Wang Ge and the others have changed their identities, they have been in high positions for many years, and the fact that the butt determines the head has begun to appear to Wang Ge and the others, and now they are more concerned about reality.

Everyone worked hard to follow Xu Wei to fight the world, for the sake of being the founding hero and for the future prosperity and wealth. Everyone thinks it is worthwhile to suffer a little bit now.

But if Xu Wei makes them suffer all the time, there will be no benefit at all. Even if his prestige is high, everyone will complain, and maybe they will give up on themselves and turn against Xu Wei. It is not impossible to cause chaos in the world!
But now the industrial revolution has sprouted. After years of training by Xu Wei, the productivity efficiency of Hebei has not lost to the Song and Ming in history.As long as this threshold is further broken through, the industrial age can come to this world.

So Xu Wei doesn't plan to command the army himself in future battles. He plans to make a steam engine next, and somehow pull Dagan into the first scientific and technological revolution, so that this bud will blossom and bear fruit.

But if you want to have an industrial revolution, it doesn’t mean that the productivity is enough. The Chinese civilization in history has reached the standard of the industrial revolution as early as thousands of years ago, but it lacks an environment suitable for industrialization, and it is this environment that has troubled China for thousands of years. They couldn't take this step, so it took thousands of years, two buds germinated, and there was no flowering and fruiting.

The feudal aristocracy is obviously a backward relationship that needs to be eliminated for industrialized countries.

Xu Wei spent decades on his own, and finally smashed the old world of the big man and the powerful family headed by the big man, but he created a group of people like the powerful family, which Xu Wei could not accept.

Industrial countries need new relationships, not feudal aristocracy.

Xu Wei looked at Wang Ge and the others suddenly realized why those founding emperors had extremely high prestige, but they still wanted to kill heroes. It was because what the founding heroes wanted was completely different from what the founding emperor wanted to give. For those founding emperors, killing heroes is a better choice.

When conquering the world, the hero who founded the country is very good, but it is not necessarily the case when governing the world. This is why the emperors of all dynasties like to use the civil service system to gradually eliminate the hero system.This process is sooner or later, but there is no exception, even the great Han and Tang Dynasty with abundant martial arts, it is just that this process takes hundreds of years to complete alternately.

When their alternation is completed, the martial arts of a dynasty will be abolished, and it will gradually go downhill. After hundreds of years, the new dynasty will replace the old dynasty. This is as difficult to avoid as a reincarnation.

But Xu Wei is a modern person, he will not think that the world was brought down by himself like the founding emperor in ancient times, so the world belongs to him.

In Xu Wei's view, although he has made great efforts to establish Daqian, it was also created by Wang Ge and the others. If you work hard, you naturally have the right to enjoy it.


Of course, this world was also defeated by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and it was even more so with the support of 3 million troops. These tribes also have credit, and this world also has their share.If Wang Ge and the others asked for too much, Xu Wei would not agree.

Moreover, Xu Wei has more ways to reward these heroes than the emperors in history.

According to Xu Wei's thinking, he naturally didn't want Wang Ge and the others to become the nobles of the big man. A person's experience will affect a person's three views. Wang Ge's three views are deeply influenced by the big man. They are oppressed by powerful clans, but if they are possible, they also want to become new powerful clans, just as tenants often want to be landlords most.

This is why even though Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were born as beggars, they are still representatives of big landlords when they become emperors.Zhu Yuanzhang's knowledge prevented him from stepping out of the circle of the feudal dynasty.

But now Xu Wei is trying to find a way to change their thinking. Even becoming an industrial aristocrat is better than becoming a land aristocrat.

So Xu Wei asked without hypocrisy: "Emperor is just a title. Although I call it ruling now, my current rights are not much less than that of the emperor. With Liu Bei's current strength, there is really no way to stop us from seizing the world. At most 10 years We will be able to rule the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that we are the founding heroes, but I don’t know what people want to reward for their contributions, land, shops or honor?”

