I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 670, different choices

Chapter 670, different choices

Xu Wei, who was far away in Jidu, didn't know that his subordinates saw the outbreak of ambition in Cao Cao's territory. At this time, he led the high-level officials to the army farm near Jidu.

Then he patted the steel monster next to him vigorously and said: "This machine will be as efficient as 100 people harvesting, and it can change the whole world!"

Xu Wei has researched a lot of steam machinery during this period, but he found that the most important thing to do now is the steam tractor to solve the shortage of agricultural labor.

Tractors can plow the land, transplant rice seedlings, harvest, and thresh. They are multi-handers in agriculture. If the agricultural machinery behind is replaced with a trailer, the tractor becomes a transport vehicle. Tractors can transport a large amount of materials, and animal power is far from being comparable to tractors. It can be said that tractors are the most important tools for production and life in rural areas.

And this is also the tool Xu Wei is most familiar with. After having this idea, Xu Wei led his team and spent more than a month to make this experimental tractor!

Niu Gui and the others looked at the steel monster with four big wheels. Although they knew that it was not an ordinary thing, after all, its size alone made people feel scared, but they still felt instinctively that it could match the labor efficiency of 100 people. impossible.

Seeing their doubts, Xu Wei smiled and said, "We can compete, you find 100 people and this big guy to compare the harvesting efficiency!"

Xiang Kai on the side smiled and said, "Okay, let's compare the harvesting efficiency with the ruling party!"

It is easy to find 100 people in this farm, and Niu Gui, Xu Juan and the others also picked up the sickle, ready to compare with Xu Wei's machine!
The two sides selected two wheat fields of the same size!

Xiang Kai and other 100 people lined up to harvest grain, while Xu Wei led several engineers to continuously add high-calorie anthracite to the steam tractor.

"Chu, chu, chu!" The voice began to erupt in this machine!And the gear sickle in front of the tractor is also constantly swinging from side to side, and the blue light is constantly flashing, as if telling others that he is not easy to mess with!
As the referee, old man Wang shouted: "Start!"

Xiangkai and the others immediately started wielding their sickles. All of them held Dagan’s latest sickle, and the sharpening was even more cold. The wheat was cut off instantly with a wave of the knife. With the efforts of 100 people, there was a large area of ​​wheat soon. Harvested!
But Xu Wei's side is more imposing. After the harvester started, the earthquake and the mountains shook. The wheat in front of the harvester fell down one after another, and was rolled up by Xu Wei behind with straw.The efficiency of the harvester is extremely fast, and even Xu Wei and the three can keep up with its harvesting efficiency!

The harvester surpassed Xiangkai and the others in less than half a stick of incense, and Xiangkai and others were already stunned when the harvester just started. The wheat within a radius of more than ten feet was swallowed by this monster. Leave some wheat roots behind. Although the speed of this monster is only like that of ordinary people, as long as the machine is turned on, the wheat will be harvested cleanly. This efficiency is really faster than 100 people. How can this prevent Xiangkai and the others He looked dumbfounded.

When the machine surpassed them, they knew they had lost, but now they saw the harvester with an expression of appreciation!

"What kind of monster is this!" Xu Juan said with sweat streaming down her face.They were fast enough, but they were still easily overtaken by the harvester!

Xiang Kai laughed and said: "No wonder the ruling party attaches so much importance to this steam engine. It can also enhance my national power in all aspects. I can't imagine that when this thing is popularized in the whole Dagan, the prosperous age of Dagan What a scene it will be!"

Niu Guixin said happily: "This machine can hold up to 100 people. This year's summer harvest may not be able to make it in time, but if there are several thousand machines for the autumn harvest, the factories in Youzhou can continue to operate. If it is popularized throughout Dagan, I'm afraid that Daqian's financial revenue can be increased by more than [-]%, and the things in power are really extraordinary!"

But just when everyone was amazed at the efficiency of the harvester, at this moment, a strange sound appeared, and the harvesting artifact they were still amazed at just now suddenly fell to the ground.At this time, Xu Wei and the 5th engineer took their respective craftsmen to overhaul the harvester, and the scene was extremely busy!
Xiangkai and the others laughed!

