I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 588, Difficult Steam Era

After Xu Wei had enough funds, he began to forge various parts of the steam engine regardless of the cost.However, the gears, pistons, piston rods, piston joints, bearing shafts, bearings, pins, crankshaft bodies, springs, crankshafts, and gaskets of the steam engine are easy to forge, but the biggest problem is that the cylinder of the steam engine Wei stumped.

Xu Wei began to plan to do it in one step, directly using the strongest steel to make the cylinder, after all, this is the most durable.But the reality quickly slapped Xu Wei in the face.Steel is too strong, which makes it difficult for craftsmen to shape the cylinder.

After all, in addition to being strong, the cylinder must also be as smooth as a mirror, so that it can fit tightly with the piston, and there will be no gaps and leaks.But steel is too hard, so Xu Wei does not have enough hard tools to polish the cylinder.

At the beginning, Xu Wei was rich and powerful, and felt that the initial breakthrough was the most important, so he used 12 top-level polishing craftsmen to polish the cylinder of the steam engine, and it was these top-level craftsmen who polished the cylinder for more than half a year, and finally reached the level of Xu Wei's cylinder. He then built the first steel steam engine suitable for this world.Of course, the cost of this steel steam engine exceeded 1 million.

But when Xu Wei showed the finished product to these businessmen, he saw that the steam engine continuously provided power for the textile machine in front, and the shuttle speed of the textile machine was more than ten times faster than manual work. Right in front of them, a foot of cloth They just finished weaving. They were really amazed at the ingenuity of Xu Wei's steam loom. With the steam loom, all the water conservancy looms in the world would be useless. They even saw a large amount of gold and silver beckoning to them.

But when I heard that it took more than 1 million yuan to make such a thing, my heart suddenly became cold.There are really [-] million people who still use steam engines.

Xu Wei immediately explained: "It is a scientific research product, so it is a bit more expensive, but the price can be lowered for mass production!"

The businessman immediately asked: "How much does it cost to mass-produce such a steam engine?"

Xu Wei said: "It's not a top-level craftsman who can't do the polishing like that. In addition to the polishing time of more than half a year, according to my budget, about 1 million can take this steam engine away!"

There is no way, the monthly salary of the top craftsmen in Daqian is not low, and the monthly salary of these top craftsmen who follow Xu Wei is 10 yuan. This is still for Xu Wei's face, and now the other parts of Xu Wei's steam engine Although the price is high, it is not unbearable. The only cylinder has to be polished by a top craftsman to be as smooth as a mirror, and it will take more than half a year in your world, which greatly increases the price of the steam engine. This may be the result of black technology. It's a price!

But this price made everyone lose the idea of ​​​​using steam engines. In this era, spending 1 million can already build an extremely large textile factory. Generally, it can pay back the cost in three to five years. Maybe earn 000 million a year!At the price of more than 300 yuan for a cow, can a steam engine be able to match the efficiency of more than 4000 cows?

These businessmen don't think that this steam engine can do what 2000 cows can do. Even if this steam engine can really be used on a textile machine, it is still an expensive waste!

And at this moment, a sharp voice sounded, and they watched the steam engine continuously emitting steam, and soon the place was filled with white water vapor.

Xu Wei said loudly: "Turn off the steam engine, open the valve, and release the steam!"

These businessmen watched this scene in horror, the unknown is scary!

Xu Weiyou said to these businessmen: "After all, it is a new thing, and there are still some imperfections. It will run for a while and need to be repaired, but it will be fine soon!"

But these businessmen have given up hope, 1000 million dollars to make such a perishable thing!

Although Xu Wei's first-generation steam engine was advanced, the cost was too high, and no one could afford it, so it ended in failure.

This disappointed the businessmen who had confidence in Xu Wei. In order to restore everyone's confidence, Xu Wei also produced a low-end version of the pot machine, which reduced the smoothness of the cylinder, the pressure on the cylinder and the precision of the piston. , so that a qualified tool can grind out the cylinder.

Of course, this defect is also extremely obvious. Because of the air leakage, the horsepower of the pot camel machine is a little smaller, about one horsepower, but the price of the simple version of the pot camel machine has become extremely low, not counting the cost of research and development. Only counting the cost of casting, it is about [-] to [-].

