I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 744, Tianzhu specialty

Chapter 744, Tianzhu specialty

When Liu Bei heard that there was a financial problem, he also said solemnly: "Is there no special product in Tianzhu that big businessmen need?"

"For merchants, shouldn't the profit of selling goods at both ends be higher?"

Zhang Shiping said with a wry smile: "Although this is the truth, we don't have any special products in Tianzhu, and we don't have enough food locally. Although cotton cloth is a special product in Tianzhu, the price is much higher than Dagan. No businessman will buy cloth from Tianzhu for transportation." The only goods I can sell to Dagan merchants are some local specialties and spices of Tianzhu and books of Tianzhu.

But the value of these goods is only hundreds of millions of dollars.Not nearly enough to offset our purchases from Dagan!Now our special products in Tianzhu can only be said to be gold, silver and copper coins, but we also need gold, silver and copper coins here! "

Another point that Zhang Shiping did not say is that the place Liu Bei now occupies is only a county in Dagan. It is normal for such a small site to have no special products, and even if there are special products, it cannot form an industrial scale.

After Zhang Shiping finished speaking, the atmosphere of the scene became solemn. Tianzhu’s finances cannot support their huge military expenditure in a short period of time. Now they can kill nobles and scrape off the gold and silver from the statues, but everyone knows that this is not true at all. A sustainable financial income.

Guan Yu said: "Then we have to find ways to reduce the purchase of goods from big money and save money to buy important goods, such as grain and cloth. We must try our best to help ourselves in Tianzhu. If we want to increase grain production, we can do it." Learning from Lei Gong to build water conservancy facilities, Tianzhu's climate can completely grow food in three seasons a year. As long as we work hard, we can be self-sufficient in food within a year.

And the cloth is also convenient to deal with. We can also buy advanced textile machines from Daqian and build our own textile factory. Didn’t the elder brother establish the silk textile industry in Jingzhou before, so that Dahan’s finances have never had any problems.

Although there is no silk textile industry here in Tianzhu, the cotton textile industry is also extremely developed. The reason why the price of cotton cloth here is high is that there are no advanced textile machines. As long as we find craftsmen, we can completely imitate these things. Over there, some scholars who can make steam engines come here. We can completely let them imitate steam looms and build a cotton textile industry. The price of cotton cloth is now higher than that of silk in large pieces. As long as we reduce the As for the cost, it is completely possible to use cotton cloth to counter the sales channel, which can reduce the loss of Tianzhu gold and silver. "

Liu Bei nodded and said: "Second brother is right. We need to lay a solid foundation from now on. We must pay attention to this group of scholars who came from the big cadres, and establish a large enough government-run enterprise! Reduce the loss of wealth."

Then he looked at the crowd and asked: "Can you think of any special products in Tianzhu that can meet the needs of Daqian!"

Zhang Fei said: "The climate here is so hot, planting sugarcane should not be a problem!"

Su Shuangdao: "General Zhang's method was still useful a few years ago, but in the past two years, he has expanded his territory outwards and opened up hundreds of reclamation sites in the South China Sea. Most of these reclamation sites are sugarcane. The price of brown sugar is between Daqian continues to decline, and we transport it from Tianzhu, I am afraid that the cost will not be able to beat Dagan's local cane sugar."

Zhang Fei laughed and said, "Why do we sell to Dagan? There is no shortage of brown sugar in Dagan. We can definitely sell to places where brown sugar is scarce. Countries like Tianfang use Tianfang's wealth to supplement our flowing wealth. Therefore, we You can simply buy brown sugar from Dagan at a low price and sell it to Tianfang.”

Zhang Shiping said: "Three generals, this is a good way. Brown sugar is a luxury no matter where it is, and it is more profitable than growing food!"

But he thought for a while and said: "General, we in Tianzhu can't say that there are no special products at all. Dagan has opened up hundreds of reclamation sites in the South China Sea, and now hundreds of thousands of Dagan people have rushed to the islands in the South China Sea for reclamation. And these deserted islands There is nothing in the world except savages. It has been three or four years since these hundreds of thousands of young and strong people came to the South China Sea. They barely established a qualified reclamation site. Now most of these young and strong people want to start a family and start a business, but they face every day. She is a savage, and it is very difficult to find a suitable daughter-in-law."

"But this problem is not a problem in our Tianzhu. Although the people at the bottom of Tianzhu look like dark-skinned and savages, but the nobles in the upper city of Tianzhu and their skin are white, and their appearance is also in line with the habits of our Dagan people. Even There are quite a few women like this, who can be regarded as beauties in my work. If these people are sold to these islands, it will not be a problem for such a woman to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars! I went to the South China Sea this time, and there are many islands The Lord is willing to buy these women at a high price."

Liu Bei said with an ugly face, "You want me to sell slaves?"

Liu Bei's bottom line is obviously a little higher, and it is difficult for him to accept such a thing as a slave owner.

Zhang Shiping said: "General, don't worry, there are no slaves in Dagan. If Lei Gong's subordinates dare to do such a thing, I am afraid that Lei Gong himself will kill his own subordinates. We are not selling slaves, but those who give big money. People looking for wives are regarded as matchmakers, and this can only be regarded as a matchmaker's money.

And the other nobles in Tianzhu don't need to kill them all. They are rich in knowledge and strong in body. They are much better than savages in farming and work, and they can also become foremen of officials and savages. They are also considered high-quality talents in the South China Sea. If people are sold to the South China Sea, one person can sell for 10,000+ money. The entire clan of nobles and monks may exceed a million people. As far as the deserted islands in the South China Sea are concerned, it is an extremely precious talent. This is a big market of trillions, which is enough to fill the vacancy in our big purchases. "

Although what Zhang Shiping said seemed to be righteous, in Liu Bei's opinion, it was not much different from human trafficking.

But at this time Yuan Ji said: "General, this is a good way to solve our financial deficit. The nobles of Tianzhu must not be able to stay here. Their existence will only affect our rule of Tianzhu. I will sell them." Going to the islands in the South China Sea to become the wives of the common people or to farm the land is much better than we brutally slaughtered them all in Tianzhu!"

Huang Zhongdao: "General, I don't know how many slaves there were in the past, but now even if these people are sold to the top, they can become normal people after a few years of hard work. Compared with the big guys before, they are considered lucky. What's wrong with that?" OK."

Wei Yan also followed up and said: "General, those who achieve great things don't care about small things, not to mention that these nobles from Tianzhu are still our enemies. Lei Gong has a good saying, treat the enemy like the autumn wind sweeps away. What you should care about is us People's living conditions, the lives of ordinary Indians, not the lives of these Indian nobles."

(End of this chapter)

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