Old man Wang said: "It seems that this machine still needs to be improved before it can be used! It has been running for less than a stick of incense and it broke down. This is too unreliable."

Xiang Kai said: "Use it a few more times to find out all the faults and it will be safe!"

In the end, the winner of this competition was Xiangkai and the others. Xu Wei’s harvester only ran for a stick of incense before it collapsed. Xu Wei and the others repaired it for a long time but could not find any faults. In the end, they had to use a carriage to turn the machine Shipped back to the lab.

However, everyone has seen the potential of this harvester. There are thousands of such machines, which can save 10,000+ labor.

So Niu Gui came to Xu Wei's side and said: "In power, there are still three months before the autumn harvest. Please also give full power to this machine for harvesting wheat. Your subordinates want to order 1000 of these machines for the imperial court! The imperial court can also get it." Pay a sum of money to build a factory to produce this kind of machine!"

Xu Wei said: "This is called a harvester, but it is not perfect. It is difficult to get 1000 units. The factory should be built first, but this year's autumn harvest may be hard to count on. It seems that only a dozen units can be produced at most. And it can only be used for experiments, and it can only be mass-produced if its faults are found bit by bit, otherwise it will be like this time, and it will break after running a stick of incense!"

Niu Guidao: "Then wait until the ruling party finds all its faults. We are producing on a large scale, and the subordinates think that we need to increase investment in these industries. This industry is really important, and the imperial court must control it!"

Xu Wei said: "Don't worry, the folks don't have such powerful technology as the imperial court, and it will take 10 years for them to imitate it!"

Just kidding, the senior engineers of Daqian are all mastered by the imperial court. Without these high-tech talents, it is difficult for the merchants of Daqian to make complex steam engines even if they have more money. However, the Guotuo machine does not require high technical requirements and can be imitated!
And Xu Wei doesn't care about this, the more fake machines they have, the faster their strength will be improved, how could Xu Wei refuse such a good thing!

This game made the Harvester famous in the whole Dagan. The prefects and governors of the Dagan were all looking forward to the arrival of the Harvester. Even before the Xuwei factory was built, they began to place orders for the Harvester. .

It is really the shortage of labor force these years that makes these prefects anxious. Every year, they have to watch the tax revenue drop sharply from January to February, but the money they can earn is not earned. Looking at losing money, it is natural to feel uncomfortable.

However, for Xi Zhong in Yuyang County this year, there is some expectation. The dispatch worker contract between Dagan and Cao Cao has been signed. In order to improve efficiency, all the dispatch workers in this area will be placed in Yuyang County. Xi Zhong, the prefect of Yuyang, was in charge of settling these people.

And Xi Zhong is looking forward to it even more, knowing that the fleet is coming, it is the way to wait for this group of people at the Quanzhou Wharf!

When the huge fleet appeared at the Quanzhou Wharf, Xi Zhong immediately stepped forward to greet him and said, "Welcome to Yuyang County!"

"Brother Zhicai, stay safe!" Guo Jia said when he saw Xi Zhong cupping his hands.

"Brother Feng Xiao!" Xi Zhong also exclaimed in surprise!
The two old friends hadn't seen each other for 10 years, both of them were pleasantly surprised, and then the two settled the dispatch workers. After finishing their business, Xi Zhong led Guo Jia to his mansion!
Guo Jia looked at Xi Zhong and said with a smile: "Brother Zhicai, you have realized your original ambition now, but at the age of 30, you became the prefect of 2000 shi, and you are also the prefect of the capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are half a governor. I'm afraid it won't be many years before Brother Zhicai can take the position of Prime Minister!"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said: "It depends on luck, there are dozens of people ahead of me, if I can't go up within 40 years, then I'm afraid I will miss the position of prime minister in this life!"

Guo Jia looked at Xi Zhong with envy. At the beginning, Xi Zhong was confused about his future because of his cautious background, but now Xi Zhong is high-spirited. Not qualified!Apparently he didn't think his future was limited to the prefect position.

When he said this, Guo Jia was jealous. The temptation to rule the world is hard for any scholar to refuse, and he has no such opportunity at all.The separation at the beginning created their two paths now.

