I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 671, the pride of changing the world

Chapter 671, the pride of changing the world
In the golden autumn of September, the fragrance of wheat was wafting. After a short rest, these 9 people began to work as workers.

Xi Zhong led them to the Quanzhou Army Reclamation Farm. A large piece of land is connected horizontally and vertically.

Xi Zhong said proudly to Guo Jia: "This was originally a swamp. After I became the prefect of Yuyang County, I led the people to build 100 large windmills here, and pumped water for a year. The accumulated water in the swamp has been drained, and now it has become the most fertile land in the entire Daquan, even when there is no bird droppings, the yield per mu can exceed 5 shi."

"One such farm has 10 mu of land, and can harvest 50 shi of grain a year. There are seven or eight such farms in this swamp. In Yuyang County, I can harvest 400 million shi of grain a year." Food, it is precisely because of this batch of food that I can call on the people of the whole county to carry out various infrastructure constructions."

There are some military farms in Yuyang County itself, but in the second batch of land distribution policy, all this part of the land was divided up.In the Dagan imperial court, the income of the farms of the county and county governments generally belonged to the local local fiscal revenue.

At the beginning, Xizhong divided the land and divided the land, but the result was that the fiscal revenue of the entire Yuyang County government plummeted, and many officials could not even afford decent small benefits, which caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Xi Zhong found that the only way to solve this problem was to re-establish a farm or factory belonging to Yuyang County, but Xi Zhong didn't know much about the factory, so he dared not build it at will.In order to re-establish a military reclamation farm, most of the land in Yuyang County has been divided. Is there any large piece of wasteland suitable for a farm in other places.

Xi Zhong looked around on the map and found that the marshland near the coast of Quanzhou County was the place where he made great achievements.

During this period, the development level of Youzhou was very low, the wasteland had not been fully developed, and no one was willing to work hard to develop the swamp. It was difficult for ordinary people to really solve the problem of the swamp. They are also unwilling to make such hard work. It is easier for them to plunder the land in the hands of the people than to develop such difficult swamp land.

Therefore, the 800-mile swamp in Quanzhou has not been developed for thousands of years, and such a place is a godsend for the play.The people can't develop the swamp, but it's not difficult for the government. The coastal area of ​​Quanzhou County is blowing sea breeze all the year round. As long as a windmill is set up in the low-lying area, and then connected to the swamp with pipes, the water will be discharged into the sea. You can get a flat and fertile land.And the investment is not too high.

Xizhong did not encounter any difficulties in the development process of this road. He drained the water in one year, and organized farmers to reclaim farmland on some relatively dry land in the second year. After a few years, the swamp continued to shrink. Seven or eight farms with an area of ​​more than 10 mu have been established. The swampland in Yuyang County has become the largest agricultural center in Yuyang. The grain produced is directly supplied to the large commodity market in Jidu. The Yuyang government has made a lot of money.

After listening to Guo Jia, he said with admiration: "Brother Zhicai is a great talent, this swamp has lasted for thousands of years, and finally turned into a fertile land in your hands. I am afraid that after a thousand years, this land will still be passed down by Brother Zhicai. Like Li Bing and his son, the Zhicai Brotherhood will leave a name in history and pass it down through the ages."

Xi Zhong laughed and said: "Being able to serve as an official and benefit one party is also a joyful thing in the world. Without the support of the Dagan court, I would not be able to do such a thing. Feng Xiao thinks that such a project can be famous. I have a long history, but I don’t know that such a project can only be regarded as a normal thing for me.”

"There are at least a dozen such projects within the entire territory of Dagan. Under the leadership of the ruler, we court officials are constantly transforming the world to make it suitable for the people to live in. Each of us has the opportunity to change the world. Pride! There are no other obstacles to so many projects, and only the imperial court can do it. If the people of the powerful and noble families are still here, I am afraid that these fields in the hands of Brother Wei will not be able to be kept at all!"

Guo Jia was stunned, and smiled wryly after a long time: "Yes! Without the environment Lei Gong created for Brother Zhicai, Brother Zhicai would not have made such great political achievements in just a few years. Most of the credit should be attributed to Lei Gong."

Xi Zhicai is of course talented, but in the Han court, talented people like Xi Zhicai were not uncommon, not to mention car-mounted Douliang.

But in the environment of the Great Han Dynasty, where gangs formed factions and dissidents were excluded, even talented people had difficulty displaying their abilities, but had to spend most of their energy on guard against arrows in the back.

In the local area, the elites are also eating the interests of the big men. If they want to make a little change, they will be hindered by these elites, and even beat them out. Even the second generation of Cao Cao's top officials have been taught by the local elites. How can ordinary officials do too much in the land of the big man, it is the norm to be in the same dust as the light!
So even if the big man has Huangfusong and Zhu Jun.Unparalleled talents like Lu Zhi cannot give full play to their talents, but instead let their talents be wasted in endless internal strife.

Nowadays, officials like Xi Zhicai who have the arrogance of changing the world are almost invisible in the environment of the big man.

But in the land of Dagan, Xi Zhong said that he has such a large number of people and vehicles, and he saw dozens of such huge agricultural projects, and this kind of transformation of nature is everywhere in the land of Dagan. It is unimaginable that the national power is strong with great effort!
And just as the Guo family sighed, a chug sound came, and Guo Jia looked at the source of the sound.However, they found a steel monster running slowly in the field, which even caused panic among the people on Crab Island who were harvesting straw. They dropped their sickles one by one to escape from the range of the steel monster, and were driven back by Cao Zhen with a whip.

Guo Jia asked curiously: "What kind of strange machine is this? Its big chimney emitting black smoke seems to have something to do with your newly developed steam engine!"

Xi Zhong said with a smile: "This machine is called a steam harvester. It uses steam engines as power to harvest grain. One machine like this is more efficient than 100 people harvesting. This machine was developed a few months ago, and it is already An improved version is available for our experiments.”

(End of this chapter)

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