This question was right on point, and everyone was pleasantly surprised. They were really worried that Xu Wei would refuse again, but now it seems that the ruling party does not intend to reject them, but intends to reward them for their contributions over the past ten years. It's almost settled down, they have worked hard for decades, and they should enjoy it.

"If the government agrees, I want more land, the more the better. When I was young, I was afraid of hunger and poverty, so I wanted to see food. The more the better, if possible, I would like to build a granary at home. , There are thousands of stones of grain on the pile, even if you can't finish eating it, it's okay to watch!" A staff officer said.

"You forget that my land is state-owned. What should you do with the tens of thousands of acres of my people? If you get tens of thousands of acres, tens of thousands of households will lose their land. These people may go hungry. If you die, you still need tens of thousands of shi of grain, even if you can't finish it, you still have to watch it. This is what the nobles of the Han Dynasty did. It was because of this in Jizhou that millions died of starvation. You forgot why we rebelled Is it? You have no conscience at all!" Old man Wang scolded angrily.

Being reprimanded by the old man Wang, the staff officer said anxiously: "It's not that the ruling party asked me to speak my mind, I just have such an idea, and I don't really want to do it!"

But Xu Wei immediately stopped the old man Wang and said: "Here are all my old brothers, there is nothing you can't say, and telling the truth is better than telling lies. We can still find and solve problems by telling the truth. The big man is full of lies. , can’t even tell the truth, and now we’ve been beaten to the south of the Yangtze River.”

After Xu Wei said this, everyone finally relaxed. Compared with beating around the bush, they still prefer telling the truth.

But Xu Wei looked at the staff officer and said: "But what the old man said is not wrong. My big business is owned by the state. Why did we rebel back then? It was because all the land in the world was robbed by those elites. If we can't survive, we will die." Can only rebel."


"This 1 mu, 2 mu of land is given to everyone, can it be done?
In terms of the wasteland in Dagan's current hands, it can be done, but if we divide the land, we will become like the nobles of the Han Dynasty. With tens of thousands of acres of land, we will want more.

Then our descendants will seize the land of ordinary people like the current elites. Each of our families has hundreds of thousands of acres of land.But the land in the Han Dynasty is limited. If we take away so much land, there will be millions of households in this world who cannot survive, and they will become refugees, and then follow us, under the leadership of the next great virtuous teacher Rebel, hang all our descendants! "

What Xu Wei said was so serious, the staff officer broke out in a cold sweat and said, "I don't want the land anymore!"

Apparently, it was very difficult for the people present to watch their children and grandchildren being prosperous and rich, but causing the people of the world to starve to death.

Then Xu Wei let out the world map he drew, spread it out in front of everyone and said: "Of course, if you really want tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of acres of land, it's not impossible. The world is very big, and the place occupied by the big man is just one Small pieces, there are countless continents and islands overseas waiting for everyone to occupy, even Cao Cao and the others can get such a huge island, this island may even have millions of acres of land."

"If you really have such an idea, you can also designate an island by yourself, emigrate and open up wasteland by yourself. At that time, don't say that you can have a land of 1 mu or a land of a million mu. I can fully support your idea."

Everyone smiled awkwardly. If the land of the big man is not to mention a million, even if it has 1 mu, they will be happy to death, but the wasteland overseas, no matter how big the island is in the painting, there is no one, no one will talk to you Cultivate the land, and even if it is reclaimed, if you want to achieve the living standard of Ji County, I am afraid that it will be impossible to achieve it without decades or even hundreds of years of hard work, and it may even be impossible to achieve it forever. After finally taking over the whole world, you have to continue to suffer, who can bear it?

Another staff officer said: "Compared to farming, I want to open a factory. Now I want to open a factory to make money. As long as I have a boat in my hand, I cast the fishing net into the sea, and I will pay for the boat back. It is said that the fishing industry can return to the sea in a year." Ben, you can earn tens of millions of dollars in a few years, and if you have a whaling ship, it will be even more terrible, whales are full of treasures, and you can earn tens of millions of money as long as you catch one whale."