Then Xizhong saw Guo Jia and sighed: "Brother Feng Xiao is ten times more talented than me. If you join the Dagan, I'm afraid you won't even be the governor now. It's a pity you follow Cao Cao!"

Guo Jia calmed down and said: "Based on Lei Gong's attitude towards the nobles, even if I stay in Dagan, I'm afraid I can only become a small official. Liu He is still the eldest son of Liu Yu. How much Liu Yu left in Youzhou? Leaving virtue, but now Liu He can only become an official of Qianshi, and his position is also very idle, if I really stay in Dagan, I am afraid that I will not be much better than Liu He!"

Guo Jia still has self-knowledge on this point. From the people promoted by Lei Gong in these years, it can be seen that he still prefers to promote his confidantes. There is no poor family, but his family is an aristocratic family. It is impossible for such a background to be trusted by Lei Gong!
Then he said: "This time I will ask Brother Zhicai to take care of my subordinates!"

Xi Zhong nodded and said: "This is a good thing. They will rest in the barracks for a day first. I will prepare the supplies. You will start harvesting from the Quanzhou Military Reclamation Farm tomorrow and go north to Luping County! Arrange the 1 people for the Brotherhood The logistics will not make your people hungry and cold, but you have to tell Brother Wei, how efficient are these people in doing things, don’t they know everything?”

"Harvesting food is simple, but for savages who haven't done these things, they either cut off their own feet or their own hands, and the fields are often messed up! If it weren't for the lack of labor, brother I don’t want savages!”

Although Yuyang County is a frontier fortress, it also has its advantages, that is, it can recruit herdsmen on the frontier to help harvest grain. During this period of time, the herdsmen don’t have much to do, and they are willing to do some odd jobs, and the effect is just like what Xi Zhong said, often messing with food. There is really no choice, he really doesn't want to have these people with no farming experience!
Guo Jia said confidently: "This group of people already have 4-5 years of farming experience, and they don't think they are much worse than the hard-working farmers!"

Xi Zhong nodded and said: "That's good, as long as your labor force is excellent, I can ask the ruling party to keep them all here! Besides the completion of the autumn harvest, Yuyang still has the task of expanding waterways and building roads. It requires a lot of labor, so don't worry about having nothing to do when your people come to Yuyang!"

Guo Jia said: "That's good. Now there are shortages on Crab Island. We still plan to use this method to make money. 1 people are not our limit. As long as we succeed this time, we can send 10 laborers to Yuyang from Crab Island in the future." !"

Xi Zhong was also happy to hear that there were so many laborers. The officialdom of Dagan is relatively simple. Everyone is competing for political achievements. It seems that it is a wave of political achievements!
When Guo Jia was talking with Xi Zhong.The 1 people on Crab Island have been placed in a large military camp in Yuyang by Xi Zhong's subordinates. When they came, they ate white rice porridge with fish, and white flour steamed buns, and they were all shocked.

Most of Cao Cao’s Crab Island’s materials were used for construction, and the treatment of the Han Chinese who followed him to Crab Island can still be kept, but the savages who were captured by him as serfs should not be treated as good. For these savages, they can’t starve to death. It is already a very lucky thing, and it is the first time in many people's life that they can eat as much as today.

As a result, many people even managed to hold on to the three major bowls. If Xi Zhong hadn't prepared the doctor in advance, I'm afraid that these people would have to reduce their staff by several people before they did their work!
After eating, a pavilion chief of Dagan brought hundreds of soldiers, transported a large number of old bedding, and distributed a set of clothes for work to none of them. There was no way, Cao Cao could not be self-sufficient in cloth. Those savages are wearing clothes that they don’t know what to make of, and some are simply beggars, which is in line with their status as savages, but Xizhong can’t just let them do things like this, this will definitely cause panic among the local people, Xi Zhong can only get some old clothes for these people.

But this is an unprecedented surprise for the savages from Yuyang. They can not only eat, but also wear clothes when they come here. This is simply unbelievable!
"Watanabe, have we come to the paradise that the lord said!" A savage couldn't imagine.

"Here is Daqian!"

(End of this chapter)

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