But even if it is such a camel machine, businessmen are not willing to buy it. It is a joke that 1 to 2 yuan to get such an iron lump is not as strong as a horse. The price of a horse is generally not more than 5000 yuan. , and the horse eats grass, but the iron lump eats coal.

Therefore, in the eyes of businessmen, the newly born Guotuo machine is expensive, low in strength, and expensive, and it is often prone to problems and strikes, and senior craftsmen must be invited to repair it. Yu Xiafeng, it can be said to be a waste!No businessman is optimistic about this camel machine.

Only Niu Ming bought it from Xu Wei. It’s not that the camel machine is used in the mine. It can be used to pump water, which can solve many problems. In addition, the most important things they lack in minerals are coal and blacksmiths. On the contrary, cattle and horses go to the mines and easily get sick. .In terms of cost performance, there is not much difference, and finally Xu Wei barely saved his face.After many farm managers in Daqian learned about this, they also learned from Niu Ming to spend money and bought several small pot camel machines one by one.

Therefore, in many farms and mines in Dagan, you can hear the sound of the pot camel machine in Dudu, and then you can see a water pipe next to the machine continuously transporting water from low to high, or out Not to mention the mine, this camel machine has been used and feels good. Although it is extremely simple, the efficiency of pumping water is not low.The fuel of the pot camel machine is generally straw, wood and other items that are easy to find in the countryside, and it is extremely simple to repair. As long as it is broken, just find a blacksmith to smash it twice.

Relying on internal digestion, this first-generation steam engine product has also sold hundreds of pieces, which can be regarded as bringing the world into the age of steam.

As for private individuals, they generally cannot afford this kind of product, so the market is not extremely large. After all, the average household only has 100 mu of land, and it is enough to irrigate their own farmland with a pressurized water machine for a family to take turns.

It is not that Xu Wei has not persuaded the local farmers to buy the camel machine to reduce labor. After all, the machine can be used for threshing and grinding wheat in addition to irrigation, which can be said to be very useful.

But the local people said: "What can be done by the pot camel machine can be done by manpower. Don't you need to buy such an expensive machine? If I really have the money, I might as well buy 4 cows and horses. This can not only plow the field but also be good. It’s more cost-effective to pull goods.”

These words made Xu Wei realize that his first-generation steam engine was not only not strong enough to compete with horses, but even human beings. The scene was really quite bright.Unless the price is reduced by 10 times, ordinary farmers can afford such a steam engine!

Therefore, in terms of investment benefits, the first generation of steam engines cost investors nothing, and it is impossible for hundreds of camel machines to return their capital.

In order to pay back the cost, Xu Wei even made some primitive steam train toys, and then used a sand table, and a huge Lego world appeared.This was originally used by Xu Wei to pay back the money for the children of rich families.

But they didn't expect to be seen by big businessmen like Zhen An, and then they saw the great future of the steam engine, not only for weaving and pumping water, but also for completely changing the transportation method of Daqian.

So these small steam trains of Xu Wei were bought by a large number of businessmen, and at the same time they regained their confidence in Xu Wei and continued to invest 2 million yuan in Xu Wei, hoping to see the practical steam engine come out.

There are even quite a few ambitious businessmen who, after purchasing model trains, spent huge sums of money to set up a laboratory by themselves, hoping to produce a practical steam engine before Xu Wei, so that patents can also be issued. Big fortune.So in this trend, dozens of laboratories for manufacturing steam engines have been added.Finally, Xu Wei was not alone in this scientific research competition.

And Xu Wei was relieved when he heard the news. After all, he can’t rely on him alone to develop technology. With so many like-minded people, maybe he can enter the era of electric phones in his lifetime. TV dare not think about it, but It would be nice to see the movie again.

After feeling the pressure, Xu Wei also began to reflect on himself, and felt that he should not be too ambitious. After all, it seemed that it took hundreds of years for the steam engine to become a practical model in Watt's hands.But he wants to get it right.It is too difficult to make a steam engine that can be used as a train, no wonder it failed.

