I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 745, living like I hate

Chapter 745, living like I hate

Although Yuan Ji envied the nobles of Tianzhu for doing things that they failed to do in Dahan, he would not regard the nobles of Tianzhu as his own kind.

He even regarded the nobles of Tianzhu as enemies, but Yuan Ji didn't want to see another local noble in Tianzhu at this time. If these nobles from Tianzhu were not taken away, how would they rule Tianzhu from the nobles from the big Han.

And this is not only the meaning of Yuan Ji alone, it can be said that it is the common idea of ​​all the aristocrats and civil and military officials who came to Tianzhu who followed Liu Bei!

If the nobles of Tianzhu still have a little force, it is worth their wooing, but it is a pity that Liu Bei and the others despise the nobles of Tianzhu whether it is martial arts or martial arts, there is no price worth wooing at all!Instead, it became an obstacle for Yuan Ji and the others to rule Tianzhu. Yuan Ji naturally didn't want to see these nobles in Tianzhu.

At this time, Yuan Ji even understood Lei Gong's thoughts a little bit. Lei Gong's subordinates were more numerous than the entire powerful clan of the Han Dynasty. If they were not cleared away, how could Lei Gong's subordinates occupy the world!
Then Yuan Ji suddenly smiled wryly, because he found out that in the eyes of Lei Gong, their noble families of big men are just like wastes like the nobles of Tianzhu, not worth wooing, but a burden to the ruling, so he wanted to clear them out like this .Only at this time did he understand Lei Gong's thoughts!
Although his subordinates said so, Liu Bei still felt embarrassed!Because of Xu Wei's chaos in this world now, Liu Bei's life has gone much smoother, without the flexible moral bottom line like the original world!
But Guan Yu said: "Brother, as long as this kind of thing is beneficial to us in Tianzhu, we don't need to worry so much. When Lei Gong was in Tianzhu, he also faced the same situation as his brother. He didn't treat the wives and daughters of the elite families of Bingzhou and the high-level Hu people. Wives and daughters, marry your own subordinates, now big brother is just getting them to the South China Sea to marry the people of Dagan, it is better than killing them natives of Tianzhu!"

Lei Gong in this world can be said to be Liu Bei's idol. For more than ten years, he has been using the policy of copycats to do big things, and the results have been good, so he has always weakened the policy of doing big things to adapt to the actual situation of the big man.

In Tianzhu, Liu Bei also learned the policy of dealing with the nobles and nobles. For the aristocratic monks who committed the most heinous crimes, they were sentenced to death after trial.

Arrange them to the "untouchable" class and give them the lowest occupations, such as street sweeping, excrement digging and other lowest jobs in Tianzhu!
Killing and killing hearts, nothing more than this!

And the native people of Tianzhu were also extremely excited about such a thing. Not only were they happy to see these original superiors doing such a thing, they also tried their best to return all the humiliation that the nobles inflicted on them back to these people.

Therefore, these Tianzhu nobles are often beaten to death by ordinary people, and it is difficult for Liu Bei to stop the venting behavior of the Tianzhu people.

At this time, Zhang Shiping said: "General, Li Aimin in Luzon is willing to exchange cannons for people, they are willing to exchange one cannon for one beauty, and 10 less beautiful people for one cannon! The young and strong nobles in Tianzhu can also 10 people for one cannon!"

Zhang Fei was surprised and said, "Lu Song is so rich, he can use artillery to replace people!"

Zhang Shiping said with a smile: "Li Aimin and the others are lucky. They found a huge copper mine in Luzon. They can cast cannons at a low cost, but they lack high-tech talents. Although Luzon has copper mines, they are surrounded by savages. The people in Dagan also look down on the harsh environment in Luzon, so they are willing to pay a high price to buy nobles from Tianzhu!"

Su Shuang also said: "The same is true for other islands. Although they don't have copper mines, they can bring us brown sugar and palm oil. This kind of transaction can greatly reduce our financial deficit!"

Facing the temptation of artillery, Liu Bei finally lowered his bottom line and agreed to the deal!

But at this moment, a small official handed Yuan Ji a note.He was taken aback when he saw the above content, and then smiled helplessly at Liu Bei: "Duke Ming, we have been feared by the Dagan, and the Sinhala Kingdom has been occupied by a 1 army led by the Dagan Yan Liang!"

Hearing this, Liu Bei immediately showed a map of the whole territory of Tianzhu, and spread it on the conference hall. All the civil and military ministers around Liu Bei also gathered, and they finally found the location of Sinhala on the map.

Zhang Fei frowned and said, "Is Lei Gong trying to monitor our actions in Tianzhu? Dagan's navy is strong, and Lei Gong's subordinates have occupied the Sinhala Kingdom. Our rear will be unstable. If there is no one strong enough As far as the fleet is concerned, how Cao Cao was defeated in the first place, we may be defeated in the same way, and the defeat may be worse than Cao Cao!"

How Cao Cao was defeated back then!

People like Liu Bei will have a deep memory.

How Yangzhou was breached!

It made Guan Yu and others even more worried!

Chengdu was breached!
It made Liu Bei heartbroken!
Therefore, Liu Bei and the others cannot be too careful about Dagan's backstab tactics.Especially when there are so many examples.

So Lei Gong's current military action made everyone present a little panicked. They can be said to be completely defeated. How could they not be afraid of Lei Gong's military action.

Guan Yu thought for a while and said, "Maybe Lei Gong and the others knew about the news of Eldest Brother's victory over the Tianzhu Allied Forces, which aroused their fear. After all, the big man was destroyed by Lei Gong and the others, and Eldest Brother is going to rebuild the Great Han in Tianzhu and make it public.

We and Lei Gong can be said to be at odds with traitors. How could Lei Gong not worry about big brother? If we build a big man in Tianzhu, it will definitely affect the Western Regions and Jiaozhou in Dagan. Come and spy on us! "

Guan Yu's words made everyone nod their heads, and they felt that this should be the reason. Otherwise, it is impossible for the large-scale army to appear on the land thousands of miles away. After all, the South China Sea does not lack the land of Sinhala.

Zhang Fei said unwillingly: "Obviously we defeated the Tianzhu coalition army, and we also wiped out the elite of the Sinhala Kingdom. Otherwise, the Dagan army would not be able to occupy this place so easily. Their behavior now is simply outrageous." Picking peaches makes people feel disgusting, fortunately, I always thought that Lei Gong is a great hero, a great hero, I never thought that I would do such a backstab."

The others were also as angry as Zhang Fei. They followed Liu Bei's repeated defeats, and they had already lost the whole man. They finally saw a little hope in Tianzhu.Unexpectedly, Lei Gong would not let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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