I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 587, The limit of hydraulic power

Xu Wei's speech was very lame, but his identity made the artisans here excited. Although they are already millionaires, who can refuse to become billionaires.

Not to mention that this can make them famous in history, which is even greater than the temptation of money. After all, this world is a world of fame and fortune, and the importance of reputation is still money first!How can such a large painting cake not excite the artisans here!
Of course, Xu Wei doesn’t think he’s drawing big cakes. After all, this is the core of the first industrial revolution, an artifact that can change the world, and a trillion-dollar market, all of which lower the pattern of steam engines.It is even easier to leave a name in history, and it can even be said that the changes brought about by these craftsmen are more important than tens of thousands of celebrities!
After Xu Wei had finished drawing the big cake, he led the world's most advanced group to start climbing the steam engine technology!
But Xu Wei's steam engine model was accidentally leaked out, and was seen by a big businessman!

After seeing this miraculous steam engine, some businessmen's eyes glowed with gold. This is the smell of money.In this era of great productivity explosion, power has become the biggest problem that plagues all businessmen.

The Dagan textile factory can only work for half a year. In winter, as soon as the snow falls, the river will be frozen, and the entire textile factory will be paralyzed directly, and the textile machines worth tens of millions will not be able to operate.

It can be said that this is something that every businessman is extremely anxious about. Every day a textile factory works can bring them tens of thousands or even tens of millions of income. , with an average loss of tens of millions in half a year.It is difficult for any businessman to accept such a loss.It can be said that winter has become the biggest enemy of textile factories.

It is not that there are no businessmen who want to set up textile factories near the south to reduce losses, but the closer the factory is to the south, the farther it will be from wool, the most important raw material of the textile factory. In this era, the establishment of factories is still resource-oriented. Although the southern textile machinery It can be operated, but the wool cloth produced due to the long distance cannot beat the textile factories near the north.So the idea of ​​building a factory in the south was not pursued by many people at all.

However, it is impossible for the textile factory to stop for less than half a year, so we give full play to the characteristics of the north.After winter, use animal power to keep the textile mill running, and buy hundreds or thousands of cattle and horses to keep the textile factory running. Of course, this is not without drawbacks. Animal power is not only expensive, but also less powerful, which is not as good as Yuanyuan. Constant and free hydropower.

And the most important thing is that in the Spring and Autumn Period, animal power is useless again.It can be said that the factory owners in Bingzhou are deeply troubled by these two power systems, which are too cumbersome and expensive.

In order to reduce costs, these textile factory owners have tried their best. The first thing they thought of was to cooperate with taverns and hot pot restaurants. In winter, they bought cattle. When the ice and snow melted, these cattle were sold at a price slightly lower than the cost Sell ​​to taverns and hot pot restaurants for slaughter.But because there are too many farm cattle on the market at the same time, it is easy to be suppressed by taverns and hot pot restaurants, which is not cost-effective.

Then they went to cooperate with farmers, renting these cattle as a power source in winter, and then exchanged these cattle for farmers to cultivate land in spring.But because of the issue of the ownership of the cattle, there are often a lot of conflicts. After all, whoever owns hundreds of cattle can tell who is who!

After seeing the physical picture of the steam engine, these businessmen seem to see the lover of their dreams. Isn't this the source of power that is not afraid of winter and keeps running continuously.

If this steam engine drives the weaving machine, not only will they no longer have to worry about the source of power, but the speed of weaving cloth can be accelerated several times.This thing can be dismantled for all kinds of cattle, horses and rivers.

These businessmen soon realized the prospect of the steam engine, and took their own money to find Xu Wei, wanting to join the ranks of making steam engines. Even before Xu Wei thought of the usefulness of the steam engine, many businessmen already had Got an idea.

Niu Ming approached Xu Wei and said: "Government, this steam engine is too expensive for our mine, you can find a way to get dozens of sets for our mine!"

Niu Ming is the eldest son of Niu Laohan, and now he has taken over the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant. In terms of output value, it is not inferior to the wealthy states in Dagan.

Xu Wei asked strangely: "What do you use the steam engine for mining?"

Niu Ming immediately said: "Mines need steam engines to pump water, and steel factories need steam engines to blow air!"

Blowing Xu Wei still understands, but pumping Xu Wei does not understand!
Niu Ming immediately explained to Xu Wei that as long as it is not the kind of open-pit mine, groundwater will continue to accumulate when the mine is dug deeper and deeper. When the mine is too deep, it takes a lot of energy for him to scoop water with an iron bucket At this time, it is not cost-effective to continue mining in this mine, so many mines are abandoned, and the preparations for the mines are all in vain.

Until a few years ago, in order to cope with the drought, Xu Wei made a water press machine. After seeing this machine, Niu Ming felt like a treasure. Isn’t this a magical tool to solve the water accumulation in the mine? Just get some iron pipes to connect it. Then use the water press to continuously get out the accumulated water in the mine.

And after Niu Ming did several sets of such water press experiments, he really quickly drained the water in these mines, which greatly extended the life of these mines.But as the depth of the mine continued to increase and manpower was exhausted, Niu Ming wanted more power, but he could have a continuous source of power, and the steam engine was his hope.

So relying on this small glass steam engine, Xu Wei's mass-produced steam engine has not yet been manufactured, and a large number of businessmen sent Xu Wei more than 2 million yuan to use it casually, and Xu Wei still kept the future steam engine in his hands. 7% of the shares.

Then Xu Wei took the money in his hand and started to build the steam engine. At first, Xu Wei thought that with his own opening, just like his other inventions, the steam engine should be manufactured soon.

After all, it has been said in the history books that most of the achievements of the first industrial revolution are empirical achievements. Even if they don’t know much about science, they can be obtained by experience. Xu Wei is surrounded by the world’s top craftsmen, They have [-]% of the experience, and Xu Wei provides the last [-]% of inspiration. Once the two parties are combined, the steam engine should be produced without any effort.

But the reality quickly slapped Xu Wei in the face. The steam engine that he thought could be easily manufactured was stuck!

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