I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 743, huge fiscal deficit

Chapter 743, huge fiscal deficit
After half a year of fighting, Liu Bei's civil and military generals all gathered in Xinghan City, and at the same time Liu Bei began to reward his subordinates for their merits!
"Shi Ji, the soldiers who have made great achievements this time, regardless of whether they are Han Chinese or Tianzhu soldiers, are rewarded for their merit. Food, cloth and land are the most basic. Soldiers with outstanding military achievements should be promoted to grassroots first officer!"

Liu Bei still doesn't believe it, the military merit system of the big man, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, can't reform these Tianzhu soldiers!
Yuan Ji saluted and said, "No!"

But he thought for a while and said: "General, the concept of hierarchy of the Tianzhu people is extremely strong, and it will be difficult for us to break their concept in a short period of time. The subordinates feel that the general will not only reward them, but also find a way to get rid of them. The 20th-class knight title system is created, so that the effect is better than simple rewards!"

It must be said again here that the Han inherited the Qin system, but it was a relatively degraded system. In the Qin Dynasty, the 20th-class military merit system was strictly implemented (of course, the high-level is still an exception. The first emperor and his elder brother are There is no military merit, but it is the same as being a king, and the stepfather of the first emperor, Lao Ai, also has no merit in being a marquis, but the bottom layer is relatively strict, barely maintaining the flow of the upper and lower layers!)

This is no longer the case in the Han Dynasty, and it is fine for the upper class to seal the marquis indiscriminately, and the same is true for the lower class, which greatly reduces the political status of the title.

Perhaps Emperor Wen felt that the military was too powerful. In order to stabilize the emperor, he bestowed nobles on a large scale.

In this way, the titles at the lower level will be completely rotten. The doctor who was supposed to have five heads cut off will be rewarded by ordinary people after a few times. Naturally, it disappeared, lost the actual benefits, and the titles at the bottom were naturally worthless, so when Emperor Wu came, he used heavy rewards to win over the soldiers at the bottom.

And the misconduct of the Han emperors in the past also led to the collapse of the title system of the Han Dynasty. Only the marquis was left in the whole Han Dynasty, and it was worthy of the name. In the period of Emperor Ling, even the top titles such as Guanneihou and Liehou could be sold, and even the marquis who were involved could not be sold. It's worth it.

But now that Yuan Ji has discovered that Tianzhu has a solidified class, if he wants to raise the morale of Tianzhu soldiers, it is very suitable to take out the [-]th-class title system of the Great Qin Dynasty!

The group of military generals headed by Guan Yu basically nodded in agreement with Yuan Ji's proposal. This policy is extremely beneficial to their military generals. Military achievements can be seen and touched.Whoever has great ability will have a high official position. For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, the most basic standard for the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty was to become a lieutenant. If you don't stay in the army for a while, you don't even have the qualifications to become a prime minister!
And civil servants like Jian Yong who followed Liu Bei to Tianzhu did not object. During this period, everything was military, and their power could not be built into a powerful military machine, and they might not be able to gain a firm foothold in Tianzhu.So after discussing for a while, they all agreed to restart the Qin Dynasty's [-]th-class title system!
Then Jian Yong said to Liu Bei: "Ming Gong, since we defeated the Tianzhu coalition army, many scholars from Dagan Kingdom have come to join us. In the past six months, there have been more than a thousand people. How should we arrange them?"

Liu Bei was pleasantly surprised: "Investigate their abilities, and then distribute them to various government offices. Let's not talk about scholars now, even ordinary people who come to Tianzhu, they are also a huge support for us!"

Now that he has scholars to take refuge in, Liu Bei knows that the scholars in Dagan have confidence in him again, and this is extremely important for them to fight in Tianzhu. After all, Han people are a minority in Tianzhu. Strengthen yourself.Not to mention that they are still very knowledgeable scholars, they can become small officials at the grassroots level and help Liu Bei effectively rule Tianzhu.

Jian Yong continued: "There is also a group of schools from Jidu Mechanical University. They claim to have learned a lot of mechanical knowledge in Jidu, and they are willing to build a military factory for us and make artillery!"

That's right, this group of people is Pang Tong and the others. After they came to Tianzhu, they found that there was no shortage of scholars around Liu Bei. To some extent, this is the place with the highest literacy rate in Dagan (removing the Tianzhu people), and they followed Liu Bei. There are scholars from Nanzhong University everywhere, and it is difficult for them to be reused if they do not show special talents.

At this time, Pang Tong discovered that he could cast artillery and produce steam engines. These skills that he looked down upon before made him stand out, so he resolutely reported his specialty.

Hearing this, Liu Bei was very surprised and said: "Is there really such a great talent? Bei is willing to wait for a position in governance!"

Artillery is too important to Liu Bei now. It can even be said that he can be invincible in Tianzhu. Artillery should account for half of the credit, but the price of artillery is too high, but it costs more than 20 yuan, and it hurts Liu Bei to use it. Incomparable.

At the beginning, his artillery factory had been occupied by Dagan, and he had no way to establish an artillery factory in Tianzhu in a short time.

When he came back this time, he also wanted to ask Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping to hire some craftsmen who could forge cannons at a high price, but he didn't expect such master craftsmen to come by themselves.

Zhang Shiping said: "Pang Tong is an excellent student of the University of Mechanical Engineering. He invented a steam ship, which allows the ship to run without wind, and the speed is extremely fast. Nowadays, many rivers in Daqian are running this kind of steam ship!"

Su Shuang also said: "The general really wants to win over this group of mechanical university students, they can effectively reduce our financial deficit!"

Then he said worriedly: "Now our finances are extremely unhealthy. In this year alone, we spent more than 30 billion yuan of gold and silver and their respective jewelry copper coins. But we don't have enough special products to make this money. It will come, now we still have nobles who can collect gold and silver, but after the nobles of Tianzhu are finished, our finances will not be restored to balance, and our wealth will continue to flow to Dagan, and Tianzhu will be economically Depression, the people become impoverished!"

Zhang Fei hesitated and said: "Although we lost 30 billion gold and silver jewels, we gained 30 billion more food, cloth and ironware. It stands to reason that gold, silver and jewelry cannot be eaten or drunk, but food and cloth are for everyone. We need everything, this is what we earned! How could Tianzhu be poor?"

Su Shuang smiled wryly and said: "Although the sages said so, in fact, food can be grown from the land, and cloth can be woven from looms. Instead, gold, silver and jewelry can be produced, but it is extremely difficult to increase them." Without it, it is difficult to grow like food and cloth. At the beginning, the small country of Tianzhu was absorbed by the Dagan because too much gold and silver affected the economy, and after we occupy Tianzhu, it will be our turn to solve this problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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