So Xu Wei thought of a way to reduce the difficulty of making steam engines, and came up with a second-generation practical steam engine.Since steel is too hard, we should find a way to make something relatively soft, something that is easy to be smoothed to make the cylinder. After much deliberation, Xu Wei thought of bronze again. After all, compared with solid steel, bronze The texture is softer, and the great craftsmen have thousands of years of experience in polishing bronze!
With the experience of the last failure, it is much faster to use bronze as the cylinder this time. The finished product was produced after six top craftsmen polished it for half a month.

Later experiments also found that the horsepower of the cylinder made of bronze was instantly increased to 5 horsepower because of the tight fit. Although it is not too big, it is already somewhat practical, and the cost has also been reduced to about one million!
Of course, Xu Wei’s second-generation steam engine is still not used by many merchants. The reason is that the price is too high. More importantly, when the latter steam engine was handed over to Jixian Textile Factory for use, it was found that the texture of the bronze was too soft. After a period of use, there will be air leakage, and other parts will often have problems. Sometimes it will fail three times a day. Even if it lasts for a long time, it will need to be replaced with new parts after three days.

This kind of damage frequency is like inviting an ancestor to arrange a craftsman to take care of this steam engine. Not to mention the high price, few people are willing to use this kind of damage frequency.So Xu Wei's second-generation steam engine also failed!

And Xu Wei also found that if top craftsmen are used to manufacture steam engine parts and grind cylinders in this way, no matter how the cost of the steam engine is reduced, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and these money can buy hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fuma, which can provide 100 horsepower.

And Xu Wei's new steam engine is absolutely impossible to have such a horsepower, that is to say, in terms of cost performance, Xu Wei's steam engine has completely failed. The reason why the businessman uses a steam engine is to continue to spend a million dollars on a steam engine like this. Even though the steam engine is a black technology of this era, it is just an expensive decoration!

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Xu Wei's manual polishing is the wrong route. If he wants to reduce costs, he must use a large number of machine tools and machines to replace manual work.

In Daqian top grinding craftsmen, the annual income is one million. If you use a top craftsman to grind a cylinder for one year, even if the finished product comes out, the price will exceed one million, and no one can afford it.

Only machines can be used to grind the cylinder, so that the cost can be reduced. In Dagan, there are relatively primitive industrial machine tools, and it can even be said to have a long history. When Xu Wei was in Jizhou, he made the machine tool for grinding arrow shafts. Most of the machine tools are made of wood, and steel tools are used in the most critical places.That's why Xu Wei was able to return the Yellow Turban Army with a million long arrows and a dozen spears.

Now that Daqian has developed more than ten years faster, there are more and more types of machine tools. It is a pity that most of these machine tools are made of wood, and the processed things are generally made of wood. What Wei wants to get is a cylinder. Obviously, a wooden machine tool is not possible.

Instead, it is necessary to produce a steel machine tool, at least a boring machine and a grinding machine. It is necessary to use a strong iron rod to drill out the cylinder bit by bit, and then use a grinding machine to smooth it.

So Xu Wei has been researching various tools to reduce labor costs for the past six months, and has already achieved a lot of results. At least the cylinders no longer need to be ground by expensive craftsmen, but a boring machine can be used, and the efficiency is even higher. It has increased dozens of times.

Now Xu Wei's third-generation steam engine not only reuses steel cylinders, but also the price has plummeted, and the production efficiency has increased dozens of times. As long as the problem of steam engines that are easy to break down is solved, a practical steam engine can be regarded as The development was successful.

It is because Xu Wei's steam engine is about to be successfully developed that the merchants in Bingzhou are so concerned. They all understand the value of the steam engine. The first customers of the steam engine!
But Liu Shi shook his head and said: "I've seen it too. The current technology of steam engines is not too mature, and the price is high, let alone. There was a cylinder explosion, which injured several craftsmen, and the ruling said that it needs to continue to experiment before it can be successful, and I am afraid that it will take a while for the practical version of the steam engine to be popularized."

Hearing this, everyone felt disappointed for a while, but they didn't say anything more. After all, in terms of progress, the steam engine was almost successful, and they could afford to wait for this little time!As long as the ruling does not disappoint them, it will be all right, after all, the prospect of the steam engine can be seen.

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