"The transportation industry is also very profitable. The cargo capacity of the current rail carriages is more than ten times that of the previous two-wheeled carriages, and the speed of rail transportation is much faster. If you can get a few more horses, you can connect several carriages together. , transport hundreds of stones of goods at a time, and you can earn tens of thousands of dollars in one trip!"

Although the industrialization of Dagan was only at the handicraft stage, because Xu Wei completely smashed the internal feudal obstacles, an unprecedented unified market appeared, and more than 3000 million wealthy people needed various commodities.

The emergence of advanced production technologies such as the assembly line large factory model has led to the rapid growth of the handicraft industry. It can be said that now is the golden age of opening factories. Except for the textile industry, any industry has more than [-]% of Lilan. If it is a new industry, It's easy for Li Lan to more than double.


As for the officials inside the Dagan, they can see the most clearly, and they will naturally be affected by this wave of industrialization. In addition, the inside of the Dagan prohibits everyone from obtaining land.Many people inside Daqian have actually started to invest in industry.

To a certain extent, this is what Xu Wei wants to see. Officials who invest in factories will naturally take the side of industrialization. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as an increase in the power of industry.Bureaucratic capital is always a progressive force than feudal aristocracy.

But hearing what everyone said, Xu Wei was also very helpless. Sure enough, everyone had the idea of ​​success and fame in their hearts.

This cannot be said to be wrong, but they are all high-ranking officials with great responsibilities. If they all enjoy themselves and only care about their own small family, this will cause big problems.

"Everyone may think that it's time for them to be successful and famous, and it's time to enjoy it. This is a wrong idea." Xu Wei said firmly: "Conquering the world is only the first step, but to establish a world where everyone can eat and everyone can eat. With clothes to wear, even children can study in Huangtian World, but we still need to work hard to improve the wealth in the hands of the people.

Now is not the time for everyone to relax. Instead, we have to be more strict with ourselves. Conquering the world is easy. There have been several times in China's 3000-year history of conquering the world, but it really happened so that everyone can eat and have clothes. However, the world where children have books to read has never happened before. To some extent, what we are going to do is the first time in the world! "

Zhang Jiao helped Xu Wei a lot. Most of the members of Dagan are Taiping believers. Zhang Jiao has been preaching for decades and still has some political heritage, so Xu Wei plans to continue to draw this big cake, so that everyone can have a New catch-up target.

This can slow down the speed of internal corruption in Dagan. A person with ideals and without ideals are completely two states.

Just like the literati before the Song Dynasty, whether it was true or not, they would always talk about reporting to the emperor and going down to the people, but they would only say that they became officials to realize their political ambitions and make the world peaceful.

No one would say that, I just want to be rich and rich, and I just become an official for money and beautiful women.

But when it came to the emperor of the Song Dynasty, he said something directly. There are thousands of bells in the book, there is a golden house in the book, and Yan Ruyu is in the book.

This blatantly means that being an official is for money and for beautiful women, which directly lowers the ideal of scholars.

So starting from the Song Dynasty, even though many dynasties were new, corruption could not be eradicated, and there was no new look of a new dynasty at all.

Although most officials think this way, as an emperor, you can't say that. Ordinary people know that struggle is for career and love, but you, as an emperor, blatantly say that it is for money and Beauty, you have said so, then don't blame the officials in your hands, they really ate your country according to what you said.

The ideal of serving the country is gone, officials only have the idea of ​​seeking power and wealth for their own families, and if all officials think like this, how can such a country become strong?
Therefore, the Song Dynasty with a population of hundreds of millions will be destroyed by hundreds of thousands or even millions of ethnic minorities. It can be said that the Chinese civilization has declined from the Song Dynasty for thousands of years, and these emperors of the Song Dynasty are all responsible for history.